The Horrible, No-Good Reign of Sable The Terrible

The Horrible, No-Good Reign of Sable The Terrible

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The Horrible, No-Good Reign of Sable The Terrible

Review: 9.8/10 from 15 ratings

Sable didn’t know what she had expected from the afterlife, but turning into a giant flying lizard hadn’t been it.

And sure, she’s been thrust into a magic-crammed fantasy world with an obscenely powerful body, but things aren’t all great, here. There’s hordes of orcs to the north, an immortal legion of undead to the south, and fourteen human kingdoms who want the first dragon in centuries to be offed sooner than yesterday—except they’re too busy warring with each other to spare the resources.

Good for her?

And what’s up with the [Levels], [Classes], and [Skills] stuff? Specifically, her [Hoard] and [Notoriety] stats. She gets stronger the more gold she has? The more people are terrified of her? No wonder the human kingdoms want her head on a spike, with motivations like those. Dragons in the past must have been seriously unsavory sorts.

Maybe she can find less … evil … ways to progress?

What are the odds taxes and propaganda can get her where she needs to be? Protection in exchange for tithes, and campaigns to make her seem scarier than she is?

That would make her a politician, wouldn’t it? A giant flying lizard politician.

What a headache.


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