The hero that was sent to another world (rewrite i guess?)

Chapter 8: Chapter 8:(/∆@∆\)√B-)—–@ part 2

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Pov- John 

"Just sit on the couch while I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid" I said to her after we finished our awkward dinner.

She just nodded as she went to the living room.

I then go to the bathroom as I am still dirty after our fight on the rooftop. I'm used to eating while I'm dirty so this doesn't disgust me one bit.

The gun that I used earlier was still in my holster because I still didn't pull it out after our fight.

I then take out my gun to see anything that might make this malfunction and since we are going to him, then I guess I could let him do the maintenance thing to him.

I then put my gun on a nearby table as I don't want to hold it while I'm in the bathroom.

*1 bathroom shower later*

I finished my shower so I got out with just my bath towel.

I then went back to my bedroom which was next to the bathroom with my gun.

I opened it and a mediocre bedroom appeared.

The bed is a king-size one and is coloured grey. It is located in the left corner of the room with a glass window beside it to see the view from the inside. The decorations aren't that much because I'm not the type of person who just goes to the convenience store to buy those stuff. Though I have a plane flower in a vase sitting on my study table.

I also have a small table beside the bed and a revolving chair right in front of it, a wooden closet, and my working bench which is located on the right.

I put my gun on my working bench as I change my clothes in front of the mirror into a grey t-shirt and black long pants.

I also think I keep forgetting something but I still don't know what it is.


Probably nothing important. I thought to myself as I shrug my shoulders off. It's probably an important thing but there is no use remembering it anyway.

I finished changing my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror while doing some poses here and there.

Yeah, I am handsome alright.


Sometimes... I'm a little bit of a narcissist but it isn't that bad to the point that I show it publicly.

That was the moment that I felt something for a moment and that also disappeared quickly.

"A sudden surge of aura?" The aura that I felt at that moment had a terrifying feeling in it.

I also only just felt this aura because I'm a bit sensitive towards them thanks to my instincts so I feel this kind of aura every day when someone is using them nearby me.

I then went to the living room to check if she was the one using the aura but I only saw her there sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing.

I feel like something isn't right but I still can't pinpoint what exactly it is.

"Your room is in front of my bedroom. You should sleep there when you want to sleep." I said to her which she only nodded, again.


I just sighed at her reaction as I also went to the couch to watch some tv.

I grabbed the remote from the side of the couch in which where the table was.

Maybe some news would ease my mind. 

I thought to myself as I search for a news channel.

The freeloader then looked at me after I opened the tv with a curious face.

"You'll learn this thing tomorrow," I said calmly.

"Teach me now," she said with a bit of a convicted voice.

This is the first time she didn't nod. 

I thought to myself now that I think about it.

"Don't know how to explain this shit. Just wait for tomorrow, someone can teach you by then." I said with a little bit of confidence in my voice.

She reluctantly nodded as I went back to opening the tv. Oh look, a news break.


Breaking news: a cargo plane just crashed in the great east rainforest of St Louise. There is also some kind of aura that was spotted on the site.


Huh? I thought to myself.

A plane crash? Wait a minute, there was also a battle? So the aura I felt earlier was from there huh? It must've been strong to the point that I felt it over here.

I deducted. If I am correct, then the aura that I felt earlier was from that site. I think I'm going to read more of this.


The authorities have already responded and are now going to the crime scene. 

The deduction team have concluded that the one that caused this is the H.A.L mercenary group.

They said that this kind of intensity of aura can only be achieved by them but some say that H.A.L would be more stealthy towards their missions and tried to dismiss this conclusion but they were already sure of their answer!

The strongest organisation H.A.L hunted someone around here! Is this still the safest place on earth?

What are your thoughts about these dear citizens? This is the greatest reporter Jane Sierra signing out!


What an unusual reporter.

I thought to myself, still though...

H.A.L was involved? How did they got discovered? Maybe the aura is of them. Just who accepted the mission...

"OH YEAH, I FORGOT!!!" I said in a shouting and panicking manner. Everything makes sense now.

The freeloader stared at me for a few seconds with utter confusion on her face.

"Stay here, I'll cook for my sister in the meantime," I said to her after I calmed down. Hopefully, I can make it in time.



"A shabby convenience store, why didn't you put this thing in the centre of the city?" I said with a confused voice.

I am right now at the utmost corner of the city where even the forests and road can be seen endlessly stretching as far as the eyes can see.


I entered the convenience store and saw on the right side a cashier staring at me.

He has a normal vertical white and red patterned uniform for being a cashier, black long trousers, and a red cap.

His eyes are black and his hair can't be seen. He gives the impression of a pitiful person who just wanted to live freely.

"What are you starting at jack?" I said to him.

"Clay said that you caused problems again and he didn't want to fix it anymore."


"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked nervously.

You are reading story The hero that was sent to another world (rewrite i guess?) at

"I mean that the battle earlier wasn't covered up so basically, people already have found out about it." He said before he drinks his coffee.

"DID SOMEONE FIND OUT?!! DID SOMEONE FIND MY FACE?!! TELL ME PLEASE!!!" I begged him because I don't want to ruin our normal life to this.

"This is why I said to you that you should wear a mask like a normal person would do. Luckily, no one saw you because I didn't feel anyone entered this forest when you battled." He said nonstop before he was out of breath.

"Thank goodness" I then calmed down from my panic attack as I slow down my breathing.

"Your clothes are at the back. Next time put a disguise on your face or something." He said in a tired voice as he pointed at the back of the convenience store.

I just nodded as I went to where he pointed at. 

*10 minutes later*

"Finally done!" I said in a loud voice as I open the door violently. 

The clothes I wear now are some pretty simple clothes, a light blue t-shirt and a long black skirt, a pair of glasses, a red cap, and a school bag.

My cover job is being a cashier here. Jack's original job here is being a janitor but he switches with me every time there is a mission.

I was then about to leave the store when I suddenly remembered something.

"Hey Jack, is there any of that novel left?" I asked.

He immediately picked up on what I wanted to say so he immediately tried to find a book that was at the bottom of the cashier's desk.

"Here," he said as he slides over the book in a suspicious like it was some kind of illegal substance.

I then looked over it and it was just as I expected. 

The author with the stealth talent is trying to be stealthy in his second life as I mob in a novel.

Although the title of the book is lengthy, It's still a good one and to be honest, this is my favourite novel.

Now the real battle begins.

"800 pesos. I don't have that many stocks, to begin with." He said as he makes an offer that is way too expensive. I'm not that dumb you know?!!

"500 pesos. That is the original price of this novel and it should still be!!!" Now let's see what counter you have prepared for this? 

"I'll go bankrupt if that's the case then. This thing is so hard to find and is barely even seen anymore. This should be a relic-level item you know! 750 pesos," Now you're just high-bailing this item.

There are four levels of rarity that will indicate how precious they are.

  1. Common: this type of item is very common around the world and is used in everyday life like the T.V, chair etc.
  2. Uncommon: a type of item that you will most like to see in rich families. The net worth of these things is very big and is very common to put in auctions.
  3. Rare: these types of items are so hard to find that they are mostly owned by the biggest families in the world. This is also common to be used as the star of some big auctions.
  4. Relics: are almost impossible to find and are the most priceless things in the world. Cities and empires mostly only have one or two of these inside them.

He should be joking about the relic thing but I also have many stakes and I will not back down.

"This thing isn't even at the uncommon level and now you're saying it's a relic? In your dreams, 600 pesos."

He started at me seemingly not knowing what to do until he finally spoke up.

"700 pesos, final offer. If you lower the price even more I will not give it to you." He said sternly as if he isn't going to budge anymore.

"Deal!" I said happily. I think I saw him smirk a little but I was too busy with the book that I thought it was just a hallucination.

"Goodbye Jack, have a nice day!" I said as I go out of the convenience store. He didn't say anything but that's just the normal him.



Yeah, I don't think I'll make it in time.

If I cook now then I will just be seen by my sister cooking in a panicking way.

I still did try though but it was no use, my instincts are screaming right now like a madman saying that she is almost here.

And then, with my enhanced hearing, I heard a cracking sound from the door. It was slowly being opened.

"Big brother, I'm back!" She shouted, my sister that is.

I hurriedly ran into the front door dismissing my cooking just to greet her.

I got to the living room to greet her but I noticed her eyes were emotionless. Is this the other her?

[Mode 2] is a mode that will make my presence thinner and will make me hard to be noticed by my enemies.

Our front door is directly connected to the living room so the first thing she saw was the freeloader.

The room got cold and the atmosphere got tense. My little sister stared at her with a cold look as she releases her aura. So she was the one that released that kind of aura.

The freeloader then retaliated by also activating her aura. Her aura was so strong that it contested the aura of my little sister.

My little sister was a little bit perplexed but she returned to her posture soon afterwards.

"Who are you? An intruder?" My little sister said as I watch both of them from the other side of the room.

"I'm... Hela Lazuli. I was invited by your brother here." Said the freeloader named Hela. I should write her name in my notebook next time.

The originally tense atmosphere soon calms down as my sister's eyes regain their colour.

"Wh-what? When did my brother have a girlfriend? Was it in secret?!!"


"Huh?" Hela said as she tilts her head while also deactivating her aura.

"Did you two go out with each other without telling me?!! Wait, don't tell me..." She said as she did some questionable hand signs- wait what?

"She isn't my girlfriend Lil sis," I said as I got out of my mode so that they can notice me.

She started at me looking in disbelief as she said something again.

"Then... Did you two already married then!!!"

"No, we're not. The situation is kind of complicated and a pain to deal with." I said as I hold my head.

Hela is just sitting there on the couch watching some T.V. Maybe she continued to watch while I was gone.

"Oh, is it some kind of... Affairs?" She said as she whispered the last part while grinding creepily. Now I think you're getting carried away there.

"You could say that she is a... Foreign entity and is not from this world." This was the best explanation I could give to her but her reaction put me off a bit.

"So you have an isekai girlfriend!!! When did that happen?!!" Ise-what now?

"I don't know what is isekai supposed to mean but she said that she just arrived in this world."

She then rushed to where hela was sitting, grabbed her hands, and introduced herself.

"Hi, hela!!! I'm sorry that I gave you rough greetings earlier because I thought you were some burglar but let me introduce myself. I'm Elysa noir, you could just call me Elysa for short! Some people say that my personality is a bit rough so you should look out for that sometimes," She said happily. To be honest there is no way that a burglar can come into this building.

"I have... Already given my name but it's rude to not say it in an introduction so... My name is Hela Lazuli. My personality is a bit... Dull. I also set stronger opponents as my goal," She said politely and softly. Maybe that's the real reason she wanted to live with me?

"Hey! Big brother, introduce yourself too!" Why though?

I gave her a questioning look but she just stared at me blankly. Oh fine.

"My name is John noir. My personality... Is a bit rude if you look at the third perspective but I am only trying to be honest okay?"

My sister and Hela just nodded at the same time and here I thought that they were supposed to have different personalities.

"Let's make a welcoming party for Hela on this night!!!" Party?

"What do you mean party?"

"A welcoming one? This is why you don't have that many friends you know?"

Is a welcoming party normal? Is it also normal to greet some foreign entities and stuff? I need to attend more social gatherings or at this rate, I might become a boomer.

Or so I thought. 

Later that night was an eventful one. It was also one of the most troublesome things I have ever participated in my life.

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