The Hidden World

Chapter 190: Chapter 189 – Heartbeat

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The inside of Hyrins’ mansion was something that Yuna had never seen before in her life. Even her wildest dreams couldn’t compare to the extravagance that laid before her eyes. Everything from the people to the decorations to even just the cups screamed lavishness and wealth. 

The attendees wore flashy gowns and suits with fanciful decorations and designs. They had on multitudes of jewelry from massive bracelets to necklaces to even things that seemed to resemble a crown on top of their heads. Their extravagance perfectly matched the event that they were attending.

Yuna turned her head a bit and found Zero standing beside her with a small content smile as she watched the crowds of people milling around. Looking the other way, Erica and Akira stood there. Akira’s eyes were slightly wide while Erica held a similar expression as Zero though one that seemed more playful. Then Yuna looked down at herself in her emerald green dress.

Compared to everyone else and the hall around them, they stuck out like a sore thumb. Their simplistic attire and lack of jewelry were complete opposites of their surroundings. 

‘Was this supposed to be a covert mission?’ Yuna thought, frowning. ‘Did Yuki forget to tell us to dress accordingly or did he think it wouldn’t affect anything?’

“Worried?” Zero asked quietly, her melodic voice easily picked up by Yuna over the constant noise of conversation around them.

“A little,” Yuna replied. She turned to look at Zero, but quickly changed her mind and stared straight ahead at one lady that had a solid gold necklace that seemed to weigh at least ten pounds. “Our clothes.”

“Hmm? Oh, our clothes compared to everyone around us?” Zero said. Yuna nodded. She chuckled. “Don’t worry. We might stand out, but this mission isn’t really something too covert. We have Erica here to help us clean up too. Right, Eri?”

“Yes we do~,” Erica smiled.

‘Eri?’ Yuna wondered when those two got so close.

“Now, a little word from the boss,” Zero said. “Also, follow me. We’re being a bit weird just standing around.”

They walked off at a slow pace, bunched together to hear what Zero was about to relay.

“Yuki wants us to use codes for our name,” she said. “Erica will be Eri. Akira will be Autumn. Yuna will be Diana.”

“Diana?” Yuna repeated. “Why?”

“That’s what he told me,” Zero said with a small shrug. “I think it’s quite pretty.”

“Me too,” Akira nodded.

“Diana. Okay,” Yuna said.

“Great. Now, assimilate into the party for a bit,” Zero instructed. “It’ll be awhile before the jewel is unveiled. So have fun, but don’t forget your mission. And Erica. Try not to woo all the girls alright?”

Zero winked, and Erica giggled, hitting her playfully on the arm. Erica asked her something in a small whisper that Yuna couldn’t hear. Zero nodded and Erica smiled. Then she grabbed Akira’s arm and started pulling her along, waving at Zero and Yuna as the two of them disappeared into the crowd. 

“Where are they going?” Yuna asked, turning her head to look at Zero. Her eyes were firmly on her shoulder. 

“To experience the party,” Zero replied. “Which we should be doing as well. Don’t you want to join in?”

Yuna did. She just felt a bit uneasy. This was something that she had never had a chance to experience before. The most festive thing she had ever attended was mission celebrations when a particular tough mission was completed. And those were just a few handshakes and words of praise.

“Take it slow,” Zero said. Yuna blinked. “You don’t need to feel pressured into going right in. Take it in slowly.”

Yuna felt heat travel up her neck. She didn’t realise that her mood was that easy to read.

“How about this.” Zero turned and grabbed Yuna’s shoulders, her head tilting down a bit to look directly into Yuna’s eyes. “Why don’t we find a seat and just watch for a bit? When you feel comfortable, then we can go a bit deeper in. Sound good?”

‘She’s taller than me,’ Yuna thought as she nodded slowly.

“Perfect,” Zero smiled. Her hand slipped down from Yuna’s shoulders and grabbed one of her hands. “Come on.”

She led Yuna past a few people until they reached a table laden with silver platters and bowls and trays filled with food. Zero brought her to a chair, a lavish cushioned chair made with leather and what Yuna hoped was gold plating. 

“Mmm~. This is a nice chair,” Zero commented as she sat down. “Sit, sit.”

Patting the chair beside her, she beckoned to Yuna. Yuna took the seat slowly, sinking into the chair. Her eyes flickered about as she locked onto the nearest people  around her. They weren’t paying any attention to her. She let out a sigh of relief.

“They’re people too,” Zero said. Yuna glanced at her. “They’re main focus is themselves, you know?”

“I guess I was worrying for nothing,” Yuna smiled, letting out a soft laugh. 

“Remember, just relax~” Zero said. “Now, if you don’t mind me.”

She closed her eyes and tapped lightly on her eyelids. Yuna watched this curiously as her eyes reopened and she began to stare off in the distance. Then she blinked, her eyes flickering to Yuna.

“Excuse me for a minute,” she said, standing up from her seat. She tilted her head to the seat. “And save that for me. I’ll be right back.”

She gave Yuna one last smile before swiftly walking off, her head moving this way and that way. Soon, she too was lost in the ocean of partygoers. Yuna swallowed and gripped her hands together tightly. 

‘What do I do now?’ 

The party still went on around her. People walked by her, chatting with their friends and partners. Most of them ignored her, but a few took notice of her. They didn’t look for too long though before going back to their own business.

‘I hope Zero comes back soon.’

Yuna stayed in her seat, watching the people around her. She didn’t know how much time had passed. There were no clocks that could be seen in the ballroom and she didn’t wear her watch since it would help people identify her. Then she felt someone’s presence standing over her. She looked up quickly.

“Hi,” a young man greeted her, his hand up in an awkward position. Yuna didn’t know if he was waving or trying to shake her hand. “How are you today?”

He sounded stiff and almost robotic. Yuna peered behind him and saw a group of similarly aged men standing around watching her. 

“Are you here alone?” the man asked. 

“No, I’m with somebody,” Yuna replied politely, giving the man a small shake of her head. 

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“Where’s he?”

“I’m not with a he.”

“Oh, so with a friends? Then she wouldn’t mind if I asked you to dance, right?”

“Dance?” Yuna repeated. She felt her insides curl up. 

“Yeah. Would you like to dance with me?” the man asked, offering his hand.


“Why not?” the man frowned. “It’s a party. You’ve should be dancing and having fun.”

“I don’t want to dance,” Yuna replied shortly. “That’s my answer.”

“I promise you that I’m not bad on my feet,” the man said. 

“That’s not the problem.”

“Oh, so it’s me?” the man asked, stepping back. “I’m the problem then?”

“I never said that,” Yuna sighed, looking down at her feet. “My answer is no.”

“At least give me a reason.”

“When a girl says no, she means no,” a voice said softly. Yuna’s head shot up and found Zero standing behind the man. The man spun around and froze. “Why don’t you be a dear, and let her be. She said no.”

“Fine,” the man growled before stomping off. 

“Thanks,” Yuna said once the man was gone.

“My apologies,” Zero sighed. She pushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “I didn’t mean to leave you alone for that long.”

“It’s fine,” Yuna smiled. “All that matters is that you came back.”

“Really?” Zero smiled back at her. Then she pursed her lips. “You know, that man’s idea wasn’t really that bad. Dancing.”

“I can’t,” Yuna said, shaking her head vigorously. “I don’t know how.”

“Then let me teach you,” Zero replied. She reached out and grasped Yuna’s hands in her own, her soft skin sending shivers up Yuna’s arm. “Come. Have this dance with me.”

She gently pulled Yuna to her feet and walked backwards as she led her to the dance floor. Yuna followed reluctantly, shuffling her feet but not wanting to break their contact. 

“Put your hands here,” Zero instructed, wrapping Yuna’s arms around her waist. “We’ll take this nice and slow.”

Zero put her arms on Yuna’s shoulders and began to guide her around, calling out instructions as to where Yuna should place her feet. After a bit, Yuna got a hold of the simple footwork. 

“There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Zero whispered.

“No,” Yuna said. She looked up from her feet, her gaze locking onto Zero’s. Whatever words she was about to say next died in her throat.

They moved like that, silently, staring into each other’s gazes. Zero had a slight smile on her lips as they slowly moved their way around the floor. Zero’s eyes reflected the glowing lights around them, making them more dazzling than they already were. Her golden hair shimmered. And Yuna’s heart pounded.

Yuna dropped her gaze first, looking around. She instantly regretted doing that.  Everywhere around her, she found people staring at her and Zero. That was when she realised just how weird her position was right then and there. The two of them were much closer together, their bodies almost pressing against each other, than everyone else in the ballroom that Yuna could see.

‘This isn’t good.’

She tried to push herself away, but Zero tightened her hold, pulling her closer. Their bodies meshed together as Zero smiled down at her. Any thoughts about the people around Yuna immediately fly out of her mind.

“Don’t worry about,” Zero whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “It’s just you and me right now. No one else.”

Yuna couldn’t respond. She felt as if her chest was about to explode. Her heart pounded so hard that she was worried that she might have been experiencing a heart attack. And with their breasts so close, she knew Zero could feel it too. Then to make matters worse, Zero suddenly began to lean her chin atop of Yuna’s shoulder, her mouth right next to Yuna’s ear. Every breath she took tickled her.

“Do you feel hot?” Zero asked. “You’re red.”

“I’m fine,” Yuna managed.

“Mmm. Well. Do you want to know what I was doing when we were separated?”

Yuna gave her a slight nod.

“I was trying to find the jewel,” Zero said. Yuna’s back straightened, her eyes widening. “Relax~. I know where it is.”

“You told Yuki?” Yuna asked quietly.

“Of course.”

“What did he say?” 

“That it was time to start the operation.”


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