The Idols

Chapter 2: What Happen?

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Well, i feel like crap. I can't believe i went and did that to a classmate, even though i already promised my big sister that i won't cause her any trouble. Not only the teacher is always keep their eyes on me, but my other classmates also staying away as they afraid i will attack them too.

I didn't realize when anger take over me yesterday, i don't even realize what's going on until teacher come into class. After they tell me everything and seeing Tanaka reaction, well, i must admit it's my fault for assaulting him out of nowhere. But still, i decided to keep my mouth shut about Tanaka being a bully. If they somehow doing a further investigation to decide whenever Tanaka is a bully or not, it will only bring me more trouble because me and also my classmate will be asked for questioning to prove it. I rather did not doing that, because i may make my sister worried again, and the victim doesn't really care about it either. Oh, i haven't introduced myself? Well, for the first thing is my name. My name is Kazuya Shoichiro. Even though i am no different from the other children my ages, well, it's not the case when i take off my clothes. Scars and bruises fill those closed part so it wouldn't be seen by the others. How did i be able to receive those? Well, my father always beat me when he comes back home while drunk. I endure it all, i endure all the pain in hope he wouldn't touch my mother, But all my efforts turn out to be useless in the end. I doesn't really resent him for what he done to me, because it's all because he is in drunk state that he do all of that to me, his own child. As for my mother, she is always cooking food for me, even though when we run out of money, she still be able to give me food to eat so i never starve. But even though she always cook and provide food to me, i wonder why i can't recall ever having dinner together with her. Oh well, that's all is the past and there's no use to bringing it up now. My hair is black, which unfortunately i inherited from my father. And i think my faces resemble my mother because people often tell me that "The fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree."

Currently, i goes to elementary school in a city named Zetsubou. Well to be precise, now i'm going there, with my big sister.

"Kazu, how the hell did you end up assaulting other student? I told you many times before, don't let your emotions get the better of you. Every action have it's own consequence, remember?" My sister say to me, as her eyes still focusing on the road.

This is my sister, her name is Rika Hamasaki. She is not blood related to me, but her parents happen to be a good friends of my mother and when they found out about my situation, they adopt me. Well, it's true that this life is better than living with my blood related father, but still, i can't get used to this.

"Gosh, this is why i need to keep watch on you everytime! You can't do anything without me! You really are a hopeless little brother!" She claims as her step on the bike pedals is going faster.

"Please, don't go too fast. Look at your legs, they have the size that remind people of Ronnie Coleman..." i said with sarcasm while keeping my poker face.

"Hey, that's rude! It's not that big!" She said as she keep checking her legs, fearing that it may really look muscular. "Really, you! Anyway, here we are. Remember, don't pick a fight with anyone and behave properly in school! You lucky i'm the one who get contacted by Ms. Yuzuki, not our parents. Well, if they know, then..." She said. Well, i'm doomed if they really know about it. Anyway, now that i arrive at school, i can't delay my sister any longer or she will be late.

"Thank you, Rika Nee. I be fine, i promise." I say to put her mind at ease with my serious face.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, i be going to my school now! Later!" She wave a goodbye while pedaling her bike.

I sigh.

Well, it's not that i want that thing to happen either, i just happen to lost control of myself and then it's all happen. Well, now not the time to be standing in the main gate and keep finding excuse for my action yesterday. I hope there's not much change after the incident. But of course, it won't be forgotten so easily, especially if an elementary student did it.

"Morning, Kazuya... I hope there's won't be anything like what happen yesterday, 'kay?" Mrs. Yuzuki who happen to be close to the gate said to me, and her tone is telling me that's it's not a first warning, but the last.

"I try." I tell her because i don't really know if it will happen again or not. Mrs. Yuzuki just sigh, and then pat my head.

"I know you can do it Kazuya. Sensei believe in you." She said that with a smile.

Hey, is it allowed for a student to develop a feelings to his teacher after seeing a smile like that?

I just nod, and the continue walking to the office. Alright then, i try my best to be normal again. Wait, i am always normal, what is wrong with me?

I take a step after step. With each step, the more anxious my mind become. Thoughts racing over and over in my head.

Will they forget? Will Tanaka be okay? Is that girl safe? What if Tanaka is dropping out?

Time after time, i stop thinking about it. It's not related to me anyway, why i should care? I should only focusing on myself instead of others, it's not like they care for me. After a walk that feel like an eternal, i finally arrive at my class door. I take a breath, preparing myself for whatever about to happen when i step inside of this class. Rejection, fear, hatred, or whatever emotion they show to me, i will accept it as long as it didn't affect my study.

When i slide the door open, Tanaka is sitting at the desk while laughing with his friends. But after noticing me, his expression change instantly.

"Y-Yo! Kazuya right? How are your condition?" He ask, trying his best not to make any direct eye contact with me.

Why does he bother? Isn't he supposed to be scared after what i have done to him yesterday? Hm, i need to think about this rationally. Normally, in Manga or Anime that i saw, the bad guy usually end up becoming the hero companion and even sacrificing themself in order to protect the hero. Hm?

They want to protect me? But i aren't a hero though? Wait, for them maybe it's different. For me, maybe i think i wasn't a hero, but maybe they think i am. And i recall that Tanaka is saying something about me and justice from yesterday. Does this mean he willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect me if something bad were happen? When i look at him, i see an expression of a guy who is admiring something cool or great, and those expression were directed at me. Alright then!

"I'm fine, thank you!" I say while suddenly grabbing his hand.

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I think he's not expecting that and i can feel his hand tremble. Yes, he must be delighted because he is being acknowledged by his hero! But, this is weird. After i grab Tanaka hands, i feel a sudden chill coming from my back. When i turn over to have a look of what have caused it, it is...

The girl from yesterday.

Huh? Why is she looks mad? Not to mention, she clenching her hands so strong, her nails start to stabbing her own hand! Hey, why doesn't she feel any pain? Don't tell me, her current state is the same as what i feel yesterday? Hey, doesn't that mean, she want to kill someone!?

Who? Who does she want to kill? But the person with the highest possibility of becoming her target, it's probably Tanaka. Maybe she made up her mind last night to kill him, and now she really going to do it. Nobody could forgive what Tanaka have done yesterday, so it is understandable. Even Tanaka himself know that, because he already leaked his urine on his pants and the hands that i hold is shivering like crazy. But, i wouldn't let that happen! I wouldn't let Tanaka died, not if he died to atone for his own sins! If he was to die, then i want it to die sacrificing himself to protect me! I can't let my insurance of a safe future just slip past me like that!

~Tanaka POV~

I'm scared. I don't want to go through of what happen yesterday. If it possible, i just want to stay home. But my parents didn't allowed it, so now. i'm currently on a car that my dad drive to take me to school. Hey hey hey, after what i have explain, you decided it is better for me to go to school and meet him again!? How can i make up with him like you tell me, he just trying to kill me for real yesterday! Misunderstanding? How can i misunderstand if i was the person is the victim of it!? There's no way i can befriend a person who tried to choke the life out of me!

No, no, no! I feel like i want to jump out of the car window right now and run away, even with broken legs. Yes, that is better because i can still keep living. As i made up my mind, my father shock me by saying that we have arrive. What? Damn, if only i made up my mind sooner this wouldn't happen! Wait, i can still run away! Alright, then when i open the door, i will run. Yes, away from him. Okay, i already open the door. C'mon me, you can do it! One, two, three-!

"Don't do anything stupid." My father said as if he knows my plan.

Alright, all my escape route have been blocked. Now, time to receive whatever bad ending await from me. I know there wouldn't be any good ending because i play too much Eroge already to know where this is going.

To hell with it, then i want to properly say goodbye to my friends atleast. And if possible, i want to ask her forgiveness. I know what i have done yesterday is too far, but if i die without telling the truth, then i don't think that i can pass on properly. As i think of this, i see Yuzuki-sensei walking out of the office.

"Good morning, Yuzuki-sensei."

She is surprised at first, but quickly regain her composure and put on a smile on her face. "Good morning, Tanaka. Are you already okay after what happen yesterday?"


Maybe Yuzuki-sensei can help me escape! If i tell her the truth, she must be believing me and that's why she is appointed as a teacher!

"Sensei, actually-" Then sensei interuppted me as i try to tell her the truth.

"I'm sorry Tanaka, but sensei is busy right now. Go the class now, okay? I'm sure you and Kazuya will get along. He's a nice kid after all." sensei said as she hurried herself to go to the school field.

Hey, i know it! There's only bad ending for me! Even when i thought i could be saved, the next moment they put me back on the bad ending route again!

Damn, i think there's no use of hoping for an escape as of now, it just me and myself accepting my fate. I think that as i walk to the class, and when i arrive, there's is my friends talking to each other. When they see me, they hurried up to me to check on me. Hey, these guys aren't so bad after all. Then we proceed to joke and laugh at each other as we talking, and i didn't know when he will arrive, so i just tell these guys as i have the chance. Before they could continue joking, i said "Hey guys, i think i been a real jerk and all, but forgive me for it. I know i could act better, and i wasn't. I'm sorry if i happen to hurt one of your feelings.". I feel like i could cry right now, because i don't want to say goodbye this fast with these guys.

They go silent for a moment, but then one of them says "Did you already prepare yourself a grave and tombstone? Because it sound like you would go soon." And one of them continue, "Don't worry Tanaka. Even if you gone, we wouldn't miss you." and the laughter continue. Even myself, is finding that funny and join in with their laughter. But that moment come to an end soon, because when i thought i hear a door slide, he is standing there. Oh no, why so soon? I haven't ask her for forgive me, and you already arrive? In this case, i could only buy some time and wait for her. Let's have a chit chat, i think to myself. But the moment i'm about to speak, i froze when i see his eyes. Those are the same eyes that want to kill me yesterday. I want to piss myself so bad, but i try not to. C'mon, you only have to buy time until she arrive!

"Y-Yo! Kazuya right? How are your condition?" i try to ask him while not making any contacts, i fear that the moment i make direct eyes contact is the moment he try to kill me again. I swallow my own saliva, because he not responding to my question. Instead, he look like he is thinking about something. Huh, is he thinking about the method to make me die a painful death? please, even if what i have done yesterday went too far, i don't want to go through that. Suddenly, he grabs my hand. I was shocked, because i thought he about to attack me and then torture me. As i thinking about running away. She arrive. Oh, thanks God. Now, i can ask whenever she forgive me or not before Kazuya coming for me. But something is weird. 

Why is her expression looks like she want to kill someone so bad?


I knew it, bad ending. There's no way i can run away from 2 people who's both is trying to kill me! 

As i think of that, my pants were already soaked by my own urine and i'm shivering like crazy. I want to run, run far away from these two. I know that i'm going to die today, but not like this! Oh whoever it is, help me! Whoever help me, i will follow you whenever you go! Just please, save me!

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