The Intelligent Ogre

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – History of Spells, Monsters, and Invaders

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About ten days later, Jake awoke and did his normal routine.

From the last time he heard about the history of the world from his mother, she hadn’t continued her story about the world, which made him feel like he was on a cliff hanger in a novel.

Jake also wasn’t close to winning any fight in the arena, which also made him more annoyed.

Though today was strange, he heard some loud sounds in the middle of the night and even the cave was shaking. Jake was pretty sure it was an earthquake. Though it quickly passed, and he went back to sleep.

When Jake asked his mother about the earthquake, she answered seriously and even looked somewhat fearful.

“Son what you felt happening was not an earthquake but because of a creature of destruction. It knows no peace and devours what it wishes.”

Jake was a little scared, what could make even a giant ogre fearful to such an extent. Before Jake could ask further questions, his mother started talking again.

“I suppose I should continue where we left off, the first spell and a little more. It should explain what the creature is.”

Feelings a bit excited, Jake sat down as comfortable as he could on the table.

“As the world gathered more and more energy, some lifeforms that could sense energy asked, ‘why can we not use this abundant energy for anything else other than strengthening?’.

Though after asking that question and trying a few ways of using energy differently and failing a lot, most decided it was not worth the trouble and decided to stick to absorbing energy.

That was until a goblin tried using energy differently and surprisingly succeeded. It was said to have taken a total of 500 years for the goblin to find a way to use energy differently.

The goblin named the different way of using energy as ‘spells’. Interestingly enough, the goblin like the penguin, decided to share his revolutionary knowledge. Though there was an interesting requirement. For every new spell discovered, it must be given to him alone.

Most didn’t have a problem with that, but later everyone later realized how greedy he was. The goblin didn’t even allow sharing knowledge of spells to even their descendants. This caused more and more lifeforms to hate the goblin, and even later assassinate him.

Spells were popular for many reasons but mostly because they were useful and powerful. They started to become necessary for many, and most wars were won because of them. Though the most important reason was because it allowed weaker lifeforms to defeat stronger ones easily.

This caused many to have ambitious thoughts.

The age of energy that lasted for about 30,000 years ended and thus began the age of war.

About 5,000 years after the first spell was made, global war began, everyone wanted more land. Spells were destructive and caused forests to be burned down easily and even mountains to break down.

The penguin’s tribe called for all the leaders of the various tribes to gather. Unfortunately, this time while most gathered, a minority didn’t attend and continued the war. When the gathered leaders heard of their land being taken over, they left the gathering to fight back against the invaders. This caused the gathering to fail to achieve any purpose.

The wars continued for about 10,000 years after the failed meeting, and the world’s population plummeted. Lands were destroyed, resources were lost, and many different tribes went extinct.

The way the war ended wasn’t because a tribe unified the world, rather it was because they angered something they shouldn’t.

The world itself!

Yes, everyone forgot that the planet was also living. It also felt pain and anger. That day almost everyone felt its wrath.

Tornadoes raged, tsunamis destroyed, land was flooded, land froze, and volcanoes erupted.

Most lifeforms couldn’t survive and started to perish one after another. This caused everyone to panic, will the world kill everyone before it was satisfied?

The penguins once again gathered the leaders of every tribe, and this time everyone gathered. They wanted to find a solution to calm the world’s anger quickly.

It didn’t take long to find a viable solution, to speak to the world itself and ask it how it could forgive them. Every tribe leader in the gathering used whatever they could to create a spell that could speak to the world.

When the various lifeforms finally created a functioning spell, they all tried to speak to the world to calm its anger. It didn’t respond to anyone, expect to the penguin leader.

It was said the world saw everything on it and happened to see how the penguin tribe tried their best to stop the war, and therefore, allowed the penguin leader to speak to it.

After speaking for a long time, the penguin leader finally managed to calm the world’s anger after agreeing to its few conditions.

The first condition was, no excessive damage can be caused to it again.

The second condition was help repair the damage that was caused to it.

The third condition was to assist it if it requests anything.

The world felt satisfied, and all the disasters stopped.

Thus, the age of war that lasted 15,000 years ended, and the age of repair began.

The world even decided to leave behind a gift for the penguin leader, the ability to use and grant its power to others reasonably. The moment the penguin leader gained the power of the world, his eyes turned white. The penguin leader decided to call wielder of such power as a ‘shaman’.

After the success of calming the world, every leader went back to their tribes. They then started creating spells that aided with the repair of the world. Masters of this art appeared and were called ‘druids’ for their ability to repair the world so proficiently.

What was strange was that some lifeforms decided on a different path in repairing the world. To bond with the natural elementals and spirits and share life and death with them, in exchange for their power and abilities. Using the abilities of elementals and spirits, allowed them to quickly repair the world. Those who did so were called ‘warlocks’.

After the repair of the world was almost complete, a power lifeform decided to research about the mysteries of energy and invited anyone to join him. He decided to call himself a ‘mage’, a lifeform who pursued the unknown and power.

A while later, the age of repair, that lasted for a short 1,000 years ended, and the age of knowledge began.

Different ways of using energy were discovered and improved.

The mages asked question after question, until they made a huge breakthrough and created something completely different.

It was called formations. It used different attributes of energy, ingredients, and techniques, to create runes. After the runes were created, they were connected to cause various effects.

Afterwards, the druids thought that if mages could create a new profession by combining things why couldn’t they. After a while, the druids came up with a completely new profession.

It was called alchemy. It combined different types of herbs, trees, rocks, and other natural ingredients to make different mixtures that caused different effects.

The next to discover a new profession were the shamans and warlocks. They worked together and even asked the world itself for help, until they came up with a new profession.

The new profession was called crafting. They used pre-existing knowledge to combine energy with various materials to create more powerful tools. It was later divided into subgroups such as blacksmithing, leatherworking, tailoring, engineering and more.

Different types of knowledge started spreading, combining, and evolving.

Though something that took everyone by surprise happened. The world started learning, and the more knowledge the world learned, the more it evolved.

Formations started being naturally formed, alchemy creations were naturally made, and even items were randomly crafted naturally.

Most didn’t feel concerned and many even welcomed the change. That was how a tragedy occurred.

About 20,000 years into the age of knowledge, A wave of energy spread throughout the world and caused a catastrophic problem.

At first no one thought much of it. It caused vitality to mutate and for a lot of lifeforms, it made them stronger. A lot of lifeforms were happy about the change, until they had descendants.

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A lot of lifeforms that were later born didn’t have vitality travel to their brains naturally from birth anymore. This caused many to be born without much intelligence.

The world told everyone through its shamans that it accidently made a mistake in its spell, which was meant to make vitality more efficient and effective for most lifeforms.

While most felt somewhat angry, they couldn’t do anything to the world. Most thought that the effects of the spell would wear off sooner or later, but unfortunately it didn’t.

The mages decided to name these lifeforms without naturally having vitality flowing through their brains as monsters.

Monsters! They were foolish and caused trouble everywhere. They were also born with powerful physiques because of the vitality that flowed through them was mutated even more than normal.

Everyone slowly started hating monsters, so they started to come up with different solutions to deal with them.

The druids started to try and communicate with monsters using the energy of the world. Through this, druids were able to tame some monsters, while other monsters were unable to be tamed. They called the tamable monsters ‘beasts’.

The warlocks also tried to help the monsters and realized they could bond with some monsters. While most were less useful than most spirits and elementals, some were very powerful and useful. What was strange was that almost no ‘beast’ that druids could tame, could bond with them.

The mages created a method for the monsters to gain back their intelligence by connecting their vitality to the brain by force. Unfortunately, this method only worked on a small number of monsters and had large side effects.

The shamans communicated with the world to deal with the rest of the monsters that were unable to be helped by the druids, warlocks, and mages. The world and shamans moved some land into the 10 oceans and created islands for the monsters to live on until they recovered or until a cure was found.

After 5,000 years, the situation of the monsters remained the same. No cure was found nor were the effects of the spell cast by the world removed. Everyone gave up trying to help the monsters and left them to their island.

What they didn’t know was that a genius monster was born 10,000 years after they left. It was able to control vitality after birth. It then accidently connected its vitality to its brain.

Unknowingly, the monster became smarter and smarter. It was so smart it was able to learn how to absorb resources to increase its vitality, and even later absorb the energy in the world. It eventually was even able to cast spells by itself.

Once it became the strongest monster on the island, it traveled through the ocean until it found the mainland. It became fascinated by all the new things it encountered.

Most were confused when they looked at the unfamiliar lifeform. Though seeing it was intelligent, they assumed that it was an old lifeform born before the disaster.

After 500 years it learned everything available in the mainland and returned to the island it was born on.

It then started to experiment with different ways to make young monsters intelligent. After about 1,000 years, it finally came up with a solution.

To hit different parts of the monster, then feed it a high vitality resource, and finally pour vitality into the monster to allow it to sense vitality. After that, it was simple. Make the creature move its own vitality to its brain by demonstrating how using spells in front of it.

Unfortunately, while easy for some monsters, for others it was almost impossible. This was because when the monster’s brain is developed, connecting vitality to the brain will only make it little smarter. The monster also had to have some talent with vitality otherwise it can’t even sense it.

Only 1 out of 10 monsters on average were able to sense vitality in time and connect it to their brain before it was too late. The faster the monster connects vitality to its brain, the smarter and wiser it would become.

Some monsters become so smart that the lifeforms that formerly called them foolish monsters, started calling them wise sages.

All was going well, and more and more monsters gained intelligence. Some went to the mainland and started getting accepted as normal lifeforms.

Unfortunately, good times did not last long. About 300 years after the intelligent monster found a way for monsters to gain intelligence, some strange lifeforms entered the world.

At the beginning, the world didn’t care, but that changed when it felt some of its energy being devoured. Not absorbed but devoured. After having its energy devoured, the world had a bad feeling about these lifeforms and so the world tried to force the strange lifeforms out but realized it couldn’t. The world used what it could, but was unable to remove them, it even tried casting worldwide spells but anything it used was useless.

Weirdly enough, a powerful mage that was close to them was attacked by them, but strangely the mage was able to damage and force the strange lifeforms back. It even managed to kill one.

Though the fears of the world came true, when the strange lifeform died, no energy could be retrieved from its dead body. It was as if it was transformed into something part of the creature’s body. Well at least its body remained even if the energy it consumed was lost.

The world then requested help from its inhabitants, and everyone prepared for war. Some, mostly mages, had the idea to welcome the strange lifeforms and exchange knowledge. Soon that idea was thrown out.

The strange lifeforms only knew of destruction, they knew no peace, and devoured what they wished.

They were shaped like lizards, had extremely tough scales, had wings shaped like a bat, and were huge. We call these strange lifeforms dragons!

After lasting a little more than 36,000 years, the age of knowledge ended and began the age of invasions”


Helpful information:

Elementals – created from the elements of the world. Some have a physical body and others do not. They side toward a single element rarely more.

Spirits – lifeforms without a physical body, often powerful and created overtime in nature naturally. In some special cases, spirits are born after a powerful lifeform perishes.


Current Information:

Name - Jack Flash

Age – 11 days 12 hours (Infant)

Race – Giant Balanced Ogre rank 0

Level 0 (Locked)

Physique – 2.68

Mind – 2.68 (8.4)

Soul – 2.68 (9.1)

All hidden attributes – 2.68

Skills (4)

Training Space (Enter)

Arena (Enter)

Information End

Skills information:

Active Skills (None)

Passive skills

  • Mental stability (Max level)
  • Information concealment (Max level)
  • Infinite potential (Max level)
  • Energy sense (Level 1/10)
  • Body control (Level 1/10)

Arena points (3.6)

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