The Glitched Cloner

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – An Unexpected Upgrade

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Virgil has been training hard and sending his clones into a myriad of dimensions lately

He had been having a hard time getting around the fact that he was not really the original him, but a clone, and he was receiving multiple varied experiences from the many clones sent for training in the myriad dimensions

Having wanting to get stronger to take revenge on Olympus, he had levelled up 7 times in total and was able to produce 8 clones now

Ever since the "Prime" Virgil was killed, now as the new "Prime" Virgil was able to summon 8 clones, and was surprised that none of the other 8 clones were the original. 

After the original Virgil was killed, he felt it was safer to have himself hidden away safely while the clones did all the dangerous work, so even if they all died, there would still be one of him somewhere safe 

The other clones also naturally responded to him as the new "original" Virgil

Does that mean there was no original, and the identity of the original could simply switch between clones?

He attempted to switch the identity of the original, and indeed it was proven to be true

When he switched viewpoints to one of the other clones in a portal, he became acutely aware that the clone in the motel room was now the clone and he was the original

He concluded that he shouldn't think about it too much. since there were no conflicts among himself

While he sent the clones to 4 different worlds he could easily access, they all operated separately to gain the most experience

Each clone was experienced and capable of fighting multiple E ranked creatures now, but he guessed that they could probably take on C ranker if they paired or teamed up

But he hasn't gone for a reevaluation and remained a F Class. He didn't want Apollo or anyone else discovering that he was alive

Suddenly, simultaneously among all the clones while in the midst of battle, he felt a familiar feeling of absorbing memories of a clone that died

But this time it was a weird experience, suddenly finding himself facing Hercules, and being unable to move as his hands and legs were chopped off!

He wanted to yell, but he found that something was being shoved into his throat and he was forced to swallow it

Then Hercules laughed and suddenly revealed his erect large monster cock and shoved it in him!

What the hell? He couldn't tell where Hercules was shoving into him, but it he felt his flesh tearing from the intense pain

Hercules simultaneously started choking him and he started passing out just as he heard his neck crack

Usually when a clone died, the others received his memories and his mind reconciled the difference of the new memory and the shared memories they had

The unique memories will merely be at most that of a few days and it took barely a few moments to recognize that a clone had died and he was reabsorbing the clone's experiences and memories

But when this strange dream, or memory hit, suddenly they were all incapacitated due to the immensely large memory dump, immobilizing the clones

Right away several of the clones were killed as they were in the midst of battle and were paralyzed by the memory dump, while others tried to get away. But as he was now testing himself, one clone against multiple enemies, they always outnumbered his clones

So eventually, one by one, they were all killed, leaving only the "Prime" Virgil paralyzed on the ground in a motel room 


Several days had passed as he lay comatose on the floor

It took such a long time to reconcile the memories since the new memory dump was of a person who has lived hundreds of years longer than even all the clones ages put together!

The memories were alien, and all the knowledge and experience of this ancient being slowly became his

Fortunately, it was a natural ability of his to automatically defer to the original Virgil

Otherwise, this personality would have taken over

This personality was Princess Edora of the planet Aire, and the Kingdom she ruled was called Glandora

Through her memories, he saw the savage humans attack, and he recognized the members of Olympus and Asgard slaughter her people

Their sacred trees were burned and her people enslaved, and he even caught glimpses of Rachel fighting Edora's people in the background

Finally awake, he got off the ground and tried to summon his clones, seeing how he had somehow absorbed this new personality

Somehow he expected this, as there were now 7 identical clones of himself, and the 8th body he summoned was that of a beautiful naked female elf!

"Edora.,," Virgil mumbled looking at her as she turned her head to face him

"Virgil" she said, looking at her body. The last she remembered, her limbs had been severed and she was raped to death

Virgil walked and looked at Edora, up and down, as he discovered her anatomy was pretty much like that of a human, only with sharpened ears, and her body was physically perfect

Unlike the other clones who had Virgil's identical personality, Edora was completely different and spoke in an elegant accent

Although she didn't know english, now as Virgil's clone, she absorbed his knowledge in return. 

In fact, all the memories and experiences of Virgil's was hers, and all of hers was his. It was as if they were one person

But somehow, he didn't feel lust for her, and he felt, like she did, that she was himself

Although she was different than the other clones, as the other clones were identical to him and acted the same way, she was completely different from him, yet was part of him

The other thing he discovered was that although he gained all her experiences, they could only learn her skills, but not her powers

So for example, she was much stronger and faster than a human, but Virgil and his clones could only use her fighting skills but didn't have her strength or speed. In fact, some of the skills she physically do, was impossible for a human and would rip their muscles if he tried to imitate her

Certain skills like her magic was impossible for Virgil to follow, but at least her archery skills were easily absorbed by him

He experimented on summoning her too, and found that any of his clones could summon her, but only one of her could be summoned at any one time

So as he can summon 8 clones, only one of them could be Edora at a time

And he found that Edora could summon Virgil as well, although she can't summon any copies of herself

As she was considered his "clone", even if all the rest died, as long as she was alive, she could summon him

But does this mean that at that time, she could be considered the Prime Virgil?


Weeks later, Virgil was growing frustrated. He knew that if he continued in low level portals, he would never be able to get his revenge on the Olympians, since they regularly faced higher level portals and more powerful caliber invaders

And as he levelled up, his growth became more and more difficult and hunting in low level portals wasn't enough and he found himself getting complacent

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Especially since he can now summon Edora whenever he wanted, and she practically could destroy the whole low level mission by herself

He assumed if she was a hunter, her magical level would be pretty high, possibly A class or higher

After all, he received her memories and it seemed that she had fought both the Olympians and Asgardians and held Odin back until Zeus joined the fight to overpower her 

But while his other clones and his Prime self still was able to  level up when they hunted, but Edora's level seemed to be stagnant.

She was his secret weapon, but he needed her to get more powerful to get his revenge

He still wanted to keep the fact that he was alive a secret from Olympus

Fortunately, breaking all records for the lower leveled portals he has been going to has gotten him a reputation as "Virgin" the immortal man

For lower level hunters, the Hunters Guild didn't keep detailed records since hunters die all the time, but for those that regularly submitted in gemstones, they started taking notice

"Virgin" had submitted a record number of portal gemstones, though he kept back at least half for himself, but he still broke every record for the lower level dungeons

Finally he had an idea and talked to one of the administrators he was most familiar with

"What? You want to go to higher level portals? Why don't you get updated at the guild?" the administrator asked

"I.. uh... am unregistered" Virgil lied

"You.... you became a hunter... naturally?" the administrator asked in shock

 Virgil nodded

A natural hunter is a person who acquired a hunters abilities naturally through the radiation of the gemstones, but not with the help of the machines of the Hunters Guild

"No wonder. You've been breaking all the records and I have always wondered why you were still at this level. The other hunters have had glimpses of your fight and it was like watching a high ranker fight. Many of them thought you were just sandbagging" the administrator said

"No.. I needed the money" Virgil said

"Well.. tell you what. I will send you a recommendation to the Guild, for you to test your real level" the administrator smiled

"Thank you" Virgil said

"It's a shame that you won't hunt these lower level portals anymore. But many inferior hunters than you have already moved up a long time ago. You don't belong here" the administrator said

They shook hands and Virgil thanked him again


The scientists at the Guild were interested in him the moment they heard the infamous Virgin was coming in for a test

Unknown to Virgil, the scientists and administrators at the Guild had noticed him for some time as no one else has been submitting so many gemstones

Besides that, his record has been confusing as he has been randomly entering portals and exiting them, sometimes it seemed, simultaneously

They always thought that the local portal administrators were just lax in their reporting. But to enter 4 portals at once?

And he stayed days in a row, so they never knew when to expect him, but he usually turned up with a huge amount of gemstones, indicating how many monsters he has hunted

Quite a few times, he entered a portal, then no news from him, and he re-entered again without them noticing he had exited the dungeon

They never questioned this, as the portal administrators made everyone alot of money in commissions from his gems, but they always suspected that he had other powers besides his reported regenerative powers 

As he was masked, some scientists theorized that he was part of a group, not a single person. 

His test started with his physical, with him testing at the highest range that seemed humanly possible

His sword skills and archery skills were unmatched and arguably was superior to that of the Olympians Ares and Artemis

"Now.. your so called powers to regenerate?" a scientist asked

"How to you test this?" Virgil asked, prepared for this

"Er.. we've never has someone with this power before. How much damage can you take?" the scientist asked

"Ask the guard to shoot me" Virgil said, removing his top to show he wasn't protected by his armor

 The guard hesitated but the scientist nodded 

"Just don't shoot me in the head" Virgil said, still wearing his mask

They got ready and the guard shot him in the stomach, reluctant to try and kill him 

Virgil bent over in pain

With a thought, a cloud suddenly surrounded him as he unsummoned himself and resummoned another clone of himself

For a split second, it seemed that there was two of them, and his new body reappeared in a position next to where he stood

"What the hell was that?" one of the scientists asked, seeing the slow motion replay on the screens

"That's my power. I don't know how it works" Virgil lied

The scientist discussed among themselves before returning to Virgil

"We've decided that you should be ranked C Class. This is the same rating we give top physical fighters such as Artemis of the Olympus group or Katana of Elite group

Perhaps once you take more higher missions, you can get promoted, like Ares of the Olympus, who was upgraded to B Class"

Virgil was now officially ranked a C Class under the name Virgin, and that was good enough for him to take better missions





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