The Last Prince of Rennaya

The Last Prince of Rennaya

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The Last Prince of Rennaya

Review: 8.6/10 from 20 ratings

Atlas, the emperor of Ceria, invaded the once prosperous planet of Rennaya.

Searching for the Legendary Rennayan, one who could bend the will of all four elements.

Fire, ice, earth and electricity.

Before the invasion, King Zenu, gathered the blood of 1 Billion of his people.

Synthesizing and experimenting with it, all to create the perfect serum.

He entrusted his young son, Osei, with the task of bringing his sibling to life.

By making him find a human mother on Earth, as identical to Osei's and giving her the serum.

Osei accomplished the mission and kept the Earth safe, but was captured in the process.

20 years pass.

Osei, returned to Earth, a run away slave.

Shaking Tobi's world, with his real identity and awakening the dormant powers within him.

The only thing is, Earth is no longer safe...

Author's notes:

The story is still ongoing. but 54 chapters are out on Wattpad right now.

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