The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – The Age of Invasions

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Taking a breath Jake’s mother continued with an angry tone, “It was said the dragons, while powerful, couldn’t fight against the entire world. The dragons were too intelligent but greedy for the world. They kept invading the world and failing.

After about 3,000 years of fighting, the dragons brought in new invaders. The new invaders also were able to ignore any spell the world casted for some reason.

The new invaders weren’t just a single race like the dragons. Some were made from just fire, some were just spirits, and some had a physique as powerful as a dragon. Though they all had something in common, they were all powerful, and used a strange type of energy.

The strange type of energy corrupted other types of energy near it. The corrupted energy then transformed into the strange energy overtime. The strange energy, while not harmful in small amounts, became toxic in large amounts. The dragons weren’t affected by it.

The new invaders were also all unreasonable, they didn’t want peace and wanted resources of the world.

We called these new invaders demons.

This time the war wasn’t in our favor. We kept losing control of land and battles because of the demon’s energy corruption.

In 100 years, the mages created a solution to deal with the energy corruption. The spell, energy annihilation. The spell reduced any type of energy to a neutral type, including the strange energy the demons had.

Though it seemed that it was too late, there was too much strange energy everywhere. Almost 40% of the world was covered in it.

When everyone that it was the end of the world, a surprising thing happened. The world managed to cast energy annihilation and neutralized a lot of the strange energy.

It seemed while the world couldn’t directly target the demons and dragons directly it could remove their after-effects.

We quickly regained control of the world and forced both the demons and dragons back. Though the invaders hadn’t given up. They started to bring more and more of their kind to invade.

While under the pressure, the world and its inhabitants started researching like crazy and improving.

After 5,000 years of battle the world finally made a large discovery. They found out how the demons and dragons were able to ignore the power of the world.

A contract made by a higher being(s).

This was discovered when they captured a high-ranking dragon. The dragon in exchange for its life told them everything it knew. This was a first since every dragon and demon killed themselves if they were captured through various ways. The translation spell used when speaking with the dragon wasn’t perfect, but they made do with it.

The contract of the higher living beings gave the demons, dragons, and some other races, the ability to invade worlds, without being attacked by the world itself. In exchange, they would not invade infant worlds, and wait until they grew into a powerful world.

The contract was enforced by the soul.

Their world was discovered long ago, and they were just waiting for the world to grow up before invading.

Almost every world invaded, had large forces that were against each other, causing most invasions to succeed because they didn’t trust their backs towards their allies. In fact, some just kept fighting against each other. This made everyone in the world thankful that they never reverted into the age of war again.

They also found out that the dragons didn’t invite the demons to invade their world, but that the demons found out about their world because the demons and dragons were close to each other.

Another piece of new discovered was that the demons and dragons are not allies nor enemies. The dragons tolerated the demons crusading against their world because they realized they couldn’t take their world down anytime soon. The demons also promised the dragons that they would only take the energy resources, while they would give the dragons everything else.

Though what was concerning was the contract, it delt with the soul. So far, no one in the world was able to touch their soul. They were only able to look at it through a powerful spell. Also, how could a mere contract by the ‘higher level beings’ make the world power ineffective against the invaders?

Everyone had their own thoughts and opinions especially the mages.

How could the mages stand still when they heard that things called ‘higher level beings’ were able to mess with the soul, while they couldn’t. They call themselves masters of knowledge for a reason.

They also asked the captured dragon how much reinforcements they had, both dragons and demons, and the response was concerning.

What they were fighting were just two average clans. There were also thousands of stronger clans in the void outside their world. The two clans also had the backing of a stronger clan.

Thankfully, the contract disallowed more than a certain number of lifeforms to invade a world at once, and their strength would also be restricted to a certain level. The clans they were fighting were only able to send 30% of their forces so far.

They wanted to ask the dragon more questions, but his body suddenly exploded. When he exploded, the dragon had a fearful expression, most likely meaning he was forced to explode.

After a while, everyone dispersed because they couldn’t find what happened to the dragon. Most went to sort out their thoughts.

Though the mages were the most active after the talk with the dragon. They went to research on the soul and see if they could do anything to it.

Then through millions of trials, they were able to create a way to trap a soul. Even if they were unable to touch a soul, they could trap it, just like how the body holds a soul.

Through trapping the soul, the mages were able to create ways to use the power of the soul with or without the permission of the original owner. They called the masters of this art as necromancers.

Through they quickly realized the downsides of this art, it corrupted the necromancer’s soul and, in some instances, damaged it. A damaged soul, has huge side effects, and was almost impossible to repair. Most mages left trying to research after realizing the recuperations, though some mages or should I say necromancers kept doing research on the soul.

As the invasions kept increasing, the world kept strengthening in order to defend better, which unfortunately led to more invaders.

This never-ending cycle made everyone fearful of the future.

The monsters on the other hand, were slowly accepted back, but only the intelligent ones. Even then they were considered outcasts. Their descendants weren’t allowed on the mainland because only 1 in 10 were ‘normal’ and the rest caused problems. This made the monsters mad, and most didn’t even go to the mainland because of this reason.

It was about 30,000 years into the age of invasions strange something happened. Other invaders approached our world.

They reeked of death. Most didn’t even have flesh. Though what they wished for wasn’t resources. They wanted knowledge! In exchange they would give us knowledge.

At first, we were doubtful. We had even thought our translation spell was off. Though they took the initiative and gave us basic knowledge of the void, or what they called the universe.

We then slowly started to trade knowledge and the more we learned the more we became fearful and thankful.

The lifeforms we were trading with were called undead. They ranked around the same level as the dragons and demon’s top clans but were much more peaceful. Well, most of the time as long as you traded knowledge with them, if you didn’t, they would fight. The knowledge they had was enough to make anyone fearful, no one had any confidence of defeating the undead.

The undead were like mages and loved researching the unknown. They trapped their souls in their body after death. The necromancers wanted to learn the most from the undead, but unfortunately, they didn’t have a lot of knowledge about the soul to trade.

Though everyone had one question they needed answered. Can they touch the soul. The power of the soul was too tempting.

Unfortunately, the answer was surprisingly a flat no.

When they asked about the contract the higher-level beings put on the soul, the undead answered strangely. They didn’t put the contract on the soul but the dimension of the soul.

They wanted more answers but the price was too high and so it was left alone.

After about 5,000 years the undead left. They said they would come back every 10,000 years to check what new knowledge they came up with.

Thankfully with the new knowledge they gained, in a mere 5,000 years after the undead left, the fight against the clan of dragons and demons tilted so much that they couldn’t do anything even with their entire strength.

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Unfortunately, they gave the location of our world to their backing. Different dragon and demon clans appeared. Thankfully, the contract limited them from using their numbers and strength to their advantage.

The new invaders were powerful and had different tricks, but we managed to hold them back, and every fight we learned and improved.

New professions were created out because of the knowledge given by the undead. The major ones were planters, chefs, and inscribers.

Planters grew resources that quickly increase increased the energy in the body.

Chefs managed to cook the dead bodies of the demons and dragons which increased power greatly when consumed.

Inscribers put runes and formations on items. This increased the items versatility and power.

It had been about 20,900 years since we defeated the first clan of demons and dragons, and it brings us to where we are now. Jake the year is 69,000 in the age of invasions.

Unfortunately, the problems of the monsters were not solved. Our descendants are still not welcome in the mainland, and the problem with talent still is not solved. While new techniques were created help monsters sense vitality in time, it was mostly worthless because most monsters who couldn’t sense vitality in time still had no talent with vitality.”

Jake tried to process the huge amount of information and their implications, and felt his head hurt.

Their enemies are demons and dragons. There were more alien’s species in the universe.

Monsters are practically outcasts.

The undead are ‘friends’ and not foes.

The known classes in this world are druids, mages, necromancers, shamans, and warlocks.

The known professions are alchemy, chefs, crafters, formations, inscribers, and planters.

The world is a living lifeform and is constantly evolving.

There were several ages the world went through. From order they were the brute age, vitality age, energy age, age of war, age of repair, age of knowledge, and the age of invasions.

Jake also finally ‘knew’ what higher level beings were and how scary they were. Thankfully his information concealment can help him hide any information he wishes and it would hide him from any that would have ill intentions on him.

Jake couldn’t help but ask his mother a question.

“Do monsters have to help with the invasions?”

“Of course, in fact everyone must take part when their power reaches a certain point.”

“So, everyone must fight when powerful? No exceptions?”

“No not fight but help. Everyone is responsible in their area of expertise. Some are researchers, planters, alchemists, formation masters, etc. Though most must fight because it hard to major in anything other than fighting early on.

In fact, your father was a soldier in the war for 300 years before he was able to become a formation master. I on the other hand am a genius crafter, and I was offered an apprenticeship before I took part in the war. This allowed me to stay behind the front lines and not fight much.”

Jake looked at his mother’s prideful face and felt relieved. So, he doesn’t have to fight in the front line.

Also, thankfully his mother was a crafter, and his father was a formation master. He could hopefully learn from them before it was too late.

“Mother are you a druid or a mage? Also, what is father?”

“Jake I’m a normal druid, but your father is a shadow mage and a shadow warlock. He had to become powerful to survive on the front lines.”

“Shadow mage shadow warlock?”

“Later Jake, we are almost done with language lessons. I estimate that in two weeks we will be done. Then we can start with training. Hopefully you will be able to sense energy outside your body by then.”

Jake saw how his mother dodged the question with a sad face when asked about his father’s class. That didn’t look good. Was the shadow tag in the name dangerous or something?


Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 11 days 12 hours (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 2.68

Mind – 2.68 (8.4)

Soul – 2.68 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 2.68

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Enter)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)
  • Body control (Level 1/10)

Arena points (3.6)

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