The King of Spades

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Results

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"Hmmm, so you’re saying that you went from throwing a 160 km/h ball to a 170 km/h ball in a few months?" Ken asked the nervous Fred

"Ye-Yes! I didn’t train as much as the others... sorry."

"… Have you tried with other balls?"

“Other balls?" replied Fredrick seemingly confused about Ken’s question.

"Yes, preferably a smaller ball with more weight.”

"No... I haven’t, this ball is the only one in the orphanage.” Fredrick took the ball into his hands and caressed the dirt off of it “It is a softball that the previous head nun used to have, we don't have anything else."

“I see, please wait a moment, hey Jake!"

Hearing his name called out, Jake who was busy fiddling with some ants stopped what he was doing and replied "What!"

"You have a baseball in the car, don't you? Get it for me, I need it to test the kid."

"Sure, I'll be back in a while." Jake left for a few seconds and returned with a baseball in hand. Jake threw it to Ken who proceeded to give it to Fredrich.

Readying his speed gun, he once again asked Fred to use his gift and the results satisfied him greatly.

Unlike when he was using the softball, using the baseball Fred's throw manage to reach 185 km/h, a 15 km/h difference from the previous attempt.

"Hahahaha great! This means that the overall speed is a result of initial speed plus the boost from your gift. I was worried that your gift would only allow you to throw objects on a speed of 170 km/h, which although strong in its own right, is not as good as what you have now."

"Huh?" It had to be noted that although he was mature for his age, Fredrich was still a child. Being bombarded with hard-to-understand terms, it’s no wonder that he would be confused.

"Ah sorry, was that too hard to understand.” Softly asked Kendrick.” What I’m saying is that if you can use your gift on any projectile, then maybe in the future you can use it on a bullet from a gun. Can you imagine? A bullet enhanced with your gift flying straight to an enemy?"

Hearing the enthusiastic words coming from Ken's mouth, Fred felt very proud of himself and his gift. If he really was as amazing as the man in front of him say he is, then there was no reason for him to not be happy.

Now that Kendrick had seen what the boy was capable of, there was no reason to delay this any longer “Congratulations, Fredrich. You’ve passed.” Sending Fred away with those words he then looked at the only one who wasn’t tested yet.

"Now then, it's finally the main star’s turn." Kendrick said to the black-haired boy who was standing a couple of feet away from him.



"Hm, what's wrong?" Asked Kendrick. This is because I still haven’t moved after a minute of being called out.

Of course, I had my reason "…How much do you know about my gift?"

" your gift? ... well, your gift is should I say this... straight to the point?"

[Physical Breaker]

[Unlimited Physical Growth]

These are the words that appear on Jericho every time Ken looks at him. “I don’t know to what extent ‘Physical Growth’ means here but time will tell I guess.”

"…can I have a minute? Since there's no point in hiding it anymore… I want to at least tell them myself beforehand."

"hm? oh!” popping his right hand to his left palm as if he solved some sort of riddle, Kendrick agreed without any questions asked.” of course, take as much time as you want."

"Thank you." After thanking him for his consideration, I immediately went to where Millie and Fred were.

Although they were surprised by my actions they immediately became serious after I told them that I had something important to say.

I told them about my gift and its effects. I also told them why I hid it and how sorry I was for betraying their trust. Both were extremely surprised at first but quickly calmed down after a few minutes. It seems that they were already suspicious of me from the start due to how inconsistent my excuses were. {Am I bad at lying?}

But they did have some questions, the first being why. Why did I try to hide it in the first place?

To be honest, now that a few months have passed I’ve come to understand how embarrassing I was acting. So, with red cheeks, I meekly answered “At first I thought that it would be troublesome if someone found out because of how strong it sounded... but now that I think about it I was probably overreacting.”

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{A child... he really is a child huh?} after experiencing how mature Jericho acted, moments like these truly reminded everyone of his real age.

After wiping out tears from laughter, Millie then asked another question "Does anyone else know the truth?"

"Only sister Teresa."


"I didn’t tell her exactly but more like she found out herself," I said as I remembered the day when I was training myself and didn’t notice sister Teresa watching me from afar.

Hearing me say that however, prompted Millie to ask her final question "What about Orson and the others, you planning on telling them as well?"

"…I'll ask Sister Teresa to tell them when she thinks they’re ready." It was the only option I had

"Oh please, just say that you’re too embarrassed to tell it to them face to face. I won’t judge...Pfft."

“Shut up... I’m gonna start my test now, don’t wanna keep them waiting” bidding them with a wave, I headed back towards Kendrick and the others. This time, with a clearer conscience and a calmer look.

Done with my business, I went to Ken and the others to take my test

“you done?”

“Yeah, thanks for understanding.”

“No problem, well then, Jericho, the stage is yours." Kendrick said as he stepped back to give me more space

"Phew" I exhaled loudly to pump myself up. Closing my eyes as I inhaled and exhaled repeatedly to calm my nerves, I waited until I felt my heartbeat settle. Then after a few more deep breaths I slowly opened my eyes and began to show them the results of my training.

Using my teen-like strength to jump with everything I, my light body went high into the air. While in the air, before gravity pulled me down I released a series of attacks, punches, kicks, elbows, and knees.

I used every single strike I knew of as fast and accurately as I could not noticing that this resulted in the wind blowing slightly toward the shocked trio.

After my feet touched the ground and they thought I was done, I then unleashed an attack that chilled the spines of the three men, especially Jake.

It was the same attack Teresa used to knock out Jake, a roundhouse kick that was as fast as a whip. Although not as sharp or fast as Teresa's, the posture and timing were eerily the same. Reminding the three men of the nun’s terror

Swoop! *

"huupp haaah….hah…..hah…..hah."

As the air was cut, only my heavy breathing could be heard as everyone spectating was in awe wondering whether or not what they saw just now was real.


It was 2 months after the phenomenon, sister Teresa found out about my true gift and decided to give me some secret training. Although it was mostly her doing the moves and me copying them the training was very fruitful.

"Wow." Teresa exclaimed with shock

"What?" (Jericho)

"I already knew about your good memory, but to think you could perfectly recreate moves you've only done once before... what a cheat."

It seems that there were some other uses for my memory as I was able to clearly remember my body’s movement and posture when I release a good strike. This made it so that as long as I am able to do it once, I can recreate it time and time again.

"Really now, then let me teach you some combo's then, if you do it in front of the others I'm sure they'd be shocked." Said Teresa excitedly.

It was the first time she experienced teaching a student that learned so fast. It was so fun for her that she ended up becoming too into it and taught the 5-year-old a series of moves. Most of which were used to destroy human bodies... she wasn’t right in the head during this time.

Author's Note:

It's not that he learns fast but have you ever experienced beginner's luck? what if you were able to replicate it any time you want. That's basically it.

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