The Last Progenitor

Chapter 43: Durge: 2

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All of Eliah’s things that she left in the capital got confiscated. The only thing that really got taken was the carriage and horses she left. We were currently staying at the inn that Eliah stayed in to hopefully find some clues. We tried to look for Brin to question him, but he was nowhere to be found. Even their carriage driver was gone. We decided we would visit Viscount Belier's city to see if we could learn anything from there. Indel could pick up magical signature residue, but the capital had too much of Eliah’s signature spread out. The look of horror on his face when he investigated signaled that her signature was massive, but at least we knew he could detect her signature.

It is just like “Eliah the Immortal” to not hide her signature. Why would she even need to? Practically no one is an obstacle to her except for us. We left the inn and decided we would board a carriage to Arbuk. When we got in the carriage Indel was still looking disheartened. “I don’t think we have enough people after all.” 

“Don’t be stupid Indel, ya know all we have to do is beat ‘em down.” Rigur spoke loudly from his seat in the carriage. Not only is this guy muscle brained and loud, he is a drunk bastard to boot. He wouldn’t leave without drinking an ale for the carriage ride. He said, “It helps my back.”

“I am worried as well. For her to kill all of those people with one spell, several adventurers were killed by it too.” Junath, who is rare to speak, said from her seat. Next to speak up was Axcl.

“I-I a-agree w-with Junath.” All of these people with me are scum, Father. Why must god test me so? No, I need to take the challenge in stride. It wouldn’t befit me to go against the words of Father.

“What you all speak of is blasphemy. Father decided we would be enough for this mission, and we must not question his words.” When I said that, Rigur rolled his eyes and looked to the front of the carriage. Axcl started to fidget. I wonder why he puts on this act? Why not show your true self you bastard? Junath just remained silent staring at the floor of the carriage.

“Not all of us are as devout as you Durge, and I am just a court wizard in the end. I have not seen combat in ages, yet your “Father” saw fit to make me go on this excursion.” Indel the coward finished causing my rage to boil over. I put my hand on my sheathed katana. “Say that again you coward!” 

“Oho, now this could be interestin’.” Rigur said while looking at the exchange happening. Indel started to sweat bullets. “I meant no offense. I was just saying that we don’t all feel the same as you, and unlike a certain someone I am not ready to die just yet. I haven’t even finished my research.”

“It’s okay Indel I forgive you!” I glared at Axcl for speaking for me. The little bastard had a smile on his face like he just pulled one over his parents. I started to remember the words of Father and let out a long sigh to calm myself. “Well, whatever, I don’t care what you think as long as this mission goes well. If you try to run away from the battle I will cut you down myself.”

“You say some scary words, Durge. I will heed your warning. This Indel will not run away from battle.” He placed a hand on his chest to show the sincereness of his words. “Just try not to get in my way.”

The journey continued until we were nearing the entrance of Arbuk. When we got near the sun was beginning to set. That was when Indel piped up again. “I sense her faint magical signature coming from the direction of the city, but there is an even stronger one coming from the forest. What should we do?”

“We will head into the city, and see if we can find anything. Then we will check out the forest.” With my words we headed into Arbuk. We were going to stay at an inn today, but tomorrow we would question some of the locals that had spoken to her.

At the close of day we rested at an inn. I went through my nightly ritual of prayer before heading to bed myself. The next day we all met up and started to question the locals. The  people here did not have much to say about her that we didn’t already know, so at midday we left towards the forest. The magical signature continued pretty deep into the forest until we discovered an abandoned shack.

“This is where her magical signature reappears the strongest.” We had Junath sneak into the shack, but there was nothing there. It had been abandoned. We did find an underground basement, but there was nothing of note down there. It had been wiped clean. “Where does the magical signature lead next, Indel?”

He pointed with his finger towards the east inside of the forest. The only thing that way was the Kingdom of Somber which allows those elves to run freely. They also have filthy beastkin slaves… wait, the subordinate I killed was also a beastkin. Perhaps they are heading through Somber to get to a beastkin kingdom? I just don’t know why she would head east instead of west where her castle is. 

I voiced my thoughts to the group, and then it was decided we would head into Somber by way of carriage. The first city we would arrive at in Somber would be… Solus if I remember correctly. The thing to note in Solus was the slave trade of beastkins. She had a few of those filthy things as her subordinates if I remember right, so perhaps her aim is to free those filth?

I found myself smiling again. The prey had finally entered a cage that we could use. I would finally meet the only being that could probably put up a proper fight with me. How could I not smile at the prospect? 


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