The Herald of Dogs [Dragon Age Inquisition Fanfic]

Chapter 4: 3. Taking The First Step

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The walk uphill through the forest was punctuated by occasional wringing ass slaps, moaning and waling from the helpless and resentfully aroused petite elf inquisitor, and bursts of laughter from the men who were triumphantly carrying their bounty to their camp.

Their camp was located by the side of a cliff, consisting of several tents, large crates scavenged or stolen from passing ships, and an entrance to a cave in the cliff wall.

As they approached the camp, Leria could see the edge of their camp overlooking the forest below, the clearing of her camp clearly visible.

So that’s how they found her so easily.

Her trail of thought was cut off by a spank and Brand announcing their arrival.

“Wake up boys! We got us a live one!” He roared.

A dozen ragged bandits, all with armor more scrappy than the next, and a stench about them to match, left all they were doing and gathered in front of their arriving comrades.

The Lord of Skyhold squealed as Brand her petite body forward into the air, to be caught by a mass of filthy hands that immediately proceeded to grope and feel every inch of her milky white skin.

“Andraste’s cooch! Her tits are fuckin’ great!” exclaimed one groping her breasts.

“Put me down!” the inquisitor wailed as she tried in vain to struggle against the mass of limbs going over every inch of her body. She squealed as one of her nipples was pulled.

“She makes some nice sounds!” one of the men laughed.

“I’ll fucking kill every one of y-ooooh!” she moaned as one of the men slapped both her ass cheeks.

The men burst into laughter. One of them grabbed a handful of both her ass cheeks and brought her crotch to his face.

She looked at him with a helpless, worried gaze, flinching as he plunged his nose between her legs, inhaling he scent deeply.

Her crotch was waxed clean apart from a single, well-trimmed triangle patch of silver hair, in the Orlisian fashion, and the man’s nose dug deep into it.

He looked up to meet her helpless eyes with his own pleased, lustful gaze. “The smell of a fine whore,” he said.

Leria’s expression changed to one of seething rage, only to return to its prior helpless state as she felt the man’s tongue teasingly going across her clit.

The man stared her dead in the eyes as he did it, smiling gleefully.

Leria shuddered as his tongue now went slowly over her soft pink slit from top to bottom, just barely holding back a moan.

All the while, the rest of the men continued to take turns groping her breasts and ass, sniffing handfuls of her silver hair, and one also shoved her hand into his pants, forcing her to grab hold of his cock.

All of that was background noise for the Herald of Andraste. Her mind was focused on the slippery tongue between her legs. She shuddered again, nearly releasing the moan she was so desperately holding in, as it went back over her drenched lips to her clit.

The licking man stopped, probably to be savor the taste and to let the inquisitor a brief respite,

A respite that lowered her defenses, as his tongue went back to her clit, making the Lord of Skyhold release the loud moan she was barely holding back.

The men burst into laughter, feeling, touching and licking Leria’s body with renewed vigor.

“Fuck, where did you find this slut?” one of the other men asked.” I’ve never seen a whore so wet!” he swiped his fingers across her wet inner thigh and tasted her.

The licking bandit’s tongue left the inquisitor’s pussy with a long trail of saliva and her own juices.

Tears were once more going down The Herald of Andraste’s face. Tears of helplessness, tears of fear of what was to come, but more than that, they were tears of shame.

 “That’s ‘cause your cock is so small all the whores just laugh instead of cum!” another man shouted.

“What was that?!” the first man growled.

“Alright,” Brand intervened. “I think we ‘ad enough fun for now.” He stepped towards the group of men and put his hand on the shoulder of the pussy-licking-bandit. “This one’s a magic whore.” He pointed to the collar around her neck.

The licking man looked at the collar and then turned to Brand with a devilish smile and a nod.

The men separated, dropping Leria to the ground. She rolled from the impact and lay on her stomach in the dirt, panting, her juices slowly turning the ground a dark brown between her legs.

Brand stepped forward, knelt beside her and pulled her head up to him by the hair.

The exhausted elf inquisitor meekly accepted it, looking at him with a defeated expression, her eyes still full of tears.

“Now, I know you’re a whore and all that,” he said, spanking her ass into the dirt and causing her to moan. “But before we do all dem rituals, we gotta actually be really sure you aint no virgin.” He turned to the men. “Right lads, who volunteers to stick his cock in the mage pussy?”

The men rumbled.

“I heard dem mage pussies can burn your cock off,” one said.

“Not with that collar on you idiot!” another replied.

“Well then you fucking do it!”

“Fuck you! You do it!”

“Come on lads, we’re offering first dibs on our new whore’s cunt here!” Brand exclaimed, spanking the inquisitor, forcing her to moan once more. “Can you hear how much she wants it? She’ll even suck you off first as a bonus.”

“Fuck you…” Tears were still running down Leria’s cheeks.

“I’ll do it!” came a high pitched voice from the back of the group. The men parted and a fat, rugged bandit, more unkempt than the rest, reeking of ale and clearly drunk, stepped forward.

“Beef it is then!” Brand declared. He pulled the Leria higher up. “Come on slut, get on ya knees.”

Leria only looked at him with disdain, but then moaned as he slapped her ass again.

“Assume the position, whore,” Brand commanded.

The Lord of Skyhold slowly brought herself to stand on her knees.

Beef stepped toward her, unhooking and dropping his pants as he did, revealing an equally fat and filthy cock. Probably twice as wide as Leria had ever seen.

Her mind was clouded.

Memories ran through it again.


Memories of the elf found tied to the ancestral tree, how she privately told her friend everything that happened to her later in her room, how wet the friend got from the descriptions in painstaking detail of everything the elf was subjected to: The blowjobs, the penetrations, the golden showers and the cum baths. And the memory of how the friend furiously masturbated that night to make the burning go away.


Before Leria knew it, the fat, reeking cock was right in front of her face, its repulsive scent feeling her nostrils. She looked up in renewed defiance at the fat man leering over her.

“Go on, whore,” he said. “Suck it.”

Leria glared at him. Her fist clenched. She would go straight for the fat man’s balls.

She raised her arm.

But a powerful slap to her ass forced her to moan and reminded her of the burning between her legs. As she opened her mouth to moan, the fat man’s reeking cock was shoved right down the shocked inquisitor’s throat, to the triumphant roar of his comrades.

Blackwall never asked her to give him a blowjob, but Leria was always happy to do it as her man would regularly eat her out whenever she would ask him. But Blackwall’s cock wasn’t half as wide as the one now shoved into her mouth.

Leria had initially resolved to bite off the cock if he succeeded shoving it in, but the sheer surprise, not to mention the girth, rendered her plan void.

The wide eyed inquisitor was too busy trying to breathe in-between thrusts.

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The fat cock slid in and out of her throat, almost dislocating her jaw.

She tried to move away, but the fat man grabbed her by the hair and pushed her even farther down on his cock.

She winced and gagged.

She could feel every boil, every imperfection on the man’s cock as it slid in and out of her throat, the stench overpowering her nose. She tried to push herself away as hard as she could, but the fat man’s hand easily overpowered the petite elf inquisitor’s remaining strength.

It was impossible to breathe past the mass in her throat.

Her face began turning blue when Brand intervened.

“Let the whore breathe a little, she earned it,” He commanded.

Beef looked at him and reluctantly pulled out the fat cock from the inquisitor’s mouth.

The Herald of Andraste fell unto all fours, gasping. She could still feel the cock in her throat. She could still smell it and taste it. But more importantly, she could feel the burning between her legs growing and growing.

“Can I plug this slut now?” Beef asked.

“Yeah, I think she’s wet ‘nough for ya,” Brand replied looking at the dark puddle between the inquisitor’s knees.

Leria shut her eyes in shame, only to see again the image of an elf tied naked to the tree. Tears rolled down her cheeks again.

Beef pulled the inquisitor’s head up sharply by her hair and slapped her across the face with a full swing of his slimy cock, taking what little breath she had gathered away from her and knocking her to the ground.

The men roared in laughter and began chanting.

“Beef, Beef, Beef,” they chanted as the fat man loomed over Leria.

The Lord of Skyhold desperately tried to crawl away, only to have her leg grabbed and dragged back across the dirt. “No, please, don’t,” she pleaded as she clawed against the dirt, trying in vain to get away from the fat man’s grasp.

Her struggles invigorated the crowd, who began to chant louder.

Beef pulled her to him, grabbed her waist and pulled her up to be in line with his cock.

The men’s chanting grew ever louder as the fat cock drew closer to inquisitor’s pussy. She could feel its warmth slightly grazing at her lips, sending shivers down her spine.

Leria braced herself as the slimy mass touched her slit, parting the lips slightly, determined to hold back with all her power the urge to moan or worse, cum, in front of her kidnappers.

She shut her eyes.

“Stop,” Brand commanded.

“Wot? Now? I was just ‘bout to put it in,” Beef protested.

“I ‘ave a better idea,” Brand replied, stepping towards Leria. He pulled her face to him. “This slut is one of ‘em whores who forgot they’re whores,” he explained.

“Fuck you, bastard,” was Leria’s response.

Brand nodded to Beef and the fat man sent an equally fat hand crashing into the inquisitor’s ass, forcing her to moan.

“She one of them alienage whores who forgot they just stupid animals, who’s only use is as a cock sleeve for a good fat human cock,” Brand continued, smiling lustfully at Leria. “Lie down,” he commanded Beef.

Beef complied and lay down on his back in the dirt, his fat erection just barely taller than his belly.

Leria dropped to all fours as Brand released her, her ass no taller than the cock behind her.

“Go on, whore, sit on it, you know you want to,” Brand taunted her.

Leria, still panting, looked back to the fat cock towering behind her and turned back to Brand. “Do you even know who the fuck I am?” she growled with whatever strength she had left.

“A common alienage whore,” Brand replied. “Wetter and hungrier for a good cock than any whore I’ve ever seen.”

“Fuck you,” she replied weakly.

“The heat in your loins is driving you crazy,” Brand observed. “I can tell.” He paced around her towards his fat comrade. “You want it. You need it,” he continued.

“Fuck you…”

“Such a big, fat, filthy cock, for a filthy whore like you,” Brand continued taunting her.

She looked at them, defiant but helpless.

“You can make that burn go away,” Brand said. “All you gotta do is sit on my friend’s fat cock.” He gestured with his hand to wretched thing.

Her eyes fell upon the thick manhood behind her.

She could still smell it, taste it and feel it sliding in and out of her throat.

The elf masturbating uncontrollably into the night in the alienage bedroom flashed through her head.

The burning. The burning between her legs was too strong.

“A quick plunge, and all that lust would be sated,” Brand continued.

Her legs were shaking.

She slowly turned around.

The men roared in triumph.

The Lord of Skyhold shut her eyes. She greeted her teeth, tears flowing down her cheeks, as she slowly crawled towards the filthy, erect mass in front of her.

The men resumed their chant. “Beef! Beef! Beef!”

“Just like them alienage whores, ride that fat bastard!”

The inquisitor crawled slowly, enduring the taunts, the burning between her legs intensifying with every step forward. She reached the fat man and slowly brought herself to stand on her knees above the fat slimy cock, shuddering as her petite figure was only just tall enough for it to graze against her lower lips. It was easily twice as large as anything she had ever had inside her.

“Ride it like the animal you know you are whore!” one of the men shouted.

Leria looked at the men chanting and jeering at her. Their chants of “Beef” changing to chants of “whore, whore, whore, whore.” Her eyes were cloudy with tears and… memories.


An elf standing in an alienage alley.

A human stood over her, looking down with lust and contempt.

She looked up at him with meek, subservient fear, but also a tiny spark of something else. A spark that grew as she slowly went down on her knees in front of him, her nose taking in the scent of the crotch in front of her.

The spark grew ever stronger, and was joined with a dark stain in her pants as her hands went for the human’s belt.


Leria, the Herald of Andraste, commander of the Inquisition and the Lord of Skyhold, shut her eyes and plunged down unto the filthy cock below, pushing herself down all the way to the reeking balls at the base in one quick thrust.

Her eyes rolled up, her moan echoing throughout the forest around them.

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