The Herald of Dogs [Dragon Age Inquisition Fanfic]

Chapter 3: 2. He’s wrong!

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Brand pulled inquisitor Leria off the mud by her silver hair and flung her dirty, naked, petite figure over his shoulder like she were a child. She might as well have been. The man was almost twice her height.

Leria wasn’t planning on going without a fight and began flailing wildly, to not much effect.

“Let go of me!”

There was little the bare handed powerless mage could do against the man’s armor, even if it was on the verge of falling apart.

A powerful spank landed on the elf’s ass with enough strength to take her breath away.

Her face turned red but she caught her breath and began struggling again, only to have another powerful spank interrupt her.

“Keep on strugglin’ if ya want more of these,” Brand laughed as he turned to walk into the forest, his injured friend following closely behind.

“You guys have no idea what you’ve gotten yourselves int-“ she began as another smack to her already tender bum interrupted her. “My friends will find you, and when they do, I’m gonna enjo-aaah!”

“Ain’t nobody gonna come lookin’ for a filthy knife ear like you,” Brand said, spanking her again.

Memories surfaced in Leria’s mind of her time in the Dennerim alienage.


Racial slurs... Humans throwing mud and dung at them.... An elf that got caught one day. Gone for several days until they found her, tied naked to the ancestral tree, covered in mud, urine and semen.


Laeria was about to start struggling again when the injured man pulled her head up by the hair and pointed her to his bleeding wound.

“You see that, bitch?! You’re gonna pay for that you stupid cunt!”

Leria spat at the man’s face, glaring at him. “Fuck y-“ she began as the man smacked her across the face.

“Stupid cunt,” he said, stretching his palm.

Leria gathered her willpower to ignore the pain in her cheeks (all three of them) and laugh at the man. “I have powerful friends. I’d suggest you let me go now and hide in your caves hoping we won’t find y-“ An extra powerful smack on her ass interrupted her again.

“Elves don’t have friends ya stupid cunt,” Brand laughed and spanked her again.

She considered telling them she was the inquisitor. Maybe they were the religious types? Or perhaps they would be willing to ransom her?”

“Look, my powerful friends would pay a lot of money to have me returned safely.”

Brand smacked her ass again. “No one is going to look for an elf whore like you, let alone pay for her ransom.” He spanked her even harder. Her ass was positively burning.

“I have a lot of money too! If you just take me to Skyhold safely, I can give you what you want and we can forget this ever ha-“

Brand smacked her reddened cheeks again. “All I can see you ‘eve, is a pasty white ass and a deliciously wet cunt,” he said, swiping his finger over her tender lower lips and putting it in his mouth to taste it.

She shuddered as his finger moved across her pussy.

But he was right. The pain in her ass and cheek distracted her from the moisture developing between her legs. Was she getting off to this? She had only let Blackwall spank her once before.

“I dunno, Brand,” the injured man began. “She has some nice-smelling, Orlisian silk panties. That shit ain’t cheap,” he said, pulling Leria’s panties from his pocket.

They were her favorite pair. 100% Orlisian silk, bought during her last stay in Val Royeaux.

He put them to his face, sniffing them. “Must have been wearing them for a while.”

“Give that back!” Leria growled as she scrambled to grab her panties, only to have the injured man pull them back and give her another powerful slap across the face.

All she could do was hold her burning cheek and stare daggers at the man. She was about to spit at him when Brand smacked her again.

“All dem elven whores in the brothel have Orlisian silk panties. ‘elps them believe they’re more than the dogs they really are,” he said and smacked her again..

“I’m with the inquisition you idiots!” she howled in pain. “When they find you, they’re going to-aaaaah”

Brand smacked her tenderized rear over and over “Ya keep sayin’ all that shit,” he said, spanking her again. “But meanwhile, your cunt is getting wetter and wetter.”

Leria squealed as Brand pushed a thick finger between her tight, wet pussy lips. She started flailing again only to be interrupted by a set of spanks more powerful than before. She howled in pain like an injured animal with every hit.

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Brand laughed. “Yeah that’s the real sound of an elf whore!”

The inquisitor didn’t even have time to react between spanks.

He finally let her aching bottom rest.

For a few moments.

Then he smacked her again, much harder than before, forcing a loud moan to leave the petite elf inquisitor’s lips, which she immediately interrupted, covering her mouth with her hands

Her face turned almost as red as her ass.

The two men howled with laughter.

“I told you she was a whore,” Brand laughed. “Where you from whore?” He smacked her again. “What whorehouse ya run off from? Have we fucked you before?”

“Fuck you,” was Leria’s only response.

“Nah man,” said the injured man. “I would have remembered such gorgeous lips wrapped around my cock,” he said as he moved his thumb over her luscious red lips, well contrasted with her milky white skin.

Leria bit it, prompting another powerful smack across the face.

“Dumb bitch,” he grumbled.

“I asked where ya from whore!” Brand demanded as he spanked the rosy ass-cheeks again.

“Dennerim!” the inquisitor moaned and covered her mouth again.

“Ah! Those Dennerim whores are my favorite!” he exclaimed and spanked her again. “All you gotta do is go to the alienage, offer those dumb cunts a copper, and they’ll suck your cock right then and there!”

“Shit, have I ever told you about that one alienage slut I saw?” the injured man asked as he started fondling the Herald’s perky breasts. “Damn, she’s got some fine soft tits.”

Leria tried to push his hand off to no avail. Again and again she was interrupted by a spank.

“Gotta be more specific,” Brand replied. “They’re all sluts in the alienage.”

“That one with the red hair. Got her to fuck me right in front of that daughter of hers she always has around,” the injured man answered, continuing to fondle the inqusitor’s breast.

Leria resorted to trying to bite at the injured man’s leather-armored arm. He pinched her nipple, forcing her to moan into his arm.

“Oh yeah!” Brand exclaimed, smacking Leria again. “I got ‘er to suck my cock together with that dumb daughter of ‘ers! Didn’t even bother payin’ them after, haha!” A ringing smack on the inquisitor’s ass for emphasis.

“You think I’d waste my copper on a common alienage whore? Pulled my cock out her stuffed pussy, wiped it off on her daughter’s face and walked off!” the injured man laughed and twisted the inqusitor’s nipple, forcing her to moan into his arm again.

“Ya damn right!” Brand laughed, smacking the Leria’s ass with enthusiasm. “Those stupid dogs should thanks us for savin’ them from starvin’ by lettin’ ‘em stuff themselves with our cum!”

“Dumb animals!” the injured man agreed.

The two men howled with laughter.

“Shut the fuck up!” Leria screamed with all her willpower, though what came out was more of a desperate wail. “I’ll fucking ki-ooooohhh!“

The inquisitor let out a loud moan that echoed through the trees around them, as the most powerful spank she ever received connected with her deep-red, abused ass. She didn’t cover her mouth in shame this time. She just collapsed unto Brand’s back in defeated, exhausted panting.

Brand laughed. “Fuck! This whore is fuckin’ drenched!” He pushed his thick finger all the way into her pussy this time, forcing another loud echoing moan from the mighty Lord of Skyhold.

Like a common alienage whore’ she thought to herself, biting her lip, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

Brand pulled out his finger, completely drenched from Leria’s insides. His breast piece was darkened with large stains of the inquisitors love juices.

The Herald of Andraste, leader of the inquisition and Lord of Skyhold, lay naked over the man’s shoulder. Her ass cheeks a deep red, her face rosy and marked with mud and tears, staining the man’s shoulder and chest with her wetness. Moaning, squealing and wailing as the other pinched and twisted her nipple

“I love it how they always get wet when I tell ‘em how I fucked their friends!” she heard Brand say. She could feel the heat and moisture between her legs, sliding down her thighs and unto the man’s chest.

No. He was wrong!    

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