The Glitched Cloner

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Learning his own abilities

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Virgil lay in the bed after being woken up by the moaning of Rachel and his now clone still fucking after he had worn himself out fucking her

He was feeling conflicted as he felt both cuckolded by his own clone, yet completely aroused by the scene

Rachel's pussy was sore by now, but she lay on her front while the clone lay still on her, his dick still in her pussy from the back, even though only half his dick could enter her

Her pussy was overflowing with the clone's cum and although Virgil did ejaculate in her earlier, it was clear that most of the cum covering the bed was the clone's

He wondered if she got pregnant, would the child be considered his even though it was probably his clone who got her pregnant?

Rachel opened her eyes and saw Virgil looking at him

"Virgil, I feel strange that your clone is watching us fuck" she said to his clone

"It's me, babe. That's the clone" Virgil said to her suddenly

"Oh..." Rachel said, suddenly feeling weird that she had been fucking the clone all along

Virgil pulled her in to hug her

"It's still me, babe. I control his every movement" Virgil said as Rachel looked at Virgil, then at the clone

She realized that they were identical in every way, but the clone simply obeyed Virgil's every thought

"Look....just relax" Virgil said as the clone crawled up her legs and started licking her pussy, still covered with cum

Rachel looked at the clone licking her and moaned, knowing that it was improbable that Virgil would lick up his own cum like that

She eventually fell asleep, her naked body sandwiched between the two identical men


They woke up the next morning, and took a shower as the two Virgil's showered and fucked Rachel in the shower

It was weird, but Rachel seemed to be getting used to making love to two lovers, even though both were the same person

To her, it was like having a threesome with identical twins, so much so, even their dicks were identical

That being said, she found that one seemed to have an endless amount of stamina while having sex, while the other one seemed to finish rather quickly, whom she assumed was the original

She kissed the both of them, trying to treat them both equally, but deep in her heart, she admitted the clone was the better lover

In fact, the original was already drying himself while the clone fucked Rachel some more in the shower

The clone seem to have endless amounts of energy and had cum in her endlessly all night and the latest time, the clone suddenly vanished after he ejaculated in her!

"Oh!" Virgil said as all the experiences and memories of fucking Rachel appeared in his mind

He seemed to have experienced and remembered fucking her in so many ways that he didn't remember doing himself!

"What... what happened?" Rachel asked, looking at Virgil concernedly 

"I think... the clone disappeared and I absorbed all his memories" he said

"All.. his memories?" Rachel asked

"All, including this" Virgil smiled, walking up to her and grabbing her ass, his finger poking her in her ass

She yelped and smiled and Virgil suddenly remembered the clone fucked her in the ass for the first time last night

Rachel thought it was the original who did so and she was very horny, but later on figured out that it was the clone that anally fucked her, not the original Virgil!

They smiled at each other awkwardly, Rachel feeling like she had cheated on Virgil, and him feeling cheated on,  but both of them rationalized that it was Virgil himself that was fucking her, and that was all that mattered

They got dressed and looked at the room. Since Virgil had discovered his power, they should go and get their registration completed so that they could start earning money

Besides, they had to move out of the motel room today, as they had run out of money, and should start hunting 


They walked into the Hunters guild of Sanctuary, the city built on the remnants of LA and San Diego

They walked in together and Rachel led Virgil to the registration room since her power had been verified already yesterday

"Oh! You're back! Have you discovered your ability yet?" the female scientist asked as she saw Virgil

Virgil nodded and the other scientists there started setting up the measurement equipment for Virgil as he stepped into a large area used for testing

They had watched Rachel demonstrate her power yesterday, and were eager to do more tests on her powers, but were also curious to see Virgil's powers as she walked in with him

Virgil stood in the middle of the testing area and started extending his hand

As expected, a cloud suddenly appeared before him, like he was summoning a creature by magic as a clone of himself appeared

It was no more difficult than him simply willing it to happen, and he wondered why it didn't work yesterday

But he realized, to his embarrassment that the clone was completely nude, as naked as he was last night!

He recognized that indeed the clone looked exactly like him naked, and he was excited to see the clone fuck Rachel the night before, but now he was starting to feel self conscious and saw that perhaps he should work out more if he wanted to be a hunter

It wasn't that he.. and the clone.. was unfit, but he was too skinny as he and Rachel had been starving the past few weeks as they had been broke

The scientists gave the clone a spare outfit and started testing both Virgil and the clone

The tests showed that although he could indeed summon the clone at will, but the clone and he had completely average stats

He was not any stronger, faster or anything, but they did discover that the clone was fitter than Virgil, and seemed to last all the endurance tests without getting tired

The scientists pushed the clone for hours, way after Virgil had ended his test, and Rachel already had her tests done

Finally, the clone collapsed and disappeared

"Oooh" Virgil moaned as he suddenly gained the experiences of the clone, including all the pain from the exercise

However, under normal conditions, Virgil would have passed out from such abuse, but because it was the clone that experienced it, Virgil only received the mental trauma, that seemed to strengthen his willpower instead

Finally, they were given their scores and results of their tests

The hunters were ranked from A Rank all the way down to F rank which was the lowest rank

Rachel was Ranked C and with experience, had the potential to grow to a A rank

But Virgil was ranked F, the lowest rank, because although he had a clone, his and the clone's abilities were nothing more than that of a normal person

That being said, at least the clone had the mental ability to push through his barriers and they concluded that by the time he vanished, he had pushed himself to death if it was the original doing it

In a way, it felt insulting to Virgil that he seemed normal, and even his clone was superior to him as it can push beyond human limits

They were given a stipend, a basic salary as a hunter, but Rachel's was much higher than Virgil's stipend

This would normally continue until they are recruited by one of the hunter teams and were offered a better salary

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Virgil was happy for Rachel, but deep inside, he felt a little disappointed that it seemed Rachel would earn more than her

Rachel insisted on using their stipend and they rented an apartment run by the Hunter's Guild that very day as they had nowhere else to go to


They barely moved into their new fully furnished apartment when Rachel received a call, then another and then yet another

Virgil looked at her as she took up to 8 calls within the hour, all from Hunter teams looking to recruit her

Virgil himself didn't receive a single call and felt slightly jealous, though he was happy for her

"Sorry Virgil. I have... to go. There are a few interviews lined up, 3 tonight and 5 tomorrow" Rachel said

"Don't worry, babe. I will move the rest of our stuff in and shop for food. I'll by a dinner to celebrate our success!" Virgil said

"Thanks babe. I'll be back for dinner" Rachel said as she kissed him and rushed off for the first interview


Late that night, Rachel returned looking apologetic

She saw the lavish dinner Virgil had bought, and it looked like he didn't eat his part too, waiting for her

She walked into the room, to find Virgil asleep in bed

"Oh! You're back! Do you want to eat dinner now?" Virgil asked, waking up when he heard her

"Sorry babe. I.. er had dinner already. The interviewers insisted. There were insistent" she said, removing her clothes to join him in bed

Virgil extended his hand and his clone appeared, naked 

"Er... not tonight babe. I have 25 interviews tomorrow" Rachel said

"I thought you had 5?" Virgil asked

"Well, there were so many more calls, and none of them wanted to miss out in case I took the other offers without giving them a chance. Let's fuck tomorrow, ok?" she asked

"Oh... I brought him out to clean up anyway" Virgil said as the clone went out to clean up from dinner

"But you haven't eaten yet" Rachel said

"I'm not hungry anyway" Virgil said and faced the other way as he pretended to go back to sleep

Rachel tucked herself under the blanket and hugged him from behind

But as Virgil turned to hug her back, he found that she was already deep asleep


The next morning, Rachel left early after kissing Virgil on the head as he was still asleep

She looked at the clone, sitting nude on the living room couch

Seeing that the clone was awake, and remembering that he would receive the clone's memories, she walked up to the clone and passionately kissed him

"Give this to Virgil, will you?" she smiled after kissing him and bent over to give the clone's cock a quick suck before leaving

Virgil woke up hours later and saw that Rachel had left

He saw his naked clone outside and decided that if no one recruits him, he should gain more experience and start getting fit first

He had noticed that when the clone pushes himself past his limit, the clone vanishes and he gains the clone's experiences and results if the hard work

So he dressed the clone and sent it out to train his strength and stamina at the gym, located several floors down in the guild

The clone started endlessly working out, moving the weights to the maximum load he could carry

Within hours, the clone dissipated after burning out all his strength tearing his muscles from the strain

Virgil was watching the news when he suddenly received the clone's experiences and memories

He suddenly "remembered" Rachel's lusty goodbye this morning, and felt the growth in strength

He immediately summoned the clone again and dressed him to go down and collect his previous clothes and working out again

By the time it was night, the clone had been sent to the gym 12 times, and was now maxing out the weights of the gym and he was on the brink of what a human could lift, after only 1 day

Virgil concluded that his power was not so useless after all, as he could constantly improve

He instead sent the clone out for a run

Rachel suddenly returned and saw Virgil sitting there

"Do you want to go for dinner? I want to discuss the teams that offered me a place" she smiled


"500,000 a week? That's incredible!" Virgil said 

"Yes, and that's only as a C Ranker! By the time I'm promoted, it will be 2 mil a week as a B Ranker, and 5 mil a week as a A Ranker" Rachel said excitedly

"Then which team is this?" Virgil asked

"Well, one of the most famous teams in the world, Olympus has offered me this much. If I accept, they will train me but during training, I won't be home much" she said

"It's ok, as long as you return to me. How long?" Virgil said, having heard of Olympus, one of the top 5 teams around

"It's for 2 months. This will include hunts into a few portals with a few veterans" she said

"I will miss you. But I too will be training myself up" Virgil said, himself discovering his own abilities

When she returned, he would surprise her with his improved attributes

Virgil told her that he hasn't been invited to a team yet, and had intended to train up more before being recruited, as he was still discovering his abilities

They returned and knowing she was going to leave for training tomorrow, they started making love

"Where.. where's your clone?" Rachel asked

Just at that moment, Virgil felt the clone dissipate after hours of running at top speed several times at the outer limits of the city of Sanctuary

With that, Virgil felt fitter and much more stamina as he summoned the clone again, nude in the room

Rachel was shocked as she noticed Virgil's body seemed to be impossibly ripped and muscular, even more so when the clone suddenly appeared

Was this her Virgil? The two muscular and ripped bodies wrapped around Rachel's naked body

They both made love to Rachel all night, this time with much more stamina than ever before

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