The Herald of Dogs [Dragon Age Inquisition Fanfic]

Chapter 5: 4. Remembering

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The inquisitor’s petite elf body shook and spasmed uncontrollably as the filthy girth inside of her released an orgasm long in the making. As her eyes rolled ever farther up, she tilted her head back and sent the loudest moan she had ever made flying to the heavens.

Uncontrollable squirts sprayed all over the fat man’s massive belly and waist.          

The sensations soon died down with the orgasm, and the milky skinned elf leaned back, ready to fall, only prevented from doing so by the rock hard member spearing her in place. Her eyes were still rolled up and drool dripped from the side of her mouth.

The men watching the show burst in triumph at the sight of the near unconscious Herald resting atop their comrade’s fat cock.

Beef raised his head to look at her. “Oy, keep going you stupid whore!” he demanded, receiving a mix of incoherent panting and gargling in response. He raised himself farther, grabbed Leria’s waist with one of his thick hands and used the other to push himself up.

Leria snapped out of her daze long enough to switch her expression to that of panic as the fat man stood up, grabbed both of her small milky white hands and proceeded to pound the ever living daylight out of her, pulling down on her arms with each thrust to shove his cock deeper and deeper into her with each thrust.

Her pupils rolled so high up that her eyes went completely white.

Pounding. Relentless pounding.

Her tongued lulled out and drool flowed so freely that she appeared to be frothing at the mouth. The loud moans she let out quickly turned into sounds more akin to an animal that no sane woman should be able to produce.

Merciless pounding.

The body of the mighty Inquisitor jerked and spasmed with each consecutive orgasm brought upon by the fat cock splitting her in half.

A few extra deep thrusts, a loud groan, and then the feeling of warmth pouring into her helpless body.

What slipped off the fat cock to the ground was a hot mangled mess, no trace of the mighty woman she was just a few hours prior.

As she hit the ground, Beef let out a last spurt of cum, marking the Inquisitor’s previously flawless silver hair and white skin.

And there she was, The Herald of Andraste, lying there, still twitching slightly, limbs limp, her pussy leaking with thick cum, cum strings in her hair and even a streak of white over her Dalish tattoos, her eyes white and her tongue and saliva staining the dirt below.

If only the artists who painted portraits of her in Orlais could see her divine figure now.

“Well, she ain’t no virgin,” Beef declared triumphantly as he pulled up his pants.

The men burst into cheers and began petting the fat man on the back. One of them spat on Leria’s still catatonic face.

“Good job, Beef,” said Brand, putting a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Your ugly, fat cock is still in one piece.”

Beef laughed, interrupted by a smelly, alcoholic burp. “Thank the maker! I don’t know what all them Dennerim whores would do if it wasn’t.”

“The maker would find a way to return your mighty rod,” Brand replied and turned to the mangled mess on the ground. “Now, it’s time to test our little toy again.” He knelt down and pulled the inquisitor up by her hair. “Wake up, whore!” He slapped her across the face. ”You don’t get to rest yet!” He slapped her again and again.

The inquisitor coughed and spat out one of Beef’s pubic hairs, panting.

“Mornin’ sunshine,” Brand said, grinning gleefully.

Leria looked at him, still a little dazed.

Brand pulled her up higher. “I said mornin’, whore!” He slapped her again, causing her to gasp, and then tossed her face first unto the dirt. “Felt that good huh? Even Mabari bitches don’t howl that loud.” He stood up and walked over to her. “How does Beef’s stinking cum feel inside ya?”

Leria lay on her stomach. She was still slightly out of it, but she could feel it inside her. There was a warm load left there by the reeking member she willingly put inside her.

And it was leaking out.

She sent a shaking hand between her legs and brought it back to her face covered with cum, the recent events sinking in as she did so.

“I bet you’re dying to know what it tastes like, don’tchya?” Brand teased her.

Tears were once again starting to form in her eyes.

No! He was wrong!

But the mere scent of the ooze in front of her face was reigniting the burning between her legs, being made even worse by the feeling of the warm goo slowly leaking out between them.

“Go ahead,” Brand said. “Taste it. We all already know you’re a whore. We don’t judge.”

The men burst out laughing.

A half-hearted fuck you was all Leria could muster in response.

Brand knelt down by her and slapped her ass, forcing out a familiar moan. “Put it in yer mouth.”

Leria didn’t reply and Brand slapped her ass again. “You know you want to, whore.”

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Another slap and another. Every slap on the petite ass forcing out moans and small squirts of cum to shoot out of the pussy with every hit.

And each slap was stronger than the last.

The barely conscious Lord of Skyhold's moans turned into wails as she finally plunged her cum stained fingers in her mouth to silence them.

“Good whore,” Brand praised her, giving her an extra slap, forcing out a muffled wailing moan. “Suck it good. Savor the taste, the smell. You remember how much you love it now, don’t you, whore?”

Tears rolled down Leria’s eyes as she desperately sucked and licked on her cum stained fingers, the pungent substance overpowering her taste buds. She could smell it in her mouth.

“Damn she’s a nasty whore,” she could hear one of the men exclaim.

“Make sure nothin’s left,” Brand instructed her.

Overpowering and still warm, but she managed to clean it off.

She pulled out her fingers.

“Now swallow it, whore,” came the command.

Leria teared up even more and swallowed the contents of her mouth, releasing a gasp that was far more satisfied than she had planned.

She remembered that sound. The sound of an elf gulping down human semen. The gasp of a satisfied elf whore.

“Good bitch,” Brand said. He pulled her head up by her cum, dirt and mud stained silver hair. “Remember what you really are yet?”

She looked at him with teary eyes. The spark of pride still barely lit somewhere inside. A wailing “Fuck you,” was her response.

A powerful slap crashed into her ass, followed by another, and another. All she could do is moan and flail her arms and legs helplessly.

“Do you remember what you are?!” Brand demanded, continuing to spank her repeatedly.

Leria moaned again and again, the cum spurting out of her mixed with fresh juices.

“Do you remember what you are?!” Brand repeated.

Leria could feel the heat inside her getting stronger and stronger.

“Do you remember what you are you stupid bitch?!”

That burning. That unbearable burning between her legs.

“Yes -aaaah” she wailed and moaned.

“Do you remember?!”

“I remember – aaaah”

“What are you?!”

Leria moaned and moaned, the cum virtually flowing out of her with the current of new juice, matched by the flow of her tears.

“What are you?!” Brand demanded.

“I’m a whore…” She said in a whispered wail.

The spanking continued. “What are you really?!”

“I’m a whore!!” She cried out as her small body jerked with an orgasm, her pussy squirting down into the cum stained earth. 

 Brand released her head and let it drop back unto the dirt. “Well,” he said, wiping his herald-squirt covered hand on his pants. “I think she’s ready for our little toy now.”

The men laughed. Some shuffled off in the direction of the tents while the others came to leer over the panting elf lying on her stomach. “Filthy slut,” one of them spat on her.

Inquisitor Leria, Herald of Andraste and Lord of Skyhold, lay on the ground, her silver hair full of dirt, mud and semen, her body covered in cum from inside and out, her pussy still continuing to paint the ground between her legs a darker shade.

Having confessed to being a whore in front of a group of filthy humans, these common ragged bandits she should be able to dispatch without so much as a glance, she lay there, her pussy still warm with Beef’s remaining cum, wishing the ground would swallow her whole, growing wetter again with every jeer, with every remark of “whore”, “slut”, “bitch” or “animal” thrown at her by the men above.

She thought of the throne she sat on in Skyhold not so long ago, the people who quite literally kissed her feet in Val Royeaux and the taste of Beef’s cum that now stuck to her mouth and throat.

And she cried as the all these thoughts did was make the dark shade of the ground between her legs grow ever larger.

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