The Godfather’s Hidden Daughter

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – New Beginnings

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“So you’re saying I’m a demon too. That Satan’s blood is running through my veins and that I’ll gain part of his demonic power when I manifest. Which of course will be around now because I’ve passed the age of sixteen.” Melina said, looking at her father.

“That’s correct.” Melina’s father replied, nodding his head.

It had taken fifteen minutes for Melina’s father to explain this all to her. During that time, Kai had left to get the dessert tray, which had bowls of chocolate ice cream. Melina had tried many times to deny everything but it was useless. The evidence was too much.

“I seriously can’t believe this…” Melina muttered under her breath before taking a bite of ice cream.

“If you still don’t believe it then maybe a manifestation will make you believe it.”

“Can you make me manifest into my demon form?

“Yes, I can.” James replied. “But you’ll feel a bit of pain.”

“It’s painful either way honestly.” Kai muttered. “It’s best if you just manifest now. Then you won’t have to wake up one random night in pain.”

“Stop being dramatic, boy. This is your sister’s choice. Don’t try to influence it because you can’t handle a little pain.”

Kai muttered something inaudible but James ignored him, looking at Melina instead for her answer.

“Maybe let’s do it now but before that could I learn more about the demonic stuff, I guess. Aren’t there like other families and maybe what powers our family has?” Melina answered, a little nervous about the whole manifestation thing.

“Of course.”

Melina’s father grabbed the old leather book on the table and opened it to a page. He then gave Melina the book to look at. On the two pages were seven animals each in a different colored circle.

Under each circle was small writing and above each circle was what looked like a title. Everything was written in Latin and looked to be someone’s handwriting.

“There are seven demon clans in this world. Each family is symbolized by an animal, color and sin. The sin is part of our power. It’s also what our Demon ancestor is known for.”

Melina looked at the animals and colors again and something popped out at her suddenly. “I’m guessing our family is from the peacock clan then.”

Melina pointed at the peacock which was in the center of the page. To the left was a dog, snake and lion. The right side meanwhile had a goat, pig and toad.

“Yes, that is correct.”

“So, what are the sins then?”

“Have you heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?”

“Once before.” Melina’s eyes widened suddenly. “Each clan’s sin is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.”

“Yes. Ours is pride. You can learn more about the other clans another day but know that the lion and dog clans are our allies.”

“I see…”

“Do you have any other questions?”

Melina had plenty but she decided to only ask two. The others could wait another day and she felt they may be answered while father answered her two questions.

“I have two questions. First, I want to know more about pride and how this all interlinks into the family business? Did you use it to build up your companies or something?”

“Well, you are right in saying that I used my power to build the companies but there’s more to it. The seven clans run I guess you could say the Underworld of this world. We use our power to influence people into following us and grow-.”

“Wait, you’re saying Underworld as in the criminal Underworld?”

“Yes…” Melina’s father replied. “Our main family business is the running of a Mafia clan. The companies are a side gig to filter the money we make through our illegal services.”

Melina was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. First, she had learnt her parents weren’t her real parents, then she had demonic blood flowing through her veins and now her family was part of the Mafia.

“Is there anything else shocking that I should learn? Let’s have all the cards on the table please.”

“If you’re worried about the illegal side of the business, don’t be too worried. We mostly deal with money laundering, bribery and illegal tendering. The other clans deal with the much darker stuff. There of course are some things the clans don’t touch.” Jason answered.

“Still… It’s a little hard to take in. Everything here was built on illegal means. The companies and even this house…”

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“Not many people reach the top through legal means, Melina. The world is harsh and cruel to those that see everything through a lens of goodness and righteousness. Sometimes you have to dirty your hands to protect the ones you love.” Melina’s father said, pulling a small book from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “I know you hate that everything here was created by wrong means but you have to understand that we aren’t human. We don’t have the same morals as they do.”

He handed her the book and continued, “Your worldview is based on a human perspective. Now you’ll need to understand your demonic side because when you manifest, your morals are going to change and I don’t want to see you go insane because of inner conflict.

“This book is a code the clans all agreed to and keep by. You can say it's our laws. Make sure you read and learn them. You may see that we’re not so bad.” James stood up. “It’s quite late now and you have a lot to process. We can do your manifestation tomorrow. Rest well, you are going to need it.”

He left the room, Melina looking down at the book in her hands. It was purple in color and fitted into the palm of her hand. The writing was thankfully in English so she didn’t need to wonder what was written in it.

“Melina, are you coming?” Jason asked.

“Ah yes!”

Melina looked back up to see her brothers waiting at the doorway for her. She hurried out, following them back to the office.




“So what was your second question, Melina.” Kai asked as they made their way through the hallway.

After returning to the office, their father was gone, having left for some urgent work. So, Melina’s brothers had decided to lead her to her new room. Well, it was her old room but she couldn’t remember living in it so it was weird calling it an old room of hers.

“Oh, yes! I almost forgot.” Melina hit the side of her head. “The whole Mafia talk distracted me. Anyway, I was wondering if there were any other umm species like us. I mean there can’t only be demons roaming the world. Aren’t there like angels or something else?”

“You are right. There are a few other supernatural species out there.” Jason answered. “If I remember correctly there are vampires, witches, werewolves-”

“Which you should stay away from…” Kai interrupted.

“Ahem!” Jason cleared his throat, glaring at Kai. “You do get angels but they mostly stick to their world like our demon ancestors, although demons are actually banished from this world. You do also get Fae and merfolk but they too stick to themselves. Mostly anyways.”

“So will I get to see any of them now that I know everything?”

They stopped at a pair of double wooden doors and Jason pulled one door open. Gesturing for Melina to enter, he replied, “Well, you should see them at Colston. It’s a school for the supernatural under the pretense that it’s an exclusive rich school since most supernatural creatures have money. Of course there are a few humans that attend but they have been sworn into secrecy.”

“I should have guessed.” Melina muttered, walking inside the room.

The room was huge with a queen size bed on one side of the room with a nightstand on either side. There were French doors leading to a balcony and two doors on the other side of the room, which Melina believed led to an ensuite bathroom and closet. A desk with a laptop and a small shelf of books above it lay in one corner of the room.

Purple and gold covered everything with soft linen on the bed and curtains. The floor was quite a soft carpet and there was a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

“Do you like it?”

She turned to see her brothers were standing by the door, looking at her. They were smiling as if happy about her reaction.

“It’s great, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Jason gave her a sad smile. “Mother actually planned for your room to look like this a few months before her death. She was planning to renovate it since you were going to start school. And while she isn’t here, I’m sure she would be happy that you like your room.”

The room fell silent for a moment, the boys lost in their memories. Melina, meanwhile, felt a wave of guilt hit her for not remembering the woman she called mother for the first six years of her life. 

“Okay, I think we should leave now.” Kai exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence. “You must be exhausted and probably want to rest. Of course, if you’re still curious about Colston, I left my old handbook on your desk.”

He pushed Jason out the door and said, “Night Lina.”

He then closed the door behind him, leaving Melina alone. She went to her desk and spotted the handbook Kai had been talking about. She put the book her father had given her and picked up Kai’s handbook, opening the worn book.

Inside she found information and rules of Colston along with handwritten notes in the margin. Seems like Kai annotated the book with his writing and scribbles, Melina thought. 

She sat down on the cushioned chair next to the desk and began reading. 

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