The King’s Gift

Chapter 14: Chapter 13 – The Emperor’s Present

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"You didn't have to send the imperial guards to bring me here," Raviel said in a low voice.

He took a few steps to join Valens. He was waiting for him in the vast living room opened to the outside where they had met the last time Raviel had visited him. The afternoon was ending, but the sun's rays still fell on the flagstone floor, spreading a summery warmth throughout the room. Valens immediately dropped the letter he was reading and got up from the daybed he had been sitting on. A mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Have you had any trouble?"

“No, but I was surprised.”

A mischievous gleam lit the emperor’s eyes.

"Why was I summoned here?" Raviel asked.

Valens went back to his original place on the daybed and gestured for his guest to sit down in front of him. Raviel sat down immediately, more tired than he let on. He didn't hesitate when Valens told him he could help himself from the tray where there were many pastries. He grabbed a honey-almond cupcake he was particularly fond of. The sweet flavors spilled into his mouth and slid down his tongue with delight.

“To start, I wanted to know how you were doing.”

Raviel took the time to swallow before answering in a calm voice:

“I’m fine.”

Valens raised his eyebrows at him, not convinced.

“I heard your slave ran away.”

Raviel waved his hand casually.

“It is all good.”

"So I don't need to worry about the state of your back?"

Ravel's eyes widened slightly.


“I am the Emperor. And I know you.”

Valens exuded such gentleness and kindness that Raviel felt his heart sink. For a brief moment, he came to regret not being his son. His life would have been radically different.

"I'm fine," he finally answered in a strangled voice. “I had to lie down for several days, but I'm better.”

He refrained from adding that he had experienced worse.

“Do you need anything?” Valens asked.

Raviel shook his head. He preferred to avoid abusing Valens's kindness towards him. He was aware that Valens’ concern toward him did not please the patricians. The Emperor seemed to understand because he didn't insist.

“I know Severus came to see you.”

Raviel bit his lip, before finally answering in a hesitant voice:

“It's true. He was with Helvia.”

Valens's gaze darkened, and he sat up. Graveness reshaped the features of his usually soft face.

"What did they want from you?"

Raviel turned his head away.

“Nothing in particular. Helvia simply wanted to introduce Severus to me in due form.”


"Severus didn't do anything to me," he replied.

But if he had to be honest, he was very suspicious of the reasons that could have pushed Severus to come to his house. Valens didn't answer right away. A sigh escaped him, and he briefly pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Be careful with him,” he finally warned the young man.

Raviel frowned slightly as his fingers nervously tapped his leg.

“He’s your son.”

“It is precisely for this reason that I am in a good position to tell you to be on your guard.”

The tapping increased in frequency.

"What are you afraid of?"

Valens's thoughtful look did nothing to reassure him.

“Severus is ambitious, and he can't stand anything getting out of hand.”

"I don't intend to get in his way," Raviel countered in a voice that was meant to be calm.

“I don't doubt it, but you're special, Raviel. I'd be surprised if Severus didn't realize that.”

Raviel frowned. Many called him crazy, but he knew his visions still attracted covetousness. That said, if Severus really sought to appropriate his strange ability, he was heading for a huge disappointment. Raviel had absolutely no control over the snippets that reached him from time to time.

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"I see," he replied half-heartedly.

Valens stood up and took a few steps to approach Raviel. The young man lifted his head slightly to gaze into the emperor’s eyes.

“I would like to offer you something.”

Valens waved when he saw Raviel open his mouth to interrupt him.

"Let me explain it to you," he said affectionately. “I won't always be here, you know that as well as I do. And I can’t give you anything once I’m dead.”

Raviel couldn't see how the Senate would allow Valens to leave him any inheritance. And anyway, he didn't want it.

“So I want to give you a present, which will remind you that you are not alone when I'm gone.”

His hands slid to the back of his neck and took a gold chain over his head that Raviel hadn't noticed. Valens showed it to him with a smile, and Raviel could admire the finely crafted medallion. An eagle was engraved on the mirrored surface. He suddenly realized what this jewel represented.

"I can't take it," he whispered, looking up at Valens.

“Of course, you can. Anyway, no one will pay attention to this old charm.”

“It's not…”

"Raviel," Valens cut him off with a sigh. “Severus probably doesn't even know about this jewel, and I don't intend to take it to my grave. It would be useless.”

He slid the chain around Raviel's neck, who remained motionless.

“We don't share blood ties, but you hold a special place in my heart. I consider you as my own son. Do me the pleasure of accepting.”

Raviel nodded softly, unable to speak as emotion choked his throat. He batted his eyelashes a little too quickly to chase away the tears that were surfacing. Valens put a warm hand on his shoulder.

“You should go home. You look exhausted to me.”

"I'll be back tomorrow," Raviel whispered.

And to hell with the patricians and their stupid rumors.


Aster waited patiently outside the room where Raviel was. He seemed relaxed outwardly and cast a curious gaze around him. In fact, he was ready to pounce at any moment if necessary. He intended to keep the promise he had made to Raviel. And if the latter had not gone into the details, Aster had well understood that the imperial palace harbored many dangers for the young man.

He glanced briefly towards the entrance to the room. Aster knew that this was probably the only place where Raviel was safe. Thanks to the Emperor. He did not exactly understand all the ins and outs of their relationship, especially since Raviel seemed to trigger the animosity of the majority of patricians. But if the emperor was watching over him, Aster allowed himself to slightly loosen the grip of his fingers on the pommel of his sword.

A finely crafted weapon. Aster had been surprised when Raviel had given it to him. The hilt seemed to him too richly ornamented for it to be any weapon. Did this belong to Raviel? It would only half-surprise him. Owning a weapon for pleasure was typically a patrician's privilege.

He turned his head around as footsteps clicked on the flagstone floor. A rather tall man was walking toward him. His raven hair was cropped short, and his dark gaze struggled to hide the harshness reflected in it. His white toga fitted perfectly around his muscular body. Strangely, Aster felt like he had seen him before. In the stands of the Grand Amphitheater perhaps?

The man stopped a few steps away and glared at him contemptuously. Aster wouldn't have bet his life on it, but it seemed to him that the patrician recognized him. He tried not to let anything show and refrained from tightening his grip on his sword. Finally, a smirk appeared on the man's face.

“You look good for a slave who tried to escape.”

Aster stiffened. He was not mistaken. The patrician knew who he was. Did he also know what Raviel had done for him?

“If you want to see the Emperor, he's busy,” Aster replied calmly.

He was far from feeling calm at the moment. His body was as taut as a bowstring. His gaze involuntarily slid to the door he was watching, before quickly returning to the man who was still sizing him up condescendingly.

“Oh ... I guess he's with Raviel. But I really do not care. If I want to see my father, I will do so regardless of who is currently with him.”

Aster remained frozen in surprise for a moment. The Emperor's son… So he was the heir to the Empire… He'd better remain calm. However, he had no time to react. The door opened, and Aster turned his head as Raviel closed the door without a sound. Their eyes met briefly.


Raviel's voice was devoid of any emotion.


Aster refrained from grimacing. The tension between them was palpable. Severus took several steps towards Raviel, but the latter remained motionless. Neither of them seemed ready to look away.

“What are you doing here?”

"I don't think it concerns you," Raviel replied.

Aster could see his slightly tense jaw. He hesitated for a moment to intervene but feared that it would bring more trouble to Raviel. Severus suddenly reduced the distance that separated him from Raviel and jostled him with a sudden blow of the shoulder, before opening the door and rushing into the room. A grimace of pain and annoyance crept across Raviel's face. He had not yet fully recovered from the whippings he had received.

“Are you all right?”
Raviel turned towards Aster.

“Yeah,” he finally answered.

Even though his shoulder was throbbing painfully.

"Let's go back," he added. “It's getting late.”

Aster nodded but didn't take his eyes off him.

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