The Good Incubus

Chapter 140: Chapter 139 Leaving The Peak

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Chapter 139

Leaving The Peak

Cuddled among his men, Luo Bai reluctantly said, “right my betrothed, I’m sorry to say, it’s time to give you a proper send off to find the horn part.”

Xie Jie shifted his hips slightly and looked up through his dark lashes at his tall Leader, “I’m not sure we have time for a proper send off but a quick one would be wonderful.”

Luo Bai’s mouth went dry but he quickly snapped out of his lusty thoughts, and shaking his head said, “that is not what I mean my cute little tempter. Chu Ling, Yan Zhu, could you take us down to... wait, who’s hut is it now?”

Yan Zhu looked at his previous disciple who he had gifted his hut to, and seeing Hao Kong’s ecstatic nod said, “both of ours and all of ours my dear Bai Bai, my former hut is now our family’s home.”

Luo Bai’s breath hitched and he thought, ‘we are all betrothed, of course we will be living together, why is my heart beating so fast over this?’ 

His cheeks and ears tinged red, Luo Bai said in a deep slightly broken voice, “could you please take us down to our home.”

Chu Ling’s huge powerful arms enclosed his fellow Leader a little too tightly and Luo Bai gasped. 

In the split second it took the big Healer to shift down the mountain, he had hoisted his man into his arms and was gently cuddling him. Putting his fellow Leader down, Chu Ling kissed his lips and disappeared. While Yan Zhu did the same with Fen Ru Chao. 

The pair moved between the hut and the peak, bringing their men down then gave each a soft peck on the lips before going for the next. 

The last pair they got was Hao Kong and Xie Jie, but the strong men didn’t put their lovers down, knowing the two would be leaving soon they wanted to keep them close as much as possible. 

Xie Jie giggled happily and caressed Yan Zhu’s cheek, “I guess from your possessive hug, your not coming with us?”

“I’m sorry my dear one, if I go across multiple sect’s land it could start a war, or bare minimum cause panic. Its rare for an Elder to leave seclusion, let alone go out in the world. Plus I want to ask the other Elders if they want to have their emotions restored.”

Gong Qiu Yu asked, “is that wise?”

Smiling at his intelligent Scholar Yan Zhu replied, “due to their lack of emotions, the Elders will impartially determine if we should restore their emotions or not.”

Holding Xie Jie a little tighter and dropping his eyes down with his brows knitted he said, “and I’ll ask their council on whether I should keep my emotions.”

It felt like a pit had opened up in all of their stomachs, and Gong Qiu Yu asked, “what will you do if they say you shouldn’t have your emotions?”

Still not meeting the other men’s gazes, Yan Zhu replied, “It depends on their reasoning, I guess if they give me a good reason I’ll have to consider my options,” looking into Xie Jie’s worried eyes a thought came into his mind and he said, “or I could go see Song Qiao, she is as strong as me and has never needed to go into seclusion.”

Xie Jie clung to his Elder’s neck and said, “mama Song must repress her power some how, I never even knew she was a cultivator until she came here. I hope the other Elders can see that you like this is a good thing, otherwise I don’t know what I’ll do, I could never give you up for such a reason.”

His pupils full of his incubus’s beautiful pale face, Yan Zhu asked sadly, “does that mean there is a reason you could give me up?”

Smiling brightly Xie Jie replied, “there is only one reason I would strive to give any of you up.” 

The others held their breath, their eyes boring holes into their incubus. “That is if you didn’t want me. I could never stop loving you, but I would respect your wishes and leave.”

The men all let out their breath; their hearts thundering as one, they snuggled in round their incubus and Elder.

Xie Jie giggled at his cute men, “of course I would respect your wishes, I will in everything my dear loves.” Held lovingly by his men, Xie Jie got serious, “Now what do we need to go to the mines? I came here with only the clothes on my back,” shyly smiling he said, “and those got kind of ruined when I saved Zhou Tu.”

Hao Kong chuckled, “you really are reckless my dear.”

Shrinking in his Elder’s arms, Xie Jie muttered, “I didn’t think my chances of being accepted were good when I left home, not a lot of point bringing lots of stuff to your execution.”

The others froze and Luo Bai asked, “then why did you come?”

Embarrassment tinged Xie Jie’s pale cheeks red as he replied softly, “I would rather have my life taken than take someone else’s. A young incubus can’t control their hunger the first time they have sex. I struggled with Zhou Tu and that was just oral.”

Blushing the young disciple said, “if I wasn’t so exhausted I would have been fine.”

Xie Jie shifted in Yan Zhu’s arms and kissed Zhou Tu softly on the lips, “I’m sorry my love, I feel so guilty, not only did I pressure you to do something you weren’t ready for, I also took too much of your energy.”

Zhou Tu’s eyes went wide and he said in a rush, “it was rather fast, but I agreed and I’m glad I did. If not for you I would still be denying my desires because of my family, and Hao Kong said you past out when he found you, so if you had taken any less energy we both would have died.” Pecking his husband on the lips he said softly, “Thank you for saving me.”

Fen Ru Chao was shocked, he had known Xie Jie had been rash when he rescued Zhou Tu because he couldn’t of defeated the nymph, but he hadn’t known he had put his life in such extreme danger in other ways too. His fiery love for the little incubus settled down into his very being, and his doting smile matched his other men.

Yan Zhu held his man tighter and said, “no taking such risks going forward, looking back on your impulsive behaviour makes me fear for your life my dear one.”

In far too cheery a voice Xie Jie replied, “no can do, I will always try to save good people. I couldn’t let Zhou Tu be killed by a nymph, or let the nymph be killed in retaliation.”

A deep sad sigh left Luo Bai’s lips then he said, “true, I wouldn’t of allowed the killing to go unpunished.”

Zhou Tu asked meekly, “even though it was my fault for polluting her sacred pool?”

Gong Qiu Yu held his man from behind and said sadly, “I would have been distraught and made bad choices.”

Luo Bai hugged him from the front and said, “even not knowing how wonderful you are, I would have done what I needed to do to protect the sect, and I can’t say for sure it wouldn’t of ended with her death. Thank you Xie Jie for helping us all.”

In a loud voice that snapped them out of their thoughts, Hao Kong said, “Nope, your not allowed to think of this now, now you have to shower us with love, we are going to be gone for at the very least ten days.”

To Xie Jie’s surprise, Luo Bai lifted the startled Fen Ru Chao into his arms, then looking down with feigned shyness said, “yes Master Hao, we’ll give you all our love.”

The others gulped, their Luo Bai was too sexy to make such a face, Yan Zhu said what they were all thinking, “Oh Luo Bai don’t look at us like that, we’ll never get anything done if you do.”

Startled, Luo Bai asked genuinely bashfully, “what do you mean?”

Chu Ling chuckled, “you really are oblivious, you are too sexy.”

The others nodded and said at almost the same time, “far too sexy.”

Fen Ru Chao said shyly, “Luo Bai, well over half the peak lusts after you.”

Almost dropping the beautiful Healer in his arms, the tall Leader asked softly, “really? No that can’t be... I mean... Really?”

Kissing his flustered man softly on the cheek, Fen Ru Chao replied equally softly, “really.”

“Oh, er should I do something about that?”

Kissing his Leader’s other cheek the Master Healer said, “no, the Masters and Disciples being attracted to you is good for morale; plus every time you lower your robes when sparring on hot days, there is a jump in your pupils cultivation.”

Over the years Luo Bai had come to trust Fen Ru Chao’s opinion as much as Gong Qiu Yu, so he didn’t question the Master Healer’s words, but he was struggling to accept them.

Softly stroking the back of his Leader’s neck, Fen Ru Chao said, “I thought you knew, otherwise I would have told you decades ago.”

Leaning down Luo Bai kissed his Healer’s full lips and said, “I’m going to miss your council while you’re gone my dear.”

Xie Jie’s eyes lit up, “my dear Ru Ru, are you coming with us?”

Shyly blushing at the cute name, Fen Ru Chao replied, “I’m the only other one who is free.”

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The Leaders and Hao Kong were startled by the Master Healer’s uncharacteristic behaviour, he was usually so confident in recommending himself. They wondered why he was so shy when with them romantically and wanted to help him express himself more freely. 

Xie Jie grinned, “I look forward to travelling with you my love.”

“Right,” said Gong Qiu Yu decisively, “we had best get everything together.”

There were several sad sighs and they all moved apart, then disappeared off in different directions. 

Xie Jie was amazed how much he could sense from his husbands’ full marks, he had thought it would all be jumbled up, but he could distinctly feel each one of their emotions and locations. It made him happy and sad that they were already missing him. 

Still held in his Elder’s arms, Xie Jie said, “I’m just going to go get something from the hut, I want to give something to you all for while we are gone.”

Raising a questioning brow Yan Zhu asked, “what kind of thing?”

A naughty smile raised Xie Jie’s lips, “it’s a surprise.”

While he went to the hut and got what he wanted, he tested his senses following his lovers as they moved across the peak. 

After a minute he opened the door to their hut and sat down on the porch with his lovely Elder, they cuddled happily in the sun, until their lovers reappeared with all manner of things that could be useful while travelling. 

Looking at the huge pile of stuff, Xie Jie asked dubiously, “how are we going to carry all that?”

Gong Qiu Yu smiled, “all of the robes of Snow Mist Peak have enchanted sleeves, and mine have the biggest.”

Reaching over he pulled a long bamboo pole out through Xie Jie’s sleeve. 

Xie Jie’s mouth dropped open, “what else is in there? How can I get things out?”

Smiling at his husband’s enthusiasm, Gong Qiu Yu said, “I have certain helpful things in all my robes. To use this spatial device, I first need to guide some of your energy into the array, so that you can freely add and remove things.”

Luo Bai’s brows rose in surprise, “you put an energy lock on your sleeves?”

While guiding Xie Jie’s energy, Gong Qiu Yu’s ears flushed and he said, “yes, because I sometimes keep paintings in my sleeves, I have one of our cute Ru Ru in here.”

“You painted me?” Asked the Master Healer in little more than a whisper. 

“Yes, would you like to see it? I’m rather happy with how it came out, I think it captures your beautiful concentration my dear.” 

At Fen Ru Chao’s nod, Gong Qiu Yu reached into the sleeve again and pulled out a large rolled up scroll, then passed it to the Master Healer’s shaking hands.

Opening the scroll, Fen Ru Chao’s breath caught and for a long moment he just stared at his own dark eyes staring up at him, under his breath he said, “it’s beautiful my dear Gong Qiu Yu, is this really how you see me?”

The Scholar gently caressed Fen Ru Chao’s cheek, “I may not have acknowledged my love for you, but I have had deep feelings for you for many decades my dear shy lover, so make sure you look after yourself and my... husbands.” Gong Qiu Yu’s voice shook with the last word and he couldn’t stop smiling. 

“My dear Qiu Yu, I’ll be sure to bring them back, and when we are all safe and sound together,” Fen Ru Chao took a deep breath and finished, “I think we should complete your wedding in the way of the incubus.”

The men around him all gulped and Luo Bai said, “If you keep talking like that my cute Healer, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to wait.”

Xie Jie said with a smile, “I’m going to have to feed while we are away, so my sexy Bai Bai, you won’t have to entirely wait.”

Luo Bai’s eyes went wide, “Oh my, is it going to be the same as before?” At Xie Jie’s nod, Luo Bai said meekly, “could you please get energy in the morning or evening when I can be with our men? I’m not sure I’ll be able to concentrate if you arouse me that much during a meeting or while I’m teaching.”

Putting his finger to his lips, Xie Jie said thoughtfully, “Gong Qiu Yu could you please kiss Chu Ling.”

Without questioning it the two Leaders put their lips to each others in a soft sensual kiss, smiling Xie Jie said, “my dear Bai Bai, when you are ready, ask our men to kiss three times, I can sense their sexy interactions. I should only need to feed twice while we are away, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

Zhou Tu asked, “what if something happens and you need to feed more?” Grinning he said, “or our insatiably kinky man needs to be satisfied?”

Hao Kong opened his mouth to deny his kinkiness, but realised with his actions he had already admitted to being their kinky man, so closed his mouth again. The others laughed good naturedly at their silver haired lover.

Via Xie Jie, Dun Guanlian said, “I’ll let you know if anything happens by shaking your ring.” The rings all vibrated in demonstration. “We don’t know what will happen with the dragon, so one shake means all is well, two means we are in trouble, and three means sex.”

Xie Jie asked the ancient artefacts, “why would we need to say sex?”

With a cheeky giggle Dun Mírén said, “I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you.”

The others looked to Hao Kong, who is Master of magical creatures, to explain, but he said, “I am bound to my Master, as much as I enjoy him punishing me, I’ll not tell if he doesn’t want me to.”

Smiling at his silver haired lover, Luo Bai said, “you are becoming adorably more honest, when you get home you have to tell me all your kinks, I want to try them all with you.”

The others agreed, and Hao Kong said shyly, “I’ll tell you all of mine, if we can do at least one of each of yours too. While we are away, think of something you would like to do to me.”

Xie Jie laughed, “well now you all know one of his kinks. I’m going to think up something truly delightful to do to you my dear silver fox.”

Grinning Hao Kong said, “then we had best get going so we can get back.”


After packing everything into their sleeves, Xie Jie gave his gift to Chu Ling, and Fen Ru Chao double checked his Leader knew everything that was going on in the infirmary.

After being told what he already knew twice, Chu Ling stopped his direct disciple telling him a third time by sealing his lips with a long sweet kiss. By the time they parted, Fen Ru Chao looked up at his Leader with a happy dazed expression and said nothing.

The three departing men stood ready to leave in the middle of their hugging lovers, after kissing each other twice, Fen Ru Chao and Hao Kong moved over to the side of the field. 

Holding their swords in one hand, the pair performed a complicated series of hand motions, finishing with pushing energy into the arrays on their sword’s hilts. 

The swords hung motionless in the air, just above the ground, and the two men stepped calmly on to the blades.

Xie Jie knew he should be used to the amazing feats his men could do, but his mouth still hung open. 

Extending a hand to his husband, Hao Kong said, “my dear would you like a lift again?”

Inside his mind the armour all said, “yes.” 

And Dun Xinyi added, “I want to feel our man’s broad back on my metal.” 

Then Dun Mírén asked, “tomorrow can we wrap round our cute Fen Ru Chao?”

Xie Jie took the proffered hand and snuggled in behind his husband on his sword, and the Dun’s wrapped round both men.

Those left at the peak all held hands as they watched their men fly off into the wide world, and Luo Bai said, “they will be back in no time.” But he didn’t really believe it, he already missed his lovers.

End of Volume 1

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