The Golden Child and the Grimoire of Reason

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 – Core

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Chapter 16 - Core


In the darkness, the witches soared through the space together. In silence, they held each other close.

“Good work so far.”

Maddy comforted Goldie. This battle was fierce, and the uplifting comment helped the princess's morale. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and confidently opened them.

"Thank you, Madalyn."

A light smile came on Goldie's face. She didn't want to be distracted, but the praise made her swoon. They flew for what felt like hours, traveling in a black world full of dark energy.



To Goldie's surprise, a purple land of grass and beautiful flowers appeared in the distance. It was lit up like a stage of a play in a theatre. Above them, stars and other beautiful diamonds glimmered, creating an incredible scene that surprised the golden witch.

It was odd. Within that embodiment of evil… was a place so beautiful.

“There it is, the core Goldie...”

Maddy pointed as they flew into the purple grass and landed. The two witches stood tall as they looked at their enemy. Goldie was shocked to see a great beast in the center of the beautiful landscape.



It looked like a dragon with a dark body and beautiful green eyes. The princess had heard stories of dragons in books but never knew they were real until today. The Overlord core had broad garnet wings and a round body. The beautiful field was crushed under its massive body when it stood up from its slumber.

"This dragon is strong and will be the first battle against the Overlord. Stay focused, and don't get overwhelmed, my love.”

The witches stood on the beautiful, lush grass. In the dark skied dome, they faced the Overlord core. Dark energy resonated from the dragon when it roared. Its booming voice was like a storm raging in the enclosed space.

“Stay focused, keep calm. Attack with purpose and win!”

Maddy commanded like an army general. Goldie readied her staff and cried back.

“Yes, Madalyn!”

The dragon raged as magic symbols appeared all around the grassy field. Star-like lights rose around the witches. Madalyn brought out a shield as the magic exploded in a powerful tremor. Shards of magic speared around the area like beautiful diamonds blasted into pieces. The spell was devastating enough to chip at even Madalyn's mana barrier.

The great witch recoiled, but Goldie caught her.

“Thank you.”

Maddy said as she got to her feet. The fierce dragon began flapping its wings and took flight, pushing a gust of wind towards the pair. The two witches began their offense as soon as the dragon was airborne. The dragon almost vanished on the battlefield as it magically camouflaged with the lights above.

“It’s gone?!”

Goldie yelled, unable to see the giant dragon. Maddy shook her head.

“Conduct a powerful spell, Goldie! I’ll provide a way for your attack to hit!”

At her orders, Goldie began channeling her spell. She wasn’t sure what her partner had in mind, but she trusted her direction. Madalyn held her staff up high and brought about a holy spell. The brilliant light began raining down from above like rays of sunshine. The light would stop, showing where the beast was in the sky. Goldie had a direct line of sight.


The golden witch cried out as she released her lightning that even Zeus would tremble at. The brilliant stream of lightning struck the beast, earning a horrid roar from it. In retaliation, the Overlord piece soared before diving toward the golden girl.


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A white shield formed over the beast as it spun like a top, deflecting the rest of Goldie’s attack. Thunder speared all around, lighting the purple grass on fire.


Maddy levitated and pushed the golden witch out of the attack. She attempted to shield herself, but the dragon broke through the barrier like glass.




Maddy was hit directly. Blood gushed from her wounds as she flipped on the lush grass. Madalyn rolled across the battlefield like a ragdoll thrown from one side of the room to the other. Everything Goldie wanted...

It was about to be taken away in an instant.


The horrid beast began channeling more magic, aiming at its victim. Goldie jumped on her staff, enchanted herself with a quickened spell, and pushed her speed to the limit as she flew towards Maddy. Flames speared in Maddy's direction, but Goldie successfully pulled her out of harm's way.

“Maddy, I’m here!”

Goldie comforted her, and she flew Maddy into the sky. The mighty blaze missed, charring grass. The beast's rage frightened Goldie as she landed on the other end of the burning field. Gently, Goldie lay Maddy down and searched her wounds. Her arm and side were sliced with a jagged cut.

"It's bad!"

Goldie started to channel a healing spell, but behind her, the beast was generating its next attack. The beautiful diamond sky swirled with lightning and the beast’s enraged fury.

“Maddy, wake up! Please!”

But Maddy was motionless, and the dread set into Goldie’s heart. The wound looked fatal to the golden witch. Goldie knew she didn’t have the time to switch to a defensive spell, but she had no choice with Maddy in this state.

“Please, you can’t leave me!”

In tears, Goldie canceled her attempt to heal Maddy and put all her efforts into keeping them alive. In the heat of the moment, Goldie stood up and began a barrier, trying to shield the incoming lightning. She put her hands up as if she was going to catch the incoming storm. The golden witch attempted to dual-cast another shield to protect them from the decisive attack.

But the Overlord core's power was great, and it shook the golden witch to the heart as the spell released. The purple grass edges rose due to the electric charge above. As if Zeus was striking them down, the attack punished the witch with a thunderous explosion.

(“I screwed up! This is my fault…”)

The witch berated her inability to act quickly. She bitterly cursed as her shield spells were only partially complete. Goldie knew it wouldn't withstand the fierce magic coming her way. But she had to try… to keep her promise.

Lightning, the color of blood, brought judgment down on the witch. The powerful spell cracked her white barriers with a fierce blood-red lightning bolt. The shockwave rippled through Goldie, and a surge of pain burst through her body.


Like a sledgehammer being bashed on her bones, the golden witch screamed. The spell raged through her shield, ready to cut her in two as the barriers cracked like glass, and mana burst, slicing her head and arms.

“Nnnggg! M-Maddy!”

In tears, Goldie cried out to her love as her fingers bled from the pressure. The golden witch grit her teeth as the pain finally set in. The barriers were caving in, giving in to the demonic lightning.


(“It hurts! I-I can’t do this alone! I-I’m so sorry… Madalyn.”)

The golden witch’s legs buckled as she fell to the grass, still holding off the spell as best as she could. But it was pointless, and Goldie knew this. Tears raced down her cheeks as she apologized countless times to… Madalyn.


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