The Hidden World

Chapter 189: Chapter 188 – The Hyrins

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Yuna sat in the corner of one of the two benches in the black carriage. The seats were soft and fluffy and the inside of the carriage was well circulated and cool. But Yuna was anything but comfortable in her current position. She stared at the red velvet floor as the carriage hummed along the road as it carried her and the other three in it. It took all of her willpower not to turn her head.

‘What is going on?’ she thought.

Initially, Yuna thought that she would feel jealousy of some sort and she was prepared to clamp down on it. Being surrounded by people whose appearances alone made her feel small would normally bring such feelings. But that wasn’t at all what she was feeling now. 

‘I don’t know what I’m feeling.’

She sensed a presence leaning next to her and turned her head. Inches from her face was the side of the woman’s face, her long lashed eyes looking down at the location Yuna was just staring at. Yuna jerked back, smashing the back of her head against the walls of the carriage.

“Ow,” she exhaled through her teeth.

“Oh, sorry,” the woman said, her head turning towards Yuna. She reached out and touched the back of Yuna’s head. “I didn’t mean to startle you so much. I was just curious about what you were looking at so intently.”

“It’s fine,” Yuna said, forcing a smile. The woman’s hand stayed on her head and began to move her fingers gently. “Um.”

“Does it hurt?” the woman asked.

Yuna blinked and looked directly at the woman for the first time in the last five minutes. Their eyes locked onto each other. And Yuna immediately forgot how to speak. The woman’s eyes were like nothing she had ever seen before in her life. They were a shimmering kaleidoscope of colors that almost seemed to move with every blink. The silver iris that the sparkles of color were imbedded in only served to highlight them more. Her eyes were a galaxy that drew Yuna just like how a lamp draws a moth.

The woman placed a finger under Yuna’s chin and closed her mouth with a quiet chuckle that left a tingle in Yuna’s ears. She leaned back, removing her hand from Yuna’s head. Then she looked at her with an amused expression.

“You’re Yuna, right?” the woman asked. “I’ve heard about you.”

“I’m, Yuna. Yes,” she replied, nodding.

The lady crossed her arms and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand.

“Well, you can call me Zero,” she said. “I’m Yuki’s contact. I’ll be working with you three on this mission. It promises to be quite an exciting one as well.”

“Zero?” Yuna tilted her head at the name. “Is that a code name?” 

“Maybe~?” Zero smiled. “It’s technically Agent Zero as given by Yuki, but I’ve shortened it to Zero.”

“Does it stand for anything?”

“It’s not an acronym, if that’s what you mean. By zero, Yuki means that I’m the first contact before the real first contact. So I’m entrusted with things that others normally aren’t.”

“I’ve never heard of you before,” Yuna said. 

“I keep to myself. Most people have never seen me.” Zero tapped her chin. “Actually, most people haven’t seen ‘me’.”

She made parenthesis in the air with her fingers. Then with a snap of her fingers, a pocket mirror was procured in her hands. Yuna noticed the ring on Zero’s right ring finger. It was a small thing with a few tiny cut gems, but it matched perfectly with the elegant figure that wore it. 

‘Ring finger. Does that mean she has a husband?’ A weight pushed down on her chest. Yuna frowned. ‘Why do I care?’

Zero opened the mirror and stared into it intently. She tilted her head this way and that way before looking up.

“Akira, how’s this color?” she asked. She pointed towards her eyes. “I’m trying to get something to match my dress and hair.”

“Maybe something a bit lighter?” Akira suggested. She paused. “Green might not be the best.”

“Mmm. Erica?”

“I’m with Akira here.”

Yuna listened to the exchange, confused. Then Zero turned to her and she let out a small gasp. Zero’s eyes had changed completely, the silver and the myriad of colors now gone and were replaced with an emerald green.

“Your eyes,” Yuna said.

“What do you think?” Zero asked.


“I can alter my appearance,” Zero smiled. “It prove very helpful in the field of espionage and what not. Does the color fit me?”

“It looks like my dress,” Yuna observed.

“Where do you think I got the idea from?” Zero replied, raising a flawless eyebrow. “Your opinion?”

“I, um. I think Akira’s right. Personally. It’s not like it’s bad,” Yuna rushed. “There just might be something better. I don’t know. I’m not good at these things.”

“Really? What color would you suggest?”

“I don’t know. Blue? A dark blue?”

“Oh, that’s actually a great idea,” Zero said, smiling. She scrunched her lips and frowned. “I might need to change my hair color a bit though. Maybe lighten it up to more of a dirty blonde. Or gold. Gold hair, black dress, sapphire eyes. I like it.”

And right in front of Yuna’s eyes, Zero’s hair rapidly changed to gold. The color grew out from the roots until it covered the entirely of her hair. Then the same happened to her eyes, a deep blue spreading out from the pupil until her irises were completely changed.

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“Thank you,” Zero said. “I think you give yourself too little credit with style.”

“No, I’m really bad at it,” Yuna replied immediately, shaking her head. “I mean, just look at me.”

“That’s your worst?” Zero laughed, her voice bright and clear. “If that’s your worst, I would love to see your best. That dress is amazing on you. That color compliments you quite well, you know?”


“Of course. Why would I lie about these things?” Zero smiled. “There’s room for improvement, but that’s like anything. I’m not perfect. Akira’s not perfect. Even Erica here isn’t perfect no matter how much she’ll try to tell you otherwise.”

‘Maybe. But you three seem really close to that,’ Yuna remarked, the thought instantly popping up in her mind.

“With your looks, you can pull off almost anything,” Zero continued. “So trust me when I say that you look amazing.”

Yuna opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. She could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks. She was pretty sure the other three could feel it too.

“See, I was telling you~,” Erica chimed in. “You look wonderful. I don’t know why you’re so down, Yuna. She looks wonderful, right?” She turned to Akira beside her.

“Yes,” Akira nodded. “But that’s how she normally is. It’s just that today, she looks extra amazing.”

“Stop it,” Yuna muttered, covering her face. It felt like it was going to explode.

The stopping of the carriage saved her from this new and not unpleasant form of torture. Zero tapped on one of the tinted windows of the carriage, the glass turning clear. They had stopped in an elaborate driveway, the entirety of the path illuminated by crystal lights and golden fixtures. The door of the carriage popped open for them to exit. 

“After you, my lady~” Zero said to Akira, gesturing with her arm. Akira giggled and stepped out. Then she reached out and helped Zero down. “Thank you.”

“Wanna one up them and have me carry you out?” Erica whispered to Yuna with a smirk. 

“No,” Yuna replied, then she thought about it, the idea rolling around in her mind. It seemed oddly appealing, the image of Erica hold her in her arms, their bodies pressed together… “No.”

She hastily stepped out, leaving Erica behind who clicked her mouth.

“I was joking,” Erica pouted. “Well, partially.”

‘I don’t think I could take that,’ Yuna thought, not turning around.

“All set?” Zero asked. Akira nodded. Yuna did as well. 

“Yup,” Erica said.

“Perfect. Thanks for the smooth ride Uriel,” Zero said, waving at the black carriage. It honked in reply. “Let’s go then, shall we~?”

Zero took the lead, walking quickly with a small strut. Erica was next to her. They seemed to be talking with each other, laughing here and there. Yuna was behind them, determinedly looking straight ahead. Akira walked beside her.

The Hyrin’s residence soon came into view. It was a hard thing to miss. The driveway led directly to it and it was an imposing giant white structure. More lights illuminated the building as well as the fountains and statues that were in the courtyard in front of the mansion. The group of four quickly made their way through the front yard of the house. A front yard that looked more like a park.

Zero stopped at the steps that led up to the double wooden doors that were the entrance to the mansion. There was a man standing behind a podium with a tablet in his hands. He wore a suit that seemed to be something a butler would wear.

“Hello there,” Zero greeted, smiling and waving. “Dapher. Party of four.”

The man stared at the group. Yuna saw his eyes flicker back and forth between the four of them, sometimes flicking downwards. His mouth was agape.

‘Oh gods. Did I look like that?’ Yuna groaned.

“Anyone there~?” Zero said. The man blinked and she laughed. “There you go. Dapher. Party of four.”

“I apologize,” the man said hurriedly. He looked down at his tablet and scrolled for a bit. “Ah, here we are. Dapher. Party of four. We’re pleased to have you.”

The man stepped out from behind his podium and gave them a practiced smile. He gestured up the stairs and gave them a bow. 

“We hope you enjoy your time.”

“I hope we do too,” Erica laughed. 

The group went up the stairs, Yuna in the back again. She noticed the man leaning to his side, his eyes wide. Then their eyes met, his face paleing. He shuffled back to his position behind the podium and Yuna went up the stairs. She relaxed her face, removing the glare that she didn’t know she had on.

“Yuna, have you ever been to a party?” Zero asked when they reached the top.

“No,” she replied, shaking her head. “Never. Why?”

“Then this will be quite the first experience,” Zero smiled. “The life of rich people is like a whole new world. I’ll be your guide to it.”

The towering wooden double doors swung inward, bathing the group in a golden shower of light.  The light blinded Yuna as she tried to peer past it.

“Welcome to a new world,” Zero said beside her. “The world of the wealthy and the powerful.”


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