The house with red eyes

Chapter 9: Chapter 1 ( part 6 ) : Hauntings of a dear friend

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A week since Felix's death. Felix funeral was already held and School is opened again.

Both event went by in a blur as I was lost on thoughts. I didn't get to meet shade in any of my dreams anymore. I wonder why?

My thoughts then came to a halt as I bumped into someone.

"Ouh! I'm so-" my words were stuck as I looked at the name tag of the students infront of me.

"Namguk Song" I read

"Uh yeah that's me, do...  do I know you" he asked

I wanted to answer, but was interrupted by a familliar voice. "Braindead!"

I turned around and saw Ferra walking towards me, but this time students are actively avoiding her. Although deemed innocent, that accidents have already stuck themselves in the other students heart with Ferra in the center.

She looks unfazed, but I know. She is doing her best to keep her prideful demeanor. Its weird since she was never really effected by the same looks the students gave her before.

I looked back to tell Namguk that we can talk later but when I turned he had already run away. 

"Hey, over here"

I contemplated how I can start this conversation, I never had a conversation with her. 

" shush, I just want you to listen. I looked around town for the fake shaman that Namguk mentioned in his outburst, I found one who lives a few blocks away from the Public Library. Meet me after school at the library, we will pay that b*tch a visit." 

Thanks to Ferra, I was spared from the awkward conversation but before I could tell her about my findings, she turned and walked away. She seemed odd, but I don't know why.

School continued as usual.

That is until a scream was heard during lunch time. I was with my friends that time, So we went to look for the cause of the commotion.

And there I saw, Ferra. Bleeding and is unconcious with pieces of broken glass around her, it seems light one of the cafeteria light fell on her.

While I was standing here unmoving, Mona went on ahead to check her pulse.

"She's alive!" She heaved a sigh of relief

Thinking quickly, I looked around to find any abnormal reaction. This time I tried to try to use my sense conciously, I set my thought to ' I know the culprits general direction '

And true enough, I instantly knew that they were behind me. I looked behind me and saw Namguk clenching his hands with a mad look on his face. Just as I was about to approach him, he looked up and we locked eyes. He instantly ran away.

I decided to deal with him later. I bent down near Ferra to check on her. My worry turned to surprise when the still laying down Ferra grabbed my hand, I heard her say in a weak voice

"Mirror, the... mirror" she croaked " say his... name. Your beloved... say... his name..."

And she fell silent again. I tried to process her words, Mirror? beloved? say his name?

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived. School is also cancelled until further notice, I would normally be happy about this but there is too much going on

Later thst evening, I called my friends to meet me at the public library.

I sat was waiting for them while reading a book, one that is about things that are related to ghosts.

Whem they arrived, I immediately consulted them about what Ferra said.

"Maybe Its a ritual?" Cana suggested

We went bsck and forth to ejat this could be until Bethany came in clutch with a possibility.

"I think it's something like Bloody mary, where you look into a mirror and say her name" Said Beth

"Oh! Why didn't I think of that!" Cana realised

"But still, are you sure it's safe" Mona hesitated

"I think so, we are going to do it at your house" I said

"Why my house!?"

"Since aunt Saria is there. If anything happens it can be dealt with easily" I reasoned

"Wha- *sigh* okay!" Mona sighed

After our discussions, we head on the Mona's house. Mona's parent work in the big cities so she is usually by herself.

There, we put down our stuff and head into the bathroom. We turned of the lights and closed the door, I also brought a red candle with me to light up.

But there was 1 problem, who were we going to summon? Ferra said that its my 'Beloved'.


No, no no no no. Its Felix! She wants me to summon Felix!

You are reading story The house with red eyes at

The girls notice my distress snd held their arms on my shoulders

"Be strong, Isla "

"Yeah we're here!"

" You can wait until you are ready If you want"

I declined and thanked them for their support. I closed my eye and chanted




After chanting three times I opened my eyes to see that the girls are gone! I looked around and I can only see myself in here. I looked back at the mirror and saw him!

"Felix? It's- It's really you... " I stammered

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the abrupt calling but Ferra is still in danger! I'll explain everything"

"That day, I was walking to the teachers Office to get some papers, that is when I saw Ferra. She was walking towards the stair to the rooftop, her behaviour was weird so I followed her.

 When I arrived, I saw her walking towards the edge of the roof. I want to call out for her but I was hit in the head by a bat, I fell and was incapitated. I can only watch as she was nearly at the end, inches away from death. I was overwhelmed by emotions, I got up and one-punched the person who hit me. I was in a hurry so I didn't see his face, but that didn't really matter since I won't make it in time. In a moment of desperation, I did a sacrifice.

 You know what Attunes are right? Ferra was at the library that day when you were with that aunty. I am an Attuned, I had a pair of necklace called exchange. I can exchange anything with the other wearer, so I exchanged my fate with hers. In a flash, it was me who was at the edge but I was facing Ferra who was in my place.

I said my sorry as I fell to the cold concrete below and all went black. I woke up later with Ferra crying in an interrogation room. I attempted to communicate with her with unsuccesful exchange but it seems my fate was to be a powerful attuned since she suddenly felt my presence and over the week, we established connection with eachother" he explained

My heart aches when he express his love a few times in his story

"But I will be gone"

I was alarmed when I heard that

"Normally an attuned can stay in a ghost from for a year or two but I already exchanged my fate with hers, she is the attuned one now, me in the other hand is just a poor victim..."

"Back to the point, Ferra is in danger! She sent me here to help you prepare"

"How?" I ask

"With professional help" he replied


"MY help, dear~" a familiar voice interjects

I turned my head to find the voice but I felt myself shaking.

And I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw my friends with worried expressions and aunt Saria there with the previously closed door.

"Thank goodness I arrived early, Your friend already informed about who you are up against. Follow me"

Hearing her instructions, we followed her outside. She told us to get in the car and drove us to the hospital.

"The most inportant thing is to help protect your friend. The enemy you're facing is called a dissonance, they are born from failed rituals. This is why cooperation and understanding is important for an attuned. The slightest mistake can develop into the most terrible of consequences if not dealt with"

"Dissonance usually disrupts it's prey's mind so that they will be susceptible to unconcious suggestions, meaning that it can basically control your thoughts"

"This one seems primitive, It probably made a deal with its host, if the deal is completed, then the Dissonance can do whatever it wants to them. Mainly, Possesion"

"There is nothing worst that a supernatural that got control to a human body. Inside a host, they can grow stronger. Which is why we must make sure the deal is not completed. From what I can see, the deal is Ferra's death. We must prevent that at all cost! "

"We've arrived! Come on! We got no time to lose!"

Aunt Saria was rushing to the receptionist asking "hello, we uh, would like to visit my daughter's friend. Ferra is her name and also... did anyone else can to visit this girl?"

The receptionist checked her computer and answered

"Yes, a haggard boy came a few minutes ago. He said that she us his close friend"

Hearing that, our hearts dropped

"Which floor is she on, which room?"

"The 3rd floor, room number 32-"

"Okay thank you! Come one!"

We rushed towards the stairs since the elevator is currently going up to the top floor.

Were on a race against time and we are losing. I'm not sure If we can reach her in time, to save her...

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