The Last Boss Live

Chapter 7: Chapter-7 Nine Sins and The Seven Heroes.

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The morning sun lit the battlefield that was the city, the city where countless traders began their deals and sold their goods to those who would purchase it. Sadly, it was now a horrible fortress filled with corpses of once living, honorable citizens and soldiers who lived in its walls. And unfortunately, it fell just as quickly as it was sieged. 

"Goddammit, where the hell is the- Piece of shit!" Mui fought off every demon that stood in his way, there were over a thousand of them in his line of sight alone. "Sir Nomad!" Mui turned towards Liora who quickly ran towards him while blocking ranged attacks with her sword. "We must save these people; they need our help!" Mui gritted his teeth before giving an answer. "We can't do that my lady; I'd appreciate it if only we didn't have our own problems to deal with." Mui said as he decapitated an attacking demon. "But we cannot just leave them here to die! as a princess I know how my people feel!" Liora retorted.

"Sadly, your highness..." Mui punched a demon, killing it instantly before continuing his discussion with Liora. "These aren't your people, and we don't owe anything to them." Mui said coldly before continuing to defend himself against the other attacking demons in front of him. "We'll talk about this later my lady. First, get to safety." 

Mui then rushed towards the horde of demons ahead of him, leaving Liora with the other companions as he whittled the horde into nothing but a group of mashed, bashed and sliced stone. "This is really shitty." Mui thought to himself.

Mui then ran towards a part of the wall that surrounded the city and scaled it in a matter of seconds before reaching the top. "Holy shit... this city is fucked!" Mui said as he watched over a million more of those demons rushing towards the city he was on. But then he realized, he had the power to destroy them all. Mui calmed himself and then did the same trick he did the last time he trained with magic when dealing with the horde of undead, he channeled his powers to the center of his palm and imagined an orb forming in front of it. "No stupid names this time..." Mui said before releasing the energy from his palm after aiming it at the demon armies. "Here it comes..." The orb dispersed into a massive shockwave that shook the very land that the demons were on before consuming them whole with multiple pillars of magma that rose from the very depths from deep underground, turning the entire area into a massive lava reservoir, with a few lava geysers.

Mui lowered his hand before looking at the sky, it turned red like the land below. "That's not half bad." Mui then looked back down, the demon armies were indeed destroyed, however there was one last demon remaining.

Mui used his advanced magic to increase his sight, looking closely he could see the demon was different from the others. Judging by its far more humanoid form, the hard skin was actually armor, and he could see flesh beneath its eyeholes on the helmet. "Well shit, this guy must be the big bad, no wonder he survived-" Mui saw the demon disappear instantly before his eyes, but as he turned to look around him, he was struck from above and hit the ground hard. "That stung..."

Mui could feel a sharp object trying to pierce his hood, however he quickly teleported on of the demon that hit him. The demon was quick to turn, however it was too late. Mui was already in the middle of casting a spell, one that was directed into one area. "Goodbye, piece of shit." And with those words Mui released an enormous lance of pure holy aura that not even gods could block, it incinerated the demon while causing no damage to the surroundings, and with a pillar of light the threat was eradicated. "I really need to start training." Mui said as he slowly descended towards where the demon last stood.

"Not bad, for a magic caster." Mui slowly turned towards the voice to see a young teen with yellow spiked hair and brown eyes. From that smug look on his face and the tattoos on his body Mui could tell this guy must either be Chinese or Korean, or maybe American if he's lucky. The modern clothes the guy wore looked like from an American company, or from a Russian one.

A black hoodie, purple jeans, white shirt and blue sneakers. This guy must be some sort of delinquent. "Bro! chill... I'm not here to cause trouble." Said the teen after Mui unsheathed his red sword and aimed it at him. "Look, you must be from Earth, right? I'm looking for other people but sadly it looks like you're not one of the talkative guys." Mui lowered his sword before speaking, "You want to join us?" the teen's eyes immediately lit up as he smiled with joy. "Course I want! but there must be a catch, right?" Mui looked at the figure hiding behind the wall next to the teen before sheathing his sword.

"Are they with you?" Mui asked before the teen turned towards the two figures behind the wall beside him. "Yeah, but they're not really much like fighters. But could you also take them along?"

Mui pondered to himself for a moment before finally giving an answer. "Fine but tell me your names." The teen smiled again before gesturing for the two hiding figures to step out of hiding. "The name's Min-Ho, and these are Ji-Yang and Sung-Hoon. The guy's Sung, and the girl's Ji." Mui watched as the two figures stepped out of the shadows, revealing their appearances to Mui, who actually disliked the two the moment their appearances became clear. "Which one of you is Chinese?" Mui asked.

The girl known as Ji-Yang, wearing nothing but brown cargo pants in an orange jumpsuit and sandals raised her hand. But by the tied brown ponytail, her brown eyes and calm gaze Mui could very much tell that this girl was a martial artist, he could even see muscles and a six pack from where he stood. "Shit..." Mui said to himself calmly.

"And Japanese?" Mui asked once again, but none raised their hands. "Korean Then?" Min-Ho and the younger boy, Sung-Hoon raised their hands while Mui checked their differences. The boy looked far more different, he almost looked like Jack and Chris, however with slight variations. The first was he was slightly taller than Jack, between Chris and Ji-Yang.

Second, was the fact that his clothes were all black just like his hair and wore glasses while looking more like a geek. "Alright, all of you follow me. We're going to the others." Mui led the three teens to his other companions who were slightly shocked that he brought three more people to their little group. Jack on the other hand was a bit more enthusiastic.

While Jack and his brother were busy, Mui decided to quickly deal with the remaining demons that were still inside the city. Liora dealt with the introductions while Mui was away, however in the distance there was still a problem, and Mui was right in front of it. Remember the demon from before? yeah, there were hundreds of them this time, all armed with weapons. "So, there's more of you huh? well it's your unlucky day." Mui said before rushing towards the horde of armored demons.

"H-Halt! we wish to negotiate!" A male demon in red armor immediately shouted after seeing Mui rushing towards them with extreme bloodlust. Mui stopped dead in his tracks as the red demons walked towards him before stopping and bowing five feet away. "What do you want demon? make it quick or I'll send you off like the rest of your friends."

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"M-My name is-" Mui immediately interjected. "I don't give half a fuck about your name! what do you want!?" The red demon shook in fear before once again bowing. "S-Spare us! I beg of you! we were only following our master's orders! now that he is dead, we can finally be free of his influence! I promise you that we will never return!"  The red demon quickly explained as fast as he could while still bowing, Mui considered it on the spot and decided that killing them was not worth anything but more trouble, at least for once he used his brain properly. "All right, get out of my sight." Mui commanded.

The armored demons all ran towards the portal behind them, quickly disappearing before the portal shattered and dispersed into nothing. "You dealt with the threat peacefully Nomad, I am impressed..." Amil said as he landed behind Mui.

"Amil?" Amil nodded, "Yes?" Mui turned to face the angel before walking towards him. "Let's go, I think we've done enough in this damned place." Amil nodded and followed Mui back to where the other members of his group were. "Let's go Liora, be better get going before any more trouble comes our way." Liora, along with the others followed behind Mui who led them outside the city on a different exit, away from all the destruction that he caused to the environment, but it was already obvious.

But then there was a heavy rumbling on the ground, Mui immediately casted many defensive spells as he could imagine on him and his old and new companions without a single word. "Halt there!"

Multiple white knights appeared right in front of Mui and his group, all armed with holy weapons and armor, blessed with all sorts of buffs and increased stats. "Demon of the West! you shall be detained at once!" Said one of the knights. "Demon of the West?" Mui turned to face Min-Ho who shrugged, increasing his annoyance by half in an instant as he turned back to face the knights. "Stand fast knights! I shall deal with these interlopers!" Said a white knight in even fancier armor with a blue cape. "I am known as Sir Azrael of The Knights' Brave! and I shall be your foe!" The arrogant white knight proclaimed.

"Shut it tin can!" Min-Ho shouted, "You're just some noble boy who couldn't take dirt on your feet, go home to your mommy! ha...! just try and catch me!" Min-Ho taunted before doing multiple insulting gestures at the white knights.

"Insolence! die already!" said the white knights but Azrael immediately gestured for his men to stop their actions. "I will not be taunted so easily demon, although you have not committed any crimes worthy of death or torture, you are to be detained and questioned immediately by the order of the church." Min-Ho laughed and gave the middle finger. "Come and get it!"

Mui quickly dashed towards the group of knights without hesitation and drew both his swords to attack Sir Azrael. but the white knight was just as quick as Mui's previous enemy, but this time though, Mui wasn't holding back as much. "Such strength...!" Azrael said as he blocked the relentless barrage of attacks of his enemy with his shield, "S-Sir! we can help!" said one of the knights. "N-No need, I alone shall fight with honor!" Ordered Azrael as his men remained as spectators.

"Tough luck Azrael! YOU'RE FUCKED!" shouted Min-Ho. Azrael's eyes turned pale as he met face to face with Mui's red sword, his entire life's history flashed before his eyes as time slowed down. "This... is my end?" Mui's red sword was redirected from completely slicing Azrael's body in half but severed his left arm instead. "What?" Mui said as he leaped back.

"I think that's enough!" a familiar voice was heard all the way to Mui's right, it was Sir Alwes. "C-Captain!" Azrael called out. "That's enough Azrael! I will be the one to deal with him." Mui looked up to see Alwes descending slowly, his aura twice as strong as before. "I suggest you withdraw now; I have no quarrels with you and your group." said Alwes as he landed on the ground. "I will deal with whatever offences your friend had committed, and to you miss..." Alwes looked at Liora.

"Have a safe journey." Mui considered his options while Azrael quarreled with his superior, but then ultimately decided to withdraw on the matter as he walked towards Liora and the others. "Let's go, we're leaving." Mui said as he walked past Liora. "A wise choice Nomad." Complimented Sullivan as he followed Mui along with the others.

"What? we're really leaving just like that?" Min-Ho protested, annoyed and in disbelief, "Shut it! Min-Ho!" Chris shouted. "He's the boss, and he knows what's right." Chris added. "Wait a minute, I thought that he answers to Liora!" Min-Ho questioned. "That's correct Min-Ho. However, HE is the leader." Sullivan answered. Min-Ho proceeded to scratch his head, still confused. Meanwhile Mui was having a midlife crisis, now aware that he was not the only powerful person in the world. Worried, he decided to think ahead, making false scenarios and thinking on how to beat them. But even that would not prepare him for what's to come in the near future. And as they left the city and into the outside world, Mui set the thought aside and calmed himself for the time being, all the while new threats were emerging from far away.

Europa Milheim Delross. Empress of the East and Dominator of the West, along with six other people were watching Mui and his allies from a distance, aware of the threat they posed, they could feel their strong auras and feared each one. 

The day was early still. With the city in ruins, multiple caravans left the city and followed the path to another, safer one. Near the edge of land, a seaside fortress city stood firm, stronger than the city that Mui and his companions just left from. 

And on the farther end of this city, on an isolated island far from the coast an oracle was waiting for them, an oracle so powerful, that she had the answers to Mui's and his companions' problems. However, little did she know she was about to become a bit more dead, deader as dead could be. Soon, very soon, Mui would be on a hunt for artefacts, and would become as the title says. The Last Boss A-Live. Or was that The Last Boss Live? nevertheless, he would soon become one.

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