The Golden Child and the Grimoire of Reason

Chapter 16: Chapter 15 – The Battle With the Overlord

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Chapter 15

The Battle With the Overlord



"I'm about to release the Overlord's piece. Are you ready, Goldie?"

Goldie stood tall. Unlike when she was a child in mind, Goldie fortified her will to fight as a trained warrior. The witch, ready for battle, stood with her feet apart, prepared. With her great staff in hand, the golden witch steeled her resolve.

Goldie was going to free Madalyn from this eternal suffering and bring her into her home, the Kingdom of Nora. The desire to have everything fueled her will to fight.

"I'm ready. We can do this, Madalyn.”

Despite saying this, Goldie was shaking. Madalyn touched her fingers. They were soft to the touch, and the golden witch could tell that her partner was scared too. That gave Goldie the drive to save and protect her.

“You promised all those years ago that you’d save me, right?”

Madalyn asked her partner with a calm, soothing smile. Goldie couldn’t help but straighten up at a poor attempt to look cool to the woman she adored.

“Yes! But it’s not as shallow as it was back then. I… I won’t just save you. I'll protect you from anything that tries to harm you, Maddy!"

The golden witch readied her staff, lit with a bright red of burning passion.

“I don’t care who is in the way. I want to protect you, Madalyn. And anyone who gets in my way will feel my wrath!”

The passions they shared for the last few days came back to their minds. Goldie wanted more days outside of this tasteless world with Maddy. And the great witch’s heart pounded, thinking that someone did come to rescue her in the end. Goldie’s will peaked as she shouted what was in her heart.

"Because I love you, I love you so much, and I can't bear to see you die or suffer any longer!"



Madalyn giggled like a little girl. It threw the golden witch off as she'd never seen this side of Maddy, which warmed her heart. Goldie noticed a tear trickle down her partner's cheek. Her teacher and now lover, with all gratefulness, nodded.

"R-Right… I believe you, Goldie. So please, be careful, and let's win."

Madalyn whispered as she closed her eyes. She let go of Goldie's hand and stepped forward, close to the world's edge. Her body relaxed, and she leaned back as if she was going to fall. 


Goldie was about to step forwards to try and catch her when darkness rose around Madalyn’s body.




Madalyn’s eyes and mouth opened, and she screamed. It shook Goldie's bones, the inhuman wails coming from her love. A flow of dark energy released from her. The turbulence was rough, causing the witch to hold her magic hat, or it would fly into the void being formed. The world shook, and a horrid unintelligible wail echoed throughout the space. Goldie covered her ears as the monstrous scream continued.

Suddenly, as the Overlord's piece was pulled from Madalyn's body, the great witch rose into the air. A powerful wave of dark energy emerged, pushing Goldie away. She rolled and caught herself from falling off the cobblestone platform.


Goldie groaned as she lifted herself back up.


The golden witch ran in the direction Madalyn was being taken. She put her staff between her legs and kicked it off the ground into the void. A cloud of pure darkness formed above, hiding the beautiful stars from the world they knew.

“Madalyn! Maddy!”

Darkness formed around Goldie, encasing her within a black field. Inside this onyx field, Goldie landed on the dark floor below. The ground was solid even though it was pure black. In awe, the witch walked around, trying to take in her new surroundings.

“Where am I?”

The witch could feel demons swarming around her in this near-pitch-black world. 



Everything became darker around her as creatures from the shadows formed. Some had horns as black as the darkest nights. Others with piercing fangs and twisted necks with the shape of reptiles from hell. Trapped in this dome, the amalgamation of spirits swirled above her. Madalyn was nowhere to be seen, but demons of all shapes emerged around the golden witch.

“Ahh, so this is how they look?!”

The demons eere like animals with strange shapes painfully crunched into broken figures. As if they were creatures made from the ideas of life.

"These beasts are... terrifying."

Goldie murmered as more appeared around her.

Humanoid types demons rose from the shadows. The monsters approached her, like the undead from horror stories she'd read. They were frightening; there were no other words for the monsters around her. Goldie witnessed the embodiments of evil forming into creatures for the first time.

(“Calm down… I need to stay focused and find Madalyn.”)

The amalgamations of shadows roared at her. The fear of this beast subsided as the thought of dying and never seeing Madalyn again came to mind. The golden witch wanted nothing more than to spend her days in the castle with Madalyn by her side.

A shadow of a humanoid cast a great dark spell, raining demonic energy on Goldie. A white aura formed around her body, protecting her from the demon's strike.

"I will survive. I know how!"

 It worked, and the confidence of the witch shot up.

Her training saved her for the first time and would keep her safe throughout the war.

“I made a promise, and I’ll keep it!”

Mana burst through the darkness as her power amplified. Goldie's staff resonated with her passion as mana flowed through her. The witch brought her staff back and circled the dark space as her spell began. A demonic beast surrounded her, attempting to strike her down. But water formed in her weapon before the army of the beast could reach her.




A tsunami blasted from her staff, decimating demons coming her way. They screamed like banshees as they faded to dust. The witch spun around and fired the water spell at the monster who dared try to reach her.

The spell died down, and the creatures were gone. But Goldie stayed focused as she heard the wailings of more demons approaching her.

More rushed at her from the shadows, but Goldie wasn’t shaken. The golden witch brought out spells of all elements, roaring on the battlefield with lighting, water, light, and fire. Her golden hair shined like a lighthouse in the dark fog, illuminating the battle with her powerful will.

Goldie wasn’t a docile princess anymore. She was a fearsome warrior with a drive to defeat her advisory. 


Goldie screamed.

A demonic orc shadow appeared behind her, ready to strike the witch down. But her training kicked in. Goldie dodged, rolled, and created another spell quickly. The ground heated up where she stood. Fire erupted from below and destroyed the orc-like monster.

It screamed in a distorted, ear-piercing tone as the fire consumed it.

("The Overlord isn't a singular being; it's an amalgamation of many. But it has a core, as Maddy explained.")

Goldie thought.

Understanding her all the more, Goldie awaited more to approach. As they rushed her, more magic spells appeared below them, fending them off. Tornados erupted, cutting the shadows and beast apart.

The demons shattered, leaving the golden girl in a dark space alone for the time being.

“I can’t stay here. More will just come. I have to find Maddy and then locate the core!"

The witch ran into the black space, trying to find her way out. More beasts could be heard, like rats in the walls. Goldie couldn't see them, but their mana was strong, circling her. Instead of waiting for their attack, the golden witch quickened her speed using a spell and raced further into the darkness. Shadows ascended at her, attempting to strike her down.


Goldie lifted herself off the dark, empty floor into the black void with her staff. The world distorted as stars faded back in. She broke free of the dome she was trapped in and saw the world she once knew infested with dark tree-like roots.

“The Grimoire is being consumed by sin.”

The golden witch's chest tightened as the fond memories of this world were being taken away. Goldie was angry… that her home with Maddy was being tainted and corrupted so quickly. It was as if weeds were overtaking the world she once knew. Black vines spread out all around, pulsing with dark energy.

Goldie rode on her staff through the endless void in the storm of black energy. Goldie witnessed a beast outside her wildest imagination when she appeared out of the dark clouds. It was an enormous being shaped like a large tree. It towered far outside the reach of the world. It looked the size of a mountain with many branches whirling in the sea of stars. The creature was pure black and had deep crimson lines pulsing through its bark. The ancient beast had monstrous fangs and bright white eyes that shined as it channeled spells.


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The creature reminded Goldie of a treant, a monster found in her collection of stories. It was a beast found only in horror novels. The fear rose in Goldie's stomach as the magnitude of such a creature shook her bones. She could feel a powerful mana presence.

“Ah… T-That has to be the Overlord core!”

Goldie's mind couldn't fully comprehend what she was looking at. To her, it was a creature from nightmares. As she searched the beast, it attempted to break through the Grimoire. But it was trapped like a genie in its bottle.


Goldie spotted the great witch flying around the monster. Great, powerful spells were being rained down on her partner. But expertly, Madalyn dodged, blocked, and retaliated with her own.

As they fought, Madalyn got surrounded by minions, but she wasn't letting up. The great witch decimated the smaller beasts and continued her assault as if they were an afterthought. This was the first time the great witch wasn't restricting her spells. Madalyn was using her magic to new heights. 

In awe, the golden witch watched massive spell after spell being released, unhinged. The mana energy was beyond anything Goldie could imagine as the almighty witch cast a devastating attack, one after another, limitlessly.

“Madalyn is so cool!”

The golden witch snapped back into reality with a shake of her head. Madalyn was outstanding, but Goldie needed to protect her as she promised.

“Get out of the way!”

Madalyn roared with a booming voice equaled to the thunder of the gods. Her mana was off the charts compared to Goldie's. This woman had eons to master her crafts and was releasing her powers. The endless days Madalyn spent training showed. However, the Overlord's core was withstanding every blow the beast would channel magic back to her.

It was like watching fireworks explode in the skies. But these beautiful lights of spells were dangerous, and Goldie had to be careful if she entered this fight.

"I'm coming, Maddy!"

The witch cried out as she soared to the Overlord's core. Goldie flew around its massive tree-like body, trying to reconnect with her mentor. An unholy wail from the mountain-sized demon echoed, causing Goldie to cover her ears. As Goldie was distracted, minions appeared around her, trying to strike her down.

“Get away!”



A fire spell lit up around the golden witch, destroying the demonic shadows. Their ashes passed over Goldie. Madalyn saved her before it was too late.

“Goldie, you’re safe. Thank goodness.”

Relieved, Madalyn held her chest to calm her heart. Afterward, she turned and then focused back on the giant foe.

“Is this how the Overlord looks, Madalyn?”

Madalyn shook her head.

"No, it's just the form that this part took. The core is located within, but we must enter this tree-like being first."

“Wait, the core is INSIDE THAT?!”

Surprised, Goldie screamed.

A massive spell charged from the treant. Its power was matched only by Madalyn.

“That’s a strong spell. There’s no way we can absorb it.”

Goldie warned Madalyn, and the great witch agreed.

“Its spells are massive but take time to release. We’ll dodge  this spell and direct all our damage to one point on its body."

The golden witch confirmed with a sharp nod.

“And what point will that be, Madalyn?”

“Lower left. Put all you can into your spells within reason. We still have a battle within that beast.”

The treant’s spell was complete, and a great magic circle appeared in the sky. A massive wave of meteors, brilliant with fire, rained down on the witches. They maneuvered in the air, doing their best to dodge the magic assault. The spell was a meteor shower, and Goldie knew how deadly it was.




Goldie failed to react as a sharp piece cut her cheek and shoulder.

"Ahh... ahh..."

The bravery was fading and the adrenaline was dying down. Blood dropped on Goldie's chin, making the fight feel all the more real. A wave of dread descended on Goldie, and her stomach twisted in horrid knots. A short vision of death passed through her mind, tempting her deeper into irrationality.

“Stay focused, Goldie!”

In desperation, Madalyn called out, hoping to calm the mind of the golden witch. But her voice was drowned out by the multitude of spells firing their way.


More minions began their assault on them, channeling spells at the already overwhelmed witches. They were weaker but distracting.


Madalyn clicked her tongue, dodged a few waves of meteors, and channeled her spell. Enraged, Maddy shot a wide beam of light, destroying the nuisances. Goldie wasn't skilled enough to fight and avoid at the same time, like her mentor. She flew into the void, avoiding the demons.

(“This is too much! This is…”)

In a panic, Goldie spotted Madalyn.

Maddy's expression was emotionless… like how she was the first day they met. Those feelings came back to her when she learned of Maddy's sacrifice... The battles day after day that Madalyn put in alone couldn't measure up to this overwhelming spell. The eons of loneliness to get to this point... Goldie had to realize quickly that if she gave into her sudden fear, all of the suffering...the pain of never reaching what Madalyn wanted...never feeling life's joys outside this dark, soulless world she called home within the Grimoire of Reason...



Everything Madalyn sacrificed would be for nothing, and that frightened the golden witch more than any demon could. It was then the golden witch snapped out of her fears.

(“I have to stay alive. I… I have to keep my promise! If anyone should be scared, it's Madalyn. S-She hasn't seen the world outside in eons. T-This is the fight for her freedom for the first time since she was trapped. I... I need to do everything to make sure she'll be free!”)

A little flame in her burned like a matchstick, warming her hand on a cold night. During the chaos, Goldie thought about what she wanted. Mana poured from her body as she cast a quick spell around her. Everything slowed around her, giving Goldie the ability to dodge with ease.

“There you go! Keep that up!”

Maddy shouted like a cheerleader. Madalyn was holding her own, destroying demons during the treant’s brimstone rain. Her partner once again enamored Goldie.

(“I’m so glad she’s on my side. She’s so cool… and I want to be like that. I have to be like that!”)

The massive spell finally calmed down, allowing Goldie to cancel her quick magic. Demons assaulted her, but the golden witch avoided them and brought a powerful attack on her staff.

“Lower left!”

She cried out, confirming her strike. A ray of lightning struck the mountain-sized creature. A layer of darkness broke off the massive beast, but it wasn't enough to make an opening. But then, Madalyn began her spell, at least twice the strength of Goldie's. It was burning with a fiery passion.

“Let us in already!”

The witch roared as an explosion shook the world with her attack. The monster screamed, shaking the bones of the witches.

“Take my hand, Goldie!”

Madalyn commanded. The princess did just that as they flew into the opening. To Goldie's surprise, the darkness was beginning to close, and she wasn't sure if they would make it inside in time.



Goldie quickened their speed, assuring they flew inside of the creature before too late. It felt like sludge as they pressed through the small opening. Maddy channeled a spell into her hand and fired off a heat ray, keeping the space from closing. The witches successfully broke through as they journeyed deeper toward the Overlord's core.


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