The house with red eyes

Chapter 7: Chapter 1 ( part 4 ) : Hauntings of a dear friend

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Here I am again, back into these halls. But this time, I'm already with you. I looked at the door frame where the figure stands

"Hello, shade" I greeted the figure

"Shade?" The figure

"Yeah, I keep seeing you these day. I couldn't just keep calling you "the figure""

"Since when did you call me "figure""

" ... "

" ... "

"In my mind..."

Hearing my reply, the figure chuckled

" Oh how I missed those moments... "

"You seem to know me, but who are you?"

"You'll know when the time comes. So! How is your Investigation? And be honest, It's odd for you to go straight to find clues using  supernatural stuff. Not that Its bad, I just didn't expect you to do it so early on."

" Well, I used to love supernatural stuff and I  guess I still do"

"Yes, but where did that confidence come from? Hm? How were you sure it would work? I doubt that its blind faith..."

Before I could ask what he means by that, I was falling again.

" Until next time O' shade!" I saluted. Hehe, I always wanted to say things like that.

And I awoke in class, I looked around and saw that everyone has already left for the cafeteria. I got up and headed there too.

There I saw my buddies!

"Isla! Great timing, My aunt's coming over this afternoon. She is also a fan of supernaturals, she might be... Of help!" Mona explained

"We're going to visit her?"

"Yeah!" Cana and beth chimed in.

A fan of supernaturals, She holds the key to this mystery!


How do I know that? Doesn't matter now. I told my friends that I'll be seeing them this afternoon too.

Afternoon at Mona's house

Here I am, Infront of my friends house. I'm kind of nervous since I've never really been inside of my their houses. So here I go...

I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. The door opened and a kid who looked similar to Mona was there.

"Isla, It's me Mona, I have shrunken down because, pftt.... I got stuck inside the WASHING MACHINE! HAHAHA!" The girl giggled before bursting out laughing.

"Traci! Stop that! It's not even funny" Mona scolded as she marched towards the front door.

"It IS funny, how stupid were you to get stu- mph!" Traci was muffled by Mona's hand befor she finishes her word.

"I'm so sorry for my cousin's behaviour, Come on in! My aunt is inside" Mona welcomed as the girl Traci, snicked before going back in.

I walked inside into a peach and orange living room. On the coach I see my friends chatting with Traci and I see an Auntie with weird earings.

" Hola deary! you must be Isla, Mona has told me lots about you~. Come on, sit" welcomed the Aunt

"I'm Caesaria Vivalda but you can call me Aunt Saria, and here is my daughter Traci"

"So! Uh... Aunt Saria, You've prabably known about why we are here..."

"Why yes! Mona wanted to introduce you girls to me SO badly I has to cancel my plans, But seeing how wonderful and lovely you girls are, I think it's worth it"

You are reading story The house with red eyes at

"Isn't it about the Ouija board?"

" Ouija board? "

" the Ouija board that exploded when we tried to commune wi-" I stopped explaining as I saw Mona who was making an X with her arms with a distressed face.

Oops... She pobably haven't been notified about this, I came to a realisation as Mona seems to have millions of thought racing in here right now. That is, until Aunt Saria called her in a stern tone.

"Mona, Siéntate aquí y explica. " she instructed sternly . Mona then nervously sat down with us.

"Ha...ha... Yeah auntie! Uh... It's quite a funny story haha..." Mona said nervously

After a few minutes of explaining.

"You WHAT!? a murder happened and the FIRST thing you do was to consult the spirit using an OUIJA BOARD!? Aunt Saria Exclaimed

" Yes mam..." Mona meekly confirmed

" Ai... truly es Barba crescit, caput nescit..."  aunt Saria sighed.

"You, Isla!" Aunt Saria pointed "we are going to have a long TALK about your decisions. You too Mona" she said sternly. Mona who given the warning, slumped and sighed into the couch.

"First! You did choose to use supernatural measures and why did you think that you can be some sort Ghost Detective? Hmm?" Aunt Saria questioned.

"I... I just knew that It will yeild results..."

" That's it? You just knew?"


" Okay Isla. Tell me, have you ever encounter something weird? Something that is out of the ordinary? One that can be described as, Supernatural?"

"I have"

"Can you tell me more about? About this supernatural event? ah! And Don't worry, I have lots of experience in this field" She reassured. True to my story, I told her everything that happened during that day when we were on our way for vacation

After I finished my story, I looked at Aunt Saria who was looking at with a worried expression. She looked me in the eyes and said.

"Isla dear. I don't know how to tell you but, your life as you know it, will turn into a road forged with fire and thorns"

I listened in horror as I unconciously let out


"I'm afraid that..., after your encounter with the "Haunted house". That event triggered something in your mind, unlocking your sixth sense"

"My sixth sense?"

"Yes, I can't tell you more right now dear. You can meet me tomorrow at the Local Library between 12 to 3 pm"

Aunt Saria got up and called her daughter " Traci! come on, we're going shopping.

Watching as she leave, I try to make sense to what she said. 6th sense? Fire and thorns?

But my worries were held at bay as I felt arms wrap around me and I heard Canary said.

"gwaenchanh-ayo Isla, We're here. We'll figure it out together"

"Yeah! We may not really know what you're facing, but we can help you" Beth agrees

Yeah, I got you guys...

But it won't be enough...


 Why won't it be enough? Will I fail? Will my life fall apart? What would happen to my parents?

My thoughts quickly became messy again as my eyes flooded. I'm lucky that I have friends to console me, even though it's not enough.

 It was supposed to be a simple murder, but why is my life is at stake...

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