The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?!

Chapter 140: Chapter 123 – Aidenhall Rebellion

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Archbishop Gretchen Redbaron wasn't a pushover or a helpless cleric like Bishop Rudo was. The high elven priest was strong. A lot stronger than Kanae had given her credit for. The screeching golden lance was made with pure divine energies, as was her suit of armor and shield.

The tip of the lance plunged into a pew. Gold streaks formed all over the wood before shattering. Kanae ducked right only for the golden shield to slam into her. She bodied a knight who broke her momentum, but he was down for the count with eyes spinning behind the helmet.

"When I become Grand Eye, I will put you in the stocks for all to see what punishment awaits sinners!" Gretchen fervently exclaimed.

"Stocks… You mean like the pillory, right? In the middle of the city for everyone to see?" Kanae asked, breathing excitement into each word as she remembered being held captive in Orturic.

"Yes, and— Wait. Why does that excite you?" Her face contorted with revulsion.

"I swear, Kanae! You better not lose on purpose, you skank!" Edina shouted from the trial podium.

"I-It never crossed my mind!" she shot back.

A thick rope suddenly bound Kanae. One hard yank sent her falling down to the feet of Dalu'luna, the blindfolded elf and unofficial Knight of Ivory.

"Master—!" Esta yelled in frustration.

"Sorry, Silver. Your fight's with me!" Vander kept Esta on her toes with an unceasing flurry of attacks. Although a capable fighter, she was having a tough time against someone of the same caliber and a former colleague.

Kanae took one look around the trial chamber and saw that they were losing. The attack had only taken one side by surprise. They were supposed to use this opportunity to expose Gretchen, but she had her own countermeasures after all. Aidenhall knights were strong, and the number of those on the archbishop's side— at least here— outnumbered the ones who weren't.

Maybe coming to Radevic and trying to become Knight of Amethyst was the wrong choice after all. As Gretchen approached, seemingly all but assured of victory, Kanae shut her eyes and awaited her judgment.

However, she saw the faces of her daughters and how sad Teana would be. Mikki was a strong girl, but she would probably bawl her eyes out the most. Pan was rebellious enough to foolishly come to Radevic to try and save her. Revah didn't often show her emotions and would likely weep alone in a dark corner. Kanata and Suvee… losing a parent so young would hurt them deeply. Arenade most of all would curse Kanae for an eternity for leaving them.

What a life, Kanae thought. Having come to this world as a succubus. If it weren't for Arenade, she would still be that miserable boy working graveyard shifts at a convenience store. She wouldn't have learned the joys of motherhood and given birth to six adorable children. Wouldn't have met so many people that loved her. Wouldn't have this bombshell MILF body.

"I'm not… going to give it up yet!" Kanae growled, firing her tail at Dalu. The mouth clamped down on the elf's face, causing her to panic and Gretchen to pause her advance in shock.

When Dalu let go of the rope to pull against Kanae's tail, the bindings loosened enough to free her. Gretchen went into a full charge, intending to run Kanae through with the lance—

Until a death knight rose from a portal. Its massive greatshield blocked Gretchen's lance and stopped the high elf dead in her tracks. Another death knight emerged behind her, this one with two swords. She swung out with her own shield to block both blades.

Behind them all, Edina and the others were finally freed of their anti-magic shackles. Marwin and Eliza were just now undoing the last one on Cylia.

Kanae wriggled around and kicked Dalu with Titanic Blow. The elf skidded backwards, crashing into the judges' seats.

"I'm coming for you, Archbishop!" Freed from the lasso, Kanae took flight and slammed into Gretchen. They both went tumbling across the floor until Kanae was lying on top of her, pinning down each arm.

"Your magic is useless against me!" Gretchen growled.

"Succubus magic is, but what about a curse?" she asked, sealing a kiss on the high elven priestess.

[Cursemark of Horniness applied.]

Gretchen's eyes snapped open. She kicked Kanae off and started coughing, spitting, and wiping her mouth. Meanwhile, Kanae rolled away and was surprised at how out of mana she became.

"Uu… Everything's spinning…" Kanae groaned.

"What did you do to me?" Gretchen backed away in horror as though seeing Kanae as a nightmarish monster. "What is this… Cursemark of Horniness?"

When Gretchen peeled her hand away from her stomach, a purple glowing sigil in the image of a heart with horns was there. It passed through the golden armor like a ghost. She tore through the armor and robes, revealing the cursemark's seal stamped onto her abdomen. It looked almost inked on. She clawed at it hysterically, scratching with her claws.

"How did this get through the potion? How?!" Gretchen drew a wand from her robes and pointed at the cursemark. "Dispel! Dispel!"

Nothing happened. The cursemark remained.

"I've just cursed you… Let's see how long it takes before you fall to sin, too." Kanae slowly rose to her feet and smirked.

Very gradually, Kanae felt her mana returning. The sensation was like a trickle. Not enough of it was coming back fast enough. Casting the Cursemark of Horniness on Gretchen was a double-edged sword. She was out of mana and couldn't rely on any skills at all now.

More knights flooded into the chamber from the hole Delayn had made earlier. They moved to defend Gretchen.

Kanae clicked her tongue.

"Attack!" Gretchen ordered.

A giant wall of ice rose from the ground all the way up to the ceiling. A few knights ran face-first into it. Others began hacking at it with their swords.

"Do you still have the transportation pellet?" Eliza asked, landing between Kanae and the barrier

"I do." Kanae nodded and pulled it out from under her sleeve. Before Dalu and Vander had found them where Rown was keep all the fairies, Kanae hid it away in case she needed to use it later.

"Good. We're vastly outnumbered. Use it to escape with your companions," the sorceress said.

"You want us to leave? We stand a chance if we fight together!"

"If we had the other Saint Priests, we would stand a chance. Don't underestimate Gretchen Redbaron. She was the former Knight of Gold and like me, turned down the offer to become Saint Priest. King Turren and Grand Eye Analise are the heart and soul of Radevic. Without them, defeating the archbishop means nothing. Bring them to safety. Now go!" Eliza urged.

Gretchen's golden lance punched through the icy barrier. She was flanked by powerful spellcasters. It seemed cursing her had struck a nerve.

Kanae returned to the others, who were in the middle of fending off rebel knights. Everytime Edina summoned Legion of the Dead, holy magic devastated her armies in an instant. The only ones that survived were her bone brute and two death knights. Renya's clones formed a firing line, but her powerful magical blasts weren't facing unorganized thugs anymore. They were facing veteran knights who shrugged off the explosions and spellcasters who countered with their own magic. 

"You fucking pieces of shit. I'll show ya. I'll show ya all not to mess with me!" Cylia wailed on an unconscious mage while plant-like monstrosities wreaked havoc on advancing knights.

"We're leaving!" Kanae flew up to them and knocked a knight sneaking up behind Runald. "Where's Esta and Will?"

Just then, a portal opened up above them and both of them fell through.

"Marwin?!" the two of them exclaimed.

"Go with them!" Marwin was holding back Vander and Dalu, both of whom were affording him no room to retaliate with spells.

Kanae channeled what little magic had seeped into her from the curse inflicted on Gretchen. It didn't take much to activate. They were sucked through a portal and came out the other end in the top floor of Marwin's tower.

"Where in the three hells are we?" Edina asked.

"Marwin Fransk's tower," Kanae answered, but despite being in a familiar place, she was perturbed by how eerily quiet it was here compared to the fighting.

"I can't believe this is happening," Will said as he paced around the room. "I knew from Bishop Rudo that high elves were crazy about holiness and purity, but this is another level of crazy."

Something exploded in the distance.

Esta walked over to the window and frowned. "There is fighting all over Aidenhall. This isn't just some simple coup. It's a full blown rebellion. Master, your orders?"

"Eliza told me to find the king and Grand Eye. Anyone have any idea where either of them might be?" Kanae asked.

"My sister should be heading towards the Ocular Stronghold down east of Aidenhall," Will said confidently. "King Turren, I'm not sure."

"King Turren will be at the Royal Stronghold down west of Aidenhall," Esta added with certainty.

"You're telling me they split into two different directions? Well, isn't this jolly?" Renya threw her hands in the air out of frustration until she found a smoking pipe on Marwin's desk.

"It's protocol," the knight began. "In the event of an attack, Radevic's highest authorities, the king, the archbishop, and the Grand Eye move to different parts of Aidenhall to direct from there. Should one fall, the others assume their command. However, this is originally designed to face a demon invasion who do not know of such plans. Not an attack from within by those who do."

Which meant Archbishop Gretchen knew exactly where they were going. If she did, then—

Kanae chewed on her lip. "Both of them are in trouble. Gretchen probably planted rebels in those places, too. We'll have to split up. Esta, Renya, and I will find King Turren."

"Edina, Runald, the fairy, and I will find my sister? Splitting up is probably the worst thing we can do right now, but I don't see any other choice." Will sighed.

The party wished each other luck and split up outside of Marwin's tower. There was fighting everywhere, but junior knights and students stayed away from most of it. Faculty barked at them to stay in their dormitories. Kanae could only hope that Joap and Reen were safe.

They raced down Aidenhall's wide corridors, passing by unconscious people until Esta raised her arms to stop Kanae and Renya. Ahead, six armed knights were ramming their shoulders against a set of large, iron-bound doors.

"Are you sure we should be trying to break in here?" a cautious knight asked.

"Archbishop's orders. Says there might be something in there to help us fight the succubus. Now quit griping and put your weight into it!" another pressed him.

"They're trying to break into the vault," Esta said.

"Vault… you don't say?" Kanae recalled Marwin's journal about how dangerous magical items were kept inside, particularly Thistle, the Matron's Regalia.

Renya whistled sharply to draw their attention. 

"Oh, shit! It's them!"

"Don't worry, we're immune to succubus magic. On me, boys!"

The six of them charged head-long into battle. Sure they were immune to succubus magic, but…

"You face the Knight of Silver!" Esta swung her massive greatsword, cratering them into the side of the wall. She turned back to Kanae and bowed. "I have successfully shown them that you are not to be messed with."

"Good work, Esta." Kanae grinned.

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"Vault, eh? Think we have time to see what's inside?" Renya asked.

There was a harsh blast from the other side of the door, and a clone of Renya kicked the door open. The locks were a smoking mess on the ground, as was one of the barrels of her flintlocks.

"Criminal, you dare to loot our sacred vault?" Esta lifted her sword up to Renya's neck.

"Actually, Esta. There's something in there I want to find," Kanae said.

"Oh. In that case, allow me to escort you. Only my master." The knight glared.

"Fine, fine! I'll stay here and kick some heads off while you two go shopping." Renya backed off and sighed.

Kanae followed Esta down into the vault. Upon reaching the bottom, torches came alight on their own, illuminating a long hallway. There were alcoves on either side of the walls with magical items behind a red barrier. In one was a book suspended in mid-air inches above its pedestal. In another was an egg, the shell of which looked like shifting magma and emitted a sweltering heat when Kanae got too close. A phoenix egg.

She tried to reach for it, but Esta snatched her wrist.

"These are protective wards." Esta picked up a piece of stone and tossed it at the barrier. It disintegrated as it hit, showering the other side with sand.

They continued down the hall until Kanae found what she was looking for. Worn on the body of a feminine mannequin was Thistle, the Matron's Regalia, and sitting on a pedestal was the whip, Lust. Only the crown was missing from the full set.

"Master, you're not seriously thinking of trying to take it?" Esta asked worriedly. "The barrier might kill you. If you insist, then please allow me to—"

"No, I'm not going to let you risk yourself. Sure, I'm a succubus who can control people to do my bidding. But I'm also a queen and high priestess who has people to protect," Kanae said.

The cursemark on Gretchen drained enough magic for Kanae to cast a few spells by now. After taking a deep breath, she cast Lion's Pride.

[Lion's Pride: As long as you're standing, gain increased durability against physical and magical attacks.]

While Kanae stood firm, she should be able to withstand it.

"Bestial Strength," Kanae uttered.

[Bestial Strength: Raise your STR up by one rank.]

Now… for the moment of truth. Kanae clenched both fists. She cast Titanic Blow to punch through the barrier. The impact was like hitting a brick wall back when she was still human. It hurt. Excruciatingly so. However, her fists entered the barrier and moved like going through compacted sand. A burning pain ran up her arms and through her body.

Kanae fought the agony to grab the whip and mannequin by the neck, but she couldn't pull out. Her arms were held firmly. The barrier's protective wards were intensifying. It hurt so bad that she wanted to cry.

"As if I will stand idly by!" Esta wrapped her own arms around Kanae's chest and pulled, inadvertently brushing up against the barrier herself.

With one hard tug, both of them fell backwards.

The sizzling sensation of having both limbs being grilled vanished. Kanae thought the barrier would leave behind burn marks, but they didn't.

"Are you okay?" Kanae asked the drakeling knight.

"I am." Esta nodded. "I'm also glad you are fine, too. But what is that you risked your life to obtain?"

"Enchanted equipment specifically for succubi. Apparently, they belonged to the succubus queens that Marwin defeated centuries ago."

Kanae didn't waste time putting them on. Suffice to say, the outfit was incredibly skimpy. If her previous outfit was like lingerie, then this was much closer to some avante-garde swimsuit. Debauchery, the robes, looked like a black sling bikini accompanied by lace sleeves ending in jeweled cuffs. Her breasts were cupped by bat-like wings that flared out with a flowy, almost transparent skirt draping down the abdomen. Corruption was a pair of fishnet leggings up to her thighs and heel boots half-way up her shins. Lastly, Lust was a long black and purple leather whip that ended with the appearance of her own spade-tipped tail.

"Do you feel any different? Or what any of the equipment does?" Esta asked.

"I read Marwin's journal. They tried to divine it, but—" Kanae stopped short and gasped as texts flitted through her vision.

[Debauchery has granted you the skill, Sadism & Masochism: Switch on Masochism and your desire to be dominated grants more experience and energy through Drain from sexual encounters. Switch on Sadism and damage you inflict also applies Turn Horny at no cost of mana.]

[Corruption has empowered the skill, Bond, to a maximum of ten targets and also grants Enthrall: A ritual that turns someone into a slave, who obeys your every whim. They must have the prerequisite of being under Bond and afflicted with Cursemark of Horniness.]

[Lust: This whip serves as both a focusing element and a casting element. Attacks with this weapon scales off DEX. Also ignores defenses and armor.]

Kanae staggered back from dizziness. 

"Master!" Esta caught Kanae before she teetered into the barrier. "What happened?"

"I feel sick… that was a lot of information at once, but the Matron's Regalia granted me some skills. I should be fine though. Let's catch up with Renya and find the king," Kanae said.

They returned upstairs to Renya smoking from a pipe. She took a long and interested gander at Kanae's new look, letting out a salacious purr to show her approval.

"Now ain't that a sight," Renya said.

Without wasting any more time, they hurried towards the Royal Stronghold. The palace was accessed past a raised garden terrace, currently set aflame by rebels. Numerous groaning bodies littered the entire terrace. A harried and exhausted Delayn, protecting King Turren, was surrounded by a large number of rebel knights at the entrance to the stronghold.

"Delayn! King Turren!" Esta shouted, jumping straight into the fray.

"If someone told me I'd be saving the king yesterday, I'd have asked for payment up front!" Renya joined them and split into multiple clones to shoot down Aidenhall knights.

While they charged ahead, Kanae considered using one of her new skills.

"I don't think now is the best time to have sex, so… maybe Sadism?" Kanae switched the skill on and shuddered as her mind rewired from an electric shock.

Three knights, two warriors and a spellcaster singled Kanae out since she lagged behind.

"It's over, succubus!" one of them said.

"Hoh? Is it really? Don't you think it's a little too soon for it to be over? Good little puppies should sit. If you behave, I might give you a reward. If not, I suppose I'll have to whip you into shape~" Kanae said in a haughty and pervertedly cruel tone that surprised even herself. "Uh… Wait, I didn't mean to say it like that—"

"Die, demon!"

Both knights thrusted their swords, one to her throat and the other to her chest.

"Sit, you mangy mutts!" Kanae unfurled Lust and whipped them both.

Instead of bouncing off their metal chest plates like it should, Lust phased through the armor. Both men collapsed to the ground, clutching their crotches.

"Supreme One, save me… I think I'm… orgasming— aaahhh!" 

"What happened… I thought the potion…oooh! I'm cumming, too!"

Kanae set her eyes upon the female elven mage, who was trembling from seeing her colleagues defeated.

"Oh, aren't you cute?" Kanae smirked as she slow-walked up to the petrified mage knight. "If you don't want to end up like those two, then show me you can obey. Get down on all fours and bark for me."

The staff clattered to the ground as the elf dropped down to her hands and knees.

"Ah… Arf… Arf!" she barked out of fear.

"Good girl~" Kanae lifted the elf's chin and was about to kiss her until the others came running. At which point, she seized the chance to take off in a mad sprint.

"Whoa, whoa! Get a room, you two!" Renya cackled amusedly.

Kanae jumped to her feet and switched off Sadism. "S-Sorry! I don't know what came over me…"

The rebel knights behind them were soundly defeated, but Renya and Esta weren't without heavy injuries.

"Wait, I recognize that outfit. You raided the vault! King Turren, stay behind me!" Delayn raised her staff at Kanae despite being in position to fight.

"Be calm, Delayn!" King Turren urged her. "The Matron's Regalia did not belong to us to begin with. Allowing her to take it will be our show of good faith. I believe we can trust Queen Kanae as an ally. Can we?"

Kanae nodded. "Thank you. Right now, Archbishop Gretchen has control over most of Aidenhall. Eliza and Marwin tasked us to bring you to safety, and the only place I can think of is back to my people. If we can regroup with the other Saint Priests and explain what happened, we can mount a counterattack."

"For a king to leave his own kingdom… how pathetic I must be. Very well. There is an escape passage beneath the Royal Stronghold. It leads us straight out of Radevic. But what about Analise?" he asked.

"Another group was sent to bring her to safety," Esta said. "We will just have to trust that they escape through their own secret passage."

As they turned to the Royal Stronghold, Renya stayed behind.

"You guys go ahead. My fight is here. I have to find Thedia and regroup with my crew. We'll pop up to help when you get back," Renya said.

"Then I'll go with you. It's my fault that we messed up against your brother and Rown Company—" Kanae took a step toward Renya only for her to wave a dismissive hand.

"Aw, shucks. It's not over until I'm head of Rown Company. Until then, we'll focus on one fight at a time. See you on the other side, my dear succubus friend!" She fearlessly raced back into Aidenhall in spite of the dangers that awaited within.

Esta placed a reassuring hand on Kanae's shoulder.

"I still don't like that woman, but I will confess— her tenacity is quite admirable. I shall pray for her safety… for your sake," Esta said.

"Renya can take care of herself. Let's get out of here." Kanae, with Esta, followed after Delayn and the king.

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