The King of Spades

Chapter 8: “Sob…Screw you Jake”

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(30 minutes before the explosion)


After his gift was suddenly activated out of nowhere, the biggest grin flashed on Jake’s face.


"….. Heh, just when I was about to call it a day, someone fun suddenly comes out and joins the fray."


"Hohohohoh, well I'm sorry for making you wait. It's just, going head-on against an opponent I know nothing about isn't a bright move to make."


"So, you just allowed your subordinates to get roughed up to analyze me? That's quite coldhearted, aren't you supposed to be the head nun of this place?"


"Don't you dare patronize sister Teresa, we were the ones who volunteered to do this despite her constant refusal!"


"Yeah, that's right! If it meant increasing our chances of winning by even one percent more then we'll gladly pay that meager price. Of course, that’s not something scum like you would understand."


All the nuns were angered by Jake’s mocking words. She was a symbol well respected by all of them so hearing a no-good delinquent making a mockery of her actions struck a cord of theirs.


"Enough, there's no need to explain yourselves any longer. Thanks to you all I've gotten a rough estimate on his skills, I am truly grateful."


Teresa bowed with her facing downward to show her sincerity, causing the remaining nuns to respect her even more.


"Now, your face tells me you’re raring to go?"


"Can't you see the red glow around me growing thicker? It's uncomfortable but I've been holding myself back for a while now. I might not be able to take it any longer so…. Let's Start Now!"


Jake’s face contorted into a ferocious look as if a hungry beast after days of not eating finally found prey. But despite his crazed shout, the only response he got was a raised palm.


"I know that you're at your limit right but please be more patient, I don't want to damage the premises anymore so I would be grateful if we fight deeper in the forest, that way you can go on a rampage as much as you want."


"Hmmmm, your right. I don't want to accidentally hurt the children inside either. Fine, lead the way!"


With a slight nod, Teresa together with Jake and Kendrick started moving deeper into the forest.


"Will sister be all right? That man seemed extremely strong, meanwhile, the other one who came with him didn't even attempt to fight so sister wasn’t able to gauge him or his gift."


Asked a nun nervously. Although she was confident in the head nun's strength, she couldn't help but worry after seeing the man singlehandedly taking down gifted humans one after another.


"You don't have to worry, if I remember correctly you've never seen Sister Teresa's gift, had you?"


Said an older nun to the nervous one


"Her gift?"


"Yeah, if she was already a monster without it, then now…. she's a full-blown demon."




"I think this is far enough, shall we start?"


"All right! Let's g--"


Before he could finish, a fist was already heading straight to his face.






Barely reacting to the nun's punch, Jake was barely able to guard his face with his arms.


{Damn, that hurts!}


But he was not the only one shocked as Teresa herself was surprised that he was able to guard her blow.


"Oh, did I maybe underestimate you too much? I was certain that strike should've been more than enough to break a bone or two."


"...If it was 5 minutes ago then that would've broken my arm, good thing my gift already had time to charge, if not…"


Jake shuddered at the thought


"So it's a gift that grows stronger the longer it stays active huh, ok, noted."


After updating the strength of her opponent in her mind, she didn’t waste any more time and unleashed continuous attacks.


A jab to the face, a right kick to the leg, a left kick to the head, a knee to the stomach… she was completely dominating her opponent. Now that she knows her opponent grows stronger the longer this goes on, she was now aiming to end this battle as quickly as possible.


"This is only the third time someone my age has ever managed to push me this much. Even professional fighters wouldn't be able to do this, and I've even dominated one in a fight once!

Hehe... but you... all your attacks are precise and sharp, but what makes them scarier is the fact that all of them aim exactly at my most vulnerable points. Rather than a fight, this seems more like an athlete training with a punching bag."


"Thanks for the compliment, but I think you should start taking this seriously now."


"Hehehe, your right, this is a battle!"


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Jake knew that if he didn’t take this seriously, then this would probably be the end for him. Knowing that, with a look of conviction, he suddenly lunged at her, raising his right fist, and throwing it with all his might.


But the strike was only able to hit the air as Teresa casually sidestepped to the right to fully evade the strike. Not giving him time to guard she also countered with a strike of her own and hit him straight in the chin.


But with his ever-increasing strength, he was just able to barely stay conscious. And continue.


{Crap! Almost downed again}


Jake knew that he couldn’t do anything to her using orthodox methods so the only way he could win was to make full use of his Gift.


With that in mind, he started becoming more passive with his attacks and focused on his defense to prolong the fight. Although at the start it was solely one-sided, the longer the fight went on Jake’s plan seemed to have succeeded as he started taking the upper hand.


"Tired already?!"


"...huff...You wish."


Although it was a very subtle breath, the first sign of exhaustion could be heard in Teresa’s voice, something that wouldn’t go unnoticed by Jake, an experienced fighter.


Taking the opportunity, it was finally time for Jake to be the one who’ll strike first.


However, as if it was all an act, the tired breathing ceased immediately and when Jake was about to strike her in the face, Teresa suddenly evaded by jumping high into the air.


“Fuck, I fell for it.”


But despite being taken by surprise he wasn’t all that worried; his gift has stacked long enough that he was confident he could take on any strike she’d give out.


Readying himself for when she reached the ground, Jake prepared himself to fully take on the strike, but unexpectedly, while in the air her body suddenly turned at high speeds, and just like a whip she unleashed a roundhouse kick straight to the back of his head.




Being hit with a strike that hard while unguarded was devastating. Jake took too much damage to continue so like a stringless puppet he plopped down on the ground.


"...Kuk... What kind of she-devil are you?"


With winded breath, Jake asked


"Devil? I'm just a normal nun you know?"


"...Normal nun? Pfftt haha... thump"


Having no more strength left, the man fell unconscious.


"Why did he laugh? Did I hit him too hard? Well, who cares I guess"


Wanting nothing more to do with him she was about to finish him with an axe kick. but before it could land her attack was suddenly blocked by the eyepatched man.


"That's quite a heavy kick, you trying to make him dumber than he already is?" -Kendrick


"Well well well, who would've thought that the pretty boy would be the stronger one."


"In terms of strength his far stronger than me, but as you could see, he fights like a starved beast due to being too confident with his strength. Although his attacks carry substance, against someone who is cool-headed and with better skills his nothing more than a punching bag."


Being cautious for weapons of any sort, Teresa jumped backward to create distance between them.


"How about it Miss? Ready for round two?"


"ummmmmm, yeah no thanks."




Ken was dumfounded by her answer


"Although I agree that you're strong but you should've already used most of your strength fighting Jake, I don't think you have the right to end this fight on your own—"




Before Ken could finish with what he was saying, an eerie crackling resounded all over the forest.


Wanting to know where the sound was coming from, Ken looked all over until he could notice a few broken glass-looking shards at the top of Teresa’s head.


After the cracks became big enough a gaping hole started to form, and appeared the silhouette of a blood-red cross larger than the Nun’s entire body, slowly came out, and slowly floated by Teresa's side.


Panicked by the sudden situation, Ken immediately took off his eyepatch and checked what Teresa's gift was.


Before, he didn't feel the need to use it as they were only dealing with nuns from an unknown town, and it was honestly annoying seeing multiple words come out in the air every time he looks at someone.


But only if he did, only if he was more careful, only if he had done everything in his power to force Jake to surrender and abandon the stupid act. Then maybe...just maybe... they could’ve lived a day longer.


“Haha... Jake.... if we survive this day... I’m telling your dad all the bullshit that you’ve done in this mission... sob... screw you...”

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