The Idols

Chapter 3: Not Planned

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I hate how cocky i am before. Let's say that i can save Tanaka, but, can i save myself from her? Forget about having him as my insurance, i might die right now. I didn't know her enough to persuade her to stop from attacking Tanaka, then how am i supposed to stop her?

While i'm thinking about the best way to calm the situation, she suddenly yell at me. "G-get away f-from him, Kazuya! I-i will save you!".

Hm? She knows my name? And what does she mean by saving me?

Ah, i see.

She think Tanaka is picking me as his next victim. And after experiencing all those things from yesterday, she couldn't see another person to suffer the same things as her. But you mistaken. He is not picking on me, so please, please leave him alone. I look at her and let my voice to be heard. "He's not picking on me, so you can rest assured... Um, well..." I stop talking. I forget. Or it can be said that i didn't know her name. Who? Who is she? I didn't bother to remember the name of people that i have nothing to do with, and now i regret it. From now on, i will try to remember everyone name even the pizza delivery guy from PizzaLot. Who knows i might need their names, in case of something like this happen. Well, maybe this situation wouldn't happen again in the future, but it is better to be more careful. Now, i didn't know her name, so maybe i can try to use the most common name for a girl. I have a 1 out of 100 chance that it is the right name, and if it did, then i will be saved because people feel respected if you know their names. Okay then, i will go with that name.

"Calm down for a moment, Yui-san. Just forget about yesterday." I said with confidence, hoping it will be the right one. Unfortunately, it is not.

"H-huh? M-me?" A girl said confusingly, because her name is suddenly mentioned. "Y-yesterday?" The girl named Yui try her best to remember about yesterday, but she can't seem to remember. That's because Kazuya is not asking Yui, but another girl who's name Kazuya didn't know. "Yesterday?" The girl is looking twice as mad from before. Tilting her head slighty with eyes that full of hatred, she direct those eyes to Yui direction. Kazuya who realize this sudden change in her, can feel his legs tremble. How long have it been since the last time he feels this scared? But even though scared, he try his best to remain calm, to anticipate everything that the girl can possibly do. The girl, walk towards Yui. Her step can be heard in the room, as they don't know what would happen in the next moment. They watching her every move without moving even a muscle, afraid she will become just like Kazuya from yesterday. Not only Kazuya, the other students also realize this sudden change. They have seen those eyes yesterday, and it is the same as Kazuya eyes. Yui, who still confused by the whole situation, just standing there. She is anxious. She keep wondering what will happen if the girl reach her, and what will happen next. But still, she couldn't move because not only confused, she is also scared like the others in the classroom.

"Yui-san?" The girl call out her name, but this time, with smile. A smile that is so beautiful, but yet, so sinister. "What could the thing that happen yesterday be?" Yui could only shake her head at the question. Yesterday? Yesterday, after school she playing in the park with the others,  go home, do her usual activity, study, and went to sleep. She didn't know what does Kazuya mention yesterday. The girl is waiting, waiting and waiting for the answer. She put her hand on a nearest chair, feeling bored. Yui, not knowing what to say, decided to tell the truth. "Um, actually i don't remember what happen yesterday, maybe-" Before Yui could finish her sentence, a slap is heard. The others is terrified. The girl, slapping Yui suddenly, and she slap her with all her strength on top of that. Yui didn't dare to shout out of pain, and instead she just cry. She endure the pain, and trying to find out what she did that make the girl angry. Maybe it is something that she said? Yes, it is. Confirming Yui confusion, the girl raise her hand once more. "You didn't remember? How can you? How can you forget something that happen with Kazuya involved in it?" The girl ask Yui, with despair filled her tone of voice. Not only Kazuya share a secret with this girl, she couldn't stand that she said that she forgot it. Something that the girl want to, is treated like a trivial matter to this girl. "I didn't think i be satisfied with only a slap." The girl said while grabbing another chair. As she drag the chair, she looks at Yui. "I think this will do." The girl said as she grab the chair by both hand and raise it. The whole class know what the girl about to do. Yes, she want to smash Yui with the chair. If that happen, then Yui will be injured. In worst case, she might get send to the hospital to recover from her injury. But if the girl aim for the head, then it is goodbye. The whole class know, such thing isn't impossible from happening because what they just saw yesterday. Yui cry even harder, fearing for her life. She turn her eyes into Kazuya direction, who happen to be in the corner of her eyes. Her teary eyes, asking for help.

Kazuya didn't think it will be like this. He want to calm the situation, but instead he drag another innocent person. But Kazuya didn't help. He know what will happen if he was to help her. Yes, he could get hurt instead of the girl, basically taking her place. Kazuya didn't want to hurt himself for someone he didn't know, because Kazuya knows that he ain't no hero who will save everyone, ignoring his own safety. Kazuya turn his head, not wanting to witness anything that happen next. He feels guilty, but he still don't want to save her. Yui last hope have been destroyed. The guy who dragging her into this mess, didn't want to help her. She just sit there, still trying to remember what Kazuya mention before because she think if she remember it, then maybe she can be spared by the girl. But no, she couldn't figured out the thing that Kazuya mentioned wasn't happening or even directed to her. Kazuya, prepared to hear the sound of the chair making impact on Yui, suddenly remembering his days with his mother.

"Mom, why Kazuya born to be a boy? Will Kazuya also grow up just like him?" Kazuya asking her mother while she washing the dishes.

"No, Kazuya. If you didn't want to be like him, then you wouldn't." Kazuya mother answering while putting her smile like usual. Kazuya, relieved to hear his mother answer, also smile in return. "Kazuya swear then, he will not be like dad!" Her mother can only smile after seeing Kazuya resolve. She pat his head and say, "Then, you have to protect woman okay? Treat them nicely, and you won't be like him."  Kazuya confused. How can he not become like him by doing so? Then her mother, just like usual, smiling and answer,

"Just promise mom, okay?" She ask Kazuya, and Kazuya is nodding in respond.


Kazuya don't want to break his promises with his mother. True, he is not the type of person that willingly sacrifice himself for the others. But his promise with his mother, is the absolute things that we will keep doing, no matter what. Gritting his teeth, he can only curses himself. If he didn't remember the promised, certainly he will broke it by letting Yui harmed. "I will not become like him. Never." Kazuya mumble while gritting his teeth.

Everything happen in an instant. The girl swing the chair, Yui prepared herself for the impact. But suddenly, yes, suddenly, Kazuya step in, receiving the hit instead of Yui. Yui who didn't felt any pain when the impact make sound, quickly opening her eyes to see what actually happen. Kazuya can only smile, to reassure her that she be okay. Yui can only stare with disbelief, as the boy who ignoring her before is currently saving her. The whole class is shocked, and the girl is the most shocked one out of them. She hit him with her own strength. How can the girl protect Kazuya if she is the one who attacking her?

That hit sure was a strong one, the boy glad it wasn't hit Yui because she may be dead by now. Kazuya can only groan, as he felt an intense pain in his left arm. Yui realize it, and she panicking. "Are you okay!?" she ask him. Kazuya can't hear her, as he was focus at the pain in his left arm. Kazuya panicked, he trying to make the pain gone, but it only increasing by time. He look at Yui, who is screaming for help for him. Maybe there's some benefit for me after saving her. Yui, even though she is a tomboy, she is a caring girl. She can't stand the look of others in pain, and even more that person get hurt by her. Kazuya can only smile at the thought, and look at the girl next. Yes, now he knows her name. Her name is Ai Tsukasa. How could he forget? She is the smartest girl in the school and also the most popular. Even though the person herself didn't realize, she got quite amount of fans among the students here. Ai eyes have grown wide because of Kazuya condition, and she keep mumbling "This shouldn't happen." Kazuya didn't know what to do, so she can only smile at her to calm her. But after seeing him, Ai is gasping and her legs can't no longer stand because of the shock the situation give to her. As for the last, Tanaka. Tanaka can only sit in the corner, not wanting to get into the dangerous situation himself. Tanaka then realize Kazuya eyes. Kazuya can only smile looking at him, thinking about the coward will be indebted to him and Kazuya could use that as his advantage. As for Tanaka, he swears that he will follow anybody that help him, and that person is the person who try to kill him yesterday. Even though he's a coward, Tanaka wouldn't go back on his on word. He will follow Kazuya as from today, as he already said. Kazuya on the other hand, want to beat up Tanaka because he didn't do anything, but hold himself back because of his injury and the possibility that Tanaka will end up running away from him if Kazuya make Tanaka too afraid of him.

Kazuya, smiling thinking that atleast some part of the plan succeed, even though he suffer an injury, but atleast, he gain one loyal underling and keep his promise with his mother. As he can't hold the pain any longer, he is slowly losing his consciousness.

~Yui POV~

My name is Yui Hoshizaki. I have a brown hair which i inherited from my father and blue eyes  that i inherited from my mother. Both of my parents work as an entrepreneur, and one could say that i live in luxury, with everything that i wanted handed out to me by my parents. Even though i'm a girl, i like to cut my hair short like most of the boys and it make people always mistaken me for a boy the first time they meet me. People always tell me about how i always look and behave like a boy. I don't care, because i already tired from hearing those too many times already.

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"Why you cut your hair short?" Because i don't like it long, it only get in the way when i'm playing sports.

"Why you playing sports?" Because i like moving my body and engage in a physical activity. The question goes on and on, there is no end of it. My parents keep making me acting like a girl, but it's uncomfortable and eventually they stop forcing it on me. Everyday, i keep doing the same thing. After school, i went to the park to play. I usually playing with the boys, as the girls prefer to play house, but not me. We enjoy playing football on the park. The boys gradually accept and acknowledge me as one of the best football player, because of my skills. I'm proud of it, and i was thinking that nobody can beat me in sports. I also telling this to the other boys, and they agree with my statement. One day, i accidentaly kick the ball into the wrong direction, and it hit him. The boy yell "Ouch!" as the ball hit his head. He turned his eyes toward us, with a bored expression. What's with him? I think to myself. I apologize to him, not wanting the situation to escalate further. I didn't think he accept my apology, because after that he went and said "Who let you play football if you can't aim?". I'm furious. He dare to mock me just because i accidentally kick the ball toward him? I can't accept that, and i ask him to play a match with me. Without any hesitation, he accept my challange. "This world shall know pain!" as he raise his hand toward the sky. I thought it was funny, and laugh a little. He didn't mind it. His eyes is focused on the ball. I gulp, i thought he was just another weird person, but what if he is good at sports? What if, he is better than me?

She can only think of that, and afraid that she will lose if she take this match easy. Yui ready herself, as they both waiting for the signal to begin.

"Are you both ready!?"

The crowd goes tense. They know her ability in football, but they didn't know about the boy. But considering the confident he have earlier, he must be very good at this.

"Begin!" As soon as the match begin, Yui quickly trying to block him from advancing. He on the other hand, only stood there while placing one foot on the ball. "Let me ask you this." He cross his arms and point one finger out towards her. "Do you think you have a chance?"

His sheer confidence, shock all the nearby people who is currently watching the match. There's cannot be heard a single doubt in his voice, as if he knew he would won this match already.

"No, no! I can't lose! If i lose, then they won't play with me any longer! I need to show them, that i am better than him!" Yui thought.

The boy examine Yui expression. After a brief moment, he made a move. Yui is surprised, but it didn't faze her. She quickly regain her composure and try to steal the ball, but something unexpected happen. The crowd couldn't believe what they were seeing. The boy, grabbing the ball before Yui could take it and run toward the goals. "Forget the damn rules!" the boy said. He run toward the goals, but eventually he slip while running. He fall flat to the ground, And his clothes is covered with dirt. The crowd laugh at his action. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, contradict to the confidence that the boy show earlier. Eventually, Yui manage to snatch it and making goals, one by one. After the match ends, the winner is already clear.

Yui (6) - Kazuya (0)

They know Kazuya couldn't win, after seeing how he act before. As it is already late, the crowd goes home, until only Yui who is standing beside Kazuya that is currently lying on the ground. She is angry at him, not because for how Kazuya play in the whole match, but because she knew Kazuya could win easily.

"I know you holding back, i can see your eyes following my movement through the whole game." Yui said. The boy still on the ground, is slowly getting up. After cleaning the remain the dirt he have on his face. He look at the sky, and ask Yui in his usual uninterested tone, "Shall we play seriously?" Yui nod at the question and they begin the match without any further delay. As Yui thought, Kazuya easily win the match by scoring 0-3 in 8 minutes. Yui looks defeated, and she know she can't play football again as she lose. But Kazuya notice this, and put his hand on her shoulder. "You can keep playing. I wouldn't tell anyone anyway, i just happen to watch a lot of this kind of things at home." Yui is surprised. There's someone who didn't want the others to know his talent and instead hiding it. Kazuya tell Yui to go home, as it getting late. The next day, Yui who is on her way to her class, see him. The boy that defeated me yesterday, she thought. She follows him, curious about what class he's in. And to her surprise, it is the same class as her. She couldn't believe it, as she never realizes he was in the same class before the match yesterday.  Her curiosity eventually grows, as she keep watching him to know the secret of his skill yesterday. She couldn't figure anything, beside him just putting an unconcerned expression while in the truth he is actually aware of the event that happen surround him. Each day, she always spare some time in the middle of the class to look at what he is doing. One day, she realizes something and ask herself, Why i'm curious with him?

When Tanaka bullying take place, she's is in the cafeteria. She couldn't hold her hunger and she decided she will eat, so she didn't know what happen before. So, when Ai confront Tanaka and Kazuya today, she is confused. Suddenly, Tanaka said her name and ask her to forget about what happen yesterday. How did he know my name, he never ask me before. Yui think the boy find her name himself because he is interested in her. The thought make the young maiden blush. But the next moment, Ai is now walking toward her. Yui is surprised by the sudden development of the situation and could only froze. Ai is asking her about the (Yesterday) that Kazuya mentioned, but unfortunately Yui couldn't remember. When she received the slap, she thought of slapping Ai back. But after seeing Ai eyes that is void of emotion, she couldn't do it. She just sit there, hoping Ai will go away. But no, Ai action only become worse. When Ai grab the chair, Yui though is filled with Kazuya. She take a look at him, hoping that he would save him. But Kazuya, the boy she hoped for, looked away from her. She then remember, that Kazuya wouldn't want any unnecessary attention. She then realizes she can only rely on herself for this situation.

I don't want to stop playing sport, i want to keep playing it. And maybe, maybe Kazuya will also play with me. She realize that she like Kazuya, but regret it because she only did so by now. When Ai about to swing the chair, Yui close her eyes, hoping that it wouldn't break her arm or hit her in the head. Then a loud sound was heard by the room. But, Yui didn't feel any pain. She curious as of what happen, and Kazuya, is smiling in front of her.


Why Kazuya risk himself to save me?

Yui couldn't find the answer, and she looks at Kazuya. She realize that he is groaning and pain, and telling the others to get help. Then she notice something. Kazuya left arm is broken. Yui is shocked, and hoping that it can heal by time. Kazuya couldn't say anything, so he only looks at her. Slowly but surely, his eyes is closing itself. Yui is afraid that the shock is strong enough to kill Kazuya, couldn't think clearly. She can only think about giving Kazuya first aid treatment. While everyone still in shock, Yui stand and lift Kazuya up, carrying him in princess style. If Kazuya were awake, he would surely embrassed and try his best to get out of the position Yui place him in. But no, this isn't the time for that. After that, Yui run while carrying Kazuya to the infirmary, praying that she make it in time.

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