The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling

Chapter 15: 15

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First Update

This novel was posted on cntranslationss [dot] blogsp0t [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

The time for holidays were always brief.

After hearing this, for a long time, Xiaoya didn't say a word.

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

"Why are people saying Xiaoya's the spy? I've never seen her running off to Mr. Nan's office or anything."

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

First Update

The upcoming period was a break, so after dealing with Mo Yichen, Mr. Nan just left.


But, today, Mr. Nan had brought along some good news.

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

After this, Xiaoya regretted not running up there and curse at him, saying: "Do you think this is funny?! Do you think this is a game?! Is telling them it's not me going to kill you?!" She even hated herself for not not running out of the classroom to the principal's office to tear into that brain damaged man right then and there.

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

After this, Xiaoya regretted not running up there and curse at him, saying: "Do you think this is funny?! Do you think this is a game?! Is telling them it's not me going to kill you?!" She even hated herself for not not running out of the classroom to the principal's office to tear into that brain damaged man right then and there.


When she entered the classroom, Xiaoya said hello to a few students who sat in front of her. Even though they didn't have much contact after school was done, there were still people she would have to complete group assignments with while they were at school, and would also occasionally gossip about celebrities in the break periods after a class.

But Mo Yichen herself pointed to the seat beside Xiaoya and asked: "Sir, can I go sit over there?"

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"


The two boys turned their heads back around, and the girl seated in front of Xiaoya said with a smile, "Happy New Year! It's just that it's rare for you to be the one greeting us."

To hell with quality education! Just give one less class! Not doing so will be a lifelong regret for all us students, you hear!

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

"Really?" Xiaoya took her seat, thinking it over to realise, that's seems to be true.

This was the schools signature. Almost all of the student there would be admitted to a C9, the top nine universities in the country; and with any luck, there'd even be one or two who get into TsinghuaT/n: Peking University is ranked at #1 and Tsinghua is #2. or Peking university.

The girl in front: "Didn't you have to go visit relatives? Are you're relatives all here then?"

But Mo Yichen herself pointed to the seat beside Xiaoya and asked: "Sir, can I go sit over there?"

When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

When someone looked over, Mo Yichen just politely nodded without smiling or saying a word. Seeing this, the others in the class couldn't help but scamper out the classroom, temporarily choking down their need to get closer to their new classmate.

First Update

When she entered the classroom, Xiaoya said hello to a few students who sat in front of her. Even though they didn't have much contact after school was done, there were still people she would have to complete group assignments with while they were at school, and would also occasionally gossip about celebrities in the break periods after a class.

The girl up in front then added: "Yu Xiaoya, you got a lot fairer over the holidays."

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

Mo Yichen: "Because even though I had a hunch I wouldn't get into the AP classes, I only found out about it today. As a result, every one of his sentences stabbed me and left a wound. Even just now, the way his fingers moved as they pointed, looked just like someone who was picking out vegetables at the market. If he was in my old class, everyone there would suck their teeth at him. It must not have been easy for you."

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

There, standing silently, was the fair-skinned and delicate featured Mo Yichen, with long, soft, hair reaching all the way to her chest. Regarding these looks of hers, Mo Yichen was just above the average person, but that unique and indifferent air of hers made others drawn to her but also made them not dare to get close.

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.


Mr. Nan's lack of admittance or denial had placed Xiaoya into an even more unbearable situation.

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

"Really?" Xiaoya took her seat, thinking it over to realise, that's seems to be true.

The girl in front: "Didn't you have to go visit relatives? Are you're relatives all here then?"

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

The upcoming period was a break, so after dealing with Mo Yichen, Mr. Nan just left.

Xiaoya: "No, I just went to the winter camp over the holidays."

Mr. Nan in return asked her: "That place is really far in the back, will you be able to see?" Mo Yichen, for a girl her age, was also rather tall. She stood at one hundred and sixty centimetresT/n: 5'3", but during the winter vacation a lot of the boys in class had also shot up like bamboos. So if she sits all the way in the back, it was possible she wouldn't be able to see.

However, what she never expected was for him to first ramble on about a bunch of nonsense, then simply announce the end of class. He didn't even say the spy wasn't Yu Xiaoya, he didn't say anything at all!

At first, Xiaoya thought when Mr. Nan brought up the matter it was a just her luck. She even hoped he would no longer play his game of Mission Impossible in the future.

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.


Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

The girl in front: "Winter camp? I thought there was nobody from our class who went. Did you get to play around?"

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

Xiaoya clearly knew something was different, fundamentally different from before.

Mr. Nan's lack of admittance or denial had placed Xiaoya into an even more unbearable situation.

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

Yu Xiaoya wrote beautifully as she silently took her notes.

Xiaoya: "Plus, it's great that you came to the same conclusion as me, really freaking great!"

However, what she never expected was for him to first ramble on about a bunch of nonsense, then simply announce the end of class. He didn't even say the spy wasn't Yu Xiaoya, he didn't say anything at all!

The girl in front: "Geez, that sucks~"

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

For traversing on that ocean of knowledge, and experiencing the joy of understanding the unknown, made her want to give this day a ninety point ranking. But on account of what happened later that afternoon, she was willing to grant it a solid hundred.

It was a new term of school, a new day.

Xiaoya: "Okay."

To hell with quality education! Just give one less class! Not doing so will be a lifelong regret for all us students, you hear!

The girl up in front then added: "Yu Xiaoya, you got a lot fairer over the holidays."

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

"I fell out of the top one hundred in the final exams last semester."

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

Before Xiaoya could reply the bell for the first lesson of the day had rung. Senior high school wasn't like junior high school at all. Unlike in junior high where on the first day of the term the only thing you had to do was report in then spend the rest of the day resting. In senior high, it was daily lessons as usual or exams.

However, what she never expected was for him to first ramble on about a bunch of nonsense, then simply announce the end of class. He didn't even say the spy wasn't Yu Xiaoya, he didn't say anything at all!

This was the schools signature. Almost all of the student there would be admitted to a C9, the top nine universities in the country; and with any luck, there'd even be one or two who get into TsinghuaT/n: Peking University is ranked at #1 and Tsinghua is #2. or Peking university.

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

Mr. Nan in return asked her: "That place is really far in the back, will you be able to see?" Mo Yichen, for a girl her age, was also rather tall. She stood at one hundred and sixty centimetresT/n: 5'3", but during the winter vacation a lot of the boys in class had also shot up like bamboos. So if she sits all the way in the back, it was possible she wouldn't be able to see.

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

Right then, the class monitor for class three came over. She was a girl with bob-length hair, and had taken the initiative to introduce herself to Mo Yichen, saying, "Mo Yichen, where do you live? I can can go there with you later to help explain everything since you're new in class."

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

To hell with quality education! Just give one less class! Not doing so will be a lifelong regret for all us students, you hear!

Mo Yichen: "Because even though I had a hunch I wouldn't get into the AP classes, I only found out about it today. As a result, every one of his sentences stabbed me and left a wound. Even just now, the way his fingers moved as they pointed, looked just like someone who was picking out vegetables at the market. If he was in my old class, everyone there would suck their teeth at him. It must not have been easy for you."

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

There, standing silently, was the fair-skinned and delicate featured Mo Yichen, with long, soft, hair reaching all the way to her chest. Regarding these looks of hers, Mo Yichen was just above the average person, but that unique and indifferent air of hers made others drawn to her but also made them not dare to get close.


"Alright then. You can go take go take a seat there for now. But next time there's a seating change, I'll switch your seat."

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

First Update

Yu Xiaoya wrote beautifully as she silently took her notes.

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

Earning Xiaoya's reply, "I really hope you get into the AP classes. But if you don't, I'm really happy you're here in our ordinary classes."

"I fell out of the top one hundred in the final exams last semester."

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.

For Xiaoya, life at school was now better than she had imagined. But this was not because the students around her had changed, no, it was because her own way of thought had. Before, when she sat alone at her desk, she may have looked indifferent on the outside, but on the inside she was in fact lonely. However, now, as she sat there alone, held dearly within her heart was the captain along with the other friends she had made at winter camp; while in her head, was a mind stuffed full of knowledge. Her entire being was happy, her entire being was content.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.

Xiaoya: "Okay."

So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

The class monitor ripped out a piece of paper directly from her notebook, scribbling down a string of numbers before giving it to Mo Yichen, "That's fine, you can just add me when you go online."

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.


Xiaoya clearly knew something was different, fundamentally different from before.

This was a rare exception for her, as it was uncommon for her to have such a strong feeling of resentment towards another person.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

The girl up in front then added: "Yu Xiaoya, you got a lot fairer over the holidays."

It was a new term of school, a new day.


For traversing on that ocean of knowledge, and experiencing the joy of understanding the unknown, made her want to give this day a ninety point ranking. But on account of what happened later that afternoon, she was willing to grant it a solid hundred.

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.

In her class, the home-room teacher was a man in his thirties surnamed Nan, and he was a person Xiaoya greatly did not like.

There, standing silently, was the fair-skinned and delicate featured Mo Yichen, with long, soft, hair reaching all the way to her chest. Regarding these looks of hers, Mo Yichen was just above the average person, but that unique and indifferent air of hers made others drawn to her but also made them not dare to get close.

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

Mr. Nan in return asked her: "That place is really far in the back, will you be able to see?" Mo Yichen, for a girl her age, was also rather tall. She stood at one hundred and sixty centimetresT/n: 5'3", but during the winter vacation a lot of the boys in class had also shot up like bamboos. So if she sits all the way in the back, it was possible she wouldn't be able to see.

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

This was a rare exception for her, as it was uncommon for her to have such a strong feeling of resentment towards another person.

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

It was all due to an incident that began at the start of the semester just passed, one where Mr. Nan assigned Xiaoya—a girl—the one single seat at the back of the class. Xiaoya wasn't happy about this one bit, but somebody had to sit there, and it was something she understood.

Xiaoya couldn't help herself from adding to her complaints, "At the beginning of every semester he even gives us all a piece of white note paper then make us write anonymous suggestions on how to manage the class. And one time, I remember him saying he was thinking about ways to manage the class at two o'clock in the morning. I really, really, wanted to tell him to tell him to just prepare the lessons properly and not make the class so go awful, and that would make the class a hundred times better than any of his insane ideas."

"Really?" Xiaoya took her seat, thinking it over to realise, that's seems to be true.

"It's okay now. I'll be with you from now on." Mo Yichen comforted.

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.

"It's okay now. I'll be with you from now on." Mo Yichen comforted.


To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

Xiaoya didn't understand it at the time, her only thought being that teacher of hers just watched a few too many spy films and was trying to act it out at school. At least it was like this until the first month of school had passed, where the yet to have made any friends, Xiaoya, overheard two girls from her class talking about her.

To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

In her class, the home-room teacher was a man in his thirties surnamed Nan, and he was a person Xiaoya greatly did not like.

Furthermore, back then, Xiaoya couldn't think up a way out of it, and lacked the courage to stand up for herself too. So all she could do was squeeze her arms and try to not let herself cry in front of them. Maintaining at least that last bit of her dignity took all the strength she had left.

"Why are people saying Xiaoya's the spy? I've never seen her running off to Mr. Nan's office or anything."

Xiaoya sighed, then replied: "He doesn't target anyone, he's just toxic and insane. I. loathe. him."


But Mo Yichen herself pointed to the seat beside Xiaoya and asked: "Sir, can I go sit over there?"


If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

The girl in front: "Winter camp? I thought there was nobody from our class who went. Did you get to play around?"


He clearly knew everyone was assuming it was her, as well as trying to lay the blame for their demerits on her head. Yet, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just happy someone else had helped in diverting attention away from the real spy he had there.

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

Xiaoya: "Okay."

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

The girl in front: "Geez, that sucks~"

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.

In her class, the home-room teacher was a man in his thirties surnamed Nan, and he was a person Xiaoya greatly did not like.

What's more, doing something like that would just make her look like an idiot.

The class monitor ripped out a piece of paper directly from her notebook, scribbling down a string of numbers before giving it to Mo Yichen, "That's fine, you can just add me when you go online."

When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

The girl in front: "Geez, that sucks~"

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

This was the schools signature. Almost all of the student there would be admitted to a C9, the top nine universities in the country; and with any luck, there'd even be one or two who get into TsinghuaT/n: Peking University is ranked at #1 and Tsinghua is #2. or Peking university.

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"

So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

It was a new term of school, a new day.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

Xiaoya sighed, then replied: "He doesn't target anyone, he's just toxic and insane. I. loathe. him."

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

Xiaoya couldn't help herself from adding to her complaints, "At the beginning of every semester he even gives us all a piece of white note paper then make us write anonymous suggestions on how to manage the class. And one time, I remember him saying he was thinking about ways to manage the class at two o'clock in the morning. I really, really, wanted to tell him to tell him to just prepare the lessons properly and not make the class so go awful, and that would make the class a hundred times better than any of his insane ideas."

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

Furthermore, back then, Xiaoya couldn't think up a way out of it, and lacked the courage to stand up for herself too. So all she could do was squeeze her arms and try to not let herself cry in front of them. Maintaining at least that last bit of her dignity took all the strength she had left.

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.


At first, Xiaoya thought when Mr. Nan brought up the matter it was a just her luck. She even hoped he would no longer play his game of Mission Impossible in the future.

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

However, what she never expected was for him to first ramble on about a bunch of nonsense, then simply announce the end of class. He didn't even say the spy wasn't Yu Xiaoya, he didn't say anything at all!

It was already rare for Xiaoya to recall that incident during the meeting in her class, but every time she had, she would still cry all alone. However, after the winter camp, those feelings of Xiaoya was dispelled a little, because Lu Xiaobei said she was good, so the words of others meant nothing.

He clearly knew everyone was assuming it was her, as well as trying to lay the blame for their demerits on her head. Yet, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just happy someone else had helped in diverting attention away from the real spy he had there.

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

After this, Xiaoya regretted not running up there and curse at him, saying: "Do you think this is funny?! Do you think this is a game?! Is telling them it's not me going to kill you?!" She even hated herself for not not running out of the classroom to the principal's office to tear into that brain damaged man right then and there.

The girl up in front then added: "Yu Xiaoya, you got a lot fairer over the holidays."



"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

For Xiaoya, life at school was now better than she had imagined. But this was not because the students around her had changed, no, it was because her own way of thought had. Before, when she sat alone at her desk, she may have looked indifferent on the outside, but on the inside she was in fact lonely. However, now, as she sat there alone, held dearly within her heart was the captain along with the other friends she had made at winter camp; while in her head, was a mind stuffed full of knowledge. Her entire being was happy, her entire being was content.

Regardless of whether they believe it, shouldn't you help an innocent student by saying something?

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to something to do with a friend from class two so I have to wait for her and won't be leaving now. Thanks for the offer."



Mr. Nan's lack of admittance or denial had placed Xiaoya into an even more unbearable situation.

Right then, the class monitor for class three came over. She was a girl with bob-length hair, and had taken the initiative to introduce herself to Mo Yichen, saying, "Mo Yichen, where do you live? I can can go there with you later to help explain everything since you're new in class."

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

If only I could be with Captain every single day, Xiaoya had such a thought on her way.

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

Furthermore, back then, Xiaoya couldn't think up a way out of it, and lacked the courage to stand up for herself too. So all she could do was squeeze her arms and try to not let herself cry in front of them. Maintaining at least that last bit of her dignity took all the strength she had left.

You are reading story The Goddess and the Ugly Duckling at

"It's okay now. I'll be with you from now on." Mo Yichen comforted.

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.

"Really?" Xiaoya took her seat, thinking it over to realise, that's seems to be true.

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

For Xiaoya, life at school was now better than she had imagined. But this was not because the students around her had changed, no, it was because her own way of thought had. Before, when she sat alone at her desk, she may have looked indifferent on the outside, but on the inside she was in fact lonely. However, now, as she sat there alone, held dearly within her heart was the captain along with the other friends she had made at winter camp; while in her head, was a mind stuffed full of knowledge. Her entire being was happy, her entire being was content.

First Update

Right then, the class monitor for class three came over. She was a girl with bob-length hair, and had taken the initiative to introduce herself to Mo Yichen, saying, "Mo Yichen, where do you live? I can can go there with you later to help explain everything since you're new in class."

Xiaoya clearly knew something was different, fundamentally different from before.



When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

It was already rare for Xiaoya to recall that incident during the meeting in her class, but every time she had, she would still cry all alone. However, after the winter camp, those feelings of Xiaoya was dispelled a little, because Lu Xiaobei said she was good, so the words of others meant nothing.

He clearly knew everyone was assuming it was her, as well as trying to lay the blame for their demerits on her head. Yet, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just happy someone else had helped in diverting attention away from the real spy he had there.

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

It was already rare for Xiaoya to recall that incident during the meeting in her class, but every time she had, she would still cry all alone. However, after the winter camp, those feelings of Xiaoya was dispelled a little, because Lu Xiaobei said she was good, so the words of others meant nothing.

In her class, the home-room teacher was a man in his thirties surnamed Nan, and he was a person Xiaoya greatly did not like.

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.

But, today, Mr. Nan had brought along some good news.

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

For traversing on that ocean of knowledge, and experiencing the joy of understanding the unknown, made her want to give this day a ninety point ranking. But on account of what happened later that afternoon, she was willing to grant it a solid hundred.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to something to do with a friend from class two so I have to wait for her and won't be leaving now. Thanks for the offer."

When she entered the classroom, Xiaoya said hello to a few students who sat in front of her. Even though they didn't have much contact after school was done, there were still people she would have to complete group assignments with while they were at school, and would also occasionally gossip about celebrities in the break periods after a class.

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

There, standing silently, was the fair-skinned and delicate featured Mo Yichen, with long, soft, hair reaching all the way to her chest. Regarding these looks of hers, Mo Yichen was just above the average person, but that unique and indifferent air of hers made others drawn to her but also made them not dare to get close.

What's more, doing something like that would just make her look like an idiot.

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.


This was a rare exception for her, as it was uncommon for her to have such a strong feeling of resentment towards another person.

There, standing silently, was the fair-skinned and delicate featured Mo Yichen, with long, soft, hair reaching all the way to her chest. Regarding these looks of hers, Mo Yichen was just above the average person, but that unique and indifferent air of hers made others drawn to her but also made them not dare to get close.

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

Mr. Nan used his finger to point at the class, wanting to move another student to the back to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone was agitated, all of them wanting to be desk mates with the beauty from the experimental class, but also didn't want to get sent to the back row.

Furthermore, back then, Xiaoya couldn't think up a way out of it, and lacked the courage to stand up for herself too. So all she could do was squeeze her arms and try to not let herself cry in front of them. Maintaining at least that last bit of her dignity took all the strength she had left.

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

It was already rare for Xiaoya to recall that incident during the meeting in her class, but every time she had, she would still cry all alone. However, after the winter camp, those feelings of Xiaoya was dispelled a little, because Lu Xiaobei said she was good, so the words of others meant nothing.

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

The girl in front: "Didn't you have to go visit relatives? Are you're relatives all here then?"

"This student here is Mo Yichen. At the end of the last semester our class' Wang Jianjun was admitted into the AP class, and the experimental classes have been disbanded. So Mo Yichen here was transferred to our class. Apart from the final exam last semester, she was in the top thirty of her grade in every monthly exam, so you should all learn a lot from her. Understood?"

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

But Mo Yichen herself pointed to the seat beside Xiaoya and asked: "Sir, can I go sit over there?"

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

Xiaoya: "Why?" Did you realise it when you came this morning?


To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

"I fell out of the top one hundred in the final exams last semester."

He clearly knew everyone was assuming it was her, as well as trying to lay the blame for their demerits on her head. Yet, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just happy someone else had helped in diverting attention away from the real spy he had there.

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

Mr. Nan in return asked her: "That place is really far in the back, will you be able to see?" Mo Yichen, for a girl her age, was also rather tall. She stood at one hundred and sixty centimetresT/n: 5'3", but during the winter vacation a lot of the boys in class had also shot up like bamboos. So if she sits all the way in the back, it was possible she wouldn't be able to see.

Xiaoya: "No, I just went to the winter camp over the holidays."

To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.

For traversing on that ocean of knowledge, and experiencing the joy of understanding the unknown, made her want to give this day a ninety point ranking. But on account of what happened later that afternoon, she was willing to grant it a solid hundred.

"Alright then. You can go take go take a seat there for now. But next time there's a seating change, I'll switch your seat."

He clearly knew everyone was assuming it was her, as well as trying to lay the blame for their demerits on her head. Yet, he didn't seem to care. Or maybe he was just happy someone else had helped in diverting attention away from the real spy he had there.

The girl in front: "Winter camp? I thought there was nobody from our class who went. Did you get to play around?"

The class monitor ripped out a piece of paper directly from her notebook, scribbling down a string of numbers before giving it to Mo Yichen, "That's fine, you can just add me when you go online."

"Ding Dong Dang Dong"

"Alright then. You can go take go take a seat there for now. But next time there's a seating change, I'll switch your seat."

Xiaoya: "Why?" Did you realise it when you came this morning?

"Why are people saying Xiaoya's the spy? I've never seen her running off to Mr. Nan's office or anything."

But, today, Mr. Nan had brought along some good news.

But Mo Yichen herself pointed to the seat beside Xiaoya and asked: "Sir, can I go sit over there?"

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

The upcoming period was a break, so after dealing with Mo Yichen, Mr. Nan just left.

Xiaoya clearly knew something was different, fundamentally different from before.

When Xiaoya walked onto the school campus with her book-bag on her back, she felt as though the sky seemed a couple of degrees greyer. But things were not the same as they were before the holidays, because the night prior, Xiaoya didn't stay up rushing to finish her assignments, as the stack of papers were already neatly packed in her bag.

Xiaoya: "Why?" Did you realise it when you came this morning?

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

It was all due to an incident that began at the start of the semester just passed, one where Mr. Nan assigned Xiaoya—a girl—the one single seat at the back of the class. Xiaoya wasn't happy about this one bit, but somebody had to sit there, and it was something she understood.

Mr. Nan used his finger to point at the class, wanting to move another student to the back to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone was agitated, all of them wanting to be desk mates with the beauty from the experimental class, but also didn't want to get sent to the back row.

The girl in front: "Geez, that sucks~"

The girl in front: "Winter camp? I thought there was nobody from our class who went. Did you get to play around?"

Mr. Nan in return asked her: "That place is really far in the back, will you be able to see?" Mo Yichen, for a girl her age, was also rather tall. She stood at one hundred and sixty centimetresT/n: 5'3", but during the winter vacation a lot of the boys in class had also shot up like bamboos. So if she sits all the way in the back, it was possible she wouldn't be able to see.

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

"I fell out of the top one hundred in the final exams last semester."

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

First Update

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"

This was the schools signature. Almost all of the student there would be admitted to a C9, the top nine universities in the country; and with any luck, there'd even be one or two who get into TsinghuaT/n: Peking University is ranked at #1 and Tsinghua is #2. or Peking university.

Mr. Nan used his finger to point at the class, wanting to move another student to the back to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone was agitated, all of them wanting to be desk mates with the beauty from the experimental class, but also didn't want to get sent to the back row.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

"Why are people saying Xiaoya's the spy? I've never seen her running off to Mr. Nan's office or anything."


Then there was a day when Mr. Nan was again talking nonsense in class, saying, "I know you guys have been trying to guess who the class spy is, and that a lot of you think it's Xiaoya. But why are you all wasting time making assumptions? As long as you all don't break the rules, what's there for you to be afraid of?"

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

Earning Xiaoya's reply, "I really hope you get into the AP classes. But if you don't, I'm really happy you're here in our ordinary classes."

When someone looked over, Mo Yichen just politely nodded without smiling or saying a word. Seeing this, the others in the class couldn't help but scamper out the classroom, temporarily choking down their need to get closer to their new classmate.

Regardless of whether they believe it, shouldn't you help an innocent student by saying something?

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

Earning Xiaoya's reply, "I really hope you get into the AP classes. But if you don't, I'm really happy you're here in our ordinary classes."

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.


When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

Xiaoya: "Okay."

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

Xiaoya: "Why?" Did you realise it when you came this morning?

But, today, Mr. Nan had brought along some good news.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

Xiaoya didn't understand it at the time, her only thought being that teacher of hers just watched a few too many spy films and was trying to act it out at school. At least it was like this until the first month of school had passed, where the yet to have made any friends, Xiaoya, overheard two girls from her class talking about her.

In her class, the home-room teacher was a man in his thirties surnamed Nan, and he was a person Xiaoya greatly did not like.

Mo Yichen: "Because even though I had a hunch I wouldn't get into the AP classes, I only found out about it today. As a result, every one of his sentences stabbed me and left a wound. Even just now, the way his fingers moved as they pointed, looked just like someone who was picking out vegetables at the market. If he was in my old class, everyone there would suck their teeth at him. It must not have been easy for you."

"Really?" Xiaoya took her seat, thinking it over to realise, that's seems to be true.

Furthermore, back then, Xiaoya couldn't think up a way out of it, and lacked the courage to stand up for herself too. So all she could do was squeeze her arms and try to not let herself cry in front of them. Maintaining at least that last bit of her dignity took all the strength she had left.

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

To hell with quality education! Just give one less class! Not doing so will be a lifelong regret for all us students, you hear!

"Alright then. You can go take go take a seat there for now. But next time there's a seating change, I'll switch your seat."

After hearing this, for a long time, Xiaoya didn't say a word.

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.

The time for holidays were always brief.

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

"I fell out of the top one hundred in the final exams last semester."

Xiaoya sighed, then replied: "He doesn't target anyone, he's just toxic and insane. I. loathe. him."

Mr. Nan's lack of admittance or denial had placed Xiaoya into an even more unbearable situation.

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"

Xiaoya: "Plus, it's great that you came to the same conclusion as me, really freaking great!"

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

The time for holidays were always brief.

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"

Xiaoya couldn't help herself from adding to her complaints, "At the beginning of every semester he even gives us all a piece of white note paper then make us write anonymous suggestions on how to manage the class. And one time, I remember him saying he was thinking about ways to manage the class at two o'clock in the morning. I really, really, wanted to tell him to tell him to just prepare the lessons properly and not make the class so go awful, and that would make the class a hundred times better than any of his insane ideas."

Before Xiaoya could reply the bell for the first lesson of the day had rung. Senior high school wasn't like junior high school at all. Unlike in junior high where on the first day of the term the only thing you had to do was report in then spend the rest of the day resting. In senior high, it was daily lessons as usual or exams.

What's more, doing something like that would just make her look like an idiot.

It was a new term of school, a new day.

Xiaoya clearly knew something was different, fundamentally different from before.

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"

"It's okay now. I'll be with you from now on." Mo Yichen comforted.

Xiaoya didn't understand it at the time, her only thought being that teacher of hers just watched a few too many spy films and was trying to act it out at school. At least it was like this until the first month of school had passed, where the yet to have made any friends, Xiaoya, overheard two girls from her class talking about her.

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

While Mo Yichen packed up her things, she whispered to Xiaoya, "Your home-room teacher has a very low EQT/N: Emotional Quotient."

"It's okay now. I'll be with you from now on." Mo Yichen comforted.

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

Earning Xiaoya's reply, "I really hope you get into the AP classes. But if you don't, I'm really happy you're here in our ordinary classes."

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

But, today, Mr. Nan had brought along some good news.

But before Xiaoya was finished taking off her book-bag, she noticed a few classmates stunned expressions while staring at her. "Is something wrong?"


The upcoming period was a break, so after dealing with Mo Yichen, Mr. Nan just left.

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.


In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

Earning Xiaoya's reply, "I really hope you get into the AP classes. But if you don't, I'm really happy you're here in our ordinary classes."

When school was finished, Xiaoya and Mo Yichen both hadn't packed up their things as yet.

At first, Xiaoya thought when Mr. Nan brought up the matter it was a just her luck. She even hoped he would no longer play his game of Mission Impossible in the future.

But after a few days, Mr. Nan stood at the front of the class, telling them confidently: "When I'm not here, I don't want you guys playing around on your cellphones, see anybody reading any novels, or having your little conversations, because I'll know, understood? I got a little spy in this class, so any one of your infractions, will all be reported to me."

Xiaoya: "No, I just went to the winter camp over the holidays."

So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

In that classroom, either in secret or outright, the other students glanced at Mo Yichen. But this is not only because she was a pretty, but also because she was from the experimental class. In their school, the experimental class was made up of the top forty students who had scores of those admitted to the school, while the poor scorers wouldn't have been admitted if their parents hadn't shelled out cash.

Right then, the class monitor for class three came over. She was a girl with bob-length hair, and had taken the initiative to introduce herself to Mo Yichen, saying, "Mo Yichen, where do you live? I can can go there with you later to help explain everything since you're new in class."

When she entered the classroom, Xiaoya said hello to a few students who sat in front of her. Even though they didn't have much contact after school was done, there were still people she would have to complete group assignments with while they were at school, and would also occasionally gossip about celebrities in the break periods after a class.

It was all due to an incident that began at the start of the semester just passed, one where Mr. Nan assigned Xiaoya—a girl—the one single seat at the back of the class. Xiaoya wasn't happy about this one bit, but somebody had to sit there, and it was something she understood.

In that familiar classroom, with its familiar students, and its familiar teacher...

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to something to do with a friend from class two so I have to wait for her and won't be leaving now. Thanks for the offer."

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.

To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

Mo Yichen: "Because even though I had a hunch I wouldn't get into the AP classes, I only found out about it today. As a result, every one of his sentences stabbed me and left a wound. Even just now, the way his fingers moved as they pointed, looked just like someone who was picking out vegetables at the market. If he was in my old class, everyone there would suck their teeth at him. It must not have been easy for you."

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"


Yu Xiaoya wrote beautifully as she silently took her notes.

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"

The girl up in front then added: "Yu Xiaoya, you got a lot fairer over the holidays."


Xiaoya: "No, I just went to the winter camp over the holidays."

At first, Xiaoya thought when Mr. Nan brought up the matter it was a just her luck. She even hoped he would no longer play his game of Mission Impossible in the future.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I don't really use QQ that much."

Xiaoya: "Plus, it's great that you came to the same conclusion as me, really freaking great!"

Mr. Nan used his finger to point at the class, wanting to move another student to the back to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone was agitated, all of them wanting to be desk mates with the beauty from the experimental class, but also didn't want to get sent to the back row.

After this, Xiaoya regretted not running up there and curse at him, saying: "Do you think this is funny?! Do you think this is a game?! Is telling them it's not me going to kill you?!" She even hated herself for not not running out of the classroom to the principal's office to tear into that brain damaged man right then and there.

The class monitor ripped out a piece of paper directly from her notebook, scribbling down a string of numbers before giving it to Mo Yichen, "That's fine, you can just add me when you go online."

The two boys turned their heads back around, and the girl seated in front of Xiaoya said with a smile, "Happy New Year! It's just that it's rare for you to be the one greeting us."

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

When she entered the classroom, Xiaoya said hello to a few students who sat in front of her. Even though they didn't have much contact after school was done, there were still people she would have to complete group assignments with while they were at school, and would also occasionally gossip about celebrities in the break periods after a class.

Mo Yichen: "What's wrong? Did you think you're home-room teacher was really good? I'm sorry then."

The upcoming period was a break, so after dealing with Mo Yichen, Mr. Nan just left.

Shocked, Xiaoya stared at the podium.

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.

Mo Yichen took the note then waved goodbye to the class monitor.

It was all due to an incident that began at the start of the semester just passed, one where Mr. Nan assigned Xiaoya—a girl—the one single seat at the back of the class. Xiaoya wasn't happy about this one bit, but somebody had to sit there, and it was something she understood.

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to something to do with a friend from class two so I have to wait for her and won't be leaving now. Thanks for the offer."

During that class, for its entirety, not once did Xiaoya's thoughts wander, nor did she stare off into the distance with vacant eyes, neither did she (as usual) write her notes mechanically without giving them much thought. Instead, those notes were taken with pens of different colours to highlight key-points.

Mr. Nan used his finger to point at the class, wanting to move another student to the back to make room for Mo Yichen. Everyone was agitated, all of them wanting to be desk mates with the beauty from the experimental class, but also didn't want to get sent to the back row.

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"


So, in the end, Xiaoya had become more introverted, while the rumours grew rampant.

From beside her, Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Yichen, you're really popular." After the class monitor's sad defeat, the other boys and girls of the class realised there was no hope, and so packed up their things then left the class.

Mo Yichen's gaze swept over the classroom, and when it fell on Xiaoya, those eyes of hers now carried a smile.

Xiaoya: "No, I just went to the winter camp over the holidays."

Xiaoya trembled in anger, but she had no idea what she should do. Neither did she have the courage to stand up and yell "I'm not a spy!"

The time for holidays were always brief.

Xiaoya: "Not even. It was basically just a self-study class. I only got to go out three or four times in total."

Mo Yichen: "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to something to do with a friend from class two so I have to wait for her and won't be leaving now. Thanks for the offer."

It was a new term of school, a new day.

Mo Yichen did talk about the matter any more, instead asking, "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

The class monitor's tone was dejected, with her replying: "That's alright. We'll have more chances to in the future. But since it's like this, I'll give you my number so we can message each other on QQT/N: An instant messaging service.?"

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

When someone looked over, Mo Yichen just politely nodded without smiling or saying a word. Seeing this, the others in the class couldn't help but scamper out the classroom, temporarily choking down their need to get closer to their new classmate.

Xiaoya didn't understand it at the time, her only thought being that teacher of hers just watched a few too many spy films and was trying to act it out at school. At least it was like this until the first month of school had passed, where the yet to have made any friends, Xiaoya, overheard two girls from her class talking about her.

They wanted to be picked by Mr. Nan, but didn't want to be picked.

For traversing on that ocean of knowledge, and experiencing the joy of understanding the unknown, made her want to give this day a ninety point ranking. But on account of what happened later that afternoon, she was willing to grant it a solid hundred.

The girl in front: "Didn't you have to go visit relatives? Are you're relatives all here then?"

Mo Yichen: "It just so happens, I have a date with Xiang Yi as well. So how abut we wait together?"

Mo Yichen made her way over, and Xiaoya excitedly pulled out her seat, "How did you end up coming to this class?"

"I don't know either. But for it to spread around that she is, it must be based on something, right? Although, to me, she just looked lonely and maybe a bit difficult to get to know. Anyway, she is the most suspicious one out of everyone, so whatever you do, avoid her a little and don't get too close to her, okay?"

To cope, she acted as if she didn't care.

To which Mo Yichen replied: "It's not an issue, I'll be able to see from there."

Xiaoya: "That's because I didn't really go outside." I also applied face cream everyday, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it.

Xiaoya: "Okay."

Xiaoya: "I have a date with the captain, but she's still taking an exam right now." This was because the senior grade twos and threes were having mock exams on that day.

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