The Immortal General

Chapter 13: Chapter 12

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The next day went by fast. Arlan met with the two newly assigned infantry platoons. The Banner of the Claw’s first platoon was still in Galdo City but would return the next day. Arlan now commanded a first platoon, a second platoon, and a third platoon.

Arlan instructed the squad leaders that during his absence, they were to follow his written training manuals. Trent, Erin, and Dimitri would lead the exercises as JD would be attending the Knights Academy in Galdo City. JD was now considered a full-fledged squire.

During his meeting with his new soldiers, Arlan was able to meet Noah who had gotten over his speech issue. Arlan called his old friend into a private room in the barracks during lunch.

“Captain Arlan,” said Noah as he saluted, “I’ve received your summons.” 

“At-ease, Noah.” replied Arlan as he returned the salute as well, “How have you been, my friend?”

Noah answered proudly, “Better than ever! I have no more speaking problems. And when I heard you were our Captain, no one believed me when I said that I knew you!”

“They’ll figure it out soon enough and I’m glad you’ve overcome your speech issue,” said Arlan as he hugged his old friend, “I wish we had more time to catch up but I’ll be departing for Auron City tomorrow.”

“It’s okay,” commented Noah, “I’ll be here when you return.”

“Noah, catching up wasn’t the only reason I summoned you,” admitted Arlan, “I need to promote a logistics sergeant and you're my first choice. Do you accept?”

Noah’s eyes lit up with pride and avowed, “I accept! I won’t let you down, Captain!”

JD was right, even Noah has grown up a lot. He’s become much more independent.

Arlan returned to Highmane to finalize some logistics and pack some documents for the road. His final day in Galdo City was spent setting up training procedures for his banner. The young lion wanted his soldiers to be improved in his fighting style. Arlan retired to his bed after realizing how late it had gotten.


The day to depart for Lancel High Academy had arrived. Arlan woke up with one thought on his mind, to see what the Academy and Auron City had to offer. It was the first time Arlan had ventured that far south.

It would take five days on a carriage to arrive at Auron City. He would be traveling with Katalina and Marie. They were to be escorted by ten Heracul Knights who would be under Arlan’s temporary command and guard the Reeve’s Manor near Lancel High Academy.

The majestic Auron City was enormous and grand like Galdo City. These two metropolitans were only second to Oreta, the Midland Capitol. Arlan started his day by meeting with Count Emile and Countess Vivia in the courtyard. They both bid Arlan a safe trip. Katalina and Marie were already in the carriage, the two girls had already said their goodbyes.

Duke Louis was still away but left a letter for Arlan. Count Emile told Arlan to read it after he departed Galdo City. Arlan figured his father was quite busy as the Protector of the Northeastern Region. Jeanette and Helga would accompany Arlan while the other two maids stayed in Highmane.

The caravan was now complete and it departed from Galdo City heading south. Count Emile smiled and waved as they departed from Highmane’s gates. Countess Vivia looked on with strength as she watched her eldest daughter take her first step into adulthood.

Arlan looked out the window towards Galdo City one last time. It would be four months before he was allowed to return for the winter break. Marie and Katalina sat opposite Arlan in their noble attire. The two girls conversed about how excited they were to finally meet other students and study their vocations.

The young lion noticed Marie stealing glances here and there but he thought nothing of it. With two days of idle time, Arlan pulled up some reports he needed to read. These came directly from Count Emile and the Galdo Ministry. There was information about the latest operations, patrols, subjugations, and investigations.

House Reeve was maintaining regional stability. Activating the Northern armies to take part directly in monster subjugation attributed to this. Count Emile, Count Daxton, and Duke Louis were able to remove any threats or major problems immediately.

I’ll need to establish my intelligence network. The lack of information is glaring. I’ll have to figure that out in the next few months.

As the young lion finished his reports. He remembered the letter given to him by Count Emile from his father, Duke Louis.

The letter read, “Dear Arlan, I’m sorry I cannot see you off. But I know you understand the reason for my absence. Instructor Dink Rorschach is one of my close friends. We both attended Lancel High together. I’ve notified him of your capabilities. I hope you’ll be able to hone your skills so that you’re prepared for what's to come. Please write if you need anything. Your father, Duke Louis Reeve.”

On Terra, Rove attended a prestigious military academy due to his high evaluations. During that time, he was never encouraged by any parental figures but only taught to rely on himself emotionally. In his super-soldier body, he was able to maintain a proper mental state without the love or care from a paternal figure.

But here in Althea, he lacked the same control in this body. Having felt a parental connection to his adopted father, he felt a bittersweet longing to see Duke Louis and Miss Petrah. This emotion steeled his resolve even further to improve himself as best he could.

After five days of travel, the group finally arrived at Auron City. The bustling city was also a massive metropolis. Arlan, Katalina, and Marie were all stunned at the amalgamation of human, dwarven, and elven architecture. This city was also a massive trade hub that connected Galdo City to Midland’s eastern and southern regions.

Auron City was considered “The Heart of Midland” due to its centralized location and economic growth. The impressive city was governed by House Lansley, a high-ranking family that started as merchants. The Lansleys were just as powerful as the Reeves but through the usage of wealth and trade.

At the head of the merchant House is Duke Frank Lansley. Duke Frank was known across Midland for his domestic policies and capitalist nature. He was respected for his fair treatment of all races in his policies. This was due to Duke Frank’s view on money over race. Finances were everything to the Lansleys.

House Reeve and House Lansley had been allies since before the Lansleys rose to power. This deep-rooted connection solidified trade and military protection between the two great houses.

Count Emile had taught Arlan about the Lansleys and many other houses. This information was key to understanding which powerful houses may side with the Swora or remain loyal to Midland.

As the carriage drove through the streets towards the Reeve’s Manor, the trio inside observed and admired their surroundings. Arlan, in particular, had his agenda for constantly observing his environment. He wanted to see how accurate the map he had studied was. The young lion requested a map of Auron City from Count Emile. This wasn’t just an ordinary map, it was a special map provided by the Lansleys. It detailed every back route, every known street possible, and the location of any secret routes. Arlan continued to observe the city as many denizens littered the street.

I’m going to have to make sure all these back streets, hidden escapes, and paths are accurate. The Lansleys know their city streets awfully well.

It took twenty minutes to arrive at the Reeve’s estate in Auron’s richest district. The manor was the second-largest property sporting its own wall and grass meadow. This estate was maintained by appointees of House Reeve.

After passing the front gate, the Heracul Knights began sweeping through the property while using [Detect], an ability used to locate any traces of essence or mana. It was similar to Arlan’s [Battle Trance] but could only sonar out. It wasn’t as robust either and would require multiple casts as they reached each area.

Arlan ordered the search so he could do his due diligence with handling the security of the manor. Arlan used [Battle Trance] as well and found nothing within three hundred meters.

The trio reached the front of the manor and was greeted by a row of ten servants who staffed the property. Arlan helped the girls off the carriage as he told the servants to rise. The young lion would’ve preferred to skip these formalities but he knew he had to maintain his image as a noble.

A dismounted Heracul Knight rode up and knelt before Arlan and reported that nothing came up in the search. The young lion dismissed the Heracul Knights to rest and gave them written orders on how many Heracul Knights needed to be present at all times throughout the property. It also came with patrol routes for the property as well.

After the arrival, they were already in the dining hall eating a savory dinner as their belongings were unpacked into their rooms by the maids. The manor sported a small garden on the north side and was flanked by a few outer buildings. From servant’s quarters to a small stable for the horses, this manor was practically a miniature village.

The main building housed an office and training room for Arlan and over ten rooms and guest rooms. The main hall is connected to all the rooms and passages. Many gatherings in the past were held in the main hall. While the manor was still in Auron City, the estate itself was situated far enough from crowded areas that the ambiance was very quiet.

After dinner, the three students retired to their rooms as the manor was once again lively with occupants. Arlan’s room was the same size as the one in Highmane. The luxurious benefits meant more comfort and fashion than functionality. Arlan easily preferred functionality, so this change was still warming up to him.

The young lion opened a small chest containing some of the more private items he had. Arlan pulled out a brown cape and leather armor that could be hidden under clothes. The cape itself sported a hood and frontal mask to cover Arlan’s face. The quaint attire was Arlan’s hidden identity to blend into the crowd. He would use the night to accurately scout Auron’s pathways.

Arlan lept out his window and landed in front of a familiar Heracul Knight. It was Jocko, one of the knights who fought under Arlan against the orcs.

“Your report,” muttered Arlan from behind his mask.

“Milord, the estate has been thoroughly secured and flare magic has been set as traps in certain areas,” Jocko outlined, “We’ll know of any intruders.”

“Excellent, I’ll return in roughly two hours,” stated Arlan, “Until then, continue as instructed.”

Jocko saluted, “By your command.”

Arlan enhanced his speed and strength to vanish into the night. He climbed up the estate walls with ease. Using the wall’s parallel height, the young baron to lept over to the next rooftop. Auron City was densely built and this served to Arlan’s advantage to traverse the city from above. Arlan disappeared along Auron’s many rooftops with his blend of speed and nightly shadows.

Back at the estate, Marie in her sleeping gown knocked on Arlan’s door. With no answer, she wondered if he had fallen asleep. After waiting a silent minute, Marie returned to her room and tried to sleep but her thoughts kept her conscious. After an hour, she’d fallen prey to her weary fatigue.


Over Auron’s market district that never sleeps, many residents of all races were still about. The night crowd was smaller than the day crowd but it was nothing to scoff at. Auron City guards patrolled and handled minor quarrels while dwarven merchants cried out about how amazing their wares are. Adventurers who returned from far hunting grounds bargained with merchants of all races.

Among the market’s mayhem, an elven boy who was thirteen in human age was stalking a merchant who was browsing the exchanges. The elven boy’s clothes were quite dirty and his dark-blue hair was littered with dirt. His messy appearance didn’t seem to bother him.

The merchant’s attention was caught by fine-looking silk at a tailor’s stall. He bargained with the seller back and forth until they agreed to a price. The merchant reached down and noticed his coin purse wasn’t there. A hand of fear grabbed the merchant by the throat and he immediately searched all over his bags. After a minute, he realized his money had been pilfered.

From afar, the elven boy let out a small giggle as he watched the merchant furiously curse. The elven boy ran into a dark alley and was quite happy with his loot. He counted out three silver coins from the merchant. His eyes glowed with happiness as three silver coins could easily feed him for months.

Before he could react, three shady humans surrounded him. They grappled him against the wall and held worn daggers to his throat. Their clothes gave off their intentions. Their arms revealed their gang affiliation through tattoos.

“Ay, Mitch. This little one is trying to cross without paying the fee.” said the one holding the elven boy.

“That’s right, you gotta pay up.” stated the one with the dagger to the young boy’s throat. Before they could snatch the coin purse, the elven boy bit the arm around him. Upon release, he was able to jump past the murderous thieves and run.

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“That fucking hurt you little bastard. I’ll cut your throat while making you drink piss!” yelled the one with a bitten arm as he gave chase. The elven boy made his way through the dark alleys. But the thieves weren’t far behind due to being a bit older. With hunger-striking his every movement, the runner began slowing down.

The young elf reached a small dead-end and threw the coin purse at an open barrel. A pair of tiny dirty hands reached up from the barrel last second and caught the small bag. The tiny hands retracted as fast as they came up.

The thieves rounded the corner with murderous eyes and lick their lips like a pack of wild beasts surrounding their prey.

“Mitch, aren’t you the one who likes little boys?” said the bitten arm thief.

“Ay, yeah. I’ll have a taste while you slice him up,” said Mitch. The elven boy’s eyes began to tear as he realized this could be his end. To be killed in a dark alley like a rat. His body would be ravaged by monsters before him.

The three wild beasts cautiously approach the boy this time. In a last-ditch effort, the elf attempted to run past his pursuers but was met with a kick to the face. One of the thieves enhanced his speed and was able to knock the elf down. The other two thieves stomped on the boy’s arms and held him in place.

The elven boy’s tears flowed as he smiled at the karma of his thievery and misfortune. Memories of his parents and little brother flew through his mind. It was his final coping mechanism to distract him from the shock of death. He smiled with blood that his little brother could enjoy the three silver coins in exchange for his life. He’d hoped his little brother would remain silent in the barrel through this ordeal.

As the third thief was about to stab the elf, a small shadow with a brown cape landed right behind him. A massive force flung the thief hard against the wall and knocked him unconscious. The other two thieves reacted and lunged with their daggers at the unknown assailant.

The elven boy turned around in confusion to see the other two thieves on the ground unconscious. The assailant approached the elven boy revealing himself to be a teenage human boy. It was hard to tell due to the darkness and hooded mask. The shadowy human asked, “What’s your name?”

“J-Jo… Jovann. Are you going to kill me?” asked Jovann nervously.

“No, if I wanted you dead, I would’ve let them kill you.”

“Who are you?” asked Jovann but with a relieved tone.

“My name is Rove. Tell your friend from the barrel it’s safe to come out,” answered Arlan. The young lion wanted to hide his identity, so he used Rove as his alias.

“Onas, come out.” ordered Jovann.

With the calmness of Jovann’s voice, a tiny head with dark blue hair emerged from the barrel. Struggling to climb out, the barrel fell over, spilling out Onas. He glowed red from embarrassment before he dashed to Jovann with tears. Meanwhile, Arlan hid the daggers under a box to disarm the unconscious thieves.

Jovann was perplexed at how strong Arlan was and immediately asked, “Why did you help us?”

“Where I grew up, this happened too often and I’m not fond of it,” answered Arlan as he thought of the atrocities committed during the wars on Terra.

“Rove, thanks for saving us. We don’t have anything but some silver,” said Jovann as Onas raised both hands to Arlan revealing the coin purse.

“It’s alright, I don’t want the coins. You keep it. Come with me, I know a healer clinic nearby.”

“We can’t afford that,” replied Jovann with a bloody nose and bruised arms.

Arlan insisted, “Don’t worry about the cost.”

The three left the alley and back onto a lit-up crowded street. No one seemed bothered by Jovann’s injuries. It was common for orphans on the streets to steal and get beaten.

At the healer clinic, Arlan removed his hood and entered with the elven brothers. Inside, Arlan exchanged words and five silver coins with the sage at the front. Jovann was taken to a room and the sage chanted a few heal spells on his injuries.

Sages healed through nature magic instead of holy magic. Each had different benefits. Nature magic could remove diseases while holy magic removed curses. The healing properties between holy and nature magic were quite similar.

Ten minutes had passed and Jovann returned with his injuries healed up. Onas wore a fat smile on his skinny face seeing his brother okay.

“Thanks again, Rove. You’ve spent too much money on me,” stated Jovannn as he bowed.

Arlan lifted Jovann and answered, “It’s alright. You two must be hungry and tired. I know a place nearby and I have a proposition for you, Jovann.”

Arlan and the two elven brothers sat in the back of a warmly lit tavern. The young lion ordered bread and soup for the two starving elves. While the meal was basic, it felt like a feast to Jovann and Onas as they devoured their fill. After they finished, Arlan said, “Jovann, my proposition is for you to work for me.”

“What kind of work?” asked Jovann.

“I need you to be my eyes and ears on these streets.”

“You want me to be your spy?” asked Jovann with caution.

“Yes, I’ll provide instructions later but if you agree, you’ll be compensated nicely and I can enroll Onas into a proper school,” answered Arlan.

The idea of Onas being off the streets was something Jovann had been trying to do. The offer from Arlan was shady but if he wanted to do Jovann harm, he would’ve done so by now. No one would’ve batted an eye. But a chance to get Onas a better future was all Jovann could think about.

“Alright, Rove. You got yourself a deal. What’s first?”

“First, do you know how to read and write?” asked Arlan.

Jovann’s heart stopped and he quietly answered that he didn’t. The elven boy’s hope dissipated.

“I figured as much. We can fix that.”

“Really? You’ll still let me work for you?!” exclaimed Jovann. Onas raised his arms with joy to mimic his brother.

“Yes, take this letter to the merchant union and show it to them. You’ll be taught how to read and write. It shouldn’t take you longer than two weeks. During that time, you can stay here at this Inn. Don’t get into any more trouble. Once you can read and write, I’ll personally instruct you on your next assignment.”

As Arlan finished his instructions, he stacked twenty silver coins on the table and a small letter with a Reeve seal on it.

“Is that for us?” asked Jovann as he was unfamiliar with the Reeve seal.

“Yes, the silver coins are for you and your brother to get some clothes and clean up. Keep that small letter on you at all times Jovann. If anything were to ever happen with any noble or official, show them that letter.”

“Thanks, Rove,” said Jovann gratefully, “I will do as instructed.” The elven brothers looked at each other with joy as they won’t be starving or sleeping on the streets that night. The little Onas smiled and waved his arms.

“Onas can’t talk, can he?” asked Arlan.

“No, he hasn’t spoken a word since our parents’ deaths,” answered Jovann.

“I see, the school will accommodate. The room upstairs is for you two. It’s got a hot bath waiting as well.”

“Rove… Thank you. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”

“Jovann, Onas, good night.”

Arlan got up and left the tavern. Jovann and Onas looked at each other with bright smiles. They ogled at the promise of a hot bath. The two went upstairs and enjoyed the amenity they haven’t felt in years.

Finally, the two retired to their room and immediately fell asleep. For the first time in years, Jovann could sleep at the same time as his brother without fear of being robbed or attacked.

Stars still decorated the night over the Reeve’s Manor, a familiar figure lept back over the wall and met with Knight Jocko. The two exchanged a few words and the smaller figure jumped back into Arlan’s open window. The young lion undressed his cape and leather armor while he pondered his thoughts.

I’m glad I was able to save Jovann and Onas from that horrible fate. That should be the seed that’ll start my intelligence unit. If he shows promise, I’ll have him expand the intelligence unit under him as my proxy.

I was also able to confirm that this map is accurate down to every detail. The Lansleys didn’t leave anything out. They really trust us with this information.

Arlan finished putting on his sleepwear in anticipation of the inevitable crash. As he laid down on his soft bed, he could feel his eyes slowly close.

Lancel High Academy… Let’s see what you got to offer.

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