The Last Boss Live

Chapter 2: Chapter-2 The Knight in Black Armor.

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"This journey really is LONG Liora, I haven't seen civilization ever since I met you in your tower." Mui ranted for quite some time when he travelled with the princess, the two temporary companions passed forest after forest for days, relaxing only when needed. "I thought you were a strong one Sir Mui, but to think a simple walk such as this could shake your resolve." Liora said with a smile as they walked, the sky above them as beautiful as the sea during the morning.

"Look princess, I'm not some athlete who could run faster than a horse! although I could if I wanted but that's not the point!" Mui pouted at Liora, and in turn she turned and stopped in her tracks causing Mui to stop as well. "Then how about this Sir Mui?" Liora turned and pointed at the city ahead of them as she challenged him, "Whoever reaches the city has the right to decide where to go." Mui smirked and nodded. "Challenge, ACCEPTED! IT'S ON PRINCESS!"

At blinding speeds Mui ran towards the city without warning, leaving the princess to fall shortly after. "See you later! LOSER!" Mui taunted and the rushing princess, but once he saw that she was slowly approaching with every second that passed, his eyes turned from a happy and arrogant smile into blank face of annoyance. "Huh..."

"What appears to be the matter knight? are you not confident in your speed?" Mui gritted his teeth and turned towards the city as he increased the speed of his running, lowering his body to the point where he was half his original height.

"I never knew you were such a man with fascinating and strange techniques Sir Mui, may I ask where you learned that technique?" Mui smiled and answered, "Oh nothing... just a trick I watched from a show." Liora sighed, "Then what did you mean by athlete that could run as fast as a horse?" Mui sighed as well and paused for a moment but eventually answered. "In your era they would be called jesters, gifted entertainers, but the thing is they were famous, and very rich... as rich as kings and queens. And so popular that they had the masses under their thumbs, but not in an evil way unlike your nobility."

Liora frowned at the answer as she continued to follow Mui. "You disrespect nobility like they were pawns in a game Sir Mui, are you certain you can live in my ancestors' kingdom with that attitude?" Mui devilishly smirked and chuckled before answering, "Nobility is as stupid and gullible as a child if you compared them to the people in my era, so stupid in fact that even a poor man like myself could manipulate them. At least, in your realm I'm considered poor." Mui finished with a snap of a finger. "Then I assume you do not fear the rulers of any kingdom? even those who are considered tyrants?"

Mui, along with Liora stopped in place as the sunlight shined down on them. "Why did you stop?" Liora asked, confused and worried. "Look, princess, I admit you may be the most powerful person when it came to the knowledge of this world but there's still plenty of things you overlooked." Mui looked at the city and sighed. "I know you follow those prophecies or whatever comes out of an oracle's mouth like god's most holy words, but you have to understand that you're no damsel in distress waiting for a hero to save you from a damned curse or take you from an isolated tower in the middle of nowhere."

"Not everything is written by fate, even god himself... or whatever god or goddess you believe isn't all-knowing." Mui picked his nose and flicked his bugger before continuing. "You've got to remember my words princess; fate don't know jack shits."

"Who is this Jack you are referring to?" Liora asked with a tilted head, "Ugh... never mind..." Mui rolled his eyes in disbelief and walked towards the city while Liora followed soon after.  Two guards in leather armor approached them, Mui quickly turned away from the guards while Liora handled the situation. And once finished Liora informed Mui of their destination and walked inside the city's walls. "Come Sir Mui, we have matters to attend to with the lord."

Mui nodded and followed, "Wait princess..." Mui and Liora stopped next to a shop as they looked at each other. "I'd like to buy some new clothes if you'd mind, it'll just be an hour... here, take this." Mui handed Liora his dagger before walking towards the shop's entrance, "Take care and wait for me outside, I think you can handle a few thugs." Mui said with a smirk before entering the shop. Inside, Mui saw a variety of medieval and stylish clothing, from the ones that nobles wear to a commoner's, rings and fancy jewelry, to strange and mysterious hats. But even with the money he had, Mui preferred the dark and silent type.

"Oh! a new customer! welcome! welcome!" the old shopkeeper greeted Mui as he walked towards him. "Anything black and with a hood, something that could protect me from punches and dagger strikes." Mui declared as the shopkeeper immediately want to look for any clothing behind him that matched Mui's description. "Just a few seconds good sir, I'll be right back!"

Mui tapped his foot as he waited for an entire minute, "Ah, here you are sir." Mui looked at the shopkeeper who carried what appeared to be a British captain's uniform, but instead the pants were not as tight as the ones shown in museums while the coat had a hood instead of having none, along with a fancy belt to go along with it. All of them were colored black, whether lighter or darker. Mui smiled and nodded; he examined the clothing he was about to wear as he stepped forward.

The overall quality of this uniform was of the highest, and it was in perfect condition too, Mui looked towards the shopkeeper and asked. "Does this go with some boots?" The shopkeeper eagerly nodded, "Well of course! nothing in my humble shop goes without footwear, nor accessories." Mui nodded and took out ten pieces of gold. "How much?"

The shopkeeper shook in disbelief, "G-Good sir! these pieces of string and wool are barely worth one silver! why take out ten gold pieces?" the shopkeeper exclaimed as he placed the uniform on the desk in front of him. "Best hide your riches sir, who knows what crooked thieves and brigands will do to a man such as yourself?"

Mui's mind went blank for a moment, "Is this old man really for real? I may be young but I'm definitely no pushover." Mui thought to himself before quickly returning to reality. "Take all of it, I'll just come back when my clothes are damaged, that is if you stitch. Can you?" the shopkeeper took the gold pieces that Mui handed over to him, "I can, how else could I have made these garments and jewelry? I can protect myself as well as any able man, but the question is... can you?" 

Mui's eyes widened a little, but they did not show, it was as if he was just roasted in front of a large crowd. He could feel and hear an imaginary group of young teenagers creaming and shouting as he stood there with a blank face. "Whatever old geezer, just give me my clothes and show me where I can change." The shopkeeper nodded and handed the uniform to Mui as he gestured with an open palm to the door on his left before quickly leaving to find the pair of boots that went along with the uniform. "Please take your time good sir, I rarely get any customers during the early mornings. And I do hope you don't keep your mistress waiting." Mui rolled his eyes and walked towards the door before entering the little room to change.

And after a few minutes he was finally finished, his old clothes were placed on the floor except for the purple cloak which he kept in his small bag while his things were now on his new, fancy, and quite intimidating clothes.

"Your boots good sir. "Mui opened the door slightly before taking the pair of black leather boots and of black socks from the shopkeeper, he then closed the door once again before putting the socks on first and then the boots, oh it was comfortable, unlike the previous footwear he wore. He looked like a royal envoy as he walked out the room, but instead with weapons and armor and not a single escort. "You look dashing sir; may I recommend a coat as well?" The shopkeeper asked with awe in his eyes as Mui turned towards him with a simple nod. 

"Then here." the shopkeeper took out a dark, red-colored cloak while Mui took and wore it over his head and body. "Comfortable I assume?" The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Yes, yes of course. But was this really meant for skinny people?" Mui asked with a raised eyebrow. "You don't look like a skinny person, are you?"

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The shopkeeper responded with a joke as he walked towards the entrance to his shop before looking towards Mui. "Come on then, your lady awaits." Mui nodded and walked towards the door to leave, "Thanks old man, I'll see you when I see you." 

"And to you as well my dear customer." The shopkeeper bowed his head as he opened the door, Mui left the shop and looked left and right to find Liora, but after a few seconds he found her sitting on a nearby table with an empty seat across her. 

"You took quite some time to change Sir Mui." Liora said as Mui walked towards her. "Call me Nomad instead, I'd prefer if my real name remained a mystery." Mui sat on the empty seat on the other side of the table, "A new alias I presume?" Liora took out the dagger that Mui gave her and fiddled with it. "So where to princess? I'm ready and happy."

Liora smiled as she stopped fiddling with the dagger. "My brother's estate is not far from here, but I believe he is currently in Re's Tower in this time of day. Come, Sir Nomad, your just rewards await."

"Wait a minute." Mui raised his hands, "You're rewarding me?" Liora stood and answered. "Of course! no deed goes unrewarded, be it just or unjust, you have fulfilled the prophecy just as the oracle prophesized." Mui sighed, "No matter how many times I kept hearing it, it's still so messed up." Mui stood up and followed the princess as she walked towards a tower, it stood tall and proud like a tourist attraction, its towering form shrouding the buildings below with its shadow.

"This is Re's Tower? it looks..." Mui looked up and down as he inspected the tower's structure. "Fantastic?" Liora guessed as they both entered the tower, "Plain." Mui answered as he lowered his hood to cover a portion of his face. Once they were inside, they were immediately greeted by a tall man with identical features, a man as tall as Mui himself. "Sister!" The man shouted with open arms as he walked towards Liora. "Brother." Liora bowed in response as the man approached. "Sir Nomad, this is Prince Lucius Morde Cane. Lucius, this is Sir Nomad, a man with exceptional strength.

Mui inspected Liora's brother, the man wearing white clothing and fancy jewelry looked like a playboy, however he suspected there was something else off about him. "So, you are Liora's brother, I expected more from a prince." Mui said in a cold tone that even Liora almost couldn't recognize. "Hahaha! and you as well Sir Nomad!" The prince said with joy.

Mui noticed the blue sword the prince carried on his left hip, it had no runes or fancy carvings on it, but it felt like a sword imbued with magical properties or an aura of power. "For a savior such as yourself to save the princess from the clutches of the invaders, you are indeed a man worthy of respect and admiration, but to have name as plain as Nomad..."

"It is an alias prince; I don't like using my real name." Mui responded as the prince could only nod without knowing the name of his sister's rescuer, or possibly the savior of the entire kingdom. "Then we leave it at that Sir Nomad."

Lucius clapped his hands and said, "Unfortunately I have other matters to attend to, the church will give the necessary arrangements for your reward." Lucius paused for a moment as he lowered his hands. "And when next we meet, I hope to see your face. For now, this is farewell, Sir Nomad." Mui and Liora nodded as the prince left to attend his duties elsewhere, for a few seconds there was peace, however that peace lasted for only a fraction of a moment as entire city rumbled.

"What was that?" Mui asked, "That Sir Nomad, would be the invaders' doing." Liora answered as she turned towards the exit from where they both entered. "Well, I'll be. It's freaking demons." Mui muttered under his breath, Liora on the other hand stood there, a little shocked and horrified. But nonetheless, she stood firm and alert. "Looks like you're in deep shit princess, I didn't expect your so-called invaders were actually abominations from the deepest part of whatever hole they crawled out from." Mui said with a smirk, while Liora turned towards him with a concerned look on her face. "This is no time for idle chatter! I will fend off their attacks while you escape!" Liora said as she took out the dagger Mui gave her. "Sadly though, I'm not leaving either princess. Besides, you're the only reliable source of information I have."

Mui took out two of his swords as he prepared for battle while Liora laughed and smiled. "I guess you were not lying when you said you were powerful, but extremely brave as well. It is an honor to fight by your side... Sir Nomad." Mui laughed and nodded, "To you as well princess." Mui and Liora looked at the first wave of demons that were heading towards them, "Now then..." Mui and Liora took their stances as the demons got closer and closer. "Let's show them some courtesy, shall we?"






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