The Last Boss Live

Chapter 6: Chapter-6 City of Commerce.

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Nearly half a year had passed in their travels to find civilization, after months of fighting beasts and exploring dungeons and ruins, taking riches, weapons, armor and items of power the group finally arrived at an actual functioning city. And to their dumb luck, they speak the same language as them, as far as they could hear. All wore colorful medieval stylish attires.

"Wow... I didn't know castles were this big Chris." Jack said with astonishment as daylight reflected on his shining eyes. "That's a city Jack." Mui said ruining Jack's mood. "You're no fun Nomad." Mui laughed as he crossed his arms. "That's why I know better." Mui said with a cocky smirk as he exercised his entire body before cracking his knuckles.

"Sir Nomad, I think we should find ourselves a place to stay." Liora said as she walked closer towards Mui. "Great idea princess, also, to avoid suspicious I suggest we call you lady or mistress from now on." Liora blushed. "As you say my knight."

"Sorry to interrupt Nomad, but we should head inside." Mui nodded. "Right." Walking behind the city's walls Mui and his friends once allies were amazed by the architecture and design of the city's houses and structures. The entire city was vibrant with color, filled with trees and all sorts of decorations, something even the cities of Earth couldn't compare. At least for now.

Looking around, Mui could see men in blue uniform, one that resembles a police force in this city. "Enforcers..." Mui said. "Enforcers? you mean the police?" Chris asked as he held his brother next to him tightly. "Yes." Mui replied. "But I don't think they're your regular street hound, stay sharp, and expect some company. If there's cops, there's crime."

Chriss nodded and followed close behind Mui, surrounded by Amil, Liora and Sullivan who protected him and his brother. "Be on your guard, I sense people eyeing our moment." Sullivan said as he gripped one of his swords.

the group literally stood out from the crowd, only they were the only ones wearing cloaks and were armored, like dots in a blank slate. "My lady, did you see any stores or inns we could rest in?" Mui asked Liora. "Yes, however it appears packed. Should we head inside?" Mui thought for a moment before answering. "Yes." Liora nodded. "Very well then, this way." Liora walked ahead of Mui and led a group to a large inn, and upon entering, your standard fantasy needs were all there. A nice bartender and multiple adventurers, mercenaries and knights, all armed with various weapons that could kill, though none had mana. "What can I get you sirs and lady?" the bartender said as Mui and the others approached the counter.

"A room for six please." Mui answered as he took out four pieces of gold from his pocket and placed it on the counter. The bartender's eyes widened immediately as his happy expression quickly turned into a surprised and nervous one. 

"G-Good sir, my apologies for not recognizing a man of your status. Please, this way." The bartender gestured to the set of stairs on his left as a maid walked towards them. "This way please." The maid said as she led Mui and his friends up the stairs and towards a room on the other end of a long hallway. "Enjoy your stay." Mui nodded as the maid handed over the key to the room before leaving. "I intend to." Mui murmured under his breath as the maid left.

Mui and the others quickly entered the room once the door was unlocked with the key. The room was as fancy as a wealthy hotel made for vacations, walls were decorated and painted, the floor was as clean as the blue roof, while the beds were as wide as a small room. "Damn, I thought they were kidding but money really does run the world." Mui said to himself.

Chris and his brother quickly sat on one bed while Amil and Sullivan sat on the other two, leaving only three other beds for Mui and Liora. "Sir Nomad, I think it is best we explore first to find any information about this world." Liora said before sitting on a nearby chair. "Yeah, but not with you." Liora crossed her arms as she pouted. "Aww... why not?"

"Ugh... because you're a girl?" Liora's eyes turned into a cold piercing gaze that could kill, but deep within she understood Mui's concern, and so she relaxed and leaned back, accepting Mui's explanation.

"Alright, but bring Amil with you, and I do not want any of you to be in danger. Understood?" Mui nodded before bowing. "As you wish my lady." Mui turned towards Amil as he stood. "Come on Amil, we'd better get going."

Amil followed Mui outside the room, closing the door behind him before walking down the set of stairs they walked up to before. "Nomad, thank you for treating me as an ally and a friend." Amil said with a friendly smile. "No worries Amil, I just want to go home. Maybe I'll see you in another life someday." Mui answered. "Truly Nomad, I am thankful." 

Once Mui and Amil finally arrived at the bottom, they found a group of armored men causing trouble near the counter. "Hey old man! you better give us what you owe, or we'll beat you rough!" said one of the men. "Dear sir, I do not owe you anything. Please leave, you are causing a disturbance within this establishment." replied the bartender.

"You piece of shit! I'll kill you!" The man said as he drew his sword towards the bartender. "Amil, kill them." Amil nodded, and with a dash he sliced the group of nine armored men into slices of metal and body parts in mere seconds. "W-What the hell...?" said one of the men before separating into multiple pieces. "Good work, but we better get going." Mui said as he headed towards the exit, followed by Amil who cleaned the sword he used with magic. "Very well." without so much as a word to the bartender the two left the inn, but once they were outside the two were greeted by the enforcers of the city, there were dozens of them. All were armed with enchanted weapons and armor.

"Freeze! don't move!" Said a woman in blue uniform that looked to be the superior of the group. "I'll deal with this..." Mui said as he walked towards the woman with confidence. "State your name and rank officer or stay out of my way." The officer flinched before answering the man before her. "Lieutenant Miller Anstadt of Biera's 1st Investigation and Intelligence Bureau."

"Well lieutenant, if I were you, I'd get going." The lieutenant gritted her teeth before shouting at Mui. "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND DON'T MOVE! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!" Mui used his incredible speed to quickly knock out the group of enforcers before quickly going about his day before being followed by Amil who commented on his skill.

"I must say Nomad, your skill and temperament are confusing. I cannot discern your true personality." Mui let out a small laugh. "That's because I only trust my friends and not those people, whoever they were." Amil nodded and continued to follow Mui. "We should be able to find some sort of bookstore here, I'd really appreciate it if there was some sort of announcement or something like that." Mui said just as an announcement was being made. "What do you know, there's one right there."

Mui and Amil looked at the crowd gathered around a stage where a king and queen were seated on their thrones, also surrounded by armored and more disciplined men and women, must be royal guards. "Nomad, I think we should go and listen." Mui nodded and walked towards the crowd along with Amil who was always behind him.

"Hear ye! hear ye!" A man in a stylish outfit called out while holding a piece of parchment in front of him. "His highness the king wishes for a duel to be made against his brave knight! Sir Alwes, The Brave!" The crowd cheered as a man in full silver armor stepped up the stage, his long white hair fluttering in the wind as he walked towards the center of said stage, The light reflecting off his golden eyes as his short, trimmed beard was stroked gently by the wind. Must be a man in his thirties.

The knight known as Sir Alwes looked at the crowd, immediately spotting Mui and Amil who were the only ones that wore cloaks among the people surrounding the stage. "Hmm..." Mui looked at the man in silver armor but lowered his hood just a little so that his face couldn't be seen. "That man is staring right at us." Amil while preparing to draw his sword. "No need." Mui replied, stopping Amil from drawing his sword. "We're not here to cause trouble, what we need is information." Amil nodded and let go of his sword. "Very well." Mui then proceeded to continue to watch the situation while the knight continued to stare at them. "Is anyone amongst the crowd that wishes to partake in this joyous occasion?" The announcer shouted.

"The king promised a generous reward to all those who partake in a duel with his knight. Any wish may be granted, all within his power." Once Mui heard those words he smirked before looking at Amil.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." Amil chuckled before crossing his arms. "Farewell Nomad, I shall be watching." Mui nodded before heading towards the stage. "A contestant has come at last; may the crowd know your name humble competitor?" The announcer asked but Mui remained silent as he walked towards the silver knight. "A nameless contestant it is then! you may start when ready!" The announcer said as Mui and Sir Alwes approached each other until they were both only ten feet away from each other. "Welcome young man, may I know at least the reason why you partake in this duel?" 

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Mui remained silent as he drew his red sword, prompting the silver knight to also draw his sword, which was blue. "It seems providence has made an interesting fate for me; this will be a duel that bards would sing for generations, should you win."

Alwes taunted Mui at the last words, however he did not know that he would meet his demise should he taunt his opponent further. Mui took the first step, using his superior flexibility to dash towards Alwes at a lower angle at incredible speeds.

"That won't work." Alwes said as he twisted and lowered his body for a low blow, however, he missed. "I-Impossible..." Alwes said under his breath as his opponent leaped above and over him before landing at the back. "Using superior speed is your weakness... let me show you how knights fight." Mui felt a slightly heated wind surrounding the knight in front of him, but it nevertheless affected his field of vision. "Cocky bastard..." Mui muttered before leaping into the air.

"TAKE THIS!" Alwes shouted as he swung his sword towards Mui, creating a blue slash of some sort in the wind, quickly flying towards its intended direction that nearly matched Mui's current speed. However, it still missed.

"W-WHAT!?" Alwas said, surprised by the outcome that happed. Mui twisted his body midair, dodging the knight's attack with little effort before landing on the stage's ground. "I must say, this meeting is an honor. To think that the oracle would foresee this outcome in the distant future, goddess preserve my soul... I have met my match."

Mui could feel a more oppressing aura surrounding the knight's body and armor. It seems that the knight had finally taken the duel seriously. Or did he? whatever it was Mui couldn't care less about it, moving on.

Mui dashed towards the silver knight, and with a cold still attack he was struck. Shock, Mui slowly looked down on his body, a blue sword stuck to his chest and a silver hand holding the end of it. "However, that does not mean I am easy prey." Alwes said as his opponent remained there, motionless, his sword inches away from its mark. Alwes's head.

"This isn't over jackass." Mui said in his mind before quickly grabbing the knight's hand that held the blue sword before stabbing his own sword on the knight's chest, piercing the armor with ease like butter. This surprised Alwes who never expected retaliation after he successfully hit his mark, oh how wrong he was when Mui continued to insert his sword deep into his chest. "This... is my loss..." Alwes said with his final breath before fainting and falling on the ground.

"...A-And we have a winner! unbelievable-" Mui then fainted right after the announcer spoke, but just as he lost consciousness Amil quickly teleported to him and took him away from the stage, along with his sword of course.

But just after Amil hid Mui far from prying eyes he collected the reward that was going to be given, such a waste for the plot if he didn't. anyways, Amil the reported back to Liora who quickly understood and then went to take Mui back to their room. She was quick in her healing and looked more like a concerned parent looking out for her offspring.

And as the hours passed and turned into days Mui missed out on a lot of missions regarding information, how unfortunate. And with the dawn on the horizon the night had arrived, creatures of the nights awoke form their slumber and into the open fields outside the cities to hunt and kill. However, once Mui awoke and was in good shape, he was greeted by the most heartwarming scene in his life, being surrounded by his allies, with relieved smiles on their faces.

Liora quickly told Mui everything that happened in the past week, they had done so much for the city to be called heroes at this point. But when he heard the part that they wanted to become adventurers he immediately became angry and scolded them with great fury. Thus, they were forced to resign that option and continued to be independent. and after a few more days of rest, Mui's wounds were magically healed in mere moments, literally. Mui, after his wounds healed, immediately got out of his bed and continued his work finding clues as to where they were, the reward that they received was merely a sack of gold coins and a map of the entire world, which was all useless since they could just buy one from a shop and they were already rich from the moment they arrived in this exaggerated fantasy city with nothing but humans.

But before they could even so much as step out of the damn city the entire continent was attacked by swarms of demons, not the demons from fantasy no, it was demons that looked more like golems and statues. Most looked like gargoyles, but the rest were slightly humanoid. Something, or someone wants them to stay, but whoever it was, Mui wanted him or her dead.










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