The Glitched Cloner

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Murder Most Foul

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"I am Apollo, God of Fire!" the man smiled

"What do you want? Is Rachel returning soon?" Virgil asked

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm her to tie up lose ends" Apollo smiled as his hand burst into flames

Virgil felt it was dangerous now, and dispelled all but two clones, retaining one in each portal they were in

But Apollo moved too fast and before he could summon his 4 clones, Apollo shot fire at Virgil's face

He didn't have time to react as flames hot enough to incinerate steel blasted Virgil's head off

"How dare someone take the lover of my leader's virginity" Apollo said angrily

Virgil's headless body collapsed to the ground as his neck still burned and Apollo stood over him to finish him off

"This will be proof to Hercules that the job is done" Apollo said, opening Virgil's pants and taking out his cock

He cut it off and cauterized it before turning the rest of his body to ash

"Quite small, if I do say so. Hercules' enormous monster would make Theia forget about this pretty fast" Apollo said as he kept the severed penis in his toga somewhere

He picked up his phone and dialed a number

"Ok, job done. Send a cleanup crew and prepare a fake goodbye letter" he said, leaving the apartment


In the two portal worlds, one filled with black human sized ants, and another with strange froglike creatures, two identical men stood stunned in their individual worlds

They had felt the death of the original body, but each received his memories and knowledge of what happened

But each suddenly became aware that they had become the original, as there were two of them left

They exited their portals after spending a week in both, each wearing a different mask and armor, and immediately one dispelled the other as they combined their memories and experiences

"Damn it! What do I do now? Olympus is too powerful to fight against now. But what about Rachel? Does she know?" he pondered as he disappeared to find another place to hide out in


Rachel returned to the apartment to find it immaculately cleaned

She wanted to see Virgil so badly, but she felt guilty as she had been sleeping with Hercules over the past month and a half

In fact, she had hoped that Virgil didn't notice that she was much more experienced and was presumably looser after fucking Hercules' monster cock for so long

In actuality, she had fucked Hercules more than she ever did Virgil, as she only fucked Virgil for two nights, while Hercules fucked her for more than a month, literally resizing her pussy to fit him

Not only was she Hercules' main girlfriend, but she was involved in the orgies that Olympus regularly had

But she had wanted to keep this a secret from Virgil, as she still loved him

That being said, she was now more experienced with sex, having fucked several of the "Gods" there, many at once

But she knew a secret, that Virgil could summon a clone

Perhaps she could have introduced him to the orgies, if she could get him admitted to Olympus

But when she found the letter on the table, and she collapsed to her knees when she read it

"No.. This cannot be! Virgil would never leave me" she cried

The letter was so unlike him, and talked about how he was unworthy of her, how only someone like Hercules could please her

She found the handwriting strange too, as it seemed that the whole letter was written in the handwriting Virgil used for his signature

She knew that Virgil liked to sign a particular style, but his usual handwriting was simpler and more blockish, unlike the flowery signature he used to make him seem distinguished

And there was no way he would address her as Theia in the letter

"I.. I need to see Hercules about his" she said as she stood up in tears


"No wonder she was so tight, if this was all he had" Hercules said, looking at the stuffed penis that Apollo gave to him

It was stuffed by the finest taxidermist that they knew, who had stuffed the many creatures that Hercules kept as trophies around their Olympus team building

"Yes, the materials inserted are made from the most durable materials from the many worlds, and should last even with your great strength, Hercules" Apollo smiled

Hercules looked at the squishy toy, made from the skin of Virgil's balls and penis and squeezed it in his mighty hand, and the penis expanded outwards while the balls were crushed

"Good, a stress reliever suitable for a God. What happened to the rest?" Hercules asked, squeezing the penis and letting go over and over again as the penis expanded and contorted to multiple shapes

"I.. It's still being aged, as you like it" Apollo smiled

"Good. I can't wait to see Theia unknowingly eat the penis tonight" Hercules laughed as did Apollo


Rachel came home, crying that something was suspicious as her boyfriend Virgil was missing

"Antonio... please help me. Something is wrong. My boyfriend Virgil is missing" she said

"I told you not to call me by that name. I'm Hercules now. Surely he must have felt inferior compared to me and bowed out" Hercules laughed

"No! He's not like that. He sacrificed everything for me. But there are so many things wrong with the farewell letter. For one, he called me Theia. I'm not sure he even knows that name" Rachel said

"Come on now darling. Who knows why an inferior F Class will do silly things. Maybe he is slumming and found another woman" Hercules said

"No! He won't. I know him" Rachel said

Hercules grew frustrated and just simply hugged her, pulling her to his chest

"Now, now. I'm sure everything will be alright. I will send Apollo or someone to investigate. Alright?" Hercules said, looking down on her pretty face

Behind her back, he was squeezing the squishy toy made from Virgil's penis skin

"O... ok. Please find him" Rachel said, unable to do anything else

"Now... let's have some fun" Hercules said, pushing her down to his erect cock

Rachel really wasn't in the mood, but was forced to comply and open her mouth, lest the large thing impale her face and poke her eye out or something

Suddenly, Hermes burst in, ignoring the fact that Rachel was sucking on Hercules' cock

"What is it?" Hercules asked

"It's an emergency! A new portal has emerged!" Hermes said

"Fucking.. I can't even get a moment of rest" Hercules yelled as he ordered Hermes to gather the forces

"Well, there's still time till they gather" he said as he lifted Rachel up with his mighty hands and opened her toga, slowly lowering her onto his huge cock

Rachel moaned as the huge thing entered her. She wasn't in the mood, but she knew that Hercules will force himself onto her if she resisted and she didn't want to get hurt


Apollo, Dionysus, Ares, Poseidon, Hades, Artemis and Athena gathered in the room and saw Hercules fucking Rachel aka Theia

"For fuck's sake Hercules" Artemis scolded

"Are you jealous you and I are no longer a thing?" Hercules teased as he carried Rachel up and down his cock in reverse cowgirl style

"Zeus is coming. Have some decorum" Athena said

"I'll give you some decorum" Hercules said, cumming in Rachel, who was now comatose from the huge organ stuck in her pussy

"Hercules! If you fuck her so much, she wouldn't be tight enough for me tonight" Zeus said as he walked in

"Sorry Zeus!" Hercules laughed as did the other men

He carried her off his cock and pushed her to Artemis who was standing nearby

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Artemis and Athena helped Rache,l her pussy overflowing with his cum as they helped clean her up

"Here's the plan. There's a joint assault into the new portal. The bastard Asgardians have also been called to help" Zeus said

 "Good. I want a rematch with that Thor again" Hercules said, punching his own hand and cracking his knuckles

"This is no time for a personal vendetta. The Hunter's guild has rated this a B Class portal. But it might very well be higher class" Zeus said

"Whatever, we'll fuck them up. And lets have an orgy tonight" Ares said, licking his lips a she looked at Rachel, together with Artemis and Athena

Artemis and Athena were used to this, even though they didn't like it. But with Rachel here, at least there was a new woman to play with and they might be left alone


The battle was vicious and brutal. Both the Olympias and Asgardians brutally attacked the invaders who were Elves

It wasn't that they invaded, but that there was a portal created with Earth, and to Sanctuary city in particular

In their view was the humans that were invading, and the elves were only defending themselves and their land

Rachel watched the surroundings, wondering if they were doing the right thing

Ares was gleefully playing with severed heads of elves, and the others were no better

Hades was emanating a death aura and all elves within a certain radius just simply died

Artemis was frustrated as she was an archer. But the elves were matching her arrow for arrow and she was on the back foot

"Weak woman" Zeus said as he pushed her aside and shot lightning at the elves

They were protecting a certain direction of the forest, and in the back, they could see several massive trees that had leaves of gold and silver, and a multitude of lights

Now, the Olympians, and for that matter the Asgardians too had abilities roughly matching their names. This was why they were recruited for their teams in the first place

It wasn't that they were really gods, but many of them were high rankers, such as the leaders of the teams

For the Olympians, it was Zeus and Hercules, and Zeus was rumoured to be even an S Class and was a damage dealer with lightning abilities

The Asgardian Odin was similarly rumoured to be an S class, but was a mage

While some of the others like Artemis was a C class, as was Theia 

The battle lasted several days as the two teams ripped the world up

Hercules grunted as he pulled out the last massive tree from the ground, and Apollo burned those that have felled

A female elf screamed in grief seeing the destruction of their sacred trees, but the Olympians only laughed at her

She was the leader of the elves and was apparently a mage, able to hold off against both teams for several hours

In fact, if not for the joint forces, she was having an upper hand against Odin when Zeus joined the attack!


Privately, there was a plan with the Olympians and Asgardians they conquered the latest world

As with the agreement with the Hunters Guild, they both jointly owned the rights to the planet and all the resources in it

They haven't yet conquered the entire alien world, as they didn't even know how big it was, but for the nearby area, they had wiped out the elven civilization

There were hundreds of elves, bound in chains the plan was to sell the elves as sex slaves would be sold in action to the rich billionaires who were interested

The elves were very good looking and would fetch a good price. There were other resources too, but there was more study to be done in the world

Virgil caught a news snipped that the Olympians and Asgardians had successfully prevented the invasion of the new world

The only thing told was that the evil elves were hell bent on conquering our world

Virgil watched as Hercules openly hugged and kissed Rachel in the news snippet and he could see Hercules' hand entering her toga from hugging her neck and was clearly playing with her breast

He turned off the TV, unable to take it anymore

"Did you forget about me this easily?" Virgil raged, tears flowing from his eyes

From what he saw, the Olympians were more vulgar and brutal than he thought

He needed to train more, he concluded

At the same time, he pondered if he should feel this way. After all, wasn't he a clone and the original dead? Why should he care?


"Why aren't you eating your meal?" Hercules asked with a smile

Rachel sat silently, knowing that Hercules hadn't sent anyone to look into finding Virgil

"You.. you said you would send someone to look for him" Rachel said

"Look for who? Your loser ex-boyfriend? You're still thinking of that?" Hercules asked, and stared at the severed penis parts, cooked in and hidden in a mini beef wellington, made especially for her

"Yes! I became a hunter for him!" Rachel yelled

"And here you are fucking me, aren't you?" Hercules said

"I can't believe you" Rachel said, getting up and storming out

"Damn, what a waste" Hercules said, picking up the "Dick Wellington" with his hand and walking over to his prize from the other world

It was the female elf, the leader and mighty magician that caused them so much trouble that it took both Odin and Zeus to defeat her

She was very beautiful in a ethereal way, and several of the Olympians had already raped her before presenting it to him as he wanted her body

Her arms and legs had been cut off and there were only stumps at her elbows and knees to prevent her from casting spells

She looked at him defiantly, chained to the table as he grabbed her pussy and shoved his finger into it

His large fingers caused her to scream in pain, as elven men only had thin long penises with the width of pencils

"No point wasting the dish I prepared for her. You eat it!" he said

As she screamed, he shoved the dick dish into her mouth and forced her to swallow the whole thing

She choked on the penis dish but Hercules kept her mouth closed as he took out his huge dick, erect and frustrated from Rachel storming out

As the elf leader choked on the dick dish, he shoved his dick into her pussy, which caused her to scream in pain as her pussy was ripped apart

He fucked her while pushing the food down her throat with his fingers in her mouth

Before long, she stopped moving as he enjoyed the final spasms of her pussy before dying

"Dead already? It doesn't matter. Tomorrow, you will be stuffed as my latest toy" Hercules said with a sly smile as he sent her away for processing

Now that they were meeting human looking creatures, Hercules wanted to make trophies of them, like he did with Virgil's penis. Perhaps he should have kept Virgil's whole body and forced Rachel to fuck him, telling her it's a sex toy

"It would be fun to see her unwittingly fuck her own boyfriend's headless body" he laughed to himself

Two days later, Rachel was shocked to see the naked elf in Hercules' bedroom

She was stuffed and dead, without arms and legs like the other day, but Hercules lay on her body like a pillow

"Wha... what the hell Hercules?" Rachel asked

"Oh this? It's my new sex toy. Anatomically correct, see?" he asked, picking the elf toy up and opening her pussy and ass with his fingers to show Rachel

"That... that's macabre" Rachel said

"Oh don't be jealous. It's just a trophy" Hercules smiled and pulled her to bed

Before long, they were fucking as the elf pillow lay silently nearby 


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