The house with red eyes

Chapter 10: Chapter 1 ( part 7 ) : Hauntings of a dear friend

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After an exhausting flight of stairs, we arrived at the third floor.

"Which way is room 32!" Aunt Saria asked a nearby staff

"Which 32 room? 327? 324?" The staff replied

" Oh, dear..." she realised

I can help! I just need to think what is the room's last number. Think! Think! Hm....

The last number to the room 32 is...


"The room is room 321" I shouted

"Fitting.." she commented before rushing to find it.

Ah ha! I found it! I called them and we went in together. Inside, we saw a man in a black hood.

Before I could ask who that man was, Aunt Saria lunged at the man.

"HAhhhh!! Surrender demon!" She bellowed as she holds him in a chokehold.

"Ah! *Cough* students! Help get this crazy lady off meee!!" Cries a familliar voice

" wait aunty! That's the school's security guard! " Cana said

"Wha- oops" she realised "oh I'm so sorry" she released him and helped him up.

"It's okay, It's not the first time I was tackled. I have a naturally suspicious face" he laughed it off.

We sighed in relief as Namguk is not here yet.

"But why were you here? " beth questioned

"Oh I was visiting Ferra, her parents wants me to give her this gift. Poor girl is left alone since her parents are busy"

"Okay! We must plan something befor-" Aunt saria stopped as the lights went out.

We pulled out our phones and shines the light arounf

"What happe- Ahh!!" Aunt saria screamed as she went flying to the end of the room

"Aunty!!" Mona went to her aid.

"She was supposed to die, kill her, kill her." An unsettling voice sounded in the dark.

"She needs to die... augh...." this time clearer and sounded in a direction.

It's behind me...

I turned around as fast I can but was also thrown away by force. My phone fell,but the flashlight was facing up. The culprit is no other than Namguk, his face is pale, his mouth is full of thick blood and is frothing.

He seem to also have tentacles on his back. The tentacles are definitly not accesory since each one is moving

"B-but how? The deal is not complete yet! Or- or was I mistaken about the deal's condition..." aunt Saria wondered, confused

Namguk was not responding, he kept limping towards the sleeping Ferra. Then he was hit by chair!

"Get away from her you gross f*cker!" Beth warned

"Argh" Namguk gurgled. his tentacles move to hit Beth but he was then blinded by camera flashes

"Super rapid solar flash!!" Cana was flashing her phone camera to blind Namguk.

I then rushed at him with my bag in front of me, plan to knock him down and hold him down until aunt saria recover.

But he swong his tentacle wildly, knocking all of us down. He then focus his attention to Ferra as his tentacles are reaching for her neck, ready to strangle her.

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Will we really fail, no! This can't happen.


"No!" I screamed as I felt something busrt out of me.

Namguk actually stopped and shivered, he turned to look at me. He looked down at me and said in a different voice.

"You think you can imprison me again champion! You can't! I'll be free again! I'll kill her! She need to die!!" He screamed

"And you need to chill, Idiot!" Ferra's voice was heard.

Ferra seem to have woken up! She stabbed namguk with a syringe and backed away.

Namguk took out the syringe and laughed

"Do you think a mere needle can stop me!"

Ferra chuckled and answered "yes"

At the moment, I saw that his movement went sluggish before falling. His tentacles dissapearing liked it never existed. After hiss fall, the lights went on again and the chaos was clear to the eyes.

 Chairs snd equiqment were on the floor with us included. Cana who has a bruise on her arm, helped Aunty up with Mona. Beth, was lying down and  breathing heavily. Security guard Elliot? He fainted and wetted his pants

A/N : at this point of the novel, if you want to immerse yourself in the aftermath. Turn on taylor swift's song : Its nice to have a friend

A few seconds later, a nurse came in for a checkup and saw the mess. She called the police and helped us.

Namguk was then arrested for attempted murder snd misuse of drugs and we were tended to at the hospital.

The official story of what happened was a high Namguk infiltrated the hospital, turned the lights off and attempted murder on his juniors. He is also held responsible for Felix's death since a bat with Felix's blood was found in his possesion.

After that day. Ferra came to visit me.

She said that she wanted to have a talk with me. So I invite her to my room.

"Hey braindead, You okay? You were hit quite hard back there."

"You were awake the whole time?"

"Yeah, it was part of the plan, his second attempt to kill me surprised me. Thankfully Felix shielded me with his powers..."

"Is he here with us" 

"..." Ferra fell silent as her words are stuck in her throat

"He dissipated this morning. He told me a few things, that I wanted to talk with you"

I gulped as I'm ready to hear this story

"Remember when I... seduced your boyfriend? He was just playing along but then he acted as if I was really his girlfriend. He was charming and I fell in love, what started as fake turned real for me atleast. Since I want him to have nice things, I gave him money so that he can buy stuff for himself.

He only bought a new shirt and nothing else, he told he spent them on something else. I didn't really mind and we were happy together. But after the whole accidents, he came with the truth this morning. His mother needed to have heart surgery but he lacked the money, so when I came to him, he say this as an oppertunity.

He charmed me colected the money I gave him for his mother's surgery. I understand why he didn't ask me for the full amount since he knew how I acted around others, he is afraid that if he started asking, he will be thrown away" she stoped as her tears fall endlessly

"An-and yesterday was his mother's operation. Whent the lights went off, so was the equiqments. His mother's life support was off and she was nearing death every second. What's worse is the backup generator is not working too, so that night she passed away..." she was slowly breaking down.

"If-if I had known, I'd *sob* help him! An-and now his efforts are in vain!" She croaked

Seeing her like this makes my heart aches. She was supposed to be the cool and mean girl, I would've never known she was this fragile.

I wrapped my hands around her and enveloped her in a hug. "It's okay, you can cry your heart out... It's just us here..."

When she heard that, the dam broke and she cried, and cried. I merely hold her close.

It's over but I know it's not the end...

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