The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Chapter 13: 12

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Around noon, Shura and I were about to leave the Aeem Village and hit the road. The villagers were in sadness because she’s leaving. But they also congratulated her sincerely for the fact that she’s found her life partner. At last, she bursted into tears since she felt both sorry and thankful for them. So, we couldn’t leave right away and our departure got delayed a little bit.

This woman, she usually looks very disciplined. Yet, she’s quite easily moved to tears.

“Hey, let’s go.”

“Yes sir.”

Shura and I scampered through the Dwin Mountains rapidly. We saw a few demons on our way but we passed by them right away because we wasted one day in the Aeem Village. It certainly weighed on my mind.

We got enough time but we still had to urge our way because of Shura.

Shura had red eyes and light blue skin which were very similar to those of Moon Elves. Since they’re on the side of the Power of Darkness, she could be mistaken as a spy while traveling through the territory of the Yosrahim Empire which was on the side of the Power of Light. So, we needed to travel covertly only during nighttime.

And Shura was not as fast as myself. While traveling, I taught her Assassin’s Traveling Skill in our spare time but still, we’re behind our schedule.

‘We are almost on time.’

Exactly nine days after, we finally arrived at the Holy Land of Divinum. We could ease our minds from here. A long time ago, Saint Prosia and the Seven Saintesses who spread the civilizations and religions in the world first came to the Holy Land of Divinum. So, this place was the holiest land in the whole continent and no countries could send their army here.

If any country sent its army here, it would be condemned by all the other countries and Churches in the world for sacrilege. In other words, it might have to go to war against the whole continent.

Even if my father and uncle got a lot of nerve, they could not send their army to the Holy Land of Divinum to find me.

“It is over there.”

After a half the day passed, we safely arrived near the Holy Land of Divinum. There’s no checkpoint as I expected. Some Holy Knights and Soldiers were wandering around but they didn’t inspect all the people. Actually, a lot of residents who lived in the territory under the side of the Power of Darkness often made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Divinum.

“The castle is very huge. Don’t you think so, Master?”

Shura was in awe as she looked up the Divinum Castle of which endless walls were 30 meters in height. Probably, she had never seen such a magnificent castle like this.

“Yeah, this is the Holy Land for all the religions in the whole world including both Light and Darkness.”

In the Divinum Castle, all the central shrines of all the Churches including the Great Divinum Temple were crowded together. Besides, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were visiting every year so business and commerce were developed a lot too. Although its size was somewhat smaller than the Imperial Castle of the Yosrahim Empire, the splendor and glitz of the Divinum Castle were surely the best in the world.

“I see.”

“So, you should behave yourself. Light and Darkness coexisted here. So, sometimes a huge brawl could occur. If you put yourself into some kind of trouble, you’re forbidden to visit here forever. Keep in mind.”

“Yes sir.”

As we continued walking for a while, I saw a group of armed mercenary soldiers in front of the gate of the Divinum Castle. And I stopped walking because I could see a familiar face. In fact, his name was Roland and He’s the knight belonging to the Great Lord Carl’s Territory.

I knew him well because he was one of my convoys of knights during my years at Imperial Aristocrat School.

‘They are certainly making a great effort. What are they going to do if someone else finds out that they are knights belonging to the Great Lord Carl’s Territory?’

They’re definitely looking for me. Before running away, I had an argument with my father for going to the Divinum Temple. So, it’s pretty obvious that I would come here.

But the problem was that the Holy Land of Divinum was mankind’s largest Holy Land. Even if my father was the second most powerful man in the Yosrahim Empire, he would be in trouble once other people found out the fact that he sent his troops inside the Holy Land of Divinum.

Shura approached me.

“Master, what’s the matter?”

“There’s a heckler who’s trying to take me home.”

“What should we do then?”

I sat on the ledge nearby.

“Let’s wait.”

“But after a few hours, it will be at noon…”

The Churches of Light and the Churches of Darkness shared the Hall of Divinity on shifts. During the daytime, the Churches of Light were in charge. And during nighttime, the Churches of Darkness were in charge. Meanwhile, those who’re on the side of the Power of Neutral Gods could access the Hall of Divinity anytime.

But the thing is that the holiest hour for the Churches of Light was noon when the day was brightest. So, they always started opening the Hall of Divinity at noon. In my past life, I was the first person who entered today and got Yojo.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Then we can’t be goofing around here forever, can we? To achieve your goal, you said you should be the person entering first.

“Yeah, but we don’t have to rush too much. I can enter before noon for sure.”


It’s very simple. I could get a ride from my friend who went to the same Imperial Aristocrat School with me.

In fact, the graduates of Imperial Aristocrat School usually went to the Hall of Divinity in their graduation year because they just turned to the legal age to enter the Hall of Divinity. Of course, they could go to the Hall of Divinity later in the future but they simply couldn’t wait. The reason was that their lives could change drastically, depending on whether they could get a sacred weapon or not.

People recognized those who got sacred weapons as saints who’re blessed and beloved by Gods. And for noble families, it could have a huge influence on who would succeed the family as an heir.

‘A lord who is beloved by God.’

Not only it became easier to rule their territory, but also the fathers who would bequeath their titles to their sons who were the owners of sacred weapons could go to heaven. So, it’s certainly a huge factor.

Honestly, it seems like a joke for me who came from my past life. Yet, this is still an ongoing social phenomenon.

“I have a friend whose name is Hubeo. He will be late today due to personal reasons so we can get a ride from him.” 

Hubeo was my best friend during my years at Imperial Aristocrat School. He’s a rightful heir of Duke Ferrero whose family was the best magician family in the Yosrahim Empire. His lineage was very good and he was also my classmate. So, I personally made friends with him.

By the way, Hubeo would pass by this road today at a breakneck speed. He got late because he was helping his father’s magic research but he still arrived on time which was an hour before they opened the Hall of Divinity.

“Lord Hubeo… do you know each other well, Master?” 

“Yeah, he’s my best friend. There’s no friend like him.”

Unfortunately, Hubeo was killed at the Polkin Gateway where the Prosia Continental Coalition Forces and demons had their first battle. It was such an unfortunate death.

Not long after, I could see the six-horse carriage rapidly approaching from afar. At the front of the carriage, there’s a coat of arms with a symbol of wind so it seemed like the carriage of Duke Ferrero’s family.  

It’s certainly my friend Hubeo. Seriously, it’s been so many years. Because of joy and longing, I blocked his way and yelled in a loud voice.

“Hubeo! It’s me, your friend!”

The carriage stopped quickly. Hubeo’s convoy of knights riding horses drew their swords immediately and approached me. To their eyes, I looked just like a beggar.

“You, rude bastard! How dare you to block our way? Do you even know who’s riding in this carriage?”

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Unusually, these knights only yelled at me. In normal cases, they could kill me right away without any problems. But here is the Holy Land. No one can shed blood so easily.

So I kept calling Hubeo.

“Hubeo. It’s me, your friend!”

Soon, a young man with brown hair stuck his head outside the carriage window. It was Hubeo. He stared at me for a long time, made a pale face, and put his head back to the carriage.

I clenched my fist.

“Hubeo. I know you saw me!”

He wore a tearful face and finally I could hear his voice.

“Argh. I know him. Let him inside the carriage.”

Just like I expected. Hubeo knew it was me right away even though I was wearing shabby clothes. Actually, it’s not so surprising because we were best friends in school. Making helpless faces, his knights guided Shura, and me into the carriage.

Inside the carriage, were sitting Hubeo in a luxurious aristocratic robe and an old gentleman with a white mustache. After I got on the carriage with Shura, I tapped on Hubeo’s shoulder. He was still feeling awkward.

“Hubeo, it’s been a while. How long has it been?”

“Yeah, I guess in about a month. Good to see you again.”

Actually, it’s been several years for me. But for Hubeo, it’s just been about a month because we met each other at our graduation ceremony a month ago.

I looked at the old gentleman who’s riding on the carriage with us.

“Who is this guy?”

“Oh, he’s a butler of our family.”

“I see. By the way, I think there’s not enough room in this carriage.”

Hubeo made a wry face. The carriage was being pulled by six horses. There’s plenty of room for four people.

Not long after, Hubeo sent an eye signal to his butler.

“Sir Joseph, could you stay outside for now?”

“Yes, my lord.”

As soon as Sir Joseph left, the coachman started driving the carriage again. Hubeo looked at me carefully and asked furtively.

“So, you ran away from home?”

“Yeah, how do you know it?”

“The Imperial Family sent a person to our family to find you.”

“Really? You didn’t say anything much, did you?”

“Nah, anyways there’s nothing I could talk about.”

Hubeo showed a little bit of interest in Shura. He must be curious because he could see Shura’s light blue skin under her hood.

“By the way, is she a female Moon Elf?”

“Yeah, that’s right but her father is High Elf.”

Shura jammed her hood on.

“So cool. It’s the first time that I’ve seen a female elf.”

I put my arm around Shura’s shoulder.

“She’s my girlfriend. Don’t even try.”

“Wow. She’s your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, man. You know I am popular.”

Hubeo seemed very envious of me. Female elves were very beautiful but they seldom gave affection to male humans. Thus, it was almost impossible for even a high-rank aristocrat to have a female elf as his lover.

“Yeah, I know.”

As our carriage was passing by Lord Roland and his knights, I pretended ignorance and avoided eye contact with them.

I safely passed. Lord Roland in his mercenary uniform couldn’t dare to stop the carriage of Duke Ferrero’s family. If he did, Hubeo’s convoy of knights would draw their swords immediately.

However, I couldn’t get away with an inspection of the Holy Knights who were guarding the gate. They boldly blocked our way and requested for our identification cards. 

As soon as they checked Hubeo’s identification, I showed them an identification card that I got from a dead mercenary soldier before.

“Here’s my identification card.”

Once one of the knights checked my identification card, he stared at us suspiciously. It’s definitely strange for him because Hubeo, who was the son of a high-rank aristocrat and me, who disguised myself as a mercenary, were riding on the same carriage.

“Lord Hubeo. Why are you riding on the same carriage with mercenaries?”

Hubeo looked at me hard and sent me an eye signal. What the hell? A mercenary’s identification card? He seemed so dumbfounded since he had no idea what I’d been doing.

“They’ve just helped me big time. So I’m treating them well.”

“Oh, really? I’ve understood.”

Holy Knights let us in. Since Hubeo’s identification was unquestionable, there’s no reason for them to stop us from getting inside.

As we entered the Divinum Castle, there was a crowded street. I could see an endless stream of stores and shops, as well as the huge shrines, sprung up everywhere. Indeed, it’s mankind’s biggest Holy Land.

I snuffled. I could smell savory bread. There must be a bakery nearby.

“Is there a bakery around here?”

“You hungry? Want me to buy some bread?”

He responded as soon as I mentioned a bakery.

Ah, I miss those days. During our school years, Hubeo always bought me bread. It’s so delicious. However, we ain’t got enough time right now. I can’t waste my time eating bread.

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