The Isekai Archive (Story One): I am NOT The Queen

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Wake Up

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A stream of sunlight entered Akiko's face, waking her from what she believed was the worst dream of her life. In the dream, she became a queen in a fantasy world, but now it seemed like that dream was real.

As she woke up, Akiko was disoriented and confused. Her neck hurt a bit because her sleeping posture wasn't good. She rubbed her eyes and tried to fully wake up. When she looked around her room, she had no idea where she was or how she had gotten there. All she knew was that she was in a strange, unfamiliar place with people who seemed to think she was someone important.

"Oh, it wasn't a dream," Akiko muttered to herself as she sat up in bed. She had hoped that everything that had happened was just a bizarre nightmare, but it seemed that was not the case.

She pulled herself out of the luxurious bed and took her first step out of it. She stood and looked at the window, then looked to her left and saw a mirror. As she expected, she didn't see her reflection. She ignored it and walked to the window.

She was astonished by the things she saw outside her room. There was a garden filled with colourful, glowing flowers, and a couple of gardeners were tending to the leaves of the rows and rows of magical flowers.

She wanted to go there, but she was afraid. Suddenly, she heard a noise: a knock at the door. Akiko was startled and tried to run, but she didn't know where to go. She was cornered.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you are already awake." "May I come in?" A sweet, soft voice echoed from the side of the door.

Akiko realized that it was some kind of servant waiting for her. She hesitated to respond, but after a moment, she spoke.

"Who is it?"

"It is I, your majesty, your lady-in-waiting," the voice called out from the other side of the door. "I have brought you some breakfast and a change of clothing."

Akiko's stomach rumbled at the mention of breakfast, reminding her that she hadn't eaten in a while. She slowly made her way to the door and opened it to find a young woman standing there, holding a tray of food on a cart and a set of gowns on a hanger on another cart.

"Thank you," Akiko said, giving the maid room to enter the room. She looked at the girl's well-dressed outfit.

The maid wore a crisp white dress that flowed elegantly down to her ankles. The bodice was fitted, with a high neckline and long sleeves trimmed with delicate lace. A black ribbon was tied around the waist, adding a touch of darkness to the otherwise pristine outfit.

On her feet, the maid wore simple black shoes that were practical for her duties. A wooden bracelet, which looked like it had been crafted by a skilled artisan, adorned her wrist. The bracelet was made of beautiful, dark wood that gleamed in the light and was intricately carved with intricate patterns and symbols.

The maid's hair was styled in a bun at the nape of her neck, with a few stray curls escaping to frame her face. She wore a small white cap on her head.

As she moved, the maid exuded an air of grace and elegance, despite her humble station. She was the embodiment of refinement, with a touch of mystery and a subtle gleam of beauty adding depth to her appearance.

She gazed at her as she sorted all the food and clothes, giving Akiko a warm smile and a nod. Akiko stood by the door, struggling to decide what to say.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name," Akiko said.

The young woman smiled. "My name is Emily, your majesty," she said. "I have been serving at the palace for many years. It is my honour to serve you.

Akiko nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude toward the kind woman. She sat down to eat breakfast, which consisted of a variety of exotic fruits, savoury bread with meat on the side, and fragrant tea. Despite the confusing circumstances, Akiko couldn't help but appreciate the delicious food in front of her.

As she ate, she couldn't help but feel a bit awkward around Lady Emily. She wasn't used to having servants, and she didn't know how to properly interact with her.

"So, um, Emily," Akiko said, trying to start a conversation. "What is your opinion of the Quee—I mean, of me?"

Lady Emily nodded, looking sympathetic. "Of course, your majesty," she said. "You are the most loved queen that has ever lived. You have used your power to help those in need. Your grace is an inspiration to all of us.

Akiko couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and confusion at the young lady's words.

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"I'm sorry, but I don't understand," Akiko said, shaking her head. "I have no memory of being a queen or using my power to help others." "I'm just an ordinary high school student, not a royal figure."

Lady Emily patted her hand comfortingly. "Your majesty, please do not jest," she said. "But I assure you, you are the queen of our kingdom." "The people love and respect you, and your actions have brought hope and prosperity to our land."

Akiko couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the weight of Emily's words. She had no idea what to do or how to react. She just wanted to go home and return to her normal life, but that seemed impossible now.

"I don't know what to do...." Akiko said, with tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't belong here." "I just want to go home."

She broke down in tears. Lady Emily looked surprised at this rare occasion, but she immediately went to Akiko.

Lady Emily reached out and placed a comforting hand on Akiko's shoulder, then hugged her.

"Your Majesty, it's alright." "I know these past few months have been stressful for you, but I know you can do this," she said. "We are here to do everything we can to help you."

This was the first time Akiko had felt comfort in this world. She felt safe. She felt her tears soak into Emily's dress, so she pulled away from the embrace.

"Umm... thanks," Akiko said, embarrassed. She tried to thank Emily while looking in a different direction. Emily just smiled at her and returned to her duties.

Time passed, and Akiko found herself in the personal bathroom of the queen, wearing a bathrobe. Lady Emily had finished organizing the dress and told Akiko that the bath was ready.

As she walked into the bathroom, Akiko couldn't help but be aware of her body, which was not her own. She looked down at her hands and saw that they were slim and delicate, with long, elegant fingers. She touched her face and felt the smooth, flawless skin. It was all so strange and unfamiliar, and it made Akiko feel weird.

Akiko looked at the grand marble tub filled with steaming water. It was surrounded by scented candles and pots of fragrant oils, and there was a fluffy white towel and robe waiting for her on a nearby bench.

Akiko couldn't believe that all of this was for her. She had never experienced anything like it before, and it all felt a bit overwhelming. She slowly undressed and climbed into the tub, closing her eyes as a flush spread across her cheeks because she wasn't yet accustomed to looking at her new body.
She tried to relax as she immersed herself in the warm, scented water. As she soaked, Akiko felt a sense of nostalgia for soaking in a hot bath. It felt like she was back in Japan, on an onsen. It was only the first day, but she missed her home. She looked at the ceiling and saw a painting of some three-winged people pointing at a mountain. She didn't focus on the beautiful painting, her mind wandering as she thought about her next move.

Should she run away from the palace? But where would she go? She had already told some of them that she was not the queen, and they responded that they thought she was just tired.

She thought and thought. The bath gave her the relaxation she needed to think about her next move.

She stopped thinking and just enjoyed her bath.


"Your majesty, you look beautiful," Lady Emily said, noticing Akiko's discomfort. "The gown suits you perfectly."

Akiko forced a smile, trying to hide her feelings of unease. She knew that she had to put on a brave face and try to adapt to her new surroundings. But inside, she couldn't help but feel lost and alone. That wasn't entirely true, because she had Emily, and she knew this too.

She didn't know much about Emily, but she felt something soothing about her presence. She would like to know her more.

"Shall we go into the throne room, Your Majesty?"

Akiko took a deep breath, knowing that everything that was going to happen was not in her control. But at least she was going to try to do something.

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