The last kin of the cold-blooded nightfolks

Chapter 3: Prelude 1: The Prophecy

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In this world, where magic is a not an uncommon practice, exist people known as anomalies. As the word implies, they are individuals that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected. Excluding the purest of elements, everything is governed by mana. From a waterfall crushing down a cliff to a volcanic eruption. Even weathers are caused by the natural movements of mana. But anomalies are literal anomalies. They posses power outside the world's knowledge. Not consuming an ounce of man, some can destroy boulders many times their size without any proper training.

Sometime in the distant past, it became known that these powers consume but the stamina. Which in any circumstances is not wrong, since it does tire the individual. But that's only for their convenience. In truth, they only chose ignorance as to not burden themselves with knowledge that, according to them, is not for them to know.


However, people being people became more curious. Despite being warned by their ancestors, they pursued "the truth". These people are known as alchemists. Claiming to go against "the will and intentions god" and only believing in facts, they studied the phenomenons that in the past could only be done with magic. Such as making fire, how it burns, creation of smoke and reducing the things they latched onto to the ground. But since every intelligent being can use magic, they have no interest on something they can do with own hands. Faster and more efficiently. 

Not having the support of many people, means that their studies are slow. Having the drive to do things doesn't change the fact that they need funding. That however didn't change what they want to do. It took them a long time, but with educated theories and steady research, they unfolded the truth behind bigger phenomenons such as the weather and the body anatomy. But the biggest one yet, is how to convert other forms of mana into electricity and storing them. It hasn't been long since, so they still haven't had the time to discover how to use it for relevant situations, but their effort had been recognized. They became an even bigger organization, receiving their own guild and funding from the government. Despite their achievements, their biggest  goal, the truth about anomalies is yet to be realized. They've made peace with the fact that entire generations will pass before they uncover it. The leading theory is "genetic mutation", a mutation occurring only with the right circumstances.


The people who were against the idea of alchemy have formed their own group long before, which became the biggest religion in the Reida Kingdom. They worship the goddess of a common man, named Lucius, who prophesied his own death and the catastrophe called "The Descent of the Sun". A huge rock that fell from the sky, hitting mostly on the Reida Kingdom and a little bit on the border of a smaller country. It killed almost half of the human population, which, if not for the prophecy, could have been more. Claiming that the words that he once uttered were not his, but of the world. Of god. Lucius and those that heard it said it was feminine and had the charisma worthy to be worshipped. As far as they were concerned, the prophecy was real. The only thing that differed are the opinion of the alchemists and people that supports them. They supported the theory that the man, being an anomaly himself, had caused the disaster. Through investigations, the authorities have found out that Lucius' family had died in a landslide. It was never proven, but Lucius, as the "culprit", or so they've decided, was hanged. This however, made him the martyr of the would-be matriarchal religion that was established in Reida's capital called the Divine's Voice. 

From the church's or the whole religion's standpoint, if Lucius was an anomaly, his power was to predict the future rather than what the alchemists' say. There has never been an anomaly in the past that can destroy whole regions and then some. There are however, those who bears the power to predict someone's future, whom they call seers or fortune-tellers, but even they haven't predicted a catastrophe of this scale. That however, didn't matter to the Divines's voices' followersOver the time, churches were built not only across the Reida Kingdom, but also on neighbouring countries.



In a small town of the south-eastern region of Reida Kingdom is a 14-year old noble girl staring outside her window. Her name is Mira Claude, the daughter of the region's lord. Her father, Damian Claude, a duke and a former common-folk was a former adventurer. As a little girl who's only heard the tale of her father's exploits, she admired him. She, herself, doesn't want to be an adventurer, but she does want to experience the thrill of the great outdoors, with companions she trusts, just like what her father once did.

She's aware that that may never come true, being the daughter a noble and all. She knows she'll probably just be married off to some other noble. They're not high in the hierarchy, so she should at least be able to choose who she marries, but that, as a dreamful young girl, didn't satisfy her in the slightest. But she does know her responsibilities, since it was taught to her since she was younger. 

Having accepted her fate, she picked up a new hobby she can enjoy despite the circumstances. She'd decided to write tales of her father's adventures, adding some touches of her own. She does want to be a good writer, though, and not just do it for the sake of doing it. Looking further in the future, she wants to make a name for herself. If she wants to be good at it, she needs references, so she reads a lot of books. But since books still aren't widespread in this world, all that she has are books on magic, alchemy and religion. Her parents aren't supporters of the church, that naturally include Mia and her brother, but their books are the only ones with tales and stories with interesting plots. These are stories about the heroes who fought on wars, their prophet, Lucius, and the legend of the four ancients that live at the edge of the world.

She made frequent visits at the town's local church. As low noble, she only have but one guard when she goes out. This, however, is not something she hates. In fact, she likes the idea of not looking like some rich spoiled girl. She likes to interact with the townsfolk, the main reason of her humble personality. She would hear how she's just like her father when he was just one of the common folk. This made her happy and have more pride to be the daughter of a low noble. 

The people of the local church have also warmed up to her. It doesn't matter to them if she's not a believer of their faith. Despite the not so friendly rumour going around lately, they thought she's stop borrowing books from them. Mira, however, didn't doubt them one bit. She knows the clerics has their own secrets just like about any other person, but they're good people. The Divine's Voice faith is the only association that really care about orphans. They have an orphanage at every town in the south-eastern part of the human kingdom. They would also teach every aspect of light magic. As far as she's concerned, they're trustworthy.

In only two years, Mira's become acquainted with the proper way of writing, to make them more enticing for children, but grand and realistic enough for adults. The last obstacle now is what the stories would be about. She still want to write about her father's adventures, but looking back, she doesn't know much about it. Only that it was cool and awesome. 



"Mira! Come down, they're here." A loud shout  downstairs disrupted my thoughts.

Today is the time of the year when the royal palace sends an envoy to collect the tax from the lords of the towns. I have participated in quite a few dinners with the previous ones, where they would mostly do their discussions. I'd always make an excuse to leave the dinner table as soon as I can and take my brother with me. I'm sure they can also appreciate my selfish efforts.

I went down with my younger brother, Daryl, and greeted the guest, a man I've never met before, who introduced himself simply as Quinn. Perhaps my father know of him? I'd have to ask him later. He's most likely to be using a nickname, although it is strange for a noble to hide his name. Given that almost all of them, I included, take pride in them.

The man has a dark hair, wore a simple white robe, but is clearly of high quality, with two pointy swords by his waist.

Quinn was, to say the least, a bizarre fellow. Unlike the previous envoys, he seem to be of higher position in the noble hierarchy, yet he only has two subordinates with him. His attire is simple, but his refined speech and movements completely overshadows that detail. If he truly is, he's clearly not hiding the fact. Not that he has any reason to. 

After greeting us, he let himself in before my mother even had the chance to invite him in. 

"My two associates won't be joining us for dinner, please escort them to their quarters." he said as he checked the place out. 

Since the sun has almost set, it's only natural for the host to offer the guests rooms to stay in, but the way he's ordering everyone pisses me off and surely my parents feel the same. Being an envoy from the palace and a man high position, we can't simply return the attitude. Instead, my mom ordered our servants to do just as he said. 

Not losing a single second, he walked towards the dining hall. "Come, I'd like to do this as soon as possible and rest. Those that would be joining, please get to your seats."


I was expecting the dinner to be quiet and awkward, but in accordance to his earlier character, Quinn never ran out of something to say. He made a lot of comments about the food. Such as the proper cooking time, which spices to use and where to get them. Although he was still annoying, he gave suggestions to our maids on stand by and judging by their interactions, he's quite the gourmet himself. I guess every side of a person's personality comes out eventually.


"His majesty, the king, is always delighted by your lands work." As soon as he was done eating, Quinn began their discussion. "You always match your previous accomplishments if not exceed them. I've already been advised to expect as much by the finance and agriculture ministers. But this is neither just a tax collection nor a social visit..."

Under normal circumstances, this would be my cue to excuse myself and my little brother, but something caught my attention.

Apparently, there was a sudden population spike in the capital. About a month ago, a major city and towns in the west fell because of a monster stampede. There was a large numbers of goblins and orcs. Packs of wolves and hyenas were also in the fray. But according to the man, this kind of disaster could have been handled better, since high walls surround almost every big city throughout the kingdom and this one is not any different. Suspicions aroused that there is more to this stampede than meets the eye.

Now roads have been blocked by refugees retreating to the capital. Only those with proper documents and known background were given permission to enter, but since it was an emergency, documents were the least of their worries at the time. They'll all be able to enter eventually, as soon as proper background-check are done. For the meantime, temporary shelter were built for those that couldn't. Authorities are trying to disperse the people through-out the outer towns of the capital. 

The main problem is actually the food supplies. It's barely the middle of winter and since the kingdom is located to the north, it has harsher and longer snow and cold weather. Agriculture hasn't resumed yet and as expected they quickly ran out of food.  Closer cities and towns have already given their fair share of supplies, but it obviously wasn't enough.

Quinn and a few other group has been going around the kingdom for the past three weeks requesting for aide. Apparently, our place is the last stop on their list. 


Now I feel guilty for hating on the guy. He hasn't got much rest, so obviously he's going to be grumpy. Actually, I'm amazed he's much less rude than he's warranted. His attire makes more sense too. It's designed for travelling rather than formal visits.

Of course, my father immediately agreed to send supplies and some cattle. Since it's located to the south, our region has the best weather in kingdom. Although slow, we were still able to continue agriculture. 

My father once told me that he owes everything he has now to the king. His majesty has granted him nobility and land to rule over. Apparently my father deserves more than the title of duke, but he himself wants as much freedom as he can, so the king gave him the lowest rank. Now, he's much less held down by the laws and duties of nobility. 

It wasn't long before they wrapped up their discussions. 

Quinn stood up and shook my father's hand. "As always lord Claude, you're very reliable. I know you feel indebted to the king, as you should. But as the captain of the group chosen by the king himself, I thank you. And I'm sorry for my earlier behaviour, it's..." 


The night shall soon bear it's child

And within her

A power like no other

O false ruler hide

For she is the king slayer


Those mysterious loud words echoed throughout the whole room. They didn't make much sense to me, they're more like a riddle. A voice as cool as the winds, but at the same time warm. It was, if I am to describe it, godly. There's just no other word that fits the description better. 

I know I've heard someone say something similar. That's right! The clergies. The source of their faith, a prophecy from a long time ago. Although I respected their belief, I used to think they were nothing more than just words. Fairy tale of those that fears the unknown and seeks salvation. But I was the foolish one. I think understand them now. 

Perhaps I was just distracting myself, trying to deny the situation, but I was just delaying the inevitable. Even as I looked across the room, looking clueless, everyone at dining table stopped at the same time. Looking at the source of the echoing words. Looking at me. Not long after, all strength left my body and it just fell on the floor before I lost my consciousness.



As a person of high status, even I was caught dumbfounded with what just happened.

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"Mira!" shouted the master of the house, Lord Claude, as he rushed towards his unconscious daughter followed by his wife.

They whispered a few words before the maids, along with Lady Claude, carried the girl upstairs.

"I'm sorry Lord Quinn, but I'm afraid we'll have to finish our discussion tomorrow. Please, have a servant guide you to your quarters."

"Actually, I think I won't stay the night." I said. I've got more pressing matters to attend to. 

Even though the king has the most authority in the kingdom, no big decisions are acted upon without consulting the clergy. The church has as much influence on the whole of Reida as the highest of nobles. And so I'm almost positive that what just happened was a prophecy. True or not, as a trusted and loyal knight of the king, I have the obligation to see this through, no matter what.

"I would assume you've already figured out what this means, Lord Damian. She said something about a king slayer, and if so, I have to inform his highness and be by his side if ever this prophecy comes to pass."

"I understand," said Damian, as he clenched his hands into fists. "I owe the king a lot too, but I know what'll come after if I do let you leave." 

"What will come after? What are you talking about? I only wish to do my job of protecting the king." I have to leave, even if it might result to any misunderstanding. "If you don't let me leave now, or you'll be branded as a traitor."

"Trust me, my Lord, betraying the king is the last thing I can think of." Then why? "You may not be a part of it, but it seems you don't even know what's going on in the capital. I'm really sorry, but you are not to leave tonight" 

I don't know what he's talking about, but he appears to be hell bent on me staying. If so, "Then I have no choice, but to force my way out." He was an adventurer, but he wouldn't able to beat me in his current state. 

I practiced the habit of having my swords by me every time, for this exact same reason. Unsheathing my sword, I propped it in front of my chest before tilting my hand so the point of my rapier faces my opponent. I leaned a bit to get a momentum then charged and thrusted my sword. 

"Harden!" yelled Damian. An enhancement magic meant to fortify the skin to resist blunt attacks.

Probably not expecting getting attacked in his on house, he doesn't have any weapons. So he took a martial arts stance. It's been long time since he quit adventuring, but his physique is still quite robust. His choice of spell is poor, so I'm almost sure I can fatally injure him, if not kill. However, this is just a misunderstanding, so I decided not to. The king will be furious if I do so, after all, he owes his life to this man.

He's slow so I was able to side step and change direction, smashing through the windows. Looking around, I saw my subordinates were out smoking by the stables. I was about to tell them to stop the act for it will eventually destroy their body, according to the alchemists, at least, but it's a good thing I didn't.

"Get the horses ready, we have to leave." I yelled. Seeming not to understand, the both of them looked dumbfounded, which was understandable, considering we were just finishing up discussion. Only god would have expected this turn of events. "Now! You can leave the carriage." All confusion vanished from their faces, as they blindly obeyed my orders.

Since they were still getting the horses ready, I looked back to where Damian was. It didn't look like he'd given up, but he was just looking back at me. I didn't know what his deal was, so I just turned back towards the stable, the sooner we get away from this place the better. But the only scenery before me was my two subordinates lying on the ground unconscious.

One man was standing in between them. He's wearing a long black coat, almost like a butler's. But something tells me he's not one. He looked right over my shoulders then to my eyes. They weren't big, yet his gaze felt overwhelming. More over, how did I not sense him, I wasn't even able to hear his attacks.

"Don't worry, they're just unconscious." said the man. "Now. Stand down. We both know you'd barely be able to reach the next town without a horse."

"And how can you be so sure?" It's true I'm exhausted and I haven't gotten any sleep since yesterday, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. He's most likely to be an arrogant type. A slight drop in his guard and it's my win.

"Oh please, you don't even know a thing about me. Yet, I know you more than you know yourself, Sir Lancelot. Well, maybe not." he playfully said.

I want to know how he know who I really am, but I don't mean to stay here one more second and have a chat with this man. Beating him may be possible, but if I get outnumbered, I'll lose any chance I have. 

"Hasten." Using a spell to increase my speed and without losing my cool, I charged at him, my rapier pointed right towards his chests. 

I must say his speed is incredible, being able to dodge my attacks, even with a hasten spell. His doesn't looked like he's going to pull out a weapon, he must be confident in his speed. 

"Wind Magic arts: Wanderer of Dawn." As I finished this words, thick fog surrounded the whole area. If I can't hit him, I'll just have to make sure he doesn't see me coming. Pulling my other rapier, I tried to get behind him, but he dodged.

He leapt away into the fog, but I wasn't about to let him get away. Making sure he doesn't use my own spell against me, I quickly circled around him, but then his presence vanished. I didn't take long to make my move, so I should have cut him off. 

"Combined Arts: Wind Ripples" With my levelled, I did a fast 360°, sending sharp blades of wind in a circular pattern with me at the centre. Hopefully my subordinates are still unconscious, for this can slice a person in the vicinity enough for a fatal injury, if not an instant death.

"Wind Magic arts: Breath of the plains." I don't know if that man survived my attack, but if he did, I couldn't have low visibility when I don't have a location on him, so I cast another wind spell to clear the air. 

I looked around, as the fog blew off. He wasn't anywhere to be found. I readied myself for any attacks and surely enough, he reappeared behind me, now carrying kitchen knife. I quickly dodge, but he pursued. His stance was low, very low. Like predator hunting for its prey. 

Using his momentum against him, I swiftly turned, swiping low with my sword, but he jumped off the ground. I then took the chance while he was suspended in the air to lunge an attack. I was sure it should have hit him, but it didn't. He was able to turn his body like a cat. Trying to hide my astonishment I, once again, tried to attack with my other sword, but he blocked with his knife.

I was able to break his weapon, if I could even call it as such, but he was able to land on his feet and got some distance between us.

"Enough games," he said, as he patted the dust off his coat. 

Then suddenly he vanished along with his presence, this time, it was out of nowhere. He had nothing to hide in, he just did. I felt lost. I couldn't sense him, but I couldn't get rid of the feeling that he might come out of nowhere. Without having anything to start with, I concentrated hard to sense him, my swords on the ready. 

When his presence finally returned, it was from the back. I tried to get some distance, but I planned to quickly close it, so I don't lose him again. Except, I couldn't. I suddenly collapsed, not knowing what happened. Then, a searing pain came from my feet. The unknown man was behind me again. 

"You'll be fine, I just cut the cartilages of your feet. Nothing some light magic and time can't heal." said the man.

"Why do you want from the king?" Sure the king would have many enemies, but I know for a fact that he has helped people more than than anything. Those that hate him are those that wants the throne for themselves.

"I don't want anything from Caesar." Caesar? Does he mean, His majesty, Caesarea? "In fact, I'm worried about him, too, but, what kind of a man would I be, if I let my friend's daughter, a little girl, be in any kind of danger."

So he's Damian friend. Most probably from his adventuring days, since they personally both know the king.

"Now, I'm going to need you to sleep for a while." the man lifted his left hand, his palm facing me.

"Wait! At least tell me your name."

"Hmmm, okay then." he looked at me cautiously, but agreed nonetheless. "The name's Victor, that's all you need to know for now. Goodnight."

With those last words, I lost my consciousness.



My head feels groggy, but I can still hear those words clearly. That, prophecy. Those godly charismatic words, I can't believe they came from my own mouth. Does this mean the king is truly in danger? If so, then my father would want to protect him.

When the dizziness, went away, I looked around the room. There was nobody here. 

"It's that late, huh." I said as I glanced at the clock.

I'm hungry. There was some fruit by the nightstand, but I don't feel like eating fruits, right now. 

I went out to get some food in the kitchen. Some maid should still be awake, so they should be able to prepare me some leftovers from last night's dinner. 

When I was about to get down the stairs, I saw light coming from a slightly opened door at the end of the hallway. My father's study. I didn't mean to secretly sneak a peek, but I did anyways. I, then, heard my father talking with someone familiar.

"You leave at first light, to the village of Nacht." 





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