The Heroine and the Extra

Chapter 1: Not all roses

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"What just happened?", asked a young University student that was walking his way to the university, but now he found himself with his eyes closed and felt like he was underwater.

"I'm serious, what just happened recently? I was walking to my house since I had bought the new game that I wanted. I had gone out today because my mother kicked me out of the house. Because I didn’t stop talking about it." Andrew wondered as he tried to open his eyes with force but was unsuccessful. He tried to move around but he felt trapped.

"I was so excited that I crossed the street without looking and a damn bus hit me, so that means I'm dead."




"Nooo-" Andrew yelled in his mind as he tried to cry.

"...What an embarrassment, died in the worst way in the world in the style of an isekai, just like Kazuma, but less ridiculous... I think?" Andrew wondered as sleep began to come to him out of nowhere.

“Never mind at least he tried to save someone, I died of my stupid” he said as slowly he started to fall asleep

“Worst” he thought

“what’s my name…. think….think….ah I forgot” he said whit horror

“I forgot everithing” he thought as he fell asleep.

The sun was barely over the horizon in the sky. On a dirt road that was well maintained, clear of rocks and holes the road was packed with peasants.

One of these peasants was a middle-aged woman wearing a yellow dress, she had her hair pulled into a ponytail and she was currently pulling her child by the arm.

"I told you not to stay up late Peter, now we're going to be late for the ceremony," the mother said to her child, peter was half asleep they were walking along a dirt road. They walked towards the same destination. The Mansion of the Noble House of Wincenty

"But mom, it's very early, it's six in the morning" complained the boy, who was rubbing his eyes to get rid of sleep

"I don't care, you know that today is a special day, your father didn't stay all week working to raise the money for this gift for nothing" the mother complained while on her other hand she carried a wrapped gift.

They both had their most elegant clothes on since today was very important, the matriarch of the Nobility was having her son and as a tradition, the entire town was on its way to the mansion as they wanted to deliver their gifts as a token of gratitude to the family and future protector of the village.

They could both see the mansion from afar, they could see that no one was entering and that a crowd of people were in front of the mansion's doors, they were stopped by a wall of guards that were keeping them outside. They were the Wincenty guard well known for their purple and red colors and their deadlines with range weapons

"Move back, no one can enter yet, doctor's orders, Matriarch Kyomi is in labor" shouted one of the guards to the crowd

Hearing that, the crowd began to speak, they were excited, since the loss of Kiyomi’s husband she was depressed worst of all his body was never found, since then she was no longer the strong-willed woman that visited the village, she wasn’t visiting the local baker or going on patrols with the guards, but since she found out she was pregnant she returned to her old way, but more concerned. When it was announced to the whole town, they were happy and quickly prepared presents for her, from baby foods to clothes to toys.

Inside the mansion, in the main room, which was quite large its bed had an oak wood ceiling, the floor had a blue carpet with the family crest on it, and it have several luxurious drawers with touches of gold and diamond.

The bed was big enough for a family to sleep in it. You could see how several servants as butlers of the Wincenty family looked with concern at the last member of the Noble House.

Lying in her queen bed currently in labor was the matriarch Kyomi, next to her was one butler holding her hand.

"Push, its head is poking out" The Doctor spoke while he finally was about to come out.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Crack- "AH! My Hand!" Kyomi screamed in pain as she broke the butler's wrist by the force of her grip, in the end, she managed to give birth to her baby.

"Congratulations, it's a boy" The doctor spoke while in his hands he had a baby boy, who was asleep. The child

"My precious son... can you bring him to me so I can see him better?" Kyomi asked with a few words, the doctor agreed and handed over her son.

"My son is so beautiful, he has his eyes" Kyomi spoke while little by little she fell asleep "My love if only you were here" Kyomi finished speaking and then fell asleep, the doctor invoked from her hand a magic circle and after analyzing both he turned to the servants and butlers who were worried about Kyomi.

"She's fine, she's just tired, let her rest, she shouldn't do any work that requires strength for several months, the baby is fine too, give her this tea when she wakes up, it will help her recover if that's all I have to go, more patients waiting" the doctor spoke as he placed a bag of tea on the table next to the bed, the doctor made some movements with his hand and made a magic circle appear under it, whispering a word he disappeared in a flash.


The servants did as the doctor ordered them and had taken the baby to bathe him, while several maids changed Kiyomi’s clothes. A butler told the news to the crowd who shouted in joy.




The years passed and everything was going well. Andrew discovered that he was heir to a Noble house: the house of Wincenty.

The world he reincarnated in was a fantasy world with hints of medieval times as it had touches of modern technology, but this was based on magic.

Andrew learned that the town he lived in was called Emerald thanks to the founder: William Emerald founder of the Noble House of Emerald or the Emerald dynasty. Which was the fifth successor to the throne of the celestial empire, that was located in the spiritual continent, the matriarch Yuki Emerald, just as Kyomi had a baby a year later, this was Helen of Emerald heiress and fifth successor to the throne.

The Wincenty family was very close to the Emerald dynasty, it seemed that the friendship had existed for centuries. According to what he learned; it began when his ancestors came to the town to settle.

The only members of the Emerald dynasty still alive are Yuki of Emerald and her daughter Helen of Emerald. From what he was able to learn, those who marry into the Emerald family must leave their surnames and take the surname of the dynasty. Helena's father died mysteriously on one of his trips as a diplomat, Helen’s name is dedicated to her father's mother who had died at childbirth.

Helen was a silver-haired girl with extremely Ruby Red eyes, Andrew has known her since he went to visit her when she was born.

When she began to grow, she became very attached to Andrew, but he did not feel comfortable with her since whenever he was by her side, he felt a little uneasy. She was a natural prodigy at everything specializing in magic and sword fighting.

Andrew could still remember the first time he saw Helen use magic.

He was upset, he was already 8 and Helen 7, they were both outside the house, near an area which was full of flowers of different colors.

They were having a picnic. Their mothers were eating cupcakes with tea. Yuki brought Helen whit her so he could have a playmate.

This was because his mother wanted him to play with Helena to get her closer to him. For some reason both mothers wanted him to become more attached to her. Right now, Helen trying to get his attention. He didn't take much notice of her he had better things to do…like summon a flame from one of his fingers.

Here magic is easy to learn but it’s hard to improve since it only needs imagination and intelligence. The elements are Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and the fifth but impossible to have spiritual.

According to what he heard one must imagine and concentrate that the fire is formed from its basic compounds to the volume of the flame, 

He could already form a flame, but he could never control them, he was lucky that his mother hadn't discovered that several healing options had disappeared. But that day he succeeds he created a tiny but controllable flame on his finger.


A small flame appeared on his little finger, his mother stood up quickly, when she reached his side, she picked him up and hugged him and began spinning him around while she laughed with happiness.

"That's where my son is a prodigy in magic," said Kyomi as she stopped spinning with him to stare at his eyes "But next time don't do that" his mother told him as her hair covered her face, revealing nothing but her eyes that somehow glowed a deep red.

"Don’t worry mother I won’t do it again, I promise you" Andrew spoke in a tender tone to his mother. The effect was instant, just like his mother stopped looking serious and started rubbing her cheek with hers.

“How can I get mad at you, my beautiful boy...I apologize for bothering you, I just love you so much…. I’m just worried you will get hurt " My mother said whit sadness as she pulled my cheeks.

Hearing her sad I tried to chear her up

“Don’t worry mom, I will never get hurt….I pinky promise” I said as I hugged her

My mother at hearing that started kissing me all over my face.

"Mooooom don’t do that, it tickles" Andrew told her as he tried to get away from her.

Andrew's mother released him and left with her friend; she began to speak again as if nothing had happened.

"Are you okay Andy?" Helen asked him using the nickname she had given him, while she grabbed him by the sleeve of his shirt.

"Yes, Helen, I'm fine, don't worry, nothing bad happened," Andrew replied, using her full name. Helena just puffed out her cheeks like a squirrel and began hit to him on the shoulder while she still had her cheeks inflated.

"Muuuu....what did I tell you... use my nickname" she told him annoyed, while still hitting him.

Andrew just laughed, since his nickname was given to him by herself, when Helen was still a baby Andrew took care of her with her mother since Yuki was busy with her duties. Helen was almost part of the family; her first steps were seen by him and his mother.

His nickname comes from her first words and her nickname from him

"Yes-yes calm down sorry... Elena" Andrew told her as he stroked her hair.

"Ha! I knew it, now... let's play hide-and-seek with you count while I hide this is part of your punishment" she told him as she jumped up and down.

"It's fine but don’t enter the forest" Andrew told her as he approached a tree to start counting to one hundred

"Muuu, inknow...i'm not an idiot" Helena told him as she ran to hide

Andrew began to count, he already knew that Helen was going to just ignore him, she always did that, she was too impulsive and did not follow the rules, she was a spoiled girl, he was afraid that one day something bad would happen to her.

As Andrew began to count out loud, neither he nor the mothers realized that Helena had gone into the forest near the mansion, this was exclusively forbidden for both since a few weeks ago they had found several goblin corpses.

For that reason, the mothers of both had sent several groups of their guards to clear the forest, but both failed, according to the rumors of a hunter, an Orc was among them.

Orcs are dangerous creatures that are summoned by cultists, these were creatures with dark skin like coal, and a muscular body showing off their strength, they can crush the head of a full-plated knight like a grape.

The equipment of these depended on the sacrifice they used.

From what he had heard these creatures loved human flesh. One of the known abilities of the orcs is that the more time they spent in on the living world, their body began to adapt, their skin changed color to camouflage themselves and if they did not receive their diet of human flesh, they lost their muscles and a little by little their strength.

This made them more dangerous so they had to ask the capital for help, it was supposed that the next day a full platoon of the royal guards would arrive to clear the forest, accompanied by several members of the largest Knight Orders in the kingdom: The Order of the Holy Rose and the Order of the Wand.

When Andrew finished counting, he started looking for her, after several minutes he began to worry until he heard her scream, which came from the forest, their mothers had also heard it, some nearby guards unsheathed their swords while others started to yell for more guards.

Andrew ran towards where the scream came from, his mother, scared by both, called him, but he did not hear her, Yuki, worried about her only daughter, used her magic to track her down and together with Kyomi and their guards they went after Andrew, since he was going to the same place as them.

Andrew ran, his body was sweaty, and he could hear his heart in his ears, since Helena's screams were heard closer, fear seized him, he could see that he was approaching a clearing and without thinking, he jumped.

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He didn't manage to land on his feet, and he ended up with his face on the ground, dirtying his clothes and cutting his face a little.

"Andrew!" Helena's cry of concern was heard when she saw him on the ground.

Andrew hearing her voice stood up ignoring the little pain he had on her face.

Just to see Helena standing in the middle of the open ground, she was in perfect condition, in her hands she had a wolf cub.

"Helen!" Andrew yelled as he approached her, he began to check her for any scratches or bruises since he knew that she could look fine from afar, but he should make sure of her.

"Muuu... I'm fine... Anndreew" Helena complained as Andrew checked her face.

"No complaints...I heard you yell what happened" he asked her as he stopped looking at her.

Helena looked like an idiot as she didn't know what he was talking about until she remembered.

"Aaaaah... it's just that I saw a spider and it scared me, but this little wolf saved me" Helena spoke in the most innocent way "...I can keep it can-can-yes-please" helen told him as she made puppy eyes to try to convince him, while in her hands the puppy looked at him with his tongue out

Andrew could only sigh as he had to imagine it, Helena was too dramatic

"Well, if that's all, let's go, your mother, like mine, will be very upset with me and with you" Andrew told her as he took her by the hand "I don't think they'll let you stay with the wolf, you know how your mother is" Andrew said as he started to walk towards the shouts of the guards who were calling them

"Aaaandreeeew" "Heeleeeen"

But before he could get out of the open ground, Helena slipped out of his grasp.

"Nooooo! Mr. Wolf is mine if mommy doesn't want him then-well... I'll stay here, HMP" Helena told Andrew as he sat on the floor with a red face.

Andrew could only curse, Helen was having a tantrum in the middle of a dangerous forest

"Helen of Emerald" Andrew spoke to her with the most serious voice that an eight-year-old boy could do "You stand up from the ground right now and you will leave that puppy, we will go to your mother right now, don't make me repeat myself" Andrew told her while he stood with his arms crossed

"I don’t want to" Helena yelled as she turned to ignore him.

"Helen" Andrew told her with less patience, for every second they spent being in the forest the more likely they were that a goblin or even worse the Orc would find them.

“!NO¡" repeated Helen ignoring, while rubbing the puppy

So, this was repeated for ten whole minutes until Andrew was interrupted by a horrifying scream.


Andrew's felt his skin cold, that was one of the guards screaming and it wasn't a cry of surprise but of pain.


Andrew turned quickly as the sound of a branch snapping startled him.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

These were the sounds that came from in front of him, scared he walked back, while Helen found herself repeating over and over "I don't want to!" until Andrew tripped over her falling to the ground, causing Helen to drop the pup, who recovered and began to growl towards where the crunching sounds were coming from.

"Hey, watch out, that hurt, what's wrong with you?" Helen complained as she looked at me.

Andrew could only see how little by little the creature approached them, from there he could see what it was, it was the Orc and, in its hands, an unfortunate dead guard, that was being eaten by the Orc.

That creature was huge, about ten feet, you could notice its muscles a little, it seemed that it had been summoned for a long time.

His skin was green since it changed depending on her environment, it had no nose or lips, only its eyes and a line full of sharp teeth.

It seemed that Helena's screams attracted it, because when it finished entering it dropped the corpse in its hands. This fell with a disgusting *Squash* soon it began to stain the ground with red blood, behind the Orc several goblins came out, a total of three.

When I saw them, I was speechless and began to sweat a lot, Helena saw me worried, she had not seen the monsters. They were behind her

"What's wrong... Andy, are you okay?" Helen asked Andrew. She turned around when she saw the monsters and took a step back.

"A-a-andy" Helena tried to speak to Andrew who, just like him, was paralyzed with fear

The orc did nothing, just looked at them with his yellow eyes, one of the goblins, not wanting to wait any longer, jumped against the children.

When they saw it, they covered themselves with their hands to try to protect themselves and closed their eyes.

The goblin didn’t even get close as the orc grabbed him by the neck while it was in the air, the angry goblin began to try to break free, scratching and trying to bite the Orc's hand.

The annoyed Orc began to squeeze the goblin's neck until it.


It was the sound of the goblin's neck being broken by the orc, his motionless body was thrown over both children falling a few feet behind them. Its body helped Andrew to forget about his fear and to try to protect Helen.

"Helen come here" Andrew whispered to her as he moved slowly towards her, but he didn't hear him as fear prevented him. Seeing that it didn't work, he grabbed her hand to pull her towards him. Helen, not being attentive, was pulled towards Andrew. Being close to him, she hugged him tightly. When the puppy saw this, it stepped in front of them to protect them.

"Listen to me... Elena when I tell you to run you do it" Andrew told her as he put his hand in her back pocket

"What!' exclaimed Helen in alarm,

"Shhhh-not so high, It’s a plan, I’ll need you to look for the guards when you run" he said as he began to take out the object that he managed to grab and just in time. The orc already tired of waiting took a step forward, his hands were outstretched to grab one of the children.

When Andrew saw it, he threw a magical jewel to the ground with all his strength, when it had contact with the ground, it exploded raising a cloud of smoke, the goblins were scared and fled while the orc gave an angry cry and charged against the cloud.

"R- "Andrew was interrupted as the orc managed to hit them both with one of his arms.

Andrew was thrown into a tree while Helen fell far away, while Helen came out unharmed Andrew was not so lucky as the hit from the tree broke his wrist, and unfortunately, he didn't fall that far from the orc. The orc, seeing that Andrew was closer, approached him slowly.

He could do nothing since the hit have left him disoriented and mixed with the broken wrist made it worse. Helen was able to recover, and seeing how Andrew was in danger, she didn't know what to do but cry and try to call Andrew.

"Andrew get up!" Helen yelled as her tears ran down her cheeks.

But it was late.

Andrew was already in the orc's hands. This one was bringing it closer to his face, his mouth was already open ready to take a bite.

"Don-don't-leave him... stop it!" Helen shouted as she began to throw rocks at the orc, he ignored them since he had a meal in its hands.

Andrew could not do anything, with all his strength he tried to let go, seeing that his destiny was to die he turned to Helen

"Run! save yourself!" Andrew yelled at Helen, when she heard she opened her eyes, not expecting those words

"No...I won't let you...!" Helena yelled as her eyes began to glow an intense white.

"Let him go!" Helen shouted with both arms raised and her palms pointed towards the orc.

"Now!" With that cry Helena invoked a flame from her palms that damage the orc, it pushed him a few feet its feet clawing at the dirt, this made it release Andrew.

When he was freed, he moved away from the blaze, the angry orc began to walk towards Helena while the flames burned him, he did not care, its anger clouding its mind.

Helen with a cry summoned more flames that were even hotter than the previous ones, but the creature still moved toward her.

"Why!” “Wont!” “You die!" Helen shouted giving a cry of anger, this caused the flames to increase in size, they were now thirty feet high, the ground under Helen began to burn little by little, the rocks turned into magma, the grass itself disintegrated under his feet leaving only earth, the orc did not even have time to scream as it turned to ashes.

“!Helen¡ " "! Andrew¡ " "! My lord¡” the cries of the guards as well as of their mothers were heard.

The huge group entered the clearing

"Secure the area, kill anyone who is not human, if you don't find anything, burn this forest so nothing escapes alive from here" Yuki while with his hands in a movement towards a magic circle, from this appeared a group of doctors from the Mansion.

"My son" Kyomi yelled as she ran to hug her son.

"Mama" he yelled as he ran towards her, b Kyomi began to hug her son while crying

"I'm glad you're okay, you worried me a lot" Kyomi told him as her tears stained Andrew's clothes. Her clothe was stained whit blood

"Mom what happened" Andrew asked her mother as he tried to separate from her because of his broken wrist.

"We faced several goblins on the way here, they were too many, but luckily that huge flare scared them, which gave us time to run here". His mother told him as she searched for any wounds on her body.

"!Helen¡" Yuki yelled at her daughter, she was worried and upset. Helen was still with her hands raised with a lost look, her eyes stopped shining, revealing her ruby red eyes.

"Talk to me" Yuki told her as she knelt down next to her, grabbing her hands to lower them "Oh god, they're burned, what happened" Yuki asked her daughter who still didn't answer.

"My love?" Yuki asked Helena with fear, seeing that she did not answer, he touched Helena's face, and when she was touched, she fell down.

"!Helen¡" her mother yelled with concern "Kyomi grab Andrew we are going to teleport now!" Yuki yelled while at the feet of both a magic circle seemed, in a flash both disappeared.

After taking them to a doctor, she used his magic to heal Andrew's broken wrist while with Helen he could not do anything, it turned out that Helena had used all her mana, something that at her age was impossible since it took years of practice and training to be able to use it like that. Helena fell into a coma while her mana regenerated.

Yuki and Kyomi were enraged not only with the monsters that attacked their children but with themselves, because of their fault and being distracted, Helen was now in a coma.

Kyomi didn't know what to do, she couldn't help her friend, she didn't have the knowledge, nor did she know what she could do, Helen's current condition was impossible to cure.

The guards as ordered had burned the forest, it is said that during the night the cries of animals and monsters could be heard.

The weeks passed, little by little they began to lose hope, with each day Helen lost the color of her skin and her skin was more cold.

Yuki could only pray to the gods for the safety of her daughter.

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