The Journey of the Ibtala’a

Chapter 3: Status and Weaknesses

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Author: Info dump inside this chapter.

What feels like 20 minutes have passed and I have finally found shelter. It is an uninhabited cave that can fit about two elephants comfortably. 'Now that I have shelter I can finally check my status.' I think. As soon as I think of the word status, a blue screen appears in front of my face. I try to touch it to see if it's tangible but my finger goes right through. The screen is listed with information about myself.

< Name: Not Chosen >

< Race: Ibtala'a >

< MP: 75 >

< Astral: 5(7.5) >

< Constitution: 3(4.5) >

< Resistance: 3(4.5) >

< Strength: 3(4.5) >

< Agility: 3(4.5) >

< Dexterity: 5(7.5) >

< Racial Skills: -Ibtala'a Devour(NEW) -Ibtala'a Senses(NEW) -Ibtala'a Body(NEW) -Ibtala'a Biology(NEW) -Ibtala'a Weapons(NEW) -Language Comprehension(NEW) -Ibtala'a Sex Magic(NEW)>

I was amazed with the status screen that I was seeing. It really was like a game where it showed my attributes. Something like this would never happen in my old world.My OLD world. It took a moment for that thought to sink in and hit me with the reality that I met a in-comprehensively powerful being, was reincarnated and I am now in a new world. This brings back the memories of everything I left behind.T he anime and manga that I have left unfinished. The games I wanted to play for the first time and to play over again. My parents who always loved and cared for me. My friends who were there for me if I needed them. The woman I recently started dating who I can now never see if we could have had a future together and if I could have come to love her. Everything I have ever known and worked for is gone. Tears start to fall down my cheek.

Next thing I know I am sobbing uncontrollably while hugging my knees on the cave floor. I cried over missed opportunities and over all that I have lost. I cried until my throat was sore and unconsciousness greeted me.


I wake up from my sleep feeling better than I did when I fell asleep. While I still grieve over what I have lost, I also understand that I felt unfulfilled in my past life. I always wanted to do more. Be more and I finally got the chance. I promise myself that I will make the most of it and live a fulfilled and happy life.

To be the strongest so no one will take my life and the life I plan to build from me. I jumped to my feet and was immediately greeted by my breasts hitting me in the face. It doesn't hurt but they do catch me by surprise. "I almost forgot about you two" I say to them. My mind wanders to thoughts of how my new breasts feel and how sensitive they are. The breeze from the wind outside the cave on my skin sends pleasurable tingles. Especially on my nipples and vagina. I note that the wind didn't have this much of an effect on me yesterday. Or maybe I didn't think of it as much. I feel some liquid start to dribble down my leg. The only thing that I could think it would be coming from is 'my vagina'.

The thought of now having a vagina makes me feel both uncomfortable from my change of anatomy and a spike of pleasure in 'my vagina'. This is the first time I gave notice to it and makes me really sink in that I am a woman and no longer a man. I try to wipe the liquid from my rapidly drooling pussy. When my hands brush past my pussy lips a rush of pleasure almost brings me through my knees. While I have noticed my body is more sensitive than my past one I didn't think the difference would be so different in my genital area as well. I think to my breast and start to wonder if those are extremely sensitive as well.

I shake these thoughts from my head and notice that it is getting harder to do so as time passes. I also start to notice that my top canines are starting to itch and I'm getting hungrier and hungrier. I run my tongue across my teeth and notice that my top canines are extremely sharp and are longer than usual. 'As expected of a vampire' I thought to myself. I open my status again and try to see if it can tell me the reason for my rapidly increasing hunger and horniness. Nothing but the previous screen is shown at first but when I think of the screen going into more detail about everything another blue screen replaces the first one.

[ Name: The name that you most identify with. ]

[ Race: What you are. ]

You are reading story The Journey of the Ibtala’a at

[ MP: How much magic you have.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Astral: Magic is how much astral you have times 10 and how effective you are against spiritual forces.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Constitution: How much stamina you have, how resistant you are to poison, and how fast you heal from wounds.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Resistance: How resistant you are to physical damage. Magical resistance is ¼ of total. (1 is the average human) ]

[ Strength: How much force you can exert.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Agility: How fast you are.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Dexterity: How good you are at doing tasks that require being precise.(1 is the average human) ]

[ Racial Skills:

-Ibtala'a Devour: Combined from Vampire devour of blood for vitality and Succubus devour of semen for energy. You can go deeper then both races and drain the very essence of what makes a being. After drinking enough essence from a species you start to gain their racial abilities from the weakest to strongest. You still grow stronger permanently and gain a temporary boost by feeding like succubus and vampires do. All abilities are adapted so they can be of use to you. In return for this power both of their weaknesses are combined. You have a constant hunger for essence and if you fail to feed then you will get hungrier and hornier. As your constitution increases you can go longer without feeding.

-Ibtala'a Senses: Your five senses are greatly increased and you can see in the dark as clearly as you can see in the day from your vampire side. You have a 6th sense of danger and what pleases your partner from your succubus side.

-Ibtala'a body: The effects of your attributes is times 1.5. You have the vampire's weakness to sunlight and the succubus weakness to holy power. You have retractable wings, tail, and horns. Your body naturally makes sensual movements and has an attractive scent to those around you. You have the most attractive appearance to yourself. Your body is primed to give the best pleasure possible to your partner. You can leak milk on command or with a tweak  of your nipples gush milk. Your butt and vagina will always be wet and ready.

-Ibtala's Biology: You have the ability to turn any race into a Ibtala'a by devouring all the essence out of their body and replacing it with your essence. You can also get pregnant from others if you don't drain the essence from sperm and give birth to Ibtala'a children. You can get pregnant from draining the essence from semen through your mouth, ass, or vagina and will give birth anytime between 10 days to 1 year depending on your want. You can pick what traits to give those you turn or your children. You are the progenitor so your children will only receive lesser version of what you give them. You can give your children more abilities later if you wish.

-Ibtala'a Natural Weapons: Your vampiric nature has changed your succubus tail, wings, and horns to be just as dangerous as your claws and fangs.

-Language Comprehension: Understand largely known mundane languages.

-Ibtala's Sex Magic: You have ingrained knowledge of sex magic from your succubus side.]

The screen of tightly packed information left me slack jawed. I have always been the one that reads everything when information pops up in games so when I get out of my shock I get to work reading everything carefully. As I finish reading everything I stand in shock all over again. It seems like me being a progenitor really did give me the combined ability of both the vampire and succubus. While everything shocks me, two caused me the most shock and also worry. The ability Ibtala's Devour and the second sentence in Ibtala's Biology.

The ability to devour the passive abilities of being I drain enough energy of does feel me with joy, the weakness dampens that joy a little. I also think I know what it means by 'drain'. The thought of draining others brings a tingle through my body and I feel wetness trail down my leg again and my nipples to stand on in. I try to stay on focus and think about the second ability that worries me. Ibtala's Biology ability which tells me that I have weakness to the sun and holy magic. I look outside the cave, where I can see the brightness from the outside, and wonder how much that weakness is.

I walk to the entrance of the cave and stop just outside the entrance. A few feet in front of me is the grass and the shining rays from the sun. I suddenly feel nervous but know that I have to at least know how the sun hurts me. I slowly stick my hand out until the tip of my red pointed fingernails are under the sunlight. The tip of my fingernails suddenly feel like they're getting stung by a swarm of yellow jackets and my fingertips start to smoke.

I pull my hand back with a scream and hold my hand close to my chest, careful not to touch it but keeping the wind away from the wound. I stiffle the screams of pain and try not to let the tears pulling at the edges of my vision fall. After the pain fades I look at my hand to see the extent of the damages.

My fingernails that touched the sun was completely gone along with the skin around it. I watch as the skin starts to slowly grow back at a snail's pace and wonder how I'm going to travel when I can only go outside during night time. Especially since I planned on finding the dungeon before night fell so that I can start on my trial before the 60 days passed.

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