The Golden Child and the Grimoire of Reason

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 – Battle With the Core

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Chapter 17

Battle With the Core





A bright golden shield appeared over Goldie, to her surprise. The blood-red thunder scattered away and relented momentarily. The tremendous golden barrier saved the golden witch. But as soon as Goldie felt safe, more crimson thunder bolts assaulted the brilliant shield. The spell tried to break through the protection but was useless. The golden princess was safe for the time being.


A warm hand took Goldie’s shoulders from behind. The blissful feeling rippled through her body as her voice whispered in her ear.

“You did well, Goldie, my love.”



Maddy's calm voice soothed Goldie through. Tears raced down the novice witch joy filled her soul. The fear lessened, knowing Maddy was still with her. With that great barrier around them, Madalyn blasted away the Overlord's spell. Still shaking, Goldie couldn't stand and fell to the grass. Madalyn took over and stood tall, protecting them from more attacks. They held their ground in the warzone of magic as the beast assaulted them with countless spells.

“You’re so aggressive!”

Madalyn barked.

Like a dancer in a ball, Maddy had the show. She used her massive protection spells, deflecting waves of magic away from the couple. Goldie regained her composure and stood to her feet alongside her partner. More magic attacks raged at them of all elements, but Goldie aided the great witch with her shields this time.

“Stay at it for a little longer, Goldie!”

Bloodied from the blow, Maddy didn't show pain as she directed the golden witch. Together, they survived the relentless assault. Infuriated, the demonic dragon flew to the air, giving them just a moment of reprieve from the spells.

“Maddy, I’m so sorry! I-I.”

Maddy, still focused on the beast above, put her hand out to stop her words. The dragon was camouflaged like before, making it hard for her to see where it was.

“Stay focused, my love! Our lives are still on the line Goldie. Don’t get discouraged!”

Blood dripped from Madalyn's shoulder and sides. Her wound looked deep, and that worried Goldie. But Madalyn was a warrior and didn't show the pain on her face. Battle was the only thing on her mind.

“R-Right M-Madalyn… What do we do next?”

Goldie asked as she searched the skies, trying to find the beast. But it was already gone, hiding in the stars.

"The Overlord core is quick, unlike the massive treant before. Its spells are strong, fast, and formidable.”

Maddy explained as she held her shoulder. The great witch took a deep breath and began flowing mana through her body. It wasn't a fast-acting heal spell, but it lessened the pain for the time being.

"I'm sorry for being careless, Maddy! You wouldn't have gotten hurt if-"

Maddy shook her head.

"There's no time to worry about that, Goldie, my love. Let's find a strategy so we can survive first!"

The beast magically assaulted them from the air once more. Fire and brimstone rained, causing the grass and flowers to burn below. Goldie and Maddy knew they couldn't defend forever and would have to get on the offensive soon.

"It's fast and releases spells that are too strong to absorb or reflect, Maddy. Dodging is dangerous too… And when it's in the sky, it's too hard to see. This beast... is difficult to fight."

The golden witch contemplated. Maddy and Goldie could only see glimpses of the beast before it completely vanished.

"We're at a disadvantage when it flies. Even if we try and follow it in the air, we wouldn't be able to see it from up there either. We must first keep it out of the air, Goldie. "

Maddy commanded.

Goldie didn't know how that was possible. The beast was in complete control of the battle area. This was its lair, its home, and the witches had no control over what it did.

“Can’t fly... stop it from moving?”

The witch thought back to her battle with Madalyn. The binds grabbed her staff, not allowing her to move. Goldie… couldn't fly. That's when it clicked to the golden witch.

"C-Can't I bind the dragon-like you showed me in training, Maddy? And while it's trapped, you can release a strong enough spell to wipe it out?"

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The binding spell Maddy used on Goldie to stop her from flying away came to mind. This foe reminded the golden girl of that training session. Everything clicked on her like a puzzle coming together. Her heart raced as a solution came to mind.

“A strong enough spell to destroy this Overlord core in one hit? That’s a stretch, even for me, Goldie.”

Amid their talk, the dragon barreled down at them like before.

“Move out of the way! The beast is coming!”

Maddy commanded as they both scattered away. The witches retreated to safety, and the dragon ruined the ground, attempting to crush them. An earthquake shook the ground, nearly knocking over the witches. The two took to their staffs and flew in the air to meet up with one another.


Goldie cursed.

It's been a while since she'd called anyone by that. But this beast enraged the golden witch. Soon the beast would begin another attack, and the witches knew this. Coming up with a solid plan was their best option.

“What was your plan again, Goldie? Explain everything to me!”

Maddy asked as they floated in the air, watching the burning purple grass from above.

"I'll enchant you, Maddy, with greater magic. Then you enchant yourself with that same spell, increasing the power tenfold."

The golden witch pondered to make sure it could work. Once it all came together, she continued her strategy.

"It will use a lot of mana, but you're a powerhouse, Maddy. You're the strongest! I can bind the dragon so it can't move. Then you release a spell so powerful that nothing would survive!"

Goldie thought about that spell that Maddy would use on her during their training. It was unavoidable and would have likely resulted in her losing.

"Maybe… you can use that spell, the enormous one you used during our training? I don't know… it might not be a great idea."

In the past, something like this may not have worked. But Madalyn was different from eons ago. Goldie doubted herself, but Maddy gave her a devious smirk, only shown when her excitement peaked in battle.

"It's a stretch, but… I think I can pull it off. Your binds will have to last long enough for me to gather enough mana, though, love."

Goldie felt confidence exuding from Madalyn. The great witch was excited to try out the limits of her mana, and increasing her power to this extent thrilled her beyond words. Maddy would never say it aloud, but she was almost begging to try this strategy.

Madalyn enjoyed the battle, and Goldie realized this during their training. The golden witch gave her a warm smile and nodded.

“I will do my best. So, show me how strong you are… Madalyn.”

Maddy looked at Goldie, whose face was bloody. But those warm brimstone eyes made the great witch's heart pound like never before. It pained her to see Goldie hurt like this, and Madalyn wanted that demonic beast to suffer for it.

“Then watch me closely, my love.”

Goldie’s heart swooned as she followed her mentor back into battle. They both dropped to the grass and faced the Overlord core. The dragon stood on its four legs and approached the witches.

"We have a plan, Goldie! Avoid it as best as possible. Enchant me when you get the chance. I'll tell you when to bind the Overlord core!"

“Right! Yes, Maddy!”

The dragon dashed at the two, attempting to claw them down as the beast did to Maddy. But this time, Goldie reacted quickly and ran to her partner.

“No, don’t you hurt Maddy again!”

They teleported away, missing the deadly claw that cratered the flaming grass. Dark flames burned the sea of grass as the witch's appeared at the edges of the purple grass battlefield. Instantly, the beast was channeling its next spell, not allowing them to breathe.

“Thank you, Goldie.”

Maddy squeezed her love's arm before letting her go. The soft-touch invigorated the golden witch.

Goldie may have failed to protect Maddy once, but that wouldn't happen again.


"I'll enchant you with greater magic, Maddy. But don't use your spells, else my enchant will go to waste."

The Golden witch shouted with vigor.

"Save my enchantments for your final spell and take out the overlord in one shot!"

"Yes, Goldie!"


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