The Last Progenitor

Chapter 34: Chapter 19

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[Emma POV]

My goddess has been awfully quiet since she said she needed to be at peace with her thoughts. Sometimes she acts like a completely different person. I don’t care how many sides there are to my goddess, I love them all. I don’t even mind that she took me away from the Ender kingdom without asking me. Rela teleported me and Ilya away from the aftermath that my goddess caused.

Sometimes I wish my goddess would rely on me more though. She is burdened by so many things all the time. I don’t know how she is able to keep a cool head despite everything that happened in a short time. I would probably just try and kill everyone. I was so glad when she let me kill that fat man. Speaking of that fat man I wonder where he is? There was also that platinum ranked adventurer Brin. 

I also wonder where we are going. Erevyn said we were going to her lab, but I wonder what it's like? I hope I will be able to see plenty of helpless animals there. I would love to dissect them. I think me and Erevyn will get along great! She seems like a great person too, but I don’t know why she doesn’t get along with Rela. They have been arguing for a lot of this trip.

Ilya is an easier person to understand. She acts without thought, and she always wants to put the goddess first. That I can understand! I would do anything for my amazing goddess! I just hope she lets me take care of these urges soon. I want to stab something with my ice magic. 

Ever since that night I killed that fat man, I have been having these urges to kill even more innocent people. It would be selfish of me to just ask straight right now, so I will have to wait until we get to a city. We should be coming upon one pretty soon, but I am not familiar with the Somber Kingdom. All I know is from what my shitty tutors told me. Even though Ender is allied with Somber they called it a disgusting kingdom where Elves are able to walk free.

I don’t really have a problem with elves though. I do wander if their insides are the same as a human though. I would love to cut one open. Oh! But I would never cut open Erevyn because she is allied with my goddess, so I will have to find a different elf to cut open if my goddess allows it.

I want to see the inside of a person again. I want to watch as life fades from their eyes. I want to see the look of terror when they look upon my goddess, and I want to be the one to reap their existence. The thought brought me a great amount of joy which caused me to fidget restlessly. Ilya was the one to notice my fidgeting as she suddenly spoke to me.

“What is wrong Emma? You are looking a little restless.” She said from the cushioned seat beside mine. It is amazing the magic on this ratkurn that prevents us from falling off of this platform. I looked at her and then spoke half of the truth. “I am thinking about how amazing my goddess is to take on all of those people alone.”

“You are right, my queen is quite amazing. I am glad you are able to think the same thoughts I am, but this much is nothing. If you stick with us you might see an entire kingdom be laid to waste. Usually I hate disgusting humans, but I like you Emma. You remind me of an old friend… a really old friend.” She finished with a sad look of remembrance. I suddenly got excited at the possibility of meeting another angel.

“Who is this old friend? Is she an angel like you?” She hesitated for a moment and then she spoke. “She was a lot like you, and like me she was a loyal follower of our queen. She is most likely dead. You see, unlike a lot of my queen’s followers she did not become a vampire.” That last part piqued my curiosity. 

“I know Rela is a vampire, but I don’t really know how the vampires of my goddess were made, do you know?” She looked at me for a while thinking about something before she responded. “I don’t really know about every vampire, but all of the vampires under queen Eliah were created by herself.” 

It would be amazing if I could become a vampire too. Then I could serve my goddess indefinitely, but I wonder why she never made the other person a vampire. It seems like her and my goddess were close. Maybe she was a race like Ilya. I know Ilya isn’t a vampire, but surely if it is my goddess she could even make Ilya a vampire. I know my goddess could do anything.

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Me and Ilya continued to talk about my goddess while I asked her questions about the past. It seems my goddess was just as amazing as I thought she was. She would take on entire armies like it was nothing, and she would take down a kingdom if they attacked her.

She also talked about other subordinates. There was a vampire beastkin that she talked about that served as a maid in the castle. Apparently the beastkin was a little mischievous as she always played pranks on the other maids. Ilya said she would scold her every time she did that, but apparently my goddess said “Just let her have her fun. It is in her nature after all.” 

Maybe we will be reunited with that maid at some point. She was a vampire after all. I have also never seen a beastkin, so it would be amazing to meet her. Ender is a kingdom that doesn’t allow any beastkin inside. They called them filthy or an abomination.

It is kind of like me when I think about it. My father also called me a monster. He was the real monster. I see it now, when my goddess lets me be free, he and my mother had me in shackles. I was chained to noble society like a slave, and my goddess freed me.

She took me away from the dull life of studying and let me unleash what was caged inside. The only noble society I would ever want to be a part of now is one where my goddess reins as the queen.

I would love to see the inside of her castle, but sadly we aren’t heading in that direction currently. Ilya has been talking about how amazing the castle truly was, and I have been listening in awe. I would like to meet every single angel under the goddess when I can. Hopefully they will all be reunited.

I haven’t even gotten to speak to everyone in this group properly. Right now I am making that my personal mission, and when my goddess brings out Lucien again I would also like to speak with him too. I was really surprised when I learned he was a summon, and even though he attacked my goddess, I don’t think he was able to help it at the time.

Me and Ilya continued to talk until we spotted a city out in the distance. We were heading straight towards the city, so I guess my goddess commanded Kurneer to head there. I could tell the city was pretty large from this distance, but it paled in comparison to the capital of Ender. It was also built on the plains instead of into a cliff side.

I smiled as I thought of all of the people in the city. They were all potential victims, and I was anticipating the slaughter of an innocent person. I can’t hold the urge back any longer. When we get to the city I will just have to ask my goddess when she has some time.

My goddess told us to dismount from Kurneer away from the city which we all obliged. None of us would ever go against her. When we dismounted she unsummoned him, and we were told that we would have to walk the rest of the way. She didn’t want to surprise any locals. 

We had finally made it to the first city in the Kingdom of somber, and I couldn’t hide the smile on my face as we started to walk up to the gate of the city. I know my goddess will grant my selfish request. I don’t care if she punishes me later. I must ask!

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