The Journey of the Ibtala’a

Chapter 2: Woman’s Body and New World

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When I woke up and opened my eyes, green was the only thing that I could see.. While I tried to gather my thoughts and figure out where I was, a loud alarm started to ring. Soon after the ringing started a loud explosion went off and unconsciousness greeted me again.

I woke up laying on the ground, feeling sore all over my body. The only thing around me was the ruins of what looked like a lab. Behind me was a giant glass cylinder and around me were splashes of the green substance that survived the explosion. "What the fuck happened?" I said to myself while trying to push myself up to my feet.

As I rose up, I tilted forward, almost falling on my face. At the last second I push myself backwards instead of forwards so that I fall on my butt instead of my face. I looked down and saw most of the reason why I fell. Huge breasts were blocking the view of my stomach. Looking down at my breast also made me realize that I was completely naked. The light brown with pink tint nipples contrasted nicely with my dark brown skin. As I notice myself getting distracted by the fact that I have breasts now, I shake myself to get rid of those thoughts. "I have more important things to worry about now" I remind myself.

I push myself up to my feet again. This time pushing myself up slowly and carefully so I have more time to get accustomed to my new distribution of weight. The continuous swinging of my breast also didn't help the situation. As I finally got to my feet, I took another view of the destroyed building. It seems to be just a small basic square building. The ceiling seems to have just disappeared and the walls have been mostly knocked down with splinters clearly seen outside. The small pieces of the walls that seem to be barely left standing have black scorches on them just like the floor all around me. Glass and pieces of metal are the only things that seem to be left standing in almost perfect condition is a small brown chest next to what I guess was the door.

'Damn' I thought while slowly walking towards the chest. 'Wonder what caused that explosion.' As I walk, the speed I get used to this body out stands me. I'm no longer thrown off by my distribution of weight and now feel like I have been in this body all my life. I walk with my hips swaying automatically in a way that would instantly draw attention to them. I feel my breasts swaying side to side and fail to understand how it doesn't feel grating how the hefty amount of under-boob rubs against my skin. It just feels like soft velvet rubbing against the top of my stomach. I pause on my way to the chest, thinking about how often I get sexual thoughts and how comfortable I feel to the topic of changing into a female body so quickly. 'It must be the succubus side of me.' I thought while continuing my trek. The thought bothered me much less than I think it should.

I finally got to the plain looking chest, opening it as soon as I arrive. Inside is a circular disk with many runes inscribed on it. I don't recognize any of them but they all glow with a faint red light. As soon as I grab the disk the runes glow and a 'hologram' shows up above it. A man appears on the hologram and he immediately starts talking.

"Hello" the man said while staring right at me. "My perfect creation."

I noticed that I could somehow understand what he was saying even though his words sounded foreign to me. As he started his speech I took notice of his appearance. He was wearing a baggy black robe that shined with the same red runes as the disk. He had long gray hair that looked like it hadn't been taken care of in months. He had thick bags under his eyes and his wrinkles showed his growing age. He was standing with a straight back filled with confidence and happiness.

"I know you are curious why you are here. I am Ignata. Your creator. I wanted to create a being as a mortal that can stand head and shoulders over the species that roam these lands. I failed in making that being." Ignata gained a manic gleam in his eye that reminded me of mad scientists in movies when he finished that sentence. "But I made you. A being that has the potential to surpass all of them. Even the gods. To beings that devour. The Vampire which devours blood. And the Succubus which devours sexual fluids. Both of these beings which are sadly incompatible in making children are brought together through me." Ignata throws his hand in the air with a look of triumph on his face.

I start to understand the background of the beings I now inhibit. Seems like I was created by the man in front of me to accomplish his dream. While I don't know this man I start to feel a sense of appreciation towards him for creating 'me'.

"Since this message is being played then that means that you are alive and I have accomplished my goal. That also means I am dead." Ignata's smile never leaves his face. Even when he talks about his death. "I realize a new soul will not be able to handle the power that this body will have so I have sacrificed my own soul to give you the time necessary to live and thrive instead of instant death. If my calculations are correct then I should have bought you 30 days to grow your power into what is necessary for your soul to survive." I guess that my soul has gained me twice as much time as he thought it would. Wonder if it's part of the weirdness of my soul that the Manager was talking about.

Ignata gained a gentle smile that reminded me of the ones that my parents had when they looked at me when I was a child. That thought suddenly brings a pain to my chest. I shake it off. I can grieve later. "Live my child. Live anyway you wish. Others may doubt you or try to pull you down. Ignore them and grow to the point that nothing can threaten your existence. The world you are in is one where power determines all. Make sure that you do not become complacent in your identity as my perfect creation." Ignata gains a serious look on his face. "You have the potential to be the strongest. You are still weak right now. There are beings in this world whose power you can't even fathom. Never be satisfied where you are. Always reach for higher places. And most importantly." Ignata gains his gentle smile again. "Be happy. My daughter." The hologram turns off and the disk crumbles in my hands.

'Guess he sees me as his daughter and not just a creation' I think to myself as I dig around the chest to see if there is anything else. Besides the disk the only thing that was in the chest was books and a ring. The ring looked to be solid gold and covered in similar red runes that were on the disk. I slipped it on my right ring finger and turned my attention to the books. I grabbed the first book and opened it. I didn't recognize the symbols but somehow understood what they meant. Just like with the language Ignata was using. The first page read 'An Introduction to Runes'. I think to myself, 'Those runes seem to be useful for many things. Creating them and learning how to use them can be useful.' I put the book back in the chest and wonder how I can take this with me.

As I ponder that question, I notice a glow coming from my recently acquired ring. A thought pops up in my head about the nature of the ring and I point the ring towards the chest. Disappointingly nothing happens. 'Maybe I have to touch it' I put my hand on the chest and the ring flashed before the chest disappeared. I couldn't help the grin that came across my face. "I got a storage ring." I whisper to myself giddly while staring at the ring.

A few seconds after the chest disappears, runes appear from the now empty spot. They spread to the rest of the ruined lab and start to glow. I feel an itch at the back of my neck and a feeling of discomfort. Before I even notice what I'm doing, I'm running outside the door. A forest surrounds the destroyed ruins and I run into them trying to put as much distance between me and the red runes as possible. As I pass the forest an explosion from behind me rocket's me forward, making me hit a tree. I maneuver myself in midair so that my back hits the tree. I feel a rush of pain shoot through my back as I slide down the tree. My ears are ringing and as I open my eyes the ruins of the lab are no longer there. Only scored earth and dome like hole in the ground remain.

I slowly stand up. While my back still hurts, the pain is receding and I don't feel any sharp pains that would tell me that I broke something. 'Guess Ignata doesn't want anybody to find his lab.' the pain in my back finally disappears. 'Could have given me more time or a warning though.' I walk further into the forest. Hoping to find shelter and some clothes soon.

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