The Journey Of Being The Next Reaper

Chapter 2: 1

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I don't think we floated but somehow, the right term of what I feel when I come back to consciousness after the bright light surrounded us is landed.

And we land in front of what seems to be a bar, but everywhere other than that is pure grey. There's no walls, corners, floors, ceiling — nothing. Just the bar and the color grey.

Let's get inside, Evie calls.

"Where are we?" I ask softly.

The bar is just like the bar in the, what Evie called, Human Realm. When we enter, there are chairs, tables and a counter. Behind it is another deity. It looks like a bartender.

In front of the counter, however, is another deity, I think, sitting. They turn around, and their eyes widen when they see us.

What in the universe's name did you do?! They ask.

I can explain! Okay! Please, just — let me —

Unlike Evie, this deity doesn't have the white cloth with golden seams. It has armor and a sword on the side. A warrior. They look like warriors I have seen on TV.

Do you want anything, Lady? The bartender asks when I sit down. The alcohol won't feel like alcohol but they will taste like it. We have food, too, even though souls like us won't need it.

It's true… I don't feel… hungry at all.

"Juice is fine?" I hesitantly answer.

Coming right up. The bartender smiles before turning around.

Do you want to tell me how a human soul is with you? The warrior deity hisses. Fallen —

I killed her.

You what?!

Daria! Daria! Please just let me explain! It was an accident! I saw something was wrong in the Human Realm this soul was on, I thought to just check it out, I didn't think it would be like this at all! Believe me!

The warrior deity gives me a worried look. Are you okay? That must have been rough.

Surprisingly… "I'm fine." To Evie, I ask. "So, you killed me because of that?"

I didn't kill you because of that. You dying was an unexpected variable. Seriously, I'm not a serial killer. Please don't act like I'm one.

Daria and I glare at Evie. Is that what's important right now?

Here you go, Lady. The bartender comes back with a cup of juice and a muffin. It's in the house.

"Thank you." I feel really grateful. Something normal. For once.

Then what did you see in that Human Realm for you to manage to accidentally kill a human soul? Daria asks, a bit upset.

Evie suddenly closes their mouth with a snap.

You can't say? Daria drawls.

Evie shrugs. Archangel stuff.

I hate those things.

Tell me about it, Evie rolls their eyes. Then they look at me. I'm telling you. I didn't intend to kill you or anything. I just needed to do something and you got caught up in it. I'm sorry.

I can't say it's okay because it isn't. But I also can't say I'm upset because I'm not.

So, instead, I ask. "So, what are you going to do with me?"

I have a plan but I need to go for a bit. Evie suddenly stands up and walks out of the bar.

You're going to drag someone else for this?! Daria exclaims.

Don't use the word 'drag'! is what Evie exclaims back before vanishing completely.

The Bartender giggles softly before turning back to whatever it was they were doing before Evie dramatically exited.

Daria sighs. I'm sorry about them. But I can tell why Evie asked me to be here.

"You do?"

Yes. Daria nods. I think Evie wants me to explain to you why you're here.

I blink. That sounds informative. More than Evie at least. "I'm interested."

Okay. Let's see… for you to understand, I need to start on our ranks. Daria draws something on the counter with their index finger. A circle. The most powerful of all; the Universe. This is where souls came from and where souls go back to. Inside that circle is God. It is the one soul where the Universe will give the energy to, and that energy will be given to Archangels, who is in-charge of the Human Realms. And then there's Guardian Angels, which is me, who are more like the soldiers. And then Angels, who will help the Archangels to foresee the Human Realms and then there's Fallen Angels who oversee humanity. Daria pauses. There's also one more position, but nobody really discusses it.

"So, the Universe is only in-charge of the energy and the souls?" I ask. It seems so small if the Universe is really the most powerful.

Daria shakes their head. Not exactly. The Universe is here even before God is here. Which means, the Universe will be the one to choose who will be God. And the Universe is also the one handling the souls and me, you, Evie, even The Bartender here are souls.

"And humanity?" I ask. It doesn't make sense for the Universe to make all these souls to be powerful but then there's us, the helpless ones.

Daria replies. The energy the Universe gives us comes from humanity. You can actually say after the Universe, the next powerful one is humanity.

"Then why can't we just… ask the Universe to take me? I'm a soul, anyway. I came from humanity, too."

Because there is such a thing as Fate. The Bartender interjects. You do know what Fate is, right, Little Lady?

"I do…?"

For Human Souls, there are only two ways that can happen after you die: reincarnation which means you will go back to the Human Realm and the one where you go back to the Universe and wait until Fate comes into play. You can either become an Angel or a human. It depends on Fate. Daria adds. But what happened to you is beyond Fate. Because an Archangel killed you. Which means you can't enter the reincarnation process because you didn't die of natural causes but it is not also in our hands if you go back to the Universe.

"I see, you mean Fate is like the Universe's will? And Evie interrupted that when they accidentally killed me."

Exactly! Daria answers excitedly. It's also very worrying.


The Bartender and Daria look at each other for a second before turning away.

Sighing, Daria tells me, It's because if you aren't supposed to die, it means it's a debt Evie has to pay.

That… that doesn't sound nice. "You mean the Universe might punish them?"

Or a Human Realm.

"What? But —"

It really depends on the Universe, you see, on what they deem 'enough' to pay for the debt when Evie… accidentally killed you. The Bartender gives me another cup of juice and I haven't even drunk the one they gave me before. It is not your fault.

It's Evie's fault, that damn Archangel.

The bartender smiles at Daria. And they did that when you just got promoted.

Daria sighs again. I can't believe that damn Archangel is jeopardising my rank like this.

I smile awkwardly. I'm about to ask more about humanity but the bar's door suddenly opens and it's Evie with another… deity.

Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and wearing all black.

You're kidding me. You dragged me here, for this?! The deity breathes in angrily. Evie —

I told you, right? I needed help!

Not this kind of help, you dumbass! That's a human soul sitting on the bar that we managed to build in The Middle. A human soul. I'm about to retire!


The deity gives me a vicious look and I subconsciously move closer to Daria.

The deity goes back to Evie. What did you do?!


The deity is named Isaac, and this one is in-charge of Hell. The right hand is named Medusa with the curliest hair I have ever seen and there's a snake that pokes its head and looks outside all over their body. It starts by their hair, then chest, and then legs, and back to hair again.

After the initial fear and shock, I started to find it entertaining.

Medusa smiled at me as if they knew what I found fun.

The snake has no name. Medusa told me. They don't need one when they know who I mean.

Few moments have passed after Evie tearfully explained why I'm here — I felt a bit of pity for them — but Isaac still looks like they might tackle Evie if they breathe wrong.

I can't bring this soul to Hell. Isaac frowns. You do realize that? If this soul commits an atrocious sin, she will automatically be delivered there. But she isn't. You killed her. The Universe will find out.

You said you're about to retire, right? Evie asks, with a glint in their eyes.

I fear for Isaac.

I don't like where this is going. Isaac rubs their face.

Medusa just drinks her glass of wine.

Evie adds. Don't you have to put your heirs in the Human Realm to learn? 

You want me to make this human soul a babysitter. Isaac deadpans.

She's a human soul! She can teach your Heirs for this one!

You — Isaac sighs aggressively. Are you listening to yourself? I don't think you know the weight of what you just had done. Now, you're going to add another one?

Evie seems to be an Archangel that isn't above begging. Just take her in until I can figure out what to do, please! Just keep her safe for me! You do realize I'm the one who's going to get punished, not you!

Isaac glares at Evie but softens a bit when they look at me. What do you think? You want to come and babysit my Heirs? You're just going to follow this… and turn their head towards Evie again, and glares. Bastard?

"What choices do I have?" I ask awkwardly. I stare at the glass of juice in front of me. This is the fourth glass and I haven't touched it either. "It's not like I can kill myself to fix this."

There's a pregnant pause that passes us before Isaac slaps the back of Evie's head and Daria punches Evie's stomach. Evie doubles down in pain while Medusa pats my head and The Bartender offers me another muffin.

Isaac orders, Medusa, bring her to Hell and immediately put her in my office. Make sure she doesn't see the —

Of course. Medusa smiles. Shall we go, Miss Ramonie?

I flinch when I hear my name. It's the first time after I died that someone said it. I probably shouldn't be surprised that someone like the right hand of the one in-charge of Hell knows my name.

They probably know more, too.

Wait! Daria stands up. In their hand, there's a small light that turns into a ring. Wear this. You can communicate with me with this object. If anything happens to you, I will try my best to help.

I accept the ring and put it on my index finger. It glows and I immediately warm up, in a good way. "Thank you." I tell Daria.

Evie reaches out to me but half a second, pulls their hand away. They scratch the back of their head and sigh. I'm sorry. It seems like I'm just pushing my responsibility… I promise, after this, I will do better. I just need to buy some time to think more of a concrete plan. I'll — I'll do better. They put their large hand on top of my head and say, You can just call me like this and I will be there for you. I swear it.

I don't know why but looking at Evie's eyes, I feel like they weren't just talking about how they accidentally killed me. I hug them.

Evie gasps softly.

"I will call you every second to annoy you." I whisper.

Evie laughs. I'm holding you to that.

I let them go, and follow Medusa who leads me out.

There's a staircase that wasn't there before, it's going down.

It's too late for regrets.

I walk down.


I need to go back to my post. Daria announces as soon as Ramonie and Medusa left. Jude will ask and I don't want to make up lies just for you. They glare at Evie.

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Thank you, Daria. Evie says, genuine.

Sure. As long as you keep that human soul safe, I will help. Daria walks away but after ten steps, they turn around and tell Evie. And stop doing stupid things. You're making me crazy.

Evie nods, a little stiff.

When Daria is finally out of the bar, Isaac breathes out a, you're a piece of work, you know what, Archangel Evie?

Evie scowls. What do you mean? I just asked for help —

Daria might not notice considering the only ranks who knew Riri stops at Archangels but I do. You seem to forget I worked with the Reaper as much as you. Isaac pauses. No, you didn't forget. You knew. You knew I remember and you dragged me into this. Isaac hisses.

Before you retire, don't you want to go with a bang?

Don't lump me with you. Isaac snorts disgustingly. I don't drag innocent souls into whatever crap I cooked up.

If Daria knows —

But they don't and there's a reason why you never told them. Isaac cuts Evie off. I didn't expect this from you. Loki, maybe, but not you.

I am not Jude. Evie replies emotionlessly. You can expect it from me.

Isaac has nothing to say.


Medusa leads me into a room.

It looks like a very normal office room, actually. Except there's no papers on top or computers, or anything — just a table. An old, black table. And on top of it are three seeds.

The overall vibe in Hell can be explained in one word: eerie. It's a bit different from The Middle where it just felt… neutral. Medusa explained to me while we were descending that the place where the bar was built is called The Middle. It is the only place where both deities and entities of Heaven and Hell can meet, but the problem is, nobody can use their powers in that place. It is devoid of anything, which was perfect for the two places to interact.

But I don't feel scared even in Hell. It just feels eerie. It's like going to the cemetery at night. You know nothing should happen, as long as the dead remain dead.

Medusa snaps her finger and a couch falls in the corner of the room. You can sit there while we wait for Isaac.

I sit on it and holy — it's the softest thing I have ever used in my life. I close my eyes to relax more and remember where I am. I abruptly open my eyes and find Medusa looking at me.

Medusa smiles like they know what I was doing. I blush as they walk towards the table. You saw these seeds, right?


These are the Heirs.



Has anyone explained to you about the rank in Heaven?

"Daria did."

We don't have that here. Medusa taps the table. There's only Isaac, me, the demons and the souls being condemned. Unlike Heaven, there's not much complication in Hell when it comes to power.

I realised something. "Why does Isaac need heirs though, they have you —?"

No. Medusa shakes their head, smiling like I said something ridiculous. Absolutely not. 

Medusa likes working behind the scenes. Another voice answers. And it's Isaac. I never heard the door opening. How did he —? Easier to commit crimes that way.

Medusa shrugs. You were a right hand man before you were in-charge of this place. Don't you prefer it too?

Isaac sighs. Don't remind me of something like that ever again. He walks towards the table, and for some reason, a chair pops out of nowhere and Isaac sits on it like it was there in the first place. Are you sure you'll follow whatever Evie plans? That bastard doesn't know what they're doing half the time.

"Well, Daria told me that if the Universe finds out what Evie did, something might happen."

Isaac raises an eyebrow. They did, didn't they?

"Why, is it a lie?"

If it came from Loki, it might. But Daria is a law-abiding citizen of Heaven, you can trust it.

Who is Loki? I want to ask but Isaac suddenly stands up, walks in front of the table and leans on it.

The plan is to make you 'babysit' the Heirs. I want you to teach them what it means to be just and humane. Isaac starts. Just because the souls here had sinned doesn't mean they need to be punished wrongly. They're still human souls, at the end of the day.

I'm starting to take notes in my head. This is a responsibility given to me. I have never been a mother, I was only twenty three when I died but I know how to take care of a child. My youngest sister was raised by me until she was nine. My mother had to take a job for those years because my dad's salary wasn't enough.

I'm not confident I can teach the children anything but I will try, anyway.

And because we're trying to hide you, we're going to have to throw you into a Human Realm. The problem is… the Human Realms in Hell are a bit…

The level might be a bit difficult. Medusa says. Not that the difficulty in Heaven is easy but it's just a bit different.

Well, I'll try to send you in the safest environment I can find. Just don't count on it. Isaac warns.

"That's okay."

Isaac motions me to come closer to him. I walk towards the table and find myself stopping an inch in front of it. Isaac holds out the three seeds to me and I take it.

Eat them.


I eat the seeds. Half a second later, my stomach feels like it's going to explode.

Endure it. Isaac orders.

I almost kneel down because of the pain, but Medusa is on me right away and helps me to stay standing.

And just like that, the pain is gone.

I breathe heavily and I know I'm not sweating but I should be — I know, I should.

Hmm. That's good enough. Isaac says. Medusa, bring a Demon we can trust and send it with her to the Human Realm.

Medusa frowns angrily before moving to do as they were told.

Are you okay?

The pain is gone but something is swirling inside my stomach. And it's making me dizzy.

Medusa comes back, still frowning, but this time, with a shaking faceless body. The body is human, even the skin looks human but there's no face.

This is the lowest grade Demon we have. Medusa explains. But in the Human Realm, it's ten times stronger than an average human. 

I don't think that's the problem. 

You can modify how you want this demon to look for your convenience. It is trained to follow orders.

I blink.

Unlike Heaven, we can't reincarnate or have souls to come back from the Universe as Angels. We must do it ourselves. We take from the condemned souls that half finished their punishment and train those souls to serve. That's how they fulfill it and we bring them back to the Human Realms we have and if they have done right, their souls will not come back here but will go to Heaven instead to reincarnate or to be taken by the Universe. Depends on… Isaac trails off 

"Fate." I finish what Isaac is saying.

That's right. Isaac smiles. How are you feeling?

I touch my stomach. It swirls still but not as bad as before. I think I'm fine.

Isaac nods. To the demon, they say, You will follow her. Finish this mission and your punishment is done if you do this successfully.

I will not fail you, Your Highness.

Isaac snorts.

It's like a whirlwind of events, because at first, I was still in the office. Now, I'm facing a door that will lead me to a Human Realm — that isn't mine — and live again as a human being.

Medusa had given me a few helpful pointers. My name is Ramonie, I am a highschool student, the Demon I'm with is named Sebastian, my big brother who is a lawyer.

I remember asking why lawyer but Medusa just answered, most souls who come here are lawyers.

That doesn't answer my question. It actually just added more.

"Does it really have to be highschool?" I ask.

Medusa just smiles. Humans don't seem to like that phase of their lives.

I groan. Nobody liked highschool. If you did, you're lying.

Shall we go, Miss? Sebastian asks.

"Ramonie." I correct. "You're my big brother. It would be weird to call me Miss."

Is that so? Sebastian smiles gently. Alright, Ramonie. Shall we go?

I nod. I hesitantly open the door. It's just pitch black.

I step one foot forward. And the next.

And then I hear it.

The noises.


Medusa had worked with Isaac for a far longer time that they want to admit. Isaac as a leader is good, Medusa has no complaints. Except for one but they do understand that it isn't just Isaac's fault.

But making three Heirs out of their essence, making a human handle the responsibility of the connection they would have in Hell. Demons are independent creatures. They do not struggle for power, that is true, but they are also left alone. They don't have God to look up to, like a messenger of the Universe who made them. They just have themselves. Isaac was truly alone as soon as they got the throne.

Medusa understood that. That is why when Isaac took three seeds out of their essence when they refused the position, Medusa didn't find it weird. It was better to not feel lonely.

But making a human soul eat the seeds.

It reminds Medusa of something. Isaac didn't need to go to the Human Realm, how they came to be in this place and situation — was a lot the same as how Isaac just did to their Heirs.

Medusa immediately goes back to the center of Hell, the Condemnation space. It is the place where souls are punished. Isaac likes to stay there to watch.

You hated Evie for what they had done but aren't you the same? Medusa starts.

Isaac shakes their head. Unlike Evie, I am a Demon. I saw the opportunity, I took it.

Medusa scowls. That's not the point.

Did you see the file of that soul? Isaac asks.

Medusa does. There is a file for every soul, it is something the Universe has granted them. In there, every lifetime a soul ever had will be written. Every sin, crime, good deeds, and good actions are shown. It's not a way to judge the souls because that is not their job, but more like an explanation of sorts.

In the file Medusa had read, Ramonie is not up for Reincarnation.

Which means she should have gotten back to the Universe.

But she doesn't.

And the Universe didn't make a fuzz when Evie killed that human.

The Universe sees. If it was not meant to happen, Evie would have vanished, from the very beginning.

The Universe wanted this. Isaac concludes. And who am I to say no?

Medusa understands. They really do.

Because nobody has said it, but everybody felt it too.

Ramonie's soul is induced by something much more special than anybody lets on.

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