The King of Spades

Chapter 7: Inner Thoughts

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Boooom! *


While the children were just waking up, they were greeted by a thundering explosion. Those still half asleep were fully awake now, while those who were already up and ready ducked down, covering their ears with their trembling hands.

No matter who it was, experiencing the shockwaves of an explosion of that magnitude would immediately trigger fear and panic.

"Woah! What the heck was that?!" - Orson

"I think some sort of explosion just went off. But didn't it sound very near?!" - Fredrich

"Crap, what the hell is going on outside? Did someone accidentally drop a grenade or something? Remember kids, carrying explosives around is very dangerous as you can see by what happened just now. If you are going to carry something dangerous at least make it a knife or something, that way at least you won't drag everyone with you to hell."

Orson said with a serious expression to the frightened children behind his back.

"…This stupid little -, Is this really the time for a joke! Something dangerous is happening outside, and you think this is the time to be funny?!"

Fredrich reprimanded Orson as loud as he could as if he was trying to shake away his nervousness by taking it out on someone.

"You're so insensitive you know that? Don't let panic control you, Fred. Did you already forget that despite being only 5 years old you are already one of the oldest among the children? Think about what our younger siblings are feeling right now after experiencing something like that."


Fredrich was at a loss for words, he was quite mature for his age yet he was still extremely shaken by the sudden explosion. What would his 'normal' younger siblings be feeling right now?

He turned to look at his back, and as Orson predicted, all of them were trembling uncontrollably. All of their faces were so pale that it was as if blood was drained from their body. Their eyes were full of tears, and some were already crying out for help. He couldn't hear them due to panic so he was very ashamed, being older it was supposed to be his duty to protect those who were younger.

"….I'm sorry Ors… I couldn't control my emotions."

He apologized with his head facing downwards.

"You shouldn't be the one to apologize, even though you act maturely I shouldn't forget that you just turned 5 a few days ago. I already told you guys my past so you should understand why I am so calm right now. It is stupid to expect you to act the same when you've been living relatively "normal" up till now."

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"… I-."

"Orson! Fred! Are you guys alright?!"

"Jericho! What are you doing here?!"

"Never mind that, are the young ones with you? Come with me to the shed, I've already gathered the others there with Millie, being separated right now is the worst that could happen so go!"

"What about you? Are thinking of going to where the explosion started? Don't be stupid and come with us to safety!"

"You know how cautious I am with my life, I'm just going to where the head nun is to inform her where we are. We need the adults right now to calm the children, and to be honest, being with the strongest person in the town is more reassuring in this situation."

"Then let me come with you— "

"No, you'll only slow me down, go to the shed and protect the children with Millie."

Jericho then sprinted to the other side of the hall. With speed equal to that of a 14-year-old there was no way for the 6-year Orson to catch up.

"Shit! Acting alone again, does he not trust us?!"

"You know how he is, but he is right you know? You'll only be slowing him down if you go with him so it's better if we go protect the children inside the shed."

"Grrr…. snort!*… You're right, it seems that the explosion took a toll on me as well. EVERYONE! Follow me and Fred to the shed, Millie and the others are there so it will be much safer than staying here."

Hearing his voice, although reluctant, the children forced themselves to follow the two of them as staying together with everyone right now is the safest option.

As for Jericho, he was speeding through the hallways, nervously thinking of the possible conflicts he was about to face.

{Sigh*... what am I even doing? Going into danger like this... but this damn strange feeling again! It’s telling me that I should go now. I can't understand why but it's forcefully pulling me to that area ... I feel like I'll regret it if I don't go there now ... Argh! forget it, I'm just gonna check. if I feel that I'm in danger I'm running away as far as I can... I hope sister Teresa and the others are safe.}

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