The Last Boss Live

Chapter 3: Chapter-3 Dreams.

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Mui opened his eyes, there was nothing but darkness, in instinct he moved his body and checked the invisible walls that contained him. "Stone..." He muttered; his voice was colder, yet it did not feel like it. Mui groaned as a rush of memories filled his mind, he gasped for air, but he couldn't even hear his own breath as he breathed.

"Damn it... Move!" Mui pushed the wall above him as light filled his vision. "W-What the...?" Mui's vision became clearer and clearer, he looked around to find himself in yet another battlefield, this time from a stone coffin. Mui checked his body; his face was still the same and his stuff and clothing were still where they were before. "Shit, guess they got me..." Mui slowly got up from the coffin and on the grass that surrounded him. Blood, blood was everywhere, on him and on the ground and grass, on the trees and on the bodies except for the air. But the stench was like death, just like the rotting corpses around him.

Mui checked his belongings again, it was exactly as he left them, he still had the exact amount of gold he had and the exact number of weapons, but instead he still had his dagger. "Well shit, even reincarnation isn't making this easy for me."

The light from the sun brightened his surroundings, an empty field with corpses but no crows. "Something's wrong..." Mui looked around and unsheathed his red sword, gripping it tightly as he expected combat. But to his surprise, nothing happened. "Huh..." Mui sheathed his sword and started walking, ignoring the bodies on the ground like he did before as he moved on. Silence gripped his heart like chains, only the sound of the wind filled his ears, there were no animals, birds, or even insects in his path. "Oh well, better find civilization again... if there's corpses there's life. And if there's life there's definitely civilization."

Mui continued to walk for an entire hour, and to his luck he found a beach, a beach filled with Persian-looking Classical Era soldiers, with leather armor and piss-poor equipment against a well-equipped Greek counterpart.

 "I never thought I'd see Greeks and Persians fighting on a beach one day." Mui said as he watched the intense battle between the two sides, however he was interrupted by an incoming spear that was thrown at him. But with quicker reflexes and faster reaction speed Mui caught the spear mid-air. "Sonofabitch..." Mui said with anger filled in his veins as he slowly turned towards the source of the attack, "A fucking Spartan." Mui snapped the spear in half before throwing the remaining pieces on the ground aggressively and leaping into the sky. 

Mui then landed a few feet away from the spartan who threw the spear, creating a strong shockwave that shook the ground and made the two sides fighting each other as they all looked at the source of the shaking when it stopped. and in a blink of an eye, from the dust that filled the air Mui reached for the attacker's neck before lifting him up into the air. "Please! have mercy!" 

Mui looked the Spartan dead in the eyes, his new red eyes meeting the brown eyes of the Spartan who begged for mercy. even though Mui knew the change in his eyes he ignored it, at least placed the curiosity at the back of his head. "Mercy? here's your mercy... fuck you." Mui threw the Spartan towards the sea without hesitation before turning towards the group of Spartans in front of him. "G-Get back monster!" Mui quickly reduced the group of strong Spartans into a group of unconscious fools lying on the ground with only a few hits to the head and stomach, his punches were so strong in fact that he sent these soldiers into a deep and very severe coma they would never awake from.

"The we have angered the god of this realm! Zeus cannot protect us here! RUN!!!" a horrified Greek soldier screamed as the rest of the Greek soldiers started running for their lives in the opposite direction, so much so that even the Persian soldiers also panicked and ran on the other direction. This left only the Spartans to deal with who stood, ready to face him.

"I apologize for intruding on your sacred island, and the offense of one of my men." A female spartan approached Mui and knelt a feet away from him, Mui turned to face the Spartan as she took off her helmet. Golden hair and golden eyes, almost white skin and nearly unrivaled beauty, but could never compare to Liora. "What's your name Spartan? Tell me while I'm still in a good mood. Or else I level your entire empire and all your neighbors, as well as kill your stupid gods and even the titans. Also, you obey me now, unlike the gods you worshipped, I'm more of a meet in person kind... that means I personally deal with my problems, GOT IT?" The Spartan nodded in fear as sweat dripped from her chin. Mui's intimidation worked, only because of his demonstration of strength and power, as well as his intimidating form that screamed death. "I-I understand..." 

Mui then looked at the ships resting on the beach before looking back at the Spartan. "Get me to Greece, I want to create an empire." The Spartan got up before walking towards one of the ships along with her men. "Wait." The Spartans stopped, "Tell me your name and rank." Mui said in a slightly lighter and less aggressive tone. "Commander Athea Galia of Sparta's Fourth Detachment." Athea's body shook in fear as she continued her task with care. "They sure are easy idiots." Mui said to himself.

With a calmer mind and body Mui boarded the Spartan ship as they soon set sailed for Greece. Mui stood there, merely observing the crew as they sailed, the winds were strong, and the seas were calm, but nothing felt as it seemed. 

"I knew it." Mui muttered to himself as a tidal wave swallowed the entire ship, but apart from him though, the Spartans were fine. "Poseidon... I knew you'd come for your sardines." Mui spoke in the water but only bubbles could come out, and with another stroke of luck Mui could actually breath underwater just fine.

Mui swam up to get his head above water, but once he reached the top a blinding light consumed his vision. "Shit, this again?" Mui said as he covered his eyes with one arm before lowering it once the light dispersed. "Goddammit, looks like Zeus wasn't happy with my jokes." Mui looked around to find himself in Olympus, the home of the Olympian gods.

Mui got off the small body of water he was in and stepped on solid ground before lowering his hood. "My, my, I to think Ares had a secret hidden within an isolated island. I don't think Zeus or Hera will like this one bit..." Mui turned towards the source of the woman's voice to indeed find a woman, a woman in full armor, wearing capes and fabrics of many colors. From the golden spear she held on one hand and the golden round shield on the other Mui could only think of one person. "Athena."

"You know me well stranger; you mentioned before that even the titans could not stop you; I assume you were a dormant god we did not know about? a distant cousin that watched from afar?" Athena said with confidence while Mui took out his red sword and took a stance. "You're half right. Firstly, I'm no cousin to a bunch of lowly cowards who hide away in their secret house. Secondly, I doubt you could fight multiple people at once, so my win and your death are assured." 

Mui said in a cold tone before rushing towards Athena. "Then I fight a man of incredible skill." Athena said as she blocked the first attack of Mui with her shield. "Do you know the weakness of spears woman?" Athena raised an eyebrow as she struggled against Mui's superior strength while waiting for an answer. "They're not meant for fighting this close."

Athena's eyes widened in shock as Mui stepped the side, redirected her spear with his sword before punching her in the face, all in one second. Athena fell to the ground, disoriented and weakened while Mui was standing on top of her, ready to deal the final blow. "Any last words Athena?" Mui said arrogantly, "You... you... may you find peace..." Athena responded with her last breath before she fainted. "Ok, that was anticlimactic, oh well, better get to crashing their party."

Mui looked at the large white Greek temple atop a mountain peak ahead of him before walking towards the long flight of stairs that led to such a place. "Oh Zeus... better get your lighting ready, cause here comes the thunder."

Mui said with an evil grin on his face as he continued to walk the path to the temple. "It's bigger than expected." Mui calculated that this temple was over a hundred meters in height, and over a thousand in diameter. This temple had only one entrance and exit, and that would be the silver double doors right in front of him. "And here I thought gold was the symbol of wealth."

Mui entered the temple through the double doors and walked inside, there multiple were gathered, all he could recognize. And at the very end of this very big hall was Zeus himself, surprisingly not drinking wine. "ZEUS! I'VE COME POSEIDON! WHERE IS HE!?" Mui's shout echoed throughout the hall, the once happy and cheerful environment turned into a serious one. "And who might you be intruder?" Mui smirked as he answered. "Poseidon's and Athena's mistake."

The hall was immediately filled with murmurs, however, the one in heavy red Spartan armor Ares, the god of war, dared to intervene and had the nerve to get angry. He took his giant black sword and walked towards Mui with rage. "YOU DARE SPEAK-" With a single swing of his arm Mui sent Ares flying towards the sky, now he had the full attention of the Olympian gods.

"Anyone else?" Mui said as the hall fell silent, fear and hate filled the eyes of each god present at that moment, all except Zeus, who was oddly calm at the moment. Zeus stood, his formed revealed to be much taller than even Ares himself, Mui took note of the short battle with Athena, she was much taller than him, by two inches, Ares by four, but Zeus was seven.

"To be able to banish Ares out of Olympus with ease is a feat even I could barely manage." Zeus spoke with a serious but slightly nervous tone as he walked towards Mui from the side of the hall. His simple toga and glowing yellow eyes almost intimidated Mui, but he knew that if he could beat both Athena and Ares easily then he could do so with the rest of the Olympian gods. "Whatever Poseidon's and Athena's mistakes were, I will personally deal with it." Mui gripped his red sword tightly as he looked at Zeus who slowly approached him. "You think you and your brothers and sisters could take me on?" Mui said confidently. "No, but with the rest of us..." Mui quickly looked behind him to see a group of Norse gods, and the one who spoke was Odin. "We all might stand a chance against someone like you."

Mui looked at the armored individuals at the entrance, "Norse gods... I thought you'd stay in your side of the world." Mui said while Odin laughed as he explained. "My friend, you are not meant to be here..." Mui smirked and responded, "Oh yeah? then why am I here?" Odin answered with a smile. "Like you said before, the spear is not meant for fighting this close."

Mui raised an eyebrow, "You should be in another realm, the realm of godless people. This is a place where you should rest." Odin tapped the spear he held as a portal appeared below Mui. "You bastard!" Mui shouted but Odin simply smiled. "Whatever you may do in that realm is under your decision, meet me in Valhalla when you need some time to think."

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"GODDAMMIT!!!" Mui shouted as he fell into the portal, "Oh! and do not forget to ask for blessings! We will always answer!" Odin reminded Mui, "FUCK YOU ODIN!!!" Mui heard joyful laughter as he fell deeper and deeper into the portal.

Mui was once again thrown into another world as he landed on an opened field for the third time. "I'm going to grab your balls and shove it down your throat Odin. Fucking gods and their shenanigans..." Mui murmured under his breath as he slowly got up from his current position. "Oh hell, where is it this time again?"

Mui looked around to find himself this time in an old crater, a crater so old that live now thrives in and around it. "Piece of garbage shit" just as Mui said those words rain suddenly poured heavily on him. "Better build a house then..." Mui looked around to find only a few trees surrounding the crater, and so as he stretched his arms he began to work. "I hope science and math actually works when building a house." Mui spent minutes cutting down trees but spent hours carving them.

After that Mui then started the construction of his house, a few windows here and there, furniture inside and outside, as well as some decorations on the interior of the house. And once he was finished, the house was surprisingly able to stand, its foundations were perfect, no nails included. "Ah... a hard day's work, good thing I read books instead of watching television. Haha." Mui remembered that the rain was still pouring on him, and so he went inside and sat on his wooded chair.

"Mui watched the rain grew heavier and heavier, with each passing moment the sky became dark and darker while he enjoyed the comfort of his home, beneath a solid and sturdy roof and at a safe height. "Something's itching in the back of my head."

Mui scratched his neck and not before long, to Mui's misfortune, the ground shook and cracked, his house was immediately destroyed. everything he built was gone, and there he sat on the mud, unaffected by the strong winds that tried their best to move him. Mui looked up at the sky, "A dragon? that dragon's going to die." Mui said with an empty expression.

Indeed, a dragon was flying above him, and so Mui stood up and unsheathed his red sword before throwing it like a javelin towards the flying dragon. And with a strong roar the dragon fell when struck, and landed a few hundred feet away from Mui, "Serves you right! you overgrown lizard!" Mui said as he walked towards the dead dragon in front of him.

"Mui took and then sheathed his sword before walking away, but first he had to confirm something. "Hmm?" and just like that Mui saw the princess, looking down on him from the end of the crater. "S-Sir Mui!" Mui's eyes widened, "P-Princess!? what're you doing here!?" Mui shouted as Liora ran towards him, though she wore armor unlike before. "It is so good to see you again..." Mui's brain came to a sudden halt as they princess embraced him tightly. "What the hell is going on?" Mui asked Liora as she let go of him, "W-Well, I was sent to other worlds for as many times as I could count..." Liora whimpered while Mui comforted her as he patted her back. "Well, I'm here now so stay calm and reasonable, god I don't even know what I'm doing."

"I was so lonely, I-I did not know what to do..." Liora said as she tried to calm down, "Alright, alright." Mui assured Liora as he continued to pat her back. "Come on, let's find a place to stay. I'll build us a goddamned fortress."
















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