The Immortal General

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

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Jeanette and Helga entered Arlan’s room to see him still asleep. This shocked them as Arlan was usually awake by now. The Manor was lively with the servants moving about preparing the three students for their entrance ceremony to Lancel High Academy. The students would also be staying at the dorms on the school grounds until the weekends.

The two maids looked confused but both tried to call out, “Master Arlan, please wake up!”

Arlan shot up with a steel dagger, readied to strike. The two maids were unphased as this wasn’t the first time they’d seen him like this. Arlan lowered the steel dagger and said, “Sorry, Helga. Sorry, Jeanette. I slept a bit more than usual.”

“Master Arlan,” replied Jeanette, ”you don’t have to apologize.” She assisted Arlan in getting dressed in the Lancel High Academy uniform. It was a dark green overcoat with flashy gold linings. 

Arlan made his way to the dining hall and saw the girls already at the dining table eating. The two girls were in their school uniforms. Katalina asked, “You slept early and woke up late! Are you alright?”

“I’m okay, I was tired from the trip,” replied Arlan as he took his seat and began eating. The trio shared light talk about their plans at Lancel High Academy. The maids prepared to deliver their belongings to their respective rooms.

Shortly after, they boarded the carriage to take them to the school. A sunny morning oversaw the eventful day. Crowds formed as residents woke up to their daily routine. Carriages from all over Auron arrived in front of Lancel High Academy’s main entrance. Uniformed students began to proceed through the gate as a burly man in a gray uniform directed them.

It appeared that students came from a multitude of different backgrounds. Enrollment was based on a student’s status or talent. Of course, there were also enrollments accepted from wealthy families who made generous donations.

Once the Reeve carriage arrived at a stop, Arlan exited and helped the other two girls off. Nobles from many different houses arrived in their carriages as well. The young lion proceeded through the gates while listening to nearby students’ whispers.

“Is that really him?”

“The young lion is here.”

“He’s not truly a Reeve is he?”

“He’s still commoner filth.”

“I heard he’s already an officer in the Midland Army.”

“I bet he’s nothing special.”

They didn’t care if Arlan heard them.

I’m not deaf. One should be careful of how they speak amongst their peers.

Arlan arrived at a courtyard with a statue of an armored knight. A plaque was at the foot of the statue. It read, “Grand Marshal Jarin Lancel, the Exemplar of Excellence.”

Katalina interjected, “I’ve read about Ser Jarin Lancel. He was the man who won all of Midland’s battles for the Avens Royal Family. He died shortly after Midland became unified.”

“Then they built Lancel High Academy in honor of him, right?” asked Arlan.

“Right! I didn’t think you’d know about him. I’ve forgotten you studied quite a bit under my father.” answered Katalina.

The trio joined hundreds of other students in the main square. Lancel High Academy was just as large as Highmane. A few different gray uniform instructors were spotted around. An instructor in her thirties with an hourglass figure appeared on stage. Her beauty was attributed to her silky brown hair and emerald eyes.

Her presence held everyone hostage to a stiff posture. Count Emile mentioned who she was to Arlan. Lady Dafni Lancel, the Headmistress of Lancel High Academy. She is one of the four Archmages in Midland and a descendant of Ser Jarin Lancel. Archmages could use fifth-tier magic spells, which meant Headmistress Dafni was the most powerful being Arlan had ever encountered.

Her voice was mysteriously carried further by the wind as she addressed the crowd, “Welcome to Lancel High Academy, where some of Midland’s finest have attended. I am Headmistress Dafni Lancel. You may address me as Headmistress or Lady Dafni. You will learn and train under these fine Instructors and Professors behind me. Students, regardless of status, you will give them your utmost attention and respect. Anything less can result in expulsion from my Academy.”

My [Battle Trance] couldn’t properly read her mana. It’s incredibly dense and intertwined with her essence.

“You’re all here because you’re from extraordinary backgrounds or have shown immense talent. We will nourish that so you can proudly walk your path to greatness. I hope to see all of you in three years at our graduation ceremony. I will now turn you over to your Instructor Dink. Good luck.”

The same burly man at the gate took center stage.

Instructor Dink? So this is my father's friend.

Instructor Dink bowed before Lady Dafni’s exit. Instead of using wind magic, Instructor Dink’s natural volume was loud enough to cover the entire area.

“Listen up first-years! I am Instructor Dink Rorschach. You will be attending general classes and specialty electives. A monthly test called Trials will evaluate your performance. A minimum score is required to advance to the next year or graduate. We will now commence evaluations for class placements. Please leave your belongings with the staff aides and proceed to the training fields to your left.”

As instructed, the students gathered on a large grass training field. Arlan, Marie, and Katalina lined up together in the same line. first-years littered the fields in different columns awaiting their test. This first evaluation was to simply be measured by a red gem. The same was used in Highmane’s training room. These gems measured both mana and essence.

During the second part of the evaluation, students had to strike a wooden training dummy to evaluate their control over essence or mana. Based on their performance and capacity, they would later be placed on a ranking ladder amongst their class.

Class rankings greatly defined the competitive atmosphere and desire for status. There were some benefits in being amongst the higher rankings but none would rival the status garnered by it. Rankings were separated by their years as well.

As students were measured, Arlan used his [Battle Trance] to measure as many people as he could. Most students were still first-tier cores except a handful in second-tier but the instructors had fourth-tier cores. The instructors’ cores were greatly intertwined with mana. Arlan lacked mana and didn’t fully grasp the concept of it.

The young lion noticed a group of older students from afar. They all held second-tier or third-tier cores. They were the second-years and third-years who had come to observe the results. Among them was a third-year who also held a fourth-tier core.

Interesting. I’d like to meet who that is later.

He measured Marie and Katalina as they held second-tier cores but lacked essence control. Their cores were mostly mana-based.

Once it was Marie’s turn, she stepped up and touched the red gem to reveal her second-tier core. The proctor was a female mage instructor. She was impressed by Marie’s current stage and ushered her to the next phase of the test.

The amorous Marie now held a serious face. After she raised her hand, a ball of flame manifested in front of her palm. Arlan noticed mana traveling through her essence lines from her core into the fireball. The young lion also made note of Marie chanting an incantation under her breath like Fiala.

After a few seconds, Marie’s palm recoiled and the fireball shot toward the wooden training dummy. The initial impact caused the surface to burst from the sheer energy. The remaining wood was engulfed by the flames.

Nearby students were in awe while the instructors nodded amongst each other. Marie came from a wealthy family of mages. She had access to wealth and knowledge that wasn’t readily accessible to most.

Just like Marie’s test, Katalina presented herself in the same manner and received the same reception. Now it was Arlan’s turn.

The young lion could hear more gossip behind him as he took his place before the mage proctor. Arlan noticed that even more instructors had arrived to watch him. Of course, they would watch him as he was enrolled from Duke Louis’ endorsement. He could even feel the Headmistress's eyes upon him from afar.

Despite the amount of attention, Arlan didn’t waver under the pressure. He kept his calm composure. He placed his hand on the red gem and without any effort, his fourth-tier core was revealed to everyone.

Arlan’s revelation sparked controversy among students as some respected him and others ridiculed the gem’s inaccuracy. The instructors began talking amongst themselves but Arlan couldn’t make out what was said.

As the proctor regained her composure, she ushered Arlan to the wooden training dummy. Arlan knew there was no point in hiding his powers. From a rack of wooden training weapons, Arlan grabbed a wooden claymore with both hands.

The other students who were mid-test paused along with the rest of the proctors to watch Arlan’s next move. His essence was now unlocked to forty-five percent. With no reason to hold back, he channeled all of it and struck his target with an overhead swing from the wooden claymore. A swift and smooth slice echoed through the air. The wooden pole was perfectly sliced down the middle.

Arlan immediately bowed before the proctor who was frozen at what she witnessed. Marie and Katalina were the only ones with an idea of Arlan’s monstrous strength.

Arlan left the field as the instructors discussed what they saw. Instructor Dink was approached by the Headmistress, “Dink, is he the one taken in by Louis?”

“Yes, Headmistress. Louis mentioned his son’s recent battles as well. He’s just as strong as Hector Hawkwell.” replied Instructor Dink.

“Even Hector wasn’t this strong as a first-year. What an intriguing boy.” smiled the Headmistress.


After the evaluations, students were given their class schedules and divided into small groups of ten. Each group was given a tour by a second-year or third-year. This tour helped the first-years get acquainted with the campus.

Arlan was assigned to a different group than Marie and Katalina. Arlan’s group began talking about their schedules and what they’ll be specializing in. An older student interrupted the chatter with his introduction, “Welcome to Lancel High Academy, I’m Nicolas Stonemar of House Stonemar. I’m a second-year specializing in artifact study and I’ll be giving you all a tour of this beautiful institution.”

The girls in the group began to admire Nicolas for his handsome face and slick white hair. Nicolas was always aware of the attention from girls and enjoyed it. But his real nature was to get a grasp of who Arlan was for himself.

Nicolas led his group through the hallways lined with beautiful blue carpets and curtained windows. The first facility was the library which housed several hundred books. Arlan made note of the history section. Nicolas led his group onward to the main hall which was usually used for ceremonies and balls.

After passing through the main hall, the tour group arrived at the dining hall which was just as large as the previous room. The tour continued throughout the school revealing that classes were separated by seniority. Most first-years attended classes on the west wing while second-years attended classes on the east wing. The third-years attended their classes in the north wing.

Each wing also housed two dorms for each year. These dorms were separated for male and female students. Upon reaching the entrance to the west wing dormitories. Nicolas bid his farewells and departed. After bidding their friends and Nicolas goodbye, the new students dispersed into the dorms to find their rooms.

Arlan’s class schedule had his dorm number on it and was assigned to the second floor. He navigated through the halls of other male students searching for their rooms as well. After traversing up the flight of stairs, he’d arrived at his room and saw the door already opened. Inside was a small room with two beds opposite each other.

A warm smile struck Arlan as this reminded him of his time back on Terra when he was training at the military academy. The cozy room’s efficient usage of space was all too familiar to the former super-soldier.

Arlan noticed another student had already arrived and claimed the bed on the left. The other student was too busy unpacking his extra uniforms to notice his roommate had arrived.

“Hi there,” said Arlan as he entered the room, “you must be my roommate.”

“Oh- hi,” replied the surprised student, “Names Tebald Atkin.”

The young lion introduced himself, “Arlan Reeve, a pleasure.”

Tebald immediately was taken aback upon finding out who his roommate was.

“You’re that student with an incredibly powerful core!” exclaimed Tebald.

Before Arlan could reply, a large bell tower had rang through the school. It was time for their first class. Tebald began grabbing his books.

“It’s time for class,” announced Arlan, “we can talk later.”

“Okay, Arlan, I’ve got so many questions for later. See-yah!” said Tebald as he departed first.

Arlan made his way through the halls along with the other first-years. After a few minutes, he had made it to his first class, Midland History. Inside the classroom were forty other first-years. The young lion took the only empty seat left. It was toward the back of the room and his table was shared by another boy who kept silent.

The students’ chatter was interrupted by an instructor’s arrival. His presence silenced the classroom. His gray hair and wrinkled skin indicated his old age. The instructor began his introduction and explained his syllabus.

Throughout the class, Arlan was drawn to the window next to his seat. It was still morning and the bright sun shone throughout the courtyard. It was a beautiful sight that Arlan couldn’t help but admire.

I’ve already read the book and studied under Uncle Emile. I guess I already aced this class.

The bell rang throughout the campus once more. The instructor began to pack away his books while the other students left for their next class. Arlan noticed the other students ignored his existence. They were cautious of how they wanted to interact with the young lion after hearing the rumors. Arlan paid no mind as his performance would eventually carry his reputation.

The next few classes were also easy for Arlan. They were basic subjects and they weren’t difficult for Arlan to grasp. Although the classes were easy, it also bothered Arlan. He thought his time at Lancel would be useless and wasted unless he could learn something.

An optimistic feeling defeated this thought when he remembered his next classes were specialty electives. Mana Manipulation and Swordsmanship sounded interesting enough.

Arlan left his last morning class for the noon lunch break. Other students walked in groups while the young lion walked alone. Arlan let out a sigh as he could feel eyes watching his every move. He could hear the gossip about him as well.

Upon reaching the dining hall entrance, Arlan saw Tebald being scolded by a group of boys. Arlan checked the surrounding area to see if any instructors were nearby but there were none. Other students began to notice and watched as Tebald was then pushed to the floor by a more brawny student.

“I promise it was an accident!” yelled Tebald as he tried to get up.

The brawny student looked at Tebald with distaste and threw Tebald’s books across the hall.

“They shouldn’t even allow commoners like you at this school.” stated the brawny student.

Arlan realized what was going on and before he could intervene, Katalina appeared with the rest of Tebald’s books. Marie and a few other girls were with her.

“Godbert,” said Katalina with a cold steel tone, “you disgust me.”

“Katalina? You’re defending this filth?” asked Godbert, the brawny student.

“For someone who’s from House Beaumont,” stated Katalina with even more anger in her voice, “your arrogance is abhorrent.”

Where did all this come from Kat? I’ve never seen you like this.

“Tsch, let’s go guys,” said Godbert.

Katalina watched intently as Godbert and his group left for the dining hall. Marie helped Tebald to his feet as he held a nervous look.

“Are you okay? May I know your name?” asked Katalina.

“Y-Y-Yes, I’m okay. I’m Tebald! Tebald Atkins.” said Tebald nervously.

“I’m Katalina Reeve and this is Marie Balan,” shared Katalina, “Don’t let them have their way like that.” 

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“She’s right!” exclaimed Marie, “Don’t let them walk over you like that.”

Arlan observed from far enough that he wouldn’t be noticed but he could still hear their conversation.

I’m proud of both of you. You didn’t contribute to the status quo.

The young lion decided he didn’t need to get involved and slipped past the group of students near Tebald. Despite doing his best to stay out of sight, Marie noticed him and smiled. She chose not to rat out his presence.

Arlan entered the dining hall to see students already in their cliches at each long table. The different groups were all separated by several variables, whether it be wealth, status, or simply prior friendships. Some cliches were quite obvious about their disdain for outsiders while others were more welcoming.

Like a buffet, food was served on the lunch counters on both sides. Students were given plates to self-serve themselves and take anything that pleased their palates. Arlan accepted a plate from a staff aide and was lured to a specific counter by the smell of savory meat. It was slices of tauro meat basted in butter garlic.

Arlan didn’t realize how hungry was until now. He eyeballed and scouted each slice of beefy meat to find the perfect cut. He was starting to lose hope until he came upon the crown jewel. Arlan’s eyes were filled with greed. The starving boy stabbed his fork into the most perfect slice of steak.

Before Arlan could hook the steak back to his plate, another fork had pierced the same slice. The former soldier’s killer instincts nearly took over. The foreign fork was held by a slender hand. The young lion’s sight followed the hand up a thin arm and through the shoulder.

Arlan’s sense of time diverged from his mind as he became frozen. It wasn’t what he saw, but who he saw. Alluring pink lips revealed themselves first. Her light complexion complemented her soul-piercing eyes. The very same rubies that cast their paralysis were now met with Arlan’s gaze. Her cardinal jewels radiated her emotions perfectly. The final piece to her elegant puzzle was her long snow-white hair.

For the first time in his two lives, an unfamiliar feeling of butterflies overtook his stomach. His hunger was no longer a thought. His ability to reason or speak was taken away. What felt like an eternity had only been a few seconds. The angel before him finally came to her senses though, ending the charade.

“Excuse me,” said the ruby-eyed girl, “It seems we’re in a dilemma.”

“Oh- It’s okay,” replied Arlan as he lifted the slice onto her plate, “You take it.”

“Thank you. Say, you’re that student who's a fourth-tier. May I know your name?”

“First-year Arlan Reeve,” answered Arlan as his senses returned.

“I’m Iris Hawkwell, a first-year as well.”

[Battle Trance] is showing that she’s a third-tier. She wasn’t at the evaluations.

“It was a pleasure, enjoy your lunch, Iris.”

“Thanks, Arlan! See you around!”

Arlan left for an empty table as Iris returned to her cliche of other girls. Iris stole glances at Arlan while her friends teased her.

What was that awkward feeling I had? Am I sick?

Arlan began to eat as he thought of his awkward feeling. Nearby students would glance over and whisper amongst themselves. The young lion started to get annoyed at how immature the students behaved.

Get over it. Why waste so much energy just talking about me like that?

Across the dining hall, Katalina and Marie arrived to join Iris’s group at their table. They were enjoying themselves until Marie shot up and pointed at the young lion in the corner of the dining hall.

“That Arlan!?” exclaimed Marie as nearby students looked at her in confusion. Katalina pulled Marie down and Iris began to fluster.

A few minutes later, Arlan had already finished his food. His old soldier habits never left. Tebald sat down with Arlan before he could leave. Tebald began eating and talking with his mouth full making unrecognizable noises.

“Tebald, stop eating with your mouth full.”

“I’m sorry,” replied Tebald as he swallowed his food, “I heard from a friend in class that you were adopted, right?”

“Yes, I was adopted into the family. I’m a commoner by birth.”

“Wow, so it is true! A lot of us look up to you, Arlan.”

Not all gossip is bad I guess.

“Who and why?”

“The lowborn students and it's because we heard you’re to be the first commoner-born rank one.”

“Evaluation results haven’t been released yet but I’m flattered. I don’t think it’s anything special.”

“Oh, but it is for me and the others! Is it true that you fought real battles?”

“I’ve fought goblins, orcs, and phormics. I’ve dueled with mercenaries.”

“Incredible! Are you an officer in the Midland Army?”

“Yes, I’m a Captain.”

“Then that means the Banner of the Claw does exist!”

As Tebald continued to barrage Arlan with questions, Godbert and his posse surrounded them. Arlan had already noticed them coming through his [Battle Trance].

Can’t I just enjoy a normal first day of school? Five of them including their little ring leader Godbert.

“Tebald where were we?” grinned Godbert. Arlan noticed Katalina and Marie weren’t in the dining hall anymore.

“Godbert, what else can I do for you? I already apologized,” replied Tebald nervously. Tebald was recoiling from Godbert’s harassment.

“Who's your friend here?” asked Godbert as he noticed Arlan finally.

“Arlan Reeve, a pleasure,” answered Arlan. He was unphased by Godbert’s intimidation.

“You’re that fake Reeve,” said Godbert condescendingly, “You should stay out of this. You may be a noble now but you’re still a commoner-”

Godbert was immediately cut off by an overwhelming pressure being emitted from Arlan. The young lion had a death glare fixed on Godbert while being surrounded by Arlan’s killing intent. Even Godbert’s lackeys began to doubt their ring leader’s actions as well.

“Leave us,” said Arlan coldly, “You wouldn’t stand a chance against me.”

Godbert could barely hold in his piss as he heard Arlan’s voice pierce his arrogance.

“Come on Godbert,” said one of the lackeys, “Let’s leave, I heard he’s the fourth-tier student that aced the evaluations.”

“There’s no way this guy is him,” said Godbert in disbelief, “I challenge you to a duel!”

Everyone in the dining hall by now heard the commotion and let out a gasp when Godbert issued his challenge. Even Arlan was surprised.

Through my killing intent? Can’t tell if he’s that stupid or that courageous.

“Are duels permitted on school grounds?” asked Arlan.

“Yes,” answered Godbert, “They’re only permitted in the training hall. Having second thoughts?”

Arlan noticed Katalina, Marie, and Iris were watching as they came back into the dining hall. They rushed back after hearing Godbert had approached Arlan and Tebald.

“Not at all. Let’s go now. I could use an exercise before swordsmanship class.” said Arlan casually.

“You arrogant plebeian. I’ll put you in your place.” grinned Godbert.

As they started walking to the training hall, everyone else in the dining hall started following them too. Arlan entered the training hall to see students from all three years gathered inside. They were here to watch the duel between Godbert and Arlan.

Despite having no smartphones, word traveled incredibly fast.

The school’s training hall was three times larger than Highmane’s training hall. There were even bleachers for spectators. Students had filled up each row to an almost full house. Even instructors started arriving.

As Arlan and Godbert took their positions, students from different backgrounds cheered Arlan and Godbert on equally. The training hall was now filled up like a gladiatorial game.

In the corner, a nervous Tebald watched the pair take their positions. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and turned to see Katalina with an unhappy expression. “Tebald! What’s going on? Why is Godbert challenging Arlan?” asked Katalina.

“I’m sorry Katalina! Godbert came over toward Arlan because of me. He first tried insulting me then shifted his attention to Arlan.” answered Tebald nervously.

“It’s okay, Tebald,” said Marie, “It wasn’t your fault and it was just a matter of time before trouble found its way to Arlan.”

“I guess Marie is right,” sighed Katalina, “With Arlan’s background and power, this was inevitable. At least we know the outcome before everyone else does.”

“Kat, Marie,” Iris interjected, “Is Arlan really that strong?”

“Yes, he is,” smiled Katalina, “My father, Count Emile, told me that Arlan was stronger than him and could almost match Duke Louis in fighting.”

Everyone nearby could see Katalina was serious. Marie started taking bets with nearby students about who’d win. She naturally targeted the arrogant nobles as they didn’t know.

Iris felt something arise in her chest once again. She was also crushing for Arlan when they first locked eyes. Iris knew she liked Arlan the moment they met. What baffled her was the assumption that she had been incapable of romance. Many different nobles had tried to win her heart but none had ever produced this reaction.

Iris thought, “All he did was give me a slab of tauro steak. What’s so special about him?”

The crowd cheered on as Arlan and Godbert returned to the center with wooden training swords. Arlan noticed the Headmistress and Instructor Dink were watching from a hidden corner. The training hall was packed, spectators were even standing between bleachers to watch.

“I, Godbert Beaumont, formally challenge Arlan Reeve to a duel,” exclaimed Godbert loudly.

“I accept,” answered Arlan.

“I’ll beat that arrogance out of you!” yelled Godbert as he lunged.

So it begins.

Godbert was still only a second-tier core. His core was orange and lacked refinement. Essence inefficiently flowed through Godbert to enhance his speed and strength. His lunge also telegraphed his lack of battle experience. He didn’t think of his moves but let his emotions control his movements.

This has to be a fucking joke. He’s barely on par with one of my soldiers but would probably lose to them as well due to his lack of real battle experience.

Arlan activated [Automatic Parry] while also enhancing his strength and speed.

I can’t use any offensive Mar-Tech or I’ll kill him.

The young lion’s training sword riposte Godbert’s lunge attack. This counter by Arlan immediately set Godbert off balance. Before Godbert realized what had happened, Arlan flanked Godbert's side. The young lion used the flat edge of his sword to swing up diagonally.

While only using a fifth of his essence, Arlan’s diagonal swing connected and the sheer kinetic force sent Godbert flying back ten meters and was knocked out immediately.

As fast as the duel started, it ended with Arlan’s victory. The room was silent for a few seconds as everyone stared in disbelief. Iris, Marie, and Katalina were the first to cheer. More students joined in as they came to their senses.

Marie gathered coins from noble students with a devious grin. The Headmistress and Instructor Dink left as if they knew the results. Tebald cheered at the top of his lungs as he admired Arlan. Katalina and Iris noticed Marie’s profits and scolded her for making bets.

Even though the fight was easy, Arlan felt happy that he was being accepted by his peers. Arlan had won life and death battles in the past, but they usually came at a cost that soured the taste of victory. This time, it was just a simple duel with no one’s life at stake. The young lion felt like a kid again.

I guess this was what I missed on Terra. It’s something I was missing from my childhood.

Arlan’s elated feeling didn’t last long as he felt a cold killer’s stare from the bleachers. The young lion immediately identified who it was. The only other student with a fourth-tier core is Hector Hawkwell. The Hawkwells commonly held white hair so naturally, Hector shared the same hair color as Iris.

Hector gave off a different aura though, an aura of a killer. Arlan knew if Hector was down here instead of Godbert, their fight would still be going. Although Arlan was confident Hector didn’t have the same amount of battle experience, he had something Arlan didn’t, control of Mana. Hector had a great amount of Mana infused in his essence paths as well.

It seems I’m not the only student who’s killed before. Hector Hawkwell? We’ll have to cross blades.

Godbert’s lackeys carried him to the infirmary as Arlan left for his next class, Swordsmanship. His walk through the halls to the training field was lonely once again but this time, first-years who were commoners or nobles who didn’t care about status would wave. Girls even doted over him as he walked by but none dared to say hi.

Arlan was the talk of the first-years but after his duel, he was the talk of the entire school.

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