The house with red eyes

Chapter 6: Chapter 1 : Hauntings of a dear friend (part 3)

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"Okay, let me get this straight. You want us to follow you to school, at night, to use an ouija board to communicate with Spirits?" Mona clarified

"maeu seulil! I'm in!" Cana Exclaimed

"Count me in too!" Beth chimed in

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is ridiculous, I haven't said anything about joining! It's dangerous!  There is no such things as ghost neither are their communications and you could get caught by the security guard doing that" Mona scolded

"Don't worry, Mr. Security guard is secretly skipping work today to be with his love" Cana assured

" And HOW do you know that?" Questioned beth

" I accidently heard about it~"

"Accidently? Really?" Best sneered, ready to fight word to words with Cana

"*sigh* you girls are not backing out right? You know what? I'm in. JUST to keep you girls out of trouble okay?"

After the short bicker with Cana and Beth, we prepared for our expidition tonight. Mona called our parents saying that we are staying at hers, Beth is keeping Cana in check since she is a bit of a chatter mouth and I am trying to put my Ouija board in my bag. Which, doesn't *hurgh*, FIT!

After deciding to just hold the stupid board, we set off to the school grounds, and just as Cana said, the guard is not there. In his place was a stack of poorly disguised pillows wearing a uniform.


He sucks so bad at faking, even I can do better. Unsurprisingly the school gate is unlocked, since it need to be locked from the inside.

We walked through thw school courtyard and stopped right infront of the main building, where we saw Felix fell...

"Um, so which class are going to investigate" Cana asked.

"Here" I replied

"Here! But isn't this... you know?"

"It is, I'm trying to communicate with Felix's spirit to find out the truth"

" but isn't Ferra the culprit " Beth asked

" No, she said she wouln't have done that and besides, do you think someone like her can push Felix? She'd be pushing rocks!"

"Enough chit-chat, lets do what you got to do and get out" Mona scolded"


I put down the Ouija board infront of the chalk markings and asked my friends to sit down beside me and put their fingers on the little stone arrow, Cana took out here phone to record our session and I asked.

" Felix, are you there?" I questioned.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I was just about to ask another question when the arrow moved towards YES.


"Did anyone moved that" quiqed Bethany

"Its real! Its real!" Canary quivered

My friends looked at the board with mix3d feelings.

"Felix? Uh, Who killed you?" I asked

The arrow moved towards the word F, then E, then R, and another R. We can already guess what it was spelling, its FERRA.

So she really did it huh? I sigh as I watch as the arrow moves toward the A on the board but stopping before it reaches it. I was confused.

Then the arrow started to move rapidly with our fingers stuck to it.

"Who's doing that! stop!"

"It wasn't meeee!!"

"F*ck!! My finger is stuck!"

This continued for a few seconds before finally stopping. We breathed a sigh of relief before the ouija board exploded. Yes, it exploded and got a scream out of Cana.

I looked at the broken board in surprise amd before I can react, I was forcefully turned around by the shoulder.

"What in the F*ck was that!?" Bethany demanded

"Whatever it was, we need to get out of here. Now!" Mona insisted "that scream was loud enough to catch anyone's attention"

Without much time, I gathered as much piece of the board and fit them in my bag. We ran to the gates only to see the security guard is back.

"Hoi! What are you kids doing here!?" Said the security guard

"Ah!, we were just... bug hunting" Beth lied while keeping a straight face.

"Yeah, bug hunting, right." He mocked

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"I'm reporting you kids the the school principal" he sneered


"What Mr. Guard we-"

We were trying to find an excuse when -

"MR. Elliot! You don't have to report us you know? We're just having a little night out" Cana called out

"No can do kiddo, all misbehaving must be reported" he said.

"Is that so? Then, I have something to report too! It was about... what was it..." she pondered

"Oh right! There was this guard who'd leave his post empty to meet his "Love" every week"  Cana replied while making an innocent face.


The guard tensed up hearing that and to add to it,

"he is tall like you!"


"Pale like you too!"


"And he looks just like YOU " 

With every word, the guard became paler and paler. Looks like Cana has a trump card against him! If he threaten us, Cana will threaten him back!

"No! Uh... you don't have evidence!" the guard stammered.

"Oh! Since it was weird, I always record him leaving his post and oh! Did I mention that there have been a few sightings of the guard outside of his post, hanging out with his "Love""

"Wha- I- Urgh!!"

" Okay! okay! I won't report you, an-and you won't report me okay?" The guard stuttered

"Oh! Thanks, I suddenly forgot who that guard was! Teehee~" Cana giggled

"Clever brats" he muttered

We heaved I sigh of relief and set of back to our houses.

At home, I texted Cana yo see if she got everything recorded. She replied yes, she is also watching a slowed down version of it to see what the ghost was spelling before the board explode.

My phone rang and a Familliar number appeared.

"Hello, Isla?" Muttered Ferra from the other side of the phone


"Did you, did you find anything?"



"No, not yet. Are you really not the one who pushed him" I sneered

"NO!" Ferra screamed

"Oh for frick sake, I. Didn't. Kill him!" 

As she slowly spelt it up to me, I noticed that her voice is cracking. This time I felt a little guilty...

"I'm sorry... Its just, don't be an idiot and find those clues okay?"

"I..." my words were stuck in my throat as she end the call there and then

"I can't, with this girl" I sighed to myself

"What does she thinks I am? Her P.I?"

She seems different this time, she seems more calm and respectful than before...

What am I thinking! No! She's just mean, she bullies us for fun. There is no way, no way! She's...




I'm going to sleep. I'll think about all of this tomorrow.

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