The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 14: 14

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What's it like being friends with a goddess?

Second Update

So it's my personal feeling, that anyone who is appreciative of a "moment of beauty" is one who will become a goddess.

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

"You lost it, so it's only right for you to give her back one in return. I'll take yo shopping for one, or would it be better to just pay back the cost?"

After they got home, Xiaoya couldn't hide the truth from them any longer, telling her mother that night about how she had lost a schoolmate's phone. But contrary to her expectations, Xiaoya's mother didn't say anything bad, only asking: "Is this the roommate who let you borrow her phone?"

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

Forcing Xiaoya's eyes to widen as she complained, "You're always telling me I'm fat, yet you still keep feeding me a bunch of fish and meat. Captain told me if I don;t control my diet and just wing my skin care my face will end up looking like the surface of the moon!"

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

A commentor said that goddesses are made through wealth. Even though my goddess is also a rich person—and her pocket money is just as much as my entire family's assets—I don't agree with this statement.

So my goddess opened Facebook and found a picture for me to see. It was a picture of an ocean skyline, and it had the caption: the sky was very blue.

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried


You see, when it comes to my goddess, in addition to her beautiful face, perfect figure, and refined temperament, there isn't any situation in which she would ever give up her pursuit of 'beauty'.

Xiaoya's mother then directly made her turn her face so she could see, adding: "There are only a few acne marks here and there. Didn't I tell you before they'd get better in a few years?"

Hear me out. A very long time ago, I read this article. It was about a designer living in a rich neighbourhood, who once saw a little girl fishing through the garbage bins. But what caught his eye about her, was that after she was done, she had put everything back into them one by one. This was quite a rare sight to see, as other scavengers wouldn't care about those scattered pieces of trash left behind.

A commentor said that goddesses are made through wealth. Even though my goddess is also a rich person—and her pocket money is just as much as my entire family's assets—I don't agree with this statement.

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

Lu Xiaobei: how are things now?

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

The designer was curious about this too, so they asked the little girl: "Why are you doing this? The sanitisation workers will clean it up anyhow?"

The designer was curious about this too, so they asked the little girl: "Why are you doing this? The sanitisation workers will clean it up anyhow?"

I said: "I'd snap a set of 3x3 photos, fix my position, saying not a word and pretend as if I'm all cool and low-key."

Xiaoya: Alright. My mom told me to go to bed early, so I'll sign off first. Goodnight.

Hear me out. A very long time ago, I read this article. It was about a designer living in a rich neighbourhood, who once saw a little girl fishing through the garbage bins. But what caught his eye about her, was that after she was done, she had put everything back into them one by one. This was quite a rare sight to see, as other scavengers wouldn't care about those scattered pieces of trash left behind.

A commentor said that goddesses are made through wealth. Even though my goddess is also a rich person—and her pocket money is just as much as my entire family's assets—I don't agree with this statement.

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

However, this the little girl, while looking at the fresh grass, simply replied: "But it will take the sanitisation workers a long time to get here, and the beauty of a moment is also something beautiful."

    (5 minutes later)

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Apart from knowing about Chanel because my goddess has a lot of things from that brand, I don't actually know any other high-end luxury brands. I'm just a simple otaku who's able to happily live out her life as long as I have internet, a phone or computer, and take-out. Heehee

Xiaoya hugged her mother for a few minutes, then said hello to her father after she regained herself. While her parents carried her luggage back to their car, she turned around to find Lu Xiaobei, wanting to bid her farewell.

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

However, I believe there is no way someone like me could become a goddess.

Afterwards, that little girl became a model born from the slums.

Lu Xiaobei: how are things now?

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

"I don't know, but the captain does really well in her studies. What about her phone?"

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

So it's my personal feeling, that anyone who is appreciative of a "moment of beauty" is one who will become a goddess.

On top of that, there was also her studies and mastery. My goddess knows two foreign languages (whose levels are almost as god as her mother-tongue), plays two instruments (at a professional level), and is proficient in both tea ceremony and floral arrangement. While I...

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.

Lu Xiaobei: how are things now?

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Apart from knowing about Chanel because my goddess has a lot of things from that brand, I don't actually know any other high-end luxury brands. I'm just a simple otaku who's able to happily live out her life as long as I have internet, a phone or computer, and take-out. Heehee

Maybe there'll come a day when even I could buy a luxury good company with my money and won't need to flex just by posing.

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

It's not about not going to work everyday and being a full-time wife[1] at home who'd spend fifty percent of her time researching perfumes, cosmetics and designer bags. But about when times are tight, her being willing to bake a cake or two, or read a couple books of actual substance. It's when the years pass and her hair turns grey, her combing her hair carefully each day; her making sure her clothes are washed perfectly clean; and her keeping her home tidy and neat.

It's not about not going to work everyday and being a full-time wife at home who'd spend fifty percent of her time researching perfumes, cosmetics and designer bags. But about when times are tight, her being willing to bake a cake or two, or read a couple books of actual substance. It's when the years pass and her hair turns grey, her combing her hair carefully each day; her making sure her clothes are washed perfectly clean; and her keeping her home tidy and neat.

    (3 minutes later)

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

This was the answer, which made me suddenly recall that recently my goddess seemed to have been taking are of me like a mother—to an even greater degree at that. So I got the feeling as if she was trying to cultivate me into becoming another goddess too.

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

"You lost it, so it's only right for you to give her back one in return. I'll take yo shopping for one, or would it be better to just pay back the cost?"

    (3 minutes later)

"You lost it, so it's only right for you to give her back one in return. I'll take yo shopping for one, or would it be better to just pay back the cost?"

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

At the dinner table, Xiaoya's dad flipped over his newspaper and zoned in on Xiaoya's face with sharpened eyes, saying seriously: "It's not like the surface of the moon."

However, I believe there is no way someone like me could become a goddess.

And yes, this picture was taken by my goddess when she was in the Maldives.

And yes, this picture was taken by my goddess when she was in the Maldives.

I said: "I'd snap a set of 3x3 photos, fix my position, saying not a word and pretend as if I'm all cool and low-key."

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

This was the answer, which made me suddenly recall that recently my goddess seemed to have been taking are of me like a mother—to an even greater degree at that. So I got the feeling as if she was trying to cultivate me into becoming another goddess too.

If I had money the kind of money my goddess had, I probably spend it all collecting brand name handbags like stamps. While we were at the fair, I had bought a purse as a gift for my goddess. Then, after we got back to our room, my goddess changed out her purse for the one I had just gifted her. A girl I was at winter camp with told me that the purse my goddess had previously was a Chanel...

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

    (3 minutes later)

Second Update

However, this the little girl, while looking at the fresh grass, simply replied: "But it will take the sanitisation workers a long time to get here, and the beauty of a moment is also something beautiful."

On top of that, there was also her studies and mastery. My goddess knows two foreign languages (whose levels are almost as god as her mother-tongue), plays two instruments (at a professional level), and is proficient in both tea ceremony and floral arrangement. While I...

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

Second Update

Hearing this, Xiaoya's father scooped himself a bowl of the meat right in front of her, replying, "Eat it or don't. Just don't cry about it tomorrow."

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

Anyhow, one night, I was talking with my goddess about the Maldives. Supposing we had gone there together one day...

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

I said: "I'd snap a set of 3x3 photos, fix my position, saying not a word and pretend as if I'm all cool and low-key."

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

So my goddess opened Facebook and found a picture for me to see. It was a picture of an ocean skyline, and it had the caption: the sky was very blue.


But before Xiaoya could close it herself, her father had already started rolling up the back window from the driver's seat.

However, this the little girl, while looking at the fresh grass, simply replied: "But it will take the sanitisation workers a long time to get here, and the beauty of a moment is also something beautiful."

Maybe there'll come a day when even I could buy a luxury good company with my money and won't need to flex just by posing.

And yes, this picture was taken by my goddess when she was in the Maldives.

But before Xiaoya could close it herself, her father had already started rolling up the back window from the driver's seat.

Maybe there'll come a day when even I could buy a luxury good company with my money and won't need to flex just by posing.

Xiaoya: It's not that I can't tell you. I just... I just found out the real reason my family sent me to winter camp.

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Apart from knowing about Chanel because my goddess has a lot of things from that brand, I don't actually know any other high-end luxury brands. I'm just a simple otaku who's able to happily live out her life as long as I have internet, a phone or computer, and take-out. Heehee

Xiaoya: That guy didn't accept the traffic police's proposition, and wasn't satisfied with the compensation from the insurance company. The lawyer even told him that if it went to court the judgement would be upheld. After that, that guy found my dad's company and went there to make trouble. So my parents were scared he would also come make trouble at our house, which is why they sent me to winter camp.

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

Xiaoya looked at the meal her mother lovingly made just for her laid out in front of her, the mouth watering food she pined over during winter camp, and very hesitantly refused over and over, "I can't eat it. If I eat too many dishes like these the acne on my face will come back."

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

Xiaoya kept talking without interruption for over ten minutes, to the point where her mother had to interrupt her, saying, "Alright, I got it. So how about you eat your dinner first, okay? I made your favourite, braised pig feet with soybeans. If you wait too long it'll get cold."

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

    (3 minutes later)

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

What's it like being friends with a goddess?

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

When Xiaoya got off the bus, she was greeted by the sight of her anxious parents waiting for her. Xiaoya's mother while holding onto her umbrella with one hand, held her daughter tightly n the other, as her daughter had never been away from home for so long.

You see, when it comes to my goddess, in addition to her beautiful face, perfect figure, and refined temperament, there isn't any situation in which she would ever give up her pursuit of 'beauty'.

Xiaoya hugged her mother for a few minutes, then said hello to her father after she regained herself. While her parents carried her luggage back to their car, she turned around to find Lu Xiaobei, wanting to bid her farewell.

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

Xiaoya hugged her mother for a few minutes, then said hello to her father after she regained herself. While her parents carried her luggage back to their car, she turned around to find Lu Xiaobei, wanting to bid her farewell.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

Xiaoya's mother then directly made her turn her face so she could see, adding: "There are only a few acne marks here and there. Didn't I tell you before they'd get better in a few years?"

So my goddess opened Facebook and found a picture for me to see. It was a picture of an ocean skyline, and it had the caption: the sky was very blue.

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

The northern wind blew with an icy chill, making it feel as though it contained tiny daggers, while the closely woven rain drops obscured her line of sight. Soon Xiaoya's hand was tugged by her mother, the woman pushing her into the car as she said, "It's freezing out. Hurry and get into the car so you can warm yourself up."

Anyhow, one night, I was talking with my goddess about the Maldives. Supposing we had gone there together one day...

When Xiaoya got off the bus, she was greeted by the sight of her anxious parents waiting for her. Xiaoya's mother while holding onto her umbrella with one hand, held her daughter tightly n the other, as her daughter had never been away from home for so long.

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

What's it like being friends with a goddess?

Xiaoya's mother then directly made her turn her face so she could see, adding: "There are only a few acne marks here and there. Didn't I tell you before they'd get better in a few years?"

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

The courage to voice out her ideas was also something Xiaoya had gained during that winter camp. But right as Xiaoya was about to speak, her father spoke up first: "She's grown up now, so she's old enough to know about important family matters."

But before Xiaoya could close it herself, her father had already started rolling up the back window from the driver's seat.

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

Xiaoya's mother then directly made her turn her face so she could see, adding: "There are only a few acne marks here and there. Didn't I tell you before they'd get better in a few years?"


全职太太: it means full-time wife and can be synonymous with housewife (家庭主妇) but there is a difference in how it's used sometimes. Unlike housewife it can refer to women of a higher economic status that can outsource the average housewife-ly duties.

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

The northern wind blew with an icy chill, making it feel as though it contained tiny daggers, while the closely woven rain drops obscured her line of sight. Soon Xiaoya's hand was tugged by her mother, the woman pushing her into the car as she said, "It's freezing out. Hurry and get into the car so you can warm yourself up."

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.

After they got home, Xiaoya couldn't hide the truth from them any longer, telling her mother that night about how she had lost a schoolmate's phone. But contrary to her expectations, Xiaoya's mother didn't say anything bad, only asking: "Is this the roommate who let you borrow her phone?"

After they got home, Xiaoya couldn't hide the truth from them any longer, telling her mother that night about how she had lost a schoolmate's phone. But contrary to her expectations, Xiaoya's mother didn't say anything bad, only asking: "Is this the roommate who let you borrow her phone?"

    (5 minutes later)

    (5 minutes later)

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

"You lost it, so it's only right for you to give her back one in return. I'll take yo shopping for one, or would it be better to just pay back the cost?"

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

"I don't know, but the captain does really well in her studies. What about her phone?"

This was the answer, which made me suddenly recall that recently my goddess seemed to have been taking are of me like a mother—to an even greater degree at that. So I got the feeling as if she was trying to cultivate me into becoming another goddess too.

"You lost it, so it's only right for you to give her back one in return. I'll take yo shopping for one, or would it be better to just pay back the cost?"

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Apart from knowing about Chanel because my goddess has a lot of things from that brand, I don't actually know any other high-end luxury brands. I'm just a simple otaku who's able to happily live out her life as long as I have internet, a phone or computer, and take-out. Heehee

Xiaoya: "I won't. While I was at winter camp I also developed my will power."

全职太太: it means full-time wife and can be synonymous with housewife (家庭主妇) but there is a difference in how it's used sometimes. Unlike housewife it can refer to women of a higher economic status that can outsource the average housewife-ly duties.

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

With this, the incident of the cellphone was handled without a hitch, causing Xiaoya to believe the situation was unreal. Compared to it, what got the bulk of Xiaoya's parents attention was what happened to the acne on her face!

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

The winter camp was over, but the friendship between those four young girls had only just begun. Before they parted, they made a group and had started chatting since the day of their parting.

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

全职太太: it means full-time wife and can be synonymous with housewife (家庭主妇) but there is a difference in how it's used sometimes. Unlike housewife it can refer to women of a higher economic status that can outsource the average housewife-ly duties.

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

At the dinner table, Xiaoya's dad flipped over his newspaper and zoned in on Xiaoya's face with sharpened eyes, saying seriously: "It's not like the surface of the moon."

Xiaoya: After they investigated, the police said the one who was responsible was clear, the pedestrian being the one mainly responsible, and he was sentenced to pay seventy percent of the damages, while my dad had to pay thirty. My father agreed to it without objection. Then after the guy was hospitalized, my parents went to take them some fruit, and brought them health products too. The compensation was even paid off by the insurance company. They thought it was over, but the surgery on the guy didn't turn go too well and his leg serious after effects.

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

Xiaoya's mother then directly made her turn her face so she could see, adding: "There are only a few acne marks here and there. Didn't I tell you before they'd get better in a few years?"

You are reading story The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling at

Xiaoya: It's all settled now. My dad paid him some more money for his injury, to get peace of mind, and also got the guy to sign a settlement agreement. So regardless of whether their post operative recovery is successful or not, it'll have nothing to do with my family.

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

If I had money the kind of money my goddess had, I probably spend it all collecting brand name handbags like stamps. While we were at the fair, I had bought a purse as a gift for my goddess. Then, after we got back to our room, my goddess changed out her purse for the one I had just gifted her. A girl I was at winter camp with told me that the purse my goddess had previously was a Chanel...

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

So it's my personal feeling, that anyone who is appreciative of a "moment of beauty" is one who will become a goddess.

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

Xiaoya kept talking without interruption for over ten minutes, to the point where her mother had to interrupt her, saying, "Alright, I got it. So how about you eat your dinner first, okay? I made your favourite, braised pig feet with soybeans. If you wait too long it'll get cold."

When Xiaoya got off the bus, she was greeted by the sight of her anxious parents waiting for her. Xiaoya's mother while holding onto her umbrella with one hand, held her daughter tightly n the other, as her daughter had never been away from home for so long.

Xiaoya looked at the meal her mother lovingly made just for her laid out in front of her, the mouth watering food she pined over during winter camp, and very hesitantly refused over and over, "I can't eat it. If I eat too many dishes like these the acne on my face will come back."

Hear me out. A very long time ago, I read this article. It was about a designer living in a rich neighbourhood, who once saw a little girl fishing through the garbage bins. But what caught his eye about her, was that after she was done, she had put everything back into them one by one. This was quite a rare sight to see, as other scavengers wouldn't care about those scattered pieces of trash left behind.

Xiaoya: Captain is really sharp.

The courage to voice out her ideas was also something Xiaoya had gained during that winter camp. But right as Xiaoya was about to speak, her father spoke up first: "She's grown up now, so she's old enough to know about important family matters."

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

Lu Xiaobei: @xiaoya are you online? Why aren't you saying anything

Xiaoya: It's all settled now. My dad paid him some more money for his injury, to get peace of mind, and also got the guy to sign a settlement agreement. So regardless of whether their post operative recovery is successful or not, it'll have nothing to do with my family.

Forcing Xiaoya's eyes to widen as she complained, "You're always telling me I'm fat, yet you still keep feeding me a bunch of fish and meat. Captain told me if I don;t control my diet and just wing my skin care my face will end up looking like the surface of the moon!"

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

On top of that, there was also her studies and mastery. My goddess knows two foreign languages (whose levels are almost as god as her mother-tongue), plays two instruments (at a professional level), and is proficient in both tea ceremony and floral arrangement. While I...

Xiaoya: Alright. My mom told me to go to bed early, so I'll sign off first. Goodnight.

Forcing Xiaoya's eyes to widen as she complained, "You're always telling me I'm fat, yet you still keep feeding me a bunch of fish and meat. Captain told me if I don;t control my diet and just wing my skin care my face will end up looking like the surface of the moon!"

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

With this, the incident of the cellphone was handled without a hitch, causing Xiaoya to believe the situation was unreal. Compared to it, what got the bulk of Xiaoya's parents attention was what happened to the acne on her face!

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

    (5 minutes later)

The designer was curious about this too, so they asked the little girl: "Why are you doing this? The sanitisation workers will clean it up anyhow?"

Hearing this, Xiaoya's father scooped himself a bowl of the meat right in front of her, replying, "Eat it or don't. Just don't cry about it tomorrow."

Maybe there'll come a day when even I could buy a luxury good company with my money and won't need to flex just by posing.

Xiaoya: "I won't. While I was at winter camp I also developed my will power."

Lu Xiaobei: I'll see you at school the day after the next. Goodnight.

So my goddess opened Facebook and found a picture for me to see. It was a picture of an ocean skyline, and it had the caption: the sky was very blue.

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

The designer was curious about this too, so they asked the little girl: "Why are you doing this? The sanitisation workers will clean it up anyhow?"

Lu Xiaobei: I'll see you at school the day after the next. Goodnight.

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

However, I believe there is no way someone like me could become a goddess.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

Xiaoya's mother very suddenly and obviously froze for a second, yet he still pretended like nothing was wrong as she replied, "I already told you, it was because we needed to fix up the house."

However, I believe there is no way someone like me could become a goddess.

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

The courage to voice out her ideas was also something Xiaoya had gained during that winter camp. But right as Xiaoya was about to speak, her father spoke up first: "She's grown up now, so she's old enough to know about important family matters."

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

Xiaoya kept talking without interruption for over ten minutes, to the point where her mother had to interrupt her, saying, "Alright, I got it. So how about you eat your dinner first, okay? I made your favourite, braised pig feet with soybeans. If you wait too long it'll get cold."

Xiaoya: After they investigated, the police said the one who was responsible was clear, the pedestrian being the one mainly responsible, and he was sentenced to pay seventy percent of the damages, while my dad had to pay thirty. My father agreed to it without objection. Then after the guy was hospitalized, my parents went to take them some fruit, and brought them health products too. The compensation was even paid off by the insurance company. They thought it was over, but the surgery on the guy didn't turn go too well and his leg serious after effects.

So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

Second Update

Lu Xiaobei: If you're able to tell me, I can share the burden with you


So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

The winter camp was over, but the friendship between those four young girls had only just begun. Before they parted, they made a group and had started chatting since the day of their parting.

Forcing Xiaoya's eyes to widen as she complained, "You're always telling me I'm fat, yet you still keep feeding me a bunch of fish and meat. Captain told me if I don;t control my diet and just wing my skin care my face will end up looking like the surface of the moon!"

On top of that, there was also her studies and mastery. My goddess knows two foreign languages (whose levels are almost as god as her mother-tongue), plays two instruments (at a professional level), and is proficient in both tea ceremony and floral arrangement. While I...

Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

However, this the little girl, while looking at the fresh grass, simply replied: "But it will take the sanitisation workers a long time to get here, and the beauty of a moment is also something beautiful."

    (5 minutes later)

Lu Xiaobei: If you're able to tell me, I can share the burden with you

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

Forcing Xiaoya's eyes to widen as she complained, "You're always telling me I'm fat, yet you still keep feeding me a bunch of fish and meat. Captain told me if I don;t control my diet and just wing my skin care my face will end up looking like the surface of the moon!"

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried

Second Update

Lu Xiaobei: @xiaoya are you online? Why aren't you saying anything

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried

全职太太: it means full-time wife and can be synonymous with housewife (家庭主妇) but there is a difference in how it's used sometimes. Unlike housewife it can refer to women of a higher economic status that can outsource the average housewife-ly duties.


Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

What's it like being friends with a goddess?

However, this the little girl, while looking at the fresh grass, simply replied: "But it will take the sanitisation workers a long time to get here, and the beauty of a moment is also something beautiful."

Lu Xiaobei: @xiaoya are you online? Why aren't you saying anything

Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

You see, when it comes to my goddess, in addition to her beautiful face, perfect figure, and refined temperament, there isn't any situation in which she would ever give up her pursuit of 'beauty'.

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

The winter camp was over, but the friendship between those four young girls had only just begun. Before they parted, they made a group and had started chatting since the day of their parting.

A commentor said that goddesses are made through wealth. Even though my goddess is also a rich person—and her pocket money is just as much as my entire family's assets—I don't agree with this statement.

But her mother urged her, saying, "Eating just a little will be fine."

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

With this, the incident of the cellphone was handled without a hitch, causing Xiaoya to believe the situation was unreal. Compared to it, what got the bulk of Xiaoya's parents attention was what happened to the acne on her face!

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

Xiaoya hugged her mother for a few minutes, then said hello to her father after she regained herself. While her parents carried her luggage back to their car, she turned around to find Lu Xiaobei, wanting to bid her farewell.

Lu Xiaobei: @xiaoya are you online? Why aren't you saying anything

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

Xiaoya: It's not that I can't tell you. I just... I just found out the real reason my family sent me to winter camp.

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

Something like that is impossible of course. In two days winter camp will be over, and I'm already missing my goddess a little.

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

Xiaoya: ...

Xiaoya: Alright. My mom told me to go to bed early, so I'll sign off first. Goodnight.

Lu Xiaobei: @xiaoya are you online? Why aren't you saying anything

Xiangyi: Damn... Good thing my mom never got remarried

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

The winter camp was over, but the friendship between those four young girls had only just begun. Before they parted, they made a group and had started chatting since the day of their parting.

It's not about not going to work everyday and being a full-time wife at home who'd spend fifty percent of her time researching perfumes, cosmetics and designer bags. But about when times are tight, her being willing to bake a cake or two, or read a couple books of actual substance. It's when the years pass and her hair turns grey, her combing her hair carefully each day; her making sure her clothes are washed perfectly clean; and her keeping her home tidy and neat.

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

Xiaoya: Captain is really sharp.

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.

You see, when it comes to my goddess, in addition to her beautiful face, perfect figure, and refined temperament, there isn't any situation in which she would ever give up her pursuit of 'beauty'.

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

Xiaoya was praised, but she wasn't particularly happy about it. So after thinking for a while, she still went on to ask, "About the winter holiday, why did you send me to winter camp in the first place?"

Lu Xiaobei: If you're able to tell me, I can share the burden with you

Xiaoya: Captain is really sharp.

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

After both Xiaoya's mother and father agreed in response, Xiaoya ran straight to a mirror to see. There were no bulging bumps, and no signs of black or white heads festering. The acne which remained were only slightly protruding, and most of the rest were just marks. Bur Xiaoya believed that as time went on those would all become faded, and then they'd be gone.

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

Xiaoya: It's not that I can't tell you. I just... I just found out the real reason my family sent me to winter camp.

Afterwards, that little girl became a model born from the slums.

    (3 minutes later)

The winter camp was over, but the friendship between those four young girls had only just begun. Before they parted, they made a group and had started chatting since the day of their parting.

So my goddess opened Facebook and found a picture for me to see. It was a picture of an ocean skyline, and it had the caption: the sky was very blue.

So in the end, Xiaoya didn't get to say her goodbyes to the captain.

Xiaoya: After they investigated, the police said the one who was responsible was clear, the pedestrian being the one mainly responsible, and he was sentenced to pay seventy percent of the damages, while my dad had to pay thirty. My father agreed to it without objection. Then after the guy was hospitalized, my parents went to take them some fruit, and brought them health products too. The compensation was even paid off by the insurance company. They thought it was over, but the surgery on the guy didn't turn go too well and his leg serious after effects.

Xiaoya: Plus, just looking at you guys chatting is nice.

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

What's it like being friends with a goddess?

Xiaoya: before my final exams, my dad was working the night shift at work. On his way home one night, there was a drunk pedestrian who didn't use the zebra crossing and suddenly walked into the road. My dad hit him by accident. Luckily, no one died. But my dad called the ambulance (120) and reported the traffic accident (122). He also paid the pedestrian's medical bills and went to the police to file a report.


The courage to voice out her ideas was also something Xiaoya had gained during that winter camp. But right as Xiaoya was about to speak, her father spoke up first: "She's grown up now, so she's old enough to know about important family matters."

Xiangyi: @yichen hows stuff with your family after you got home?

"I don't know, but the captain does really well in her studies. What about her phone?"

Yichen: same as usual. Not as good as it was in that small town. I just got finished changing my little brother's diaper.

Xiaoya: After they investigated, the police said the one who was responsible was clear, the pedestrian being the one mainly responsible, and he was sentenced to pay seventy percent of the damages, while my dad had to pay thirty. My father agreed to it without objection. Then after the guy was hospitalized, my parents went to take them some fruit, and brought them health products too. The compensation was even paid off by the insurance company. They thought it was over, but the surgery on the guy didn't turn go too well and his leg serious after effects.

At the dinner table, Xiaoya's dad flipped over his newspaper and zoned in on Xiaoya's face with sharpened eyes, saying seriously: "It's not like the surface of the moon."

Xiaoya hugged her mother for a few minutes, then said hello to her father after she regained herself. While her parents carried her luggage back to their car, she turned around to find Lu Xiaobei, wanting to bid her farewell.

Xiaoya was super excited about it too. She didn't look n the mirror often, and her schoolmates at the winter camp saw her everyday so she never thought the change in her appearance was any thing truly significant, asking, "Did i really change that much?"

Xiaoya: I don't know what to say.

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

When Xiaoya got off the bus, she was greeted by the sight of her anxious parents waiting for her. Xiaoya's mother while holding onto her umbrella with one hand, held her daughter tightly n the other, as her daughter had never been away from home for so long.

The northern wind blew with an icy chill, making it feel as though it contained tiny daggers, while the closely woven rain drops obscured her line of sight. Soon Xiaoya's hand was tugged by her mother, the woman pushing her into the car as she said, "It's freezing out. Hurry and get into the car so you can warm yourself up."

Xiaoya: That guy didn't accept the traffic police's proposition, and wasn't satisfied with the compensation from the insurance company. The lawyer even told him that if it went to court the judgement would be upheld. After that, that guy found my dad's company and went there to make trouble. So my parents were scared he would also come make trouble at our house, which is why they sent me to winter camp.

Hearing this, Xiaoya's father scooped himself a bowl of the meat right in front of her, replying, "Eat it or don't. Just don't cry about it tomorrow."

If my goddess was also put in my room, then... then even if I was dreaming I would wake up laughing!

This was the answer, which made me suddenly recall that recently my goddess seemed to have been taking are of me like a mother—to an even greater degree at that. So I got the feeling as if she was trying to cultivate me into becoming another goddess too.

A quite pleased with herself Xiaoya returned to the dinner table and shared the skin care tips she learned with her mother, saying, "I used the facial cleanser and moisturiser Captain got me, it's medicinal makeup. The cleanser Captain uses wasn't suitable for my skin so she bought me a bottle of Dabao at the supermarket."

Xiaoya kept talking without interruption for over ten minutes, to the point where her mother had to interrupt her, saying, "Alright, I got it. So how about you eat your dinner first, okay? I made your favourite, braised pig feet with soybeans. If you wait too long it'll get cold."

Lu Xiaobei: how are things now?

"Yeah. She even made food for me and helped me with my lessons most of the time." Xiaoya replied, though feeling rather embarrassed that the captain busied herself with stuff related to her each day, yet at that time also made more demands in her ignorance.

Xiaoya: It's all settled now. My dad paid him some more money for his injury, to get peace of mind, and also got the guy to sign a settlement agreement. So regardless of whether their post operative recovery is successful or not, it'll have nothing to do with my family.

Xiaoya looked at the meal her mother lovingly made just for her laid out in front of her, the mouth watering food she pined over during winter camp, and very hesitantly refused over and over, "I can't eat it. If I eat too many dishes like these the acne on my face will come back."

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

--Beep beep. Lu Xiaobei opened a direct message window, asking: What's wrong?

Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

Xiaoya: ...

—— —— —— From the dividing line who's looking forward to the start of school—— —— ——

Xiaoya: "I won't. While I was at winter camp I also developed my will power."

When Xiaoya got off the bus, she was greeted by the sight of her anxious parents waiting for her. Xiaoya's mother while holding onto her umbrella with one hand, held her daughter tightly n the other, as her daughter had never been away from home for so long.

Xiaoya wanted to give back the money, but she knew Lu Xiaobei wouldn't accept it, and so replied: "I'll go buy t back myself."

Yu Xiaoya's reply:

Xiaoya: That guy didn't accept the traffic police's proposition, and wasn't satisfied with the compensation from the insurance company. The lawyer even told him that if it went to court the judgement would be upheld. After that, that guy found my dad's company and went there to make trouble. So my parents were scared he would also come make trouble at our house, which is why they sent me to winter camp.

Xiaoya: Alright. My mom told me to go to bed early, so I'll sign off first. Goodnight.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

"You gave her trouble, didn't you. If you get the chance invite her over to hang out, alright? But she is a third year, though... so does she have the time to?" Xiaoya's mother asked.


Lu Xiaobei: Your parents have had a hard new year, so be good at home, alright?

Xiaoya: It's not that I can't tell you. I just... I just found out the real reason my family sent me to winter camp.

Hear me out. A very long time ago, I read this article. It was about a designer living in a rich neighbourhood, who once saw a little girl fishing through the garbage bins. But what caught his eye about her, was that after she was done, she had put everything back into them one by one. This was quite a rare sight to see, as other scavengers wouldn't care about those scattered pieces of trash left behind.

Lu Xiaobei: I'll see you at school the day after the next. Goodnight.

Xiaoya: "I won't. While I was at winter camp I also developed my will power."

Second Update

"Good going, sweetie. I can even see that you hold your back straight as you walk. Look like sending you to winter camp was worth it."

Afterwards, that little girl became a model born from the slums.

However, I believe there is no way someone like me could become a goddess.

The rain falling on the car window looked like a little stream, one constantly washing everything away and preventing Xiaoya from seeing anything outside. So opening he window, Xiaoya trying to call out to Lu Xiaobei, but her mother stopped her, saying: "Aren't you scared of the car getting watered down, or your clothes getting soaked? Close that window at once."

The day winter camp ended it rained rather heavily.

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