The Heroine and the Extra

Chapter 3: Making of a new weapon and bandit problem

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In a certain part of Emerald at the main church of the white lady, a certain silver-headed girl was taking classes whit a nun. These lessons were mandatory for all new members of the sect. Like all nuns from the sect, they died their hair pure white whit a faceless mask that have a black rose in the middle. Only women could enter the sect and it was the most influential in the empire, their churches specialized in healing and learning ancient mystical arts that in myth said could shatter armies in mere seconds.

It has been two days since Helen got the system, for Helen it was very confusing how to use it all its terms and names that it used were foreign to her. From levels to exp. How killing or making a task would reward her whit experience or XP. Earning XP wasn’t easy she only earned a small amount from making tasks around her house, killing mice or ants, and from helping her mother. These didn’t give her enough to level up.

Opening her system, she saw that it was at 78% to reach level 5

“Are you paying attention?” the nun asked Helen as she tapped her feet against the wooden floor

Helen jumped on her seat and looked embarrassed at the nun.

The nun looked at her and sighted

“Paid attention Helen it’s not hard. As I was saying our lady was a benevolent woman she deeply cared for the people, she was always healing the sick and appeared whenever people needed her. Her hair was natural white representing her pureness in this world.

She helped our first emperor Karl the Conqueror. She accompanied him through the war healing the sick and wounded, she praised his conquest saying the gods demanded it. She sacrificed herself to save our land from the shattering” The Nun said as she used her magic to display some professionally made paintings. It showed the conquest from The Battle of Death Valley to its end The massacre of kings.

“The shattering was a continent-wide disaster that separated our land masses and sunk the middle of the empire…only the capital survived it also affected each region differently changing their climates that ultimately changed their land masses.”

Helen paid attention until she heard a familiar sound.


In front of her eyes, a screen appeared.

Learning from history has improved your intelligence

40 + 1 = 41

Closing the screen Helen continued listening to the Nun again.

the nun showed her some paintings whit her magic by levitating them.

“At the end of the war, Karl built an empire that unified all the continent! but now after the shattering, the empire was split, at the north, we had the Solar Empire and The United Provinces of Rune, in the East the Lunar Empire while in the west the cold lands of Atila. While in the south We the Heavenly Empire are the last bastion of the old empire, various of our emperors have tried to unify the continent but they all have failed. Therefore, we have lost some territory while sometimes we have gained some, for example, we have some colonies at Atila and our various castles and outpost at the old capital.” The nun said as she pulled out a map so she could see it.


Map of  Khazin memorized


A new feature added to the system

Helen curios opened her system and started looking at her status, while looking at her status she saw that a new option was now available








Making sure the nun wasn’t looking at her she touched the map icon, it opened into two icons, a map of Khazin and a local map, touching the local map she saw how the window was minimized and moved to the bottom left of her right eye. There she saw a mini-map, and how it tracked her movements.

While Helen was distracted the nun finished the lesson, looking back she got angry, she saw that Helen was not paying attention, again.

“Lady Helen!” she shouted

Helen jumped sacred ad looked at the Nun that she had her arms crossed

“I’m so disappointed, again you ignore the lesson, now tell me what I was talking about”

“I-i- don’t know, I’m sorry,” Helen said sadly

The nun only sighted

“Don’t say you are sorry Helen, just be more focused whit me okay…. I’m not mad. It’s that yesterday it was the same thing… it’s like something is distracting you…please just pay attention. You already got two warnings.” The nun said to Helen while she pated Helen’s head

“Yes, sister Anna. It won’t happen again I promise” Helen said as she looked at Anna

“I hope…now let’s go on whit your next lesson,” Anna said as she handed Helen a book.

Helen sighed sadly, looking out the window she started to think.

What is Andrew doing?” Helen thought as Anna started the next lesson.


Far from Emerald, a group of Wincenty guards was setting up a camp, helping these guards were some militiamen from the town whit some workers. Some of these guards were busy digging a trench around the camp and putting up stakes. At the center of this camp was a huge tent, in it, there were some captains and Kyomi who were discussing around a table whit a map of the local region.

“As you can see my lady. We suspect that the bandits have set up a base in the caves of these mountains… every time the militia gave chase, they disappear around the forest surrounding the mountains. Local hunters have also informed us about some abandoned campfires near some iron deposits. There must be about twenty to forty bandits in that camp.” A captain said to Kyomi as he put some wood pieces on the map.

“We have around fifty Wincenty guards, forty Youxia that have joined us, one hundred local hunters, and one hundred militia spearmen and if we are not counting the workers and engineers, we are three hundred ninety men in total. We already have the men needed to exterminate the scum my lady…if only you could give the command” another captain said to her.

“It does not matter these mountains are big and these tunnels go deeper into the mountain there must be more than twenty to forty bandits…from what I have read these mines could hold two hundred to seven hundred workers. Our only advantage is that their equipment could be poorly maintained. Captain Ikura, I want you to gather more hunters and spearmen militia to support us. Captain Edward orders the engineers to start making trebuchets and a ramp. I want men to return to emerald and bring back some oil barrels and hay balls.” Kyomi said as she hit the table

“But my lady, our equipment is the best there is, we have 50 Wincenty guards and 40 Youxia with these numbers we can storm the bandit camp and kill them all” a captain tried to argue whit her.

“No…even if we are skilled and our equipment is better, bandits could escape during the attack. They must answer for their crimes. We have already lost two caravans thanks to them. They are getting too bold, and their next actions could be a town. From what I heard of their leader he is cocky…I don’t like that; sooner or later they would attack more in the open, no more ambushes…they need to be eliminated before other bandit groups start to copy them”

“But my lady…we” one captain tried to speak

“I said NO… now follow my orders and prepare everything…we leave in 4 days,” Kyomi said as she stabbed a knife into the map

The captains not wanting to suffer her anger quickly started walking out of the tent leaving Kyomi alone.

Breathing hard she walked to a small table she grabbed an unopened bottle of liquor, opening it she started drinking from it until its last drop. Putting the bottle on the table, she sat down while cleaning her mouth whit her sleeve.

“Fools…. If only I have dealt whit them earlier…nothing of this would have happened.” Kyomi though

She started to remember, weeks ago caravans started to disappear, these carried food and skins to the colonies on Atila. The only thing they could find was the dead remains of the horses. First, she thought that it could be a minor group of Akuma in the area. Dead bodies were found floating in rivers. Now that got her attention…she sent twenty Wincenty guards to investigate, from their interrogations they learned that bands of men were roaming the forest and that they were armed, they dressed in rags and hide their faces. The only thing they had in common was a red cloth wrapped around their arms.

When she learned of this, she sent ravens to every town near the areas to mobilize their militiamen…she put a bounty of 25 silver pieces for every bandit captured or dead. She also sanded word for the militias to make outposts around the forest and to send in parties of men into those areas. By the first week, she has already paid 400 pieces to bounty hunters and some roaming Yoxia…all the bandits were handed death from what she heard they killed themselves before being captured. By the second week, nobody caught a single bandit, and casualties among the militiamen and bounty hunters rose. From what she heard the militiamen chased the bandits, but they would always disappear around the mountains and casualties would be caused by traps laid by them.

While reading through old books she found that the mountain is abandoned because a group of miners awaken a group of trolls. Said trolls consumed or killed the workers and those who survived escaped. The local governor hearing about it decided that the mins were a lost cause and promptly put the area off limits…. but that was fifteen years ago. By then the trolls should be dead or immigrated somewhere else.

Getting out of her thoughts Kyomi put a hand on her brow and started to stroke, she was starting to get a migraine.

After some minutes, her migraine started to fade.

Getting up from the chair Kyomi exited the tent… looking around she could see how it was boosting whit life, guards were helping the worker set up tents while others were eating. Looking at the entrance she could see that the groups of hunters she sanded to hunt some deer were returning.

While looking at them she became worried

“You there come here” she told to one of the hunters that was cleaning his bloody hands in a bucket of water.

The hunter quickly grabbed a clean cloth and started to clean his fingernails. Walking to Kyomi he bowed and looked at her.

“Yes, my lady, what is that you need” The hunter spoke as he shook the cloth sending bits of blood onto the ground.

Kyomi looked at him, she was angry, men around her noticed and promptly started to avoid them.

“Where’s my son…he was whit your group I can’t see him whit your group” she asked him as she put a hand near a knife on her waist

The hunter uncomfortable looked around the camp seeing what she said was true

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“Well, my lady the lord wanted to try hunt some more deer for the camp so we let him… it wasn’t dangerous just some hunting I promise,” the hunter said

“YOU let him my son go hunting alone…in the forest whit bandits roaming around are you retarded.” Kyomi said to the Hunter while unsheathing her knife and putting it on his cheek.

The hunter scared could only pray that Kyomi did not kill slit his throat right there

“My lady he’s not alone he has Sir Kevin and some of the hunter’s sons whit him…he’s showing off his modifications” The hunter said while he started to sweat.

Kyomi stared at him whit fury in her eyes that after a few seconds melted into tiredness, the knife on his cheek was gone, and she sheathed it again on her waist.

“I should have known…just tell me went he’s back or even better get him yourself” she told him as she back to her tent.

The hunter still sweating, fell to his knees. No one helped him after a minute to catch his breath he started to look for volunteers to look for kyomi son.

Far from there, a beautiful Elk was occupied, its fur was snowy white while its tusk was dark as the night. Currently, it was eating some blueish shining flowers. These emitted a snowy mist, and its surroundings were covered in snow. While the Elk was eating a humanoid figure was moving in close it crouched behind a bush. From the bush, the tip of a bolt shined against the sun.


The bolt penetrated its neck. The Elk raised on its back legs a whine of pain left its mouth.




Three more bolts fired, one hited its neck above the first bolt, another one penetrated its mouth going through its jaw, and the final one when trough its eye going until it reached its brain killing it.

The snowy Elk fell to the ground unmoving, its remaining eye-closing.

Slowly footsteps were heard, and from the bush five people walked out.

Three of them wore hunters’ clothes, these being green shirts with leather armor and steel boots. A piece of cloth was tied around their necks. These were the twins Nicky and Willy.

 The other two figures were different in attire, one of them was a knight, its armor was painted brown whit little red birds painted all around. A bascinet helmet covered its head. His armor was light, his clothes have runes stitched to them, these keep the knight fresh.  He was Sir Kevin…wandering knight in the service of Kyomi.

The other figure was dressed in less armor, an opened helmet covering its head leaving his face exposed, a red cape and the only pieces of armor he worked on were the bracers and a chest piece. They were painted in purple. Finally, he was Andrew Kyomi’s son.

In its hands, there was a crossbow, but it was not a normal crossbow this only has modifications. It had a magazine.

“By the gods, it worked Andrew your modifications to that crossbow killed that Elk in a few shoots whit out the need to reload another bolt” Willy said amazed

“True, whit this modification hunting and defending oneself could be easier” Nicky spoke

Sir Kevin put one of his arms on Andrews’s shoulder

“In all my years as a knight I have not seen weapons so deadly as this one…whit this our empire could finally expulse those slimy Atila cunts from our colonies. I can imagine it now” Kevin said proudly

Andre smiled…his plan to introduce repeating crossbows to this world was working now he only needed his mom to approve of it, and he could mass produce it. He could see it now his mother smiling at him for making a weapon that could save hundreds of lives and make the empire safer.

“Thank you… I know this would work and you are right Sir Kevin if I want it mass produced, I’m going to need my mother’s help…I am sure that you all could vouch for me right.” He said as he looked at them smiling

They all nodded that his modifications needed to be mass-produced, Willy took out a knife and started walking to the Elk, kneeling beside it he gave a quick prayer and started to cut one of his antlers.

Curios Andrew kneeled next to him

“Why are you cutting its antler” Andrew asked

“Well, you need proof and a trophy besides its meat it’s poisonous, also don’t touch its blood” Willy told him

Andrew panicked and stood up, he was lucky its blood almost touched him, he saw how the blood froze the grass that it touched. The hunter quickly finished cutting an antler and stood up.

They all saw how the corpse slowly started to freeze; its surroundings turned into ice.

“Let us go before its blood explodes outward “Willy said as he walked away from the dead Elk.

“Follow me, I know where the camp is I left some marks to guide us” said Willy as he pointed at tree which have an ‘X’.

After some time, they finally arrived at the camp, the sun was high in the sky, and during the walk they all got hungry. The hunter duo was eating salted jerky they tried to give some to the others, but they kindly rejected it, saying that in camp they will eat something fulfilling.

As they got close, they saw that there were some guard towers already built, well if you count a cart whit some nailed wooden planks to act as a wall.

These towers had some campfires at their sides, while they were walking by one Andrew could see that there were two guards, one was guarding while the other one was busy making some cheap coffee.

It seems that the time they took walking back to camp it was sufficient for it to be done, now the guards were practicing whit a captain. The hunters were busy talking whit each other or making some arrows, Andrew saw how some carts were being emptied of hay and some barrels. In the distance, he could see three wagons on their way to the camp these were being escorted by some mounted knights.

“Lord Andrew” a Wincenty guard said as he walked up to him. “Your mother is looking for you, you can look for her in her tent”

Andre nodded to him, the hunter duo said their goodbyes and went to join the other hunters while Sir Kevin accompanied him to his mother’s tent.

The guards saluted him while he entered, Sir Kevin decided to let him enter alone, besides his only job was to guard.

Inside the tent, Andrew saw that it was clean. A huge table was in the middle of the tent, and a map of the region was on it. Papers and books were scattered on it. In the corner, an armor stand was beside it two chests were by the side of the bed one made of metal while the other was of wood. Far from it, there was a desk whit two chairs, there he saw his mother seated, eating. Her plate was roasted pig covered in sweet honey. He could also see some slices of cheese whit a side of bread.

His mother was currently drinking from the cup, after finishing it she looked at him.

“Ah, Andrew good to see you here…would you be a dear and refill your mother’s cup she’s quite thirty you see” Kyomi said.

“All right: he said as he walked to the metal chest, opening it he saw its contents. Some metal containers filled whit fruit juice; ice surrounded the containers keeping them cold. Grabbing one whit a grape painted on it he closes the chest.

Walking to his mom he refilled her cup, putting the container on the table he seated at the other chair.

His mother smiled at him and drank from the cup. She took the cup from her lips and liked them “Well…tell me why you didn’t come here whit the other hunters” she said as he ate her meal.

Andrew a little nervous but his crossbow on the table, Kyomi only lifted an eyebrow.

“Well, I wanted to try out my crossbow, thanks to the local blacksmith and a scholar that I employed I figured out how to make the crossbow that fired more than one bolt.” He said as he picked the crossbow magazine and emptied showing its bolts to Kyomi. “I was wondering mother if you could financially support my experiment” he said while looking at his mother.

Kyomi looked at the crossbow, hey smile was in thine line, letting a breath out she spoke

“Andrew…it’s a fantastic modification, put I’m not financially stable now, to mass produce it. But I can order the local blacksmith to make some for our guards.” She spoke as she grabbed a napkin and started to clen her mouth.

Andrew was happy, his mother proved his kind of approved his project
“Thank you mother” he said

“Now that care of lets now speak…I’m preparing the siege its was supposed to be in some days, but my scouts have told me that the bandits have started to gather food from the surrounding forest. It seems they plan to hold out in their little base, I can’t let them do that, so I’m planning on attacking tonight.” She spoke as she looked at him

Worried Andrew protested

“But mother, we aren’t prepared, we still need supplies, and I haven’t seen a trebuchet or some ladders. We still need three days” he said

“No, it’s tonight…I want you to accompany Sir Kevin, he will lead a group of thirty to the back of the mountain. There you will cut down any bandit that tries to escape. You have one hour to prepared and to say your goodbyes, I recommend you write to Helen. I know that you will live I have trust in you put there’s always a possibility besides your whit Sir Kevin the best knight in the region.” Kyomi said as she stood up “Your armor its in your tent, I have made some modifications to it for the cold climate, I have also gifted you a new sword”

Andrew two stood up, looking at his mother he saw that she was serious and knew she couldn’t convince her to change her plans.

“Alright mother, I’m going to eat and practice a little whit Sir Kevin” he said as he walked to the exit of the tent. Leaving the crossbow at the table for his mother.

His sighted, it was a risky moved but she needed to take care of the bandits, one of the caravans was a imperial one and the imperial court was questioning her power in the region if she didn’t take care of them soon they would have send the imperial forces which are well known for their destructive tendencies for dealing whit problems. She stills remembers the burning of black mountain whit its five thousand citizens.

Walking outside she saw her men, the militia where quite green while her guard have only fighter monster. Looking at the sky she could only pray that everything would turn out fine.

Hours passed, Andrew have already left whit Sir Kevin and whit some of his men, currently Kyomi was marching whit her column of men, no one have a torch so they could be notice. After some time, Kyomi group arrived at their destination, like she spoke the bandit camp was heavily defended. It has some makeshift towers, a ten-meter wall made out of wood surrounding the camp.

Looking at her men Kyomi spoke.

“Prepare the trebuchets, where are attacking now.” She spoke as she saw some torches moving through the bandit’s wall, she could the outline of some archers preparing their bows.

The siege just began.


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