The last kin of the cold-blooded nightfolks

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Anger and Sorrow

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The little girl, feeling threatened, pulled a knife that was hanging by her waists and held it, assuming a defence stance. Now I don't know anything much about self defence, but the way she held the knife wouldn't even deflect a rock thrown at her. 

I have no idea why this kid is in a cave, alone and injured. Ignoring her current state, I can tell she's pretty cute, she looks white. Her hair, which should the least of my concerns, really caught my attention. It's disheveled  and dirty, but I can tell it's blue. She could have punk parents who have a good taste or just a genetic condition. Either way, it suited her.

She's wearing something that resembled a winter coat, but events I'm not aware of made it near unrecognizable. They were more like old rugs. Torn and dirty. Hardened mud and holes can found all over it. Her leather boots are the only thing she have that could be called proper. It went up just a few inches above her ankles. I'm assuming it's made of fine material since it's fully intact, with the exceptions of being dirty and minor scatches.

"Show yourselves!" the girl said. She spoke a language I don't recognize, but I somehow know what she's saying. It's odd understanding a language you don't know. There was a clear shakiness to her voice, but I totally feel that she wouldn't buckle down at anyone that comes after her.

But of course, nobody would come lunging at her, not this time at least. Judging the situation and the previous state of body, some people are after her. With the every bit of intent to take her life, too.

Oh no! what do I do? I am still very confused myself, but I know communicating the situation to her should come first. After all, I don't want her to think I'm one of the bad guys that are after her.

I've decided on what to do, but I still have no idea how to talk to her. It's not like It's not like I have any choice though, so I just went with it.

[Umm, hello.] I didn't know if she heard me, but I chose a calm approach. After all, scaring her is the last thing I want right now.

She jerked her head a little, probably trying to find where the voice came from. [Please, don't be alarmed.] Assuming she really did hear me, I continued. [Whoever's after you, I'm not one of them.]

She didn't show any signs of letting her guard down which is understandable. I didn't expect her to in the first place, I just wanted to her know where I stand.

"Show yourself then, and do it slowly. Put your hands where I can see them." She said her demands, which are really detailed considering she's just a child.

Knowing she can hear me just fine didn't 'alleviate any of my worries. First of all, showing myself to her is going to be tricky, if not impossible. Even I have no idea what happened to me. But she don't know that and I don't think making things up on the go was the best choice. Gaining her trust and helping each other sounds way better than fighting which, I think, is impossible.

[You see the thing is, I don't think that's possible.] I said, trying to be as truthful as I can be. In response, she tightened her grip on her knife. I can hardly blame her. She probably think I'm just tricking her into letting her guard down. What a clever kid.

With no idea of how to convince her, I just continued with my reasons. After all, it's not like I'm lying. I told her how I'm kind of in her head. 

[It happened about 4 days ago, I became conscious, but not able to move.] I didn't leave any details, including the extremely painful headache I got. I also told her about sudden senses spike. I probably sounded insane to her, but whatever. 

I can tell she listened carefully to everything I said, all without letting her guard down and changing her defence stance. She did ask a few short questions in between my explanation and sometimes nodding her head in agreement, something that I very much didn't expect.

[So with that being said, I'm going to assume you've been unconscious for more than four days.] She stayed silent for a few seconds, probably trying to piece things together. Considering how she reacted to some of my explanation, I'm guessing she knew something I don't.

She seemed like a smart kid. Her questions are clear and carefully chosen. She's a little stiff but there was still confidence in every word. I hardly blame her. In fact, my opinions of her are very high. Not something I'd have for a 4 year old. I don't know if I have gained her trust, but she have unknowingly gained mine. 

"Assuming you're telling the truth, those really are weird events." Right?? I wanted to voice my reaction, but chose to held it in. "I know of some things you've mentioned." 

[You do? Then--] I couldn't help, but react to that last part. I knew, she actually know something I don't. But before I could finish my sentence she cut me off.

"But it's not exactly an uncommon knowledge. Anyone can do their research and say the same thing you did. Like for example, the people that's after me." she said. 

[What in the hell are you saying?] she jerked her head, as I said that. I don't think she was lying, her confident words were enough to convince me, but I couldn't help but feel like she's undermining the things that happened to me. [So you think the pain I felt was a lie? It's either you're insane or I am, because if you think I want to be stuck with a brat like you, well you couldn't be anymore wrong.] I lashed out and completely forgot that she was just a child.

Of  course, I didn't mean all of that, but if I didn't go ahead and denied the fact loudly enough, that what happened to me wasn't real, then I'll really start to think I'm insane. Even I don't know how I'm still holding on to my sanity, if I still have it.

I don't know how I got here, if I even know where "here" exactly is. Wishing for death, because of some painful sound induced headache. Dealt with some mind boggling whatever that was.

Everything has been very crazy that if someone told me this would happen to me, I'd consider them the crazy ones.

"Look! I don't know what happened to you. If it's real, then I'm sorry. I really am, but I have real people after me, people who killed my family and friends. So I'm sorry if I'm being cautious of you." As she said every words, tears came falling down her cheeks. She fell down on her knees and started sobbing. "And just like you, I didn't want any of these. Things happened so fast, that we didn't have any time to prepare."

So there was a story, but I'm not going to ask. Not yet, at least. She clearly had it harder than me and she's just a child. As a proper adult, I feel obligated to be there for her. I didn't do anything she thought I did, but I clearly pushed her over the edge. 

[I'm sorry.] I whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. I wanted to say more, but nothing would come out.

"What are sorry for? You didn't do anything, right? Why don't you just yell at me again?" she yelled, her sobbing getting louder every second. And before I knew it, she was already wailing. 

She really was just a kid, I thought. She was amazing. She pushed her emotions aside, to deal with her current problems, which, in retrospect, was me. 

I have nothing to say. And even if I do, I wouldn't know how to say it.

I had no idea how I did it, but I wrapped my hand on her shoulder and pulled her head closer to mine with the other.

Of all the weird things that happened to me, this was something that came naturally to me.

I felt her warmth. I really did. And hopefully, she felt mine. 

My worries quickly faded away, though. Her wailing was reduced to small sobs. She clasped her shoulders tightly and faced the ground.


It didn't take long before she calmed down. Her eyes were still red, but her sobbing have already stopped. 

[I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to get under you skin like that. You've had it worse than me and you've done a great job.] I didn't think what I said through, but I know it's the right thing to say. I spent a few minutes trying to reassure her.

Something got ahead of me. Something strange, yet very familiar. I guess it's something akin to love, but as I don't really know her, so that wasn't exactly it. 

She stood up and smiled. "Thanks, I needed that" she said, her voice so mellow, I couldn't help but smile, internally. "I know I needed to do it, but I guess I was pushing myself too hard. You didn't pushed me over the edge, you helped me."

[So you believe me now?] I said, softly. I know asking the question now kind of ruins the moment, but I need to know where she stands.

"Yes, I believe you. Ehehe," she giggled. It was really sweet and endearing I wish I physically hug her. "I can't really explain it, but I felt your warmth."

[I get what you're saying, I felt it too.] Of course, I know what she was saying.

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It was like we were connected, even if it was just a moment. I still don't know what and why happened to me, but I think I'm supposed to be here. The thought didn't occur to me, not up until that moment. Like she's someone I need to protect or help, though I have no idea why.

[Since we're in good terms now, I think a proper introduction is in order.] I spoke as formally as I could, trying to sound as adult as I can be. [My name is Deni, short for Daniel Valerie. You can call me however you like.] 

"I'm Veronica Eule Faust." she said as she did a curtsy, I wished I could've seen it in a third person view. Just as I thought she was done introducing herself, "Daughter of Hannah Eule and Luca Faust." she said proudly. Her interaction seemed so formal and not in the forced way.

Suddenly the went cold and heavy. I can't really tell if it's really happening. No, I know I can. It's just that common sense wouldn't allow me to completely believe it. But if I've learned something these past few days, it's that the only things that make sense are the things that don't. A contradiction I wouldn't believe if didn't happen to me first-hand.

"It's nice meeting you. Although we didn't get on the right foot, at first. But separating the both of us would have to wait." Vera's voice was refined, with her every intent showing with every word she uttered.

I don't have my own body, but I swear I felt chills everywhere. It was her voice, there was something to it. I wasn't scared, but I felt submissive, I felt small.

Her killing intent rained down with cold air. It didn't take long for a literal cold mist to appear, creeping down the ground. The puddle of water from 4 days ago quickly freezing over. The temperature went lower and lower. It didn't bother me that much before and it's not bothering me now. So it was her. It was her body, it somehow resists the cold. 

"I'll make them pay, slaughter them like pigs and feed them to the dogs." her dignified speech turned to a shaky one. I didn't know could say such sinister words. Her emotions a mix anger and sadness. A single tear, fell down, but despite the extremely low temperature, it didn't freeze.

[Ummm,] I sounded meek. I didn't know how to speak to her.

The little girl wailing before or the one giggling cutely was gone. No, this was her. But she felt so sinister that if I'm in my own body I won't be able to breath, even without the cold air.

[Vera stop!] I shouted. I don't know why I called her by a nickname nor why I raised my voice. What I know is if I went back in time, I wouldn't do it again.

As if snapping out of it, she smiled. "Oh, I guess I got carried away. I'm sorry, I must've scared you."

And just like that, she was back. The temperature gone, too. As if reabsorbed to her body. Even the puddle was melted, no sign of it freezing over. The girl who couldn't wait to murder the people that hurt her family and friends was gone in a blink of an eye.

[No, you didn't, actually. Don't worry about it.] I said. I wasn't lying. I was just mostly overwhelmed. [I'm not going to ask about what happened, but please, if you ever felt cornered, I want you to rely on me. I need you to do it for me.] I didn't know what I was saying, I just went ahead and did it. Like I said earlier, I must be here for a reason. I don't know what I'd do for her, but I feel like I don't need any reason if it's for her.

"Of course. I'll turn to you for about anything, so be ready." she jokingly said as she smiled.

"GRRRRrrrrr!" her stomach growled. We've forgotten about it, but since I'm hungry, I know she must be, too. 

"Oh right, I was just about to go look for food when I heard you. You'd help me out, wouldn't you?" Well, now she's just teasing me.

If I've learned something my entire life is if you want to stop getting teased, you just go with the flow and tire them out. [Of course, your majesty. After you.]

She slowly walked out of the cave wearing a toothy grin.























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