The Isekai Archive (Story One): I am NOT The Queen

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Anxiety Ensued

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Akiko couldn't believe the scene unfolding before her eyes as she was led through the grand hall of the palace. She had always been fascinated by history and fantasy stories, but she never could have imagined that she would find herself in the midst of one. Everywhere she looked, there were nobles and courtiers, bowing and curtseying as she passed by. It was all so overwhelming, and Akiko couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong there. She did not notice the one who looked at her suspiciously, as if they knew she was not the Queen.

As they walked, Akiko noticed a beautiful woman standing a few feet away. She was tall and slender, with long, flowing silver hair and piercing blue eyes. Akiko couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by her beauty. But as she moved closer, she realized that the woman was just a reflection in a mirror. She flinched and backed away, feeling a sense of confusion and shock wash over her.

"Your majesty, are you okay?" one of the knights asked, noticing her reaction. "You seem... in awe."

Akiko sighed, feeling a sense of hopelessness. "I don't understand," she said, shaking her head. "This isn't my face. I don't know who this woman is, she's not me."

She reached up and touched her face, trying to make sense of what was happening. The woman in the mirror was beautiful, but she wasn't Akiko. She couldn't believe that her normal life had been taken from her, and now she was stuck in a body that she didn't even know.

As she stood there, staring at her reflection, a knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned to see one of the knights standing in the doorway, looking worried.

"Your majesty..." he asked. "You've been standing in front of the mirror for a long time. Is something wrong?"

Akiko closed her eyes and tried to hide the tears that were welling up. She sighed again, feeling defeated. She had no way of knowing if her life would ever return to normal.

"Let's just go, shall we?" she forced a smile, trying to cope with the situation. She followed the knight out of the room and into the grand hall, her face looking on the ground feeling that she was just hopeless.

As they walked, Akiko couldn't help but ponder silently about the other people in this strange new world. Who were they, and what was their role in this kingdom? She had so many questions, but she didn't know who to ask.

"Oi! Your Majesty~" A loud, cheerful voice was suddenly heard in the back of Akiko. She jolted visibly, surprised, and then she turned back. A woman with glowing eyes was glaring at her, smiling.

Akiko stood frozen in place as she watched the mysterious woman silently approach her. If the woman started talking without any indication of who she was, Akiko would have no way of knowing who she was. And before she knew it, the woman was walking up close to her, with the knight standing nearby, seemingly oblivious to the strange woman's actions.

The woman reached out and grabbed Akiko's shoulders, gradually moving her face closer to Akiko's.

Akiko was completely caught off guard as the woman reached out and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her face close to hers. "What is she doing?" Akiko thought, her heart racing with panic. She couldn't understand why the woman was acting so strangely, and she didn't know how to react.

As the woman's face drew closer, Akiko could feel her breath on her skin and she was filled with a sense of confusion and fear. She tried to pull away, but the woman's grip was too strong. Akiko's mind was racing, trying to come up with a plan of escape in a strange woman grasp.

And then, she saw the woman's eyes. They weren't like any eyes Akiko had ever seen before - they glowed with a dim green light, almost as if they were not human at all. Akiko felt her stomach turn as she realized that this woman was not like anyone she had ever met before. She was completely flustered and confused, not knowing what to do or how to react.

The woman stepped back, still smiling, and leaned in towards Akiko's left ear.

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She whispered softly, "You are not the Queen."

Akiko's eyes widened in shock and a chill ran down her spine as she felt goosebumps form on her skin.

As the woman spoke, Akiko couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and confusion wash over her. She watched in silence as the woman continued to smile at her, her glowing green eyes seeming to bore into Akiko's soul.

Despite the fear that she felt, Akiko knew that she had to try and stay calm. She tried to take slow, deep breaths, hoping that it would help her to clear her head and figure out what to do next. As she stood there, unsure of what to do or say, she couldn't help but wonder what the woman's true intentions were.

"Whoops, it seems the Queen is so tired~ well then, see you soon Your Majesty~"

The strange person gleefully hopped out of the Queen's sight after she went somewhere. The Knights sighed their frustration telling they are a not a fan of her actions.

Akiko was now on edge, her nerves frayed but she is just too tired to do an action.

"ふー. . . 家へ帰りたい. . ."
(fu... uchi e kaeritai...)
(sigh... I wanna go home...)


"Your majesty, your chambers," the knight said, bowing low as he opened the door to a grand and opulent room.

Akiko's see the lavish surroundings. The room was filled with plush furnishings, fine art, and there was a large four-poster bed in the center. It was like something out of a dream, and Akiko couldn't believe that it was all for her.

"Thank you," she said, still feeling overwhelmed. "This is all very generous, but I don't think I belong here. I just want to go home."

The knight looked at her with concern. "Your majesty, please try to rest," he said. "We will do everything we can to help you. But for now, you need to rest and regain your strength."

Akiko nodded, feeling too exhausted to argue. She collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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