The Godfather’s Hidden Daughter

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Learning

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Melina looked up at the tiled ceiling of her new bathroom and sighed in pleasure. Soaking in the bathtub was completely amazing and the hot water helped her tired muscles. She closed her eyes letting the bath salts and water do its job.

Melina didn’t get to do this often when she lived with her foster parents. They only had a shower so she had to go to the sauna to relax like this. 

The lavender smelling bath salts began filling the room with its scent, making her relax even more. She stayed in the bathtub thinking over everything that had happened today. She was still a little upset about the Mafia and parents thing. 

They’re probably linked. Melina thought suddenly. 

I mean father said that there were rivals trying to take him out and then the whole talk about two clans being our only allies. Maybe it was the other clans doing. But I can find out more about that tomorrow.

Right now, I want to relax and not think about it all. It’s draining and honestly a morbid topic. Anyway, I’m a little excited about the whole school thing.  Knowing that there are supernatural creatures out there and that I’m one…

It sounds a little like one of those fantasy books. Hopefully, I’ll be okay with all of them around. Kai’s notes said that demons were highest ranking at Colston, Fae being the only ones with the same superiority or something. Will probably need to ask more about that.

After that, Melina waved off all the thoughts whirling around in her head and soaked in the water until her skin became wrinkly. She stepped out of the bathtub and onto the soft, purple bath mat, careful not to slip on it.

Grabbing a towel from the nearby rack, she quickly wrapped it around her and stepped back into her room. Heading to the closet, she found rows of clothes all her size. Most were what she would wear with a few things she normally wouldn’t  dare to touch. 

After a few minutes of looking around, Melina finally found a section for pajamas. It was next to her backpack. She picked out a t-shirt with shorts and grabbed some underwear. 

Quickly putting the clothes on, she grabbed her backpack and opened to see the few personal items she had kept. She pulled them out and placed the books on her shelf, the frames on the desk and took her phone and charger, placing them on the nightstand. 

Finally at the bottom of her bag was a blanket, hand knitted in purple and white. Her foster mother had apparently made it but it was really her actual mother who had made it, she realized. She knew this because one corner of the blanket had ‘Love Mother’ sewn into it.

She pulled the blanket out, wrapping it around her. She had always used it for comfort and today was no different. Jumping onto the bed, she turned to switch her nightstand lamp off and lay back down on her bed.

She lay on her side, looking at the closed Frenchs doors. They had purple lace curtains covering them, but Melina could still see a little of the city outside through them. She stared at the city for a few minutes before slowly closing her eyes, sleep taking over her tired body.




Melina awoke to a bright room. The sun was shining brightly, the light coming in her room. Wanting to sleep more, she turned over and pulled the blanket over her head. She closed her eyes for a few moments but thoughts from yesterday whirled in her mind.

She tried to ignore them but they kept interrupting her rest and she eventually gave up. Melina sat up, yawning widely and made a grab for her phone. She switched it on and dropped it on the bed in shock.

It was already 11:30 am. She had overslept by a couple of hours. Her stomach grumbled and she winced in embarrassment. Hopefully lunch will not be at twelve. I don’t think I can wait until then. Melina thought as she got out of the bed.

She grabbed her phone and walked over to the closet. She grabbed some shorts and an off-the-shoulder t-shirt before making her way to the bathroom. Melina quickly washed her face and got dressed. 

Heading out the room, she made her way downstairs. She wandered around the huge mansion for a few minutes before spotting Andrew setting the dining table with another servant.

Melina watched the two from behind the slightly opened door, not knowing how to get to the kitchen and a little too embarrassed to ask. 

“Hungry, are we?” A voice whispered into her ear.

Melina nearly screamed but a hand covered her mouth to stop the noise. Turning her head she saw Kai standing behind her with his finger on his lips signaling her to keep quiet. 

“Sorry Lina. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Kai took his hand off her mouth. “Anyway, you must have been tired. You woke up quite late. Are you hungry?”

Melina was about to reply when her stomach grumbled in response. 

“Guess that’s a yes then.” Kai laughed. 


“Young master and miss, what are you two doing here?” The two turned to see Andrew standing by the door. “Lunch is only being served in half a hours’ time. You are quite early.”

“Oh, I was just giving Lina here a grand tour of the house. We’re heading to the kitchen now.” Kai quickly replied, grabbing Melina’s hand.

He pulled Melina away from the door and directed them back into the hallway. “Let’s not interrupt Andrew. See you.”

“Okay then. Um…bye Andrew.” 

Andrew smiled and bowed, leaving the two in the hallway. Kai guided Melina to a nearby room, smiling all the way.

“That was a little close.” He grabbed the door knob and pulled the door open. “Anyway, just grab something small. We can’t spoil lunch or father’s going to have my head.”

Melina giggled and stepped inside the kitchen. A warm wave of deliciousness hit as she stepped inside the room. She could smell herbs, spices, bread and other smells she couldn’t identify. 

The kitchen was quite big and modern, a black and white color scheme used throughout the room. The stove had a couple of pots on it and on the one counter, a few rolls of bread sat. The center had an island where a man was working some dough. 

He was dressed like a chef but seemed to be built like a butcher, strong, burgling muscles on his arms. 

“Hey, Ted.” Kai said behind her.

The man looked up and smirked at Kai, raising an eyebrow. Melina was a little surprised, the man looked younger than she thought, maybe in his thirties. 

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“Up to trouble again?”

“No.” Kai put his hands on her shoulder pushing her towards the island. “Just wanted to introduce you to my sister. She just came back from overseas.”

“Oh it’s nice to finally see you, miss. The name’s Ted.” 

“Umm… Nice to meet you too.” Melina replied. “I’m Melina.”

“Anyway, we’re going to get going. Nice seeing you.” 

Kai turned around and headed back out the kitchen and Melina quickly followed. Kai kept walking until they made their way into what looked like a family room. 

“Here. This should keep you happy until lunch.” Kai said, handing Melina a roll of bread.

“How did you get it?” Melina asked, taking the warm roll.

Kai smiled and replied, “Ted always keeps a bowl under the counter. You were a great distraction while I stood behind you.”

“I see.” Melina murmured, taking a bite of the bread. It was dense and soft with a hint of herbs mixed in. “So, what’s with the whole overseas thing?”

“It’s the excuse father gave to most of the servants and staff. Almost no one working here knows about the family business and they’re human too if you catch my drift.” Kai sat down on a couch and ate his roll.

Melina nodded her head in understanding as she sat down too. One of the rules from the book her father had given stated humans couldn’t get involved in the clan stuff unless all the clan heads agreed.

“Anyway, Andrew and Steven are the only ones who know everything.” 

“So are they not human then?”

“Yeah. Steven’s a vampire and Andrew’s a witch.”

“Wait, Steven is a vampire?! But aren’t vampires pale?” Melina exclaimed.

Kai laughed. “Don’t believe everything you’ve heard. A lot of what they say about supernaturals isn’t really true. The only reason people think vampires are pale is because of Brom Stoker. Vampires can be any color. It’s the same with witches, Fae, demons and werewolves.”

“Oh.” Melina murmured.

“Don’t sweat it, Lina.” Kai got up and walked over to Melina. “You’ll learn about everything real fast here.”

He held out a hand and Melina took it, getting up from the couch. “Okay but what’s with the ‘Lina’ stuff.”

“You don’t like it.” Kai frowned.

“No, it’s fine but I’m curious about why you keep using it.”

“Oh.” Kai gave a small smile. “It’s a nickname I used for you back when we were kids.”

“But you must have been young when I left?”

“I was ten around the time you left.”

“Wait so you’re twenty now. Then Jason is…”

“Twenty-four. Fourteen when you left so while it was hard for me because we were close, it was probably harder for him because he remembered everything and knew mother longer than we did.” Kai said in a sad voice. “Jason hides it well but mother’s death took a toll on him. The two were really close. Some would say he was a mama’s boy.”

“Was mother a great person?” Melina asked, a little curious about the woman.

While she didn’t have the memories, she still wanted to know more about the woman who had birthed and raised her for the first six years of her life.

“Yeah. She was an amazing woman. Full of love almost like an angel, but don’t let father catch you saying that.”

Melina giggled.


The door suddenly opened and Jason walked in, looking at the two. “There you two are. It’s nearly lunchtime.”

“Sorry, bro. We were discussing important things.” Kai replied as he walked past Jason.

Jason rolled his eyes and placed a finger on his left cheek. “You’ve got a crumb on your face Melina. Better get it off before you go to the dining table.”

Jason then turned around to follow Kai. Melina quickly wiped her cheek and hurried after the two.



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